238 research outputs found

    Diritto della città, diritto del contado. Autonomie politiche e autonomie normative di un distretto cittadino. Premessa

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    Con questa ricerca si ricostruisce la storia giuridico-istituzionale di alcune organizzazioni politiche liguri in et\ue0 medievale e moderna, al fine di comprendere \u2013 in particolare - natura ed evoluzione dei rapporti tra Genova, Albenga e i borghi compresi nel distretto ingauno. Attraverso secoli densi di eventi, durante i quali si consolida lo \u201cstato\u201d genovese, emerge come Albenga, civitas foederata della potenza politica di terraferma, abbia tentato di costruire e rafforzare un proprio districtus nonostante le pretese espansionistiche della Repubblica. Ci\uf2 risulta anche dalle vicende politico-istituzionali di Borghetto Santo Spirito, \u201cborgo nuovo\u201d dotato di una circoscritta autonomia legislativa, comprovata dallo statuto quattrocentesco del borgo, riformato nel Cinquecento. La ricerca prosegue poi con la ricostruzione del conflitto tra Borghetto e Albenga, culminato nella interessante causa statutaria analizzata mediante la ricca documentazione processuale conservata. L\u2019opera si completa con la trascrizione ed edizione del codice membranaceo manoscritto degli statuti di Borghetto Santo Spirito del 1440, un unicum nella storia del diritto statutario ligure per l\u2019antichit\ue0 e la specificit\ue0

    Effect of a pre-existing lattice preferred orientation on the strength of quartzite

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    Ductile deformation of the middle to lower crust during interseismic periods influences loading of brittle faults in the upper crust. Quartz is a common mineral in the middle to lower continental crust and is thought to significantly affect the strength of this zone. Quartz deformed by dislocation creep produces a crystallographic alignment of quartz grains, or lattice preferred orientation (LPO), because deformation is easier along specific crystallographic planes and directions. However, formation of a LPO may cause the strength of the quartz aggregates to be anisotropic, approaching the properties of a single crystal. In order to determine the viscous anisotropy caused by a pre-existing LPO, we deformed a natural quartzite with a cross-girdle LPO from the Moine Thrust in Scotland. This quartzite has aligned, but distributed fine-grained muscovite which defines a foliation and lineation. Samples were cored perpendicular, parallel, and at 45 degrees to the foliation and lineation and deformed at the same temperature (T) of 800°C, confining pressure (Pc) of 1500 MPa and strain rate () of 1.6 * /s. The peak stresses range from 1100 MPa to 500 MPa at a strain of 10-20%, depending on the angle of the foliation or lineation to the compression direction. All samples strain weaken and evolve to a similar stress of 460 MPa (+/-50 MPa). Optical microstructures include undulatory extinction, deformation lamellae, and at high strain (58%), the quartzite is more than 50% recrystallized. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) - electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) analyses indicate that the pre-existing LPO is obliterated by recrystallization in high strain zones. Therefore, these results suggest that a pre-existing LPO may cause strength anisotropy in rocks in the middle to lower continental crust, but this anisotropy may be transient


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    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a genetic disease caused by mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene, encoding an anion channel expressed on the epithelial cells of a variety of tissues. The deletion of phenylalanine in position 508 (F508del) is the most frequent CF-causing mutation, causing impaired trafficking and activity of the mutant channel. Today, two classes of drugs are available to treat CF: potentiators (molecules that increase the mutant CFTR function on the cell surface) and correctors (molecules that improve the processing and the delivery of mutant CFTR to the cell surface). It has been demonstrated that the combination of molecules exploiting different mechanisms of action is needed to achieve a therapeutically relevant rescue of CFTR. The aim of this project is to apply mass spectrometry (MS)-based omics techniques to understand what is associated to CFTR rescue and thus finding new potential targets for CF pharmacological treatment. Several strategies were applied for the functional rescue of CFTR at the plasma membrane (both pharmacological and genetic rescue). Proteomic and lipidomic profilings of F508del-CFTR expressing cells were performed after the application of these rescue strategies. The proteomic experiments were performed following the SWATH label-free quantification workflow, after the optimization of the panhuman ion library for CF research. Together with these experiments, Localisation of Organelle Proteins by Isotope Tagging after Differential ultraCentrifugation (LOPIT-DC) workflow was also applied to detect proteins that change their subcellular localization after the treatment with the most used corrector available for CF therapy (VX-809). Several candidate targets were found to be involved in F508del-CFTR rescue. Compounds aiming at the inhibition of these putative targets were tested on both immortalized and primary cells. Further validation studies are needed to confirm these results

    Juul Advertisement and its Large Appeal

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    As electronic cigarettes have become more and more popular with people who are in college I became curious as to what kind of advertisements these companies were using and why they were appealing to a certain age demographic. Considering this this paper looks a Juul advertising and why it might be appealing to children. This is a current problem that the company is navigating a the product has become ever increasing popular to teens and is problematic in increasing children smoking. While the company claims it is marketing to when their advertisements are analyzed it can show how they may appeal to a much wider audience

    Breakdown and invertebrate colonization of dead wood in wetland, upland, and river habitats

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    Breakdown of woody debris in river and upland habitats as well as the interactions between wood and invertebrates have been well described. Studies of wood in wetlands are rare, and far less is known about breakdown and invertebrate use of wood in these transitional habitats. This study experimentally assessed breakdown and invertebrate colonization of wood in a floodplain wetland and directly related patterns in the wetland to adjacent river and upland habitats. Over a 2.7 year period, we monitored breakdown and invertebrate presence in 10 cm diameter × 150 cm long sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua L.) logs in a floodplain wetland (n = 8), river (n = 5), and upland (n = 4) habitat. Mass loss, decay condition change, and C/N ratios of wetland wood more closely resembled upland than river wood. The overall invertebrate assemblage associated with wetland wood was also more similar to that associated with upland than river wood. Breakdown and invertebrate colonization of wood in the floodplain wetland shared more characteristics with upland than river wood, perhaps because of the seasonal nature of flooding in the wetland. However, the ecology of wood in wetlands also had unique characteristics compared with either the uplands or the river

    How to enhance quantum generative adversarial learning of noisy information

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    Quantum Machine Learning is where nowadays machine learning meets quantum information science. In order to implement this new paradigm for novel quantum technologies, we still need a much deeper understanding of its underlying mechanisms, before proposing new algorithms to feasibly address real problems. In this context, quantum generative adversarial learning is a promising strategy to use quantum devices for quantum estimation or generative machine learning tasks. However, the convergence behaviours of its training process, which is crucial for its practical implementation on quantum processors, have not been investigated in detail yet. Indeed here we show how different training problems may occur during the optimization process, such as the emergence of limit cycles. The latter may remarkably extend the convergence time in the scenario of mixed quantum states playing a crucial role in the already available noisy intermediate scale quantum devices. Then, we propose new strategies to achieve a faster convergence in any operating regime. Our results pave the way for new experimental demonstrations of such hybrid classical-quantum protocols allowing to evaluate the potential advantages over their classical counterparts.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figure

    Complexity in the presence of a boundary

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    The effects of a boundary on the circuit complexity are studied in two dimensional theories. The analysis is performed in the holographic realization of a conformal field theory with a boundary by employing different proposals for the dual of the complexity, including the \u201cComplexity = Volume\u201d (CV) and \u201cComplexity = Action\u201d (CA) prescriptions, and in the harmonic chain with Dirichlet boundary conditions. In all the cases considered except for CA, the boundary introduces a subleading logarithmic divergence in the expansion of the complexity as the UV cutoff vanishes. Holographic subregion complexity is also explored in the CV case, finding that it can change discontinuously under continuous variations of the configuration of the subregion

    Le libertà delle donne: le vedove tutrici e la gestione patrimoniale nella prassi notarile genovese dei secoli XII e XIII

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    ITALIANO: Oltre a verificare la corrispondenza tra norme, dottrina e prassi in materia di vedove tutrici nel contesto genovese di età comunale, obiettivo di questo saggio è spiegare come e in che modo molte vedove assunsero e esercitarono il compito di tutrici dei propri figli. Attraverso un campione significativo di documenti notarili liguri rogati tra XII e XIII secolo, editi e inediti, questa ricerca conferma come l’assunzione del compito di tutrice (o curatrice) abbia reso un congruo numero di donne rimaste vedove assai più ‘libere’ di altre, cioè capaci, pur con le dovute cautele imposte dalla legge e dagli usi, di incidere sul futuro dei propri discendenti (figli e nipoti ancora minori) assumendo decisioni di rilievo nella gestione del patrimonio familiare loro destinato. / ENGLISH: n addition to verifying the extent to which norms, doctrine and practice match while considering widows as guardians in communal Genoa, this essay explains how and in what ways many widows took on and exercised the role of legal guardians of their children. Through a broad sample of published and unpublished notarial documents dating from the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, this research confirms how the position of legal guardian (or curator) endowed a significant number of women who decided to remain widows with much more ‘freedom’ than others, i.e. they were able, albeit with certain restrictions imposed by law and custom, to influence the future of their descendants (children and grandchildren who were still minors) by taking important decisions in the management of the family estate destined for them
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