18 research outputs found

    Monitoring of β-D-galactosidase activity as a surrogate parameter for rapid detection of sewage contamination in urban recreational water

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    -Abstract: Simple, automated methods are required for rapid detection of wastewater contamination in urban recreational water. The activity of the enzyme b-D-galactosidase (GAL) can rapidly (<2 h) be measured by field instruments, or a fully automated instrument, and was evaluated as a potential surrogate parameter for estimating the level of fecal contamination in urban waters. The GAL-activity in rivers, affected by combined sewer overflows, increased significantly during heavy rainfall, and the increase in GAL-activity correlated well with the increase in fecal indicator bacteria. The GAL activity in human feces (n = 14) was high (mean activity 7 b 107 ppb MU/hour) and stable (1 LOG10 variation), while the numbers of Escherichia coli and intestinal enterococci varied by >5 LOG10. Furthermore, the GAL-activity per gram feces from birds, sheep and cattle was 2–3 LOG10 lower than the activity from human feces, indicating that high GAL-activity in water may reflect human fecal pollution more than the total fecal pollution. The rapid method can only be used to quantify high levels of human fecal pollution, corresponding to about 0.1 mg human feces/liter (or 103 E. coli/100 mL), since below this limit GAL-activity from non-fecal environmental sources may interfere

    Klinisk spektrum av hepatitt B sykdom ved Aker Universitetssykehus i perioden 2000-2003

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    Background: Hepatitis B is a widespread disease. 2 billion people throughout the world have been infected, of which 400 million have developed chronicity (Norway: 12-15 000). Consequently this is a major health problem worldwide and Norway, although being a low-prevalence country, must expect an increase in the number of cases in the future, as a result of an increase in intravenous drug abusers domestically and increased international interaction, in the form of immigration and tourism. Based on these prospects the aim of this paper is to enhance the reader’s knowledge on hepatitis B, and describe a population of patients with chronic hepatitis B at a Norwegian University Clinic, demographically, clinically and biochemically. Materials/methods: The study included all the patients with chronic hepatitis B (ICD-10: B18) at Aker University Clinic in the period 2000-2003, 56 in all. We registered a set of demographic, clinical and biochemical data from the patient’s medical notes, in a structural registration form. The liver biopsies were analyzed by an experienced pathologist. Results: We found that the majority of the patients were men (71,4 %), and non-Norwegian (80,4 %) and 60,1 % had unknown route of transmission. 60,7 % had normal transaminases. 46,4 % were HBeAg-negative. 14,3 % had clinical or biochemical cirrhosis, but none of these were histologically confirmed. 19,6 % received medical treatment, 36,4 % of these had effect. Conclusion: HBeAg-status seems to some extent to predict ongoing liver damage. The increase in reported cases of HBV-infection in Norway, should prompt an evaluation of the immunization programme

    Konkursprediksjon for finansielt vanskeligstilte selskaper: En empirisk studie av forklaringsvariabler i og utenfor regnskapet

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    Denne oppgaven tar for seg konkursprediksjon for mellomstore og store finansielt vanskeligstilte aksje- og allmennaksjeselskap med fokus på å forstå hvordan ikke regnskapsbaserte forklaringsvariabler kan gi dypere innsikt i konkurssannsynlighet. Finansielt vanskeligstilte selskaper er her definert med B eller C i kredittvurderings score av Dun&Bradstreet. Tradisjonelle kredittrating-modeller fra slike firmaer bruker kun regnskapsbaserte variabler. Oppgaven tar i bruk statistiske metoder som logit, GAM, ROC-kurver og AUC-tester for å analysere hvilke modeller som gir best prediksjonsevne. Det viser seg at GAM ikke gir signifikant bedre prediksjon enn logit-modeller. Modellene er testet på ett, to og tre års tidshorisont. Utover dette tidsperspektivet er det uansett vanskelig å predikere konkursrisiko med tilfredsstillende grad av sannsynlighet. Funnene våre tyder på at ikke-regnskapsbaserte forklaringsvariabler på kort sikt, dvs. innenfor ett til to år, ikke gir en signifikant bedre konkursprediksjonsmodell enn referansemodellen med kun regnskapsbaserte variabler. Våre analyser viser imidlertid at man med en tidshorisont på tre år får en signifikant forbedret konkursprediksjonsmodell ved å inkludere ikke-regnskapsbaserte variabler. De viktigste ikke-regnskapsbaserte variablene er (i) største eierandel, (ii) om selskapet bytter daglig leder, samt (iii) hvilke revisjonsanmerkninger selskapet fikk etter det siste årsoppgjøret før konkurs.nhhma

    Konkursprediksjon for finansielt vanskeligstilte selskaper: En empirisk studie av forklaringsvariabler i og utenfor regnskapet

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    Denne oppgaven tar for seg konkursprediksjon for mellomstore og store finansielt vanskeligstilte aksje- og allmennaksjeselskap med fokus på å forstå hvordan ikke regnskapsbaserte forklaringsvariabler kan gi dypere innsikt i konkurssannsynlighet. Finansielt vanskeligstilte selskaper er her definert med B eller C i kredittvurderings score av Dun&Bradstreet. Tradisjonelle kredittrating-modeller fra slike firmaer bruker kun regnskapsbaserte variabler. Oppgaven tar i bruk statistiske metoder som logit, GAM, ROC-kurver og AUC-tester for å analysere hvilke modeller som gir best prediksjonsevne. Det viser seg at GAM ikke gir signifikant bedre prediksjon enn logit-modeller. Modellene er testet på ett, to og tre års tidshorisont. Utover dette tidsperspektivet er det uansett vanskelig å predikere konkursrisiko med tilfredsstillende grad av sannsynlighet. Funnene våre tyder på at ikke-regnskapsbaserte forklaringsvariabler på kort sikt, dvs. innenfor ett til to år, ikke gir en signifikant bedre konkursprediksjonsmodell enn referansemodellen med kun regnskapsbaserte variabler. Våre analyser viser imidlertid at man med en tidshorisont på tre år får en signifikant forbedret konkursprediksjonsmodell ved å inkludere ikke-regnskapsbaserte variabler. De viktigste ikke-regnskapsbaserte variablene er (i) største eierandel, (ii) om selskapet bytter daglig leder, samt (iii) hvilke revisjonsanmerkninger selskapet fikk etter det siste årsoppgjøret før konkurs

    The context and consequences of liquor sachets use among young people in Malawi

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    This article presents a relatively new phenomenon regarding alcohol related problems in Malawi; the context and consequences of the consumption of liquor sachets among young people. The results presented are part of a larger study looking at the prevalence and social norms related to alcohol use, as well as people’s opinions on policies and interventions related to alcohol in Malawi. The results presented here are from a qualitative component in three Malawian communities. The results imply that the introduction of sachets has contributed to an increase in alcohol consumption among young people. Major issues of concern are issues of age limits, packaging and alcohol content, as well as lack of empirical evidence on which to base policies and interventions. Finally, there is a need to mobilize positive adult role models for young people with regards to alcohol

    The context and consequences of liquor sachets use among young people in Malawi

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    This article presents a relatively new phenomenon regarding alcohol related problems in Malawi; the context and consequences of the consumption of liquor sachets among young people. The results presented are part of a larger study looking at the prevalence and social norms related to alcohol use, as well as people’s opinions on policies and interventions related to alcohol in Malawi. The results presented here are from a qualitative component in three Malawian communities. The results imply that the introduction of sachets has contributed to an increase in alcohol consumption among young people. Major issues of concern are issues of age limits, packaging and alcohol content, as well as lack of empirical evidence on which to base policies and interventions. Finally, there is a need to mobilize positive adult role models for young people with regards to alcohol.publishedVersio

    The context and consequences of liquor sachets use among young people in Malawi

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    This article presents a relatively new phenomenon regarding alcohol related problems in Malawi; the context and consequences of the consumption of liquor sachets among young people. The results presented are part of a larger study looking at the prevalence and social norms related to alcohol use, as well as people’s opinions on policies and interventions related to alcohol in Malawi. The results presented here are from a qualitative component in three Malawian communities. The results imply that the introduction of sachets has contributed to an increase in alcohol consumption among young people. Major issues of concern are issues of age limits, packaging and alcohol content, as well as lack of empirical evidence on which to base policies and interventions. Finally, there is a need to mobilize positive adult role models for young people with regards to alcohol.publishedVersio