86 research outputs found

    Reaction of street trees to adverse environmental conditions in the centre of Warsaw

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    The present study aimed atanalysing the trees growing along the four main streets of Warsaw - Marszałkowska, Świętokrzyska, Jana Pawła II and Solidarności Avenues - in order to evaluate the condition of each of them. The observations made in 1973 and in 2007 revealed that in this time the trees passed from 1631 to 1014, which stands for 40.3% of the original number. The biggest loss was noted for species: Sorbus aucuparia L. (94%), Acer pseudoplatanus L. (83%), Tilia cordata Mill. (65%) and Tilia ‘Euchlora’ (62%). None of the species, that were growing in 1973, could have been more tolerant to the specific environmental conditions in the vicinity of the road. The observations made in September had shown that the most frequent average value of the leaf damage index was above 3. The growing of this index showed that as vegetation period was passing by the condition of the trees was getting worse.The comparison of the leaf damage index carried out in September showed that in 2007 the health condition in 2007 was slightly better than in 1973

    The symptomatology of aneurysmal bone cyst : the value of diagnostic imaging

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    Background: An aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC) is a benign lesion occurring mainly in children. Generally it is found in the metaphyses of long bones and in flat bones. Osteolysis, bone expansion, thinning of the cortex, osseous septa and fluid levels belong to the typical imaging findings in ABC cases. The purpose of the study was to determine the value of imaging methods: plain x-ray films, US, CT and MRI for the diagnosis of aneurysmal bone cyst and to work out the diagnostic algorithm for an ABC suspected on plain radiograms. Material/Methods: The material consists of 72 patients (44 boys, 28 girls) aged 2-23 years (mean age 12 yrs) with bone lesions diagnosed as aneurysmal bone cysts on pathologic examination. In all patients, plain radiographs were performed, in 26 - sonography (US), in 41 - computed tomography (CT), in 8 - magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). All the examinations were analyzed according to own system of evaluation of typical presentation in the particular methods. The histopathological diagnosis was established after biopsy or surgery. Results: The aneurysmal bone cysts were most frequently located in the long bones of the lower limbs (43%), in the long bones of the upper limbs (26.4%) and in flat bones (25%). The localization was mainly in the bone methaphyses (56.6%). On pathological examination, primary ABC was diagnosed in 65.3% of cases, secondary ABC in 23.6%, ABC and concomitant osteitis in 7%, ABC and giant cell tumor in 2.7%, ABC and chondrosarcoma in 1.4%. The application of four methods resulted in 72.2% consistency between diagnostic imaging and pathological examination. In case of only one method used the consistency was 75% for MRI, 63% for CT, 55.4% for plain films and 50% for US. In 100% of misdiagnosed cases there were no septa within osteolytic lesions on plain films, whereas in 43.8% features of malignancy were found. In 53% of misdiagnosed cases no fluid levels were observed on CT and in 69% on US. Conclusions: 1. The diagnosis of aneurismal bone cyst based on plain radiography is possible in cases with typical radiological signs. 2. Application of other methods significantly increases the percentage of correct diagnoses. 3. Lack of fluid levels does not exclude the diagnosis of ABC. 4. Imaging features of malignancy do not exclude the diagnosis of ABC

    Analysis of Polymorphic DNA Sequences in the Identi cation of Individuals and its Possible Use in Biometric Systems, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2015, nr 2

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    The article presents the achievements in DNA forensic science practice, the latest developments as well as future trends. The article concerns also other than forensic DNA applications as well as expectations, concerns and obstacles. DNA identification technology unlike other biometric techniques requires the collection of biological material and the identification is not performed in real time. DNA utilized in most of forensic identification, is present almost in every living cell in the body. What is more, each cell of the same body has the same DNA molecule which means that it is possible to compare the DNA sampled from different sources, for example saliva with blood or semen from the same person. Rapid development and reliability of DNA technology contribute to the fact that the analysis of polymorphic DNA sequences constitutes a very important evidence used in the court. The unique properties of DNA and rapid development of DNA analytical devices allow to claim that DNA may assume a more important position amongst biometric data in the future

    DArT markers for the rye genome - genetic diversity and mapping

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Implementation of molecular breeding in rye (<it>Secale cereale </it>L.) improvement programs depends on the availability of high-density molecular linkage maps. However, the number of sequence-specific PCR-based markers available for the species is limited. Diversity Arrays Technology (DArT) is a microarray-based method allowing for detection of DNA polymorphism at several thousand loci in a single assay without relying on DNA sequence information. The objective of this study was the development and application of Diversity Arrays technology for rye.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using the <it>Pst</it>I/<it>Taq</it>I method of complexity reduction we created a rye diversity panel from DNA of 16 rye varieties and 15 rye inbred lines, including parents of a mapping population consisting of 82 recombinant inbred lines. The usefulness of a wheat diversity panel for identification of DArT markers for rye was also demonstrated. We identified 1022 clones that were polymorphic in the genotyped ILs and varieties and 1965 clones that differentiated the parental lines L318 and L9 and segregated in the mapping population. Hierarchical clustering and ordination analysis were performed based on the 1022 DArT markers to reveal genetic relationships between the rye varieties and inbred lines included in the study. Chromosomal location of 1872 DArT markers was determined using wheat-rye addition lines and 1818 DArT markers (among them 1181 unique, non-cosegregating) were placed on a genetic linkage map of the cross L318 × L9, providing an average density of one unique marker every 2.68 cM. This is the most saturated rye linkage map based solely on transferable markers available at the moment, providing rye breeders and researches with a better choice of markers and a higher probability of finding polymorphic markers in the region of interest.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The Diversity Arrays Technology can be efficiently and effectively used for rye genome analyses - assessment of genetic similarity and linkage mapping. The 11520-clone rye genotyping panel with several thousand markers with determined chromosomal location and accessible through an inexpensive genotyping service is a valuable resource for studies on rye genome organization and in molecular breeding of the species.</p

    Circle of Willis abnormalities in children with neurofibromatosis type 1

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    Background and purpose The aim of the study was to assess anatomical variants and abnormalities in cerebral arteries on magnetic resonance angiography in 67 children with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1). Materials and methods The study included 67 children aged 9 months to 18 years (mean 6.6 years). Control group comprised 90 children aged 2–18 years (mean: 11.8 years). All patients were examined at 1.5T scanner. Results We found cerebral arteriopathy (moyamoya disease) in one child (1.5%) in the study group. No aneurysms were found. Twenty-nine NF1 children (43.3%) had arterial anatomical variants. In 13 of them, more than one variant was diagnosed (44.8% of group with variants, 19.4% of study group). In control group, 19 children (21.1%) had variants, including four children with more than one variant (21% of group with variants, 4.4% of control group). Arterial variants were more common in NF1 patients compared with control group (p=0.026, binomial test for two proportions). Percentage of multiple variants was higher in study group than in control group, but this difference was not significant. Variants were more frequent on left side than on the right one (significant difference in control group; p=0.022, McNemara test). In study group, the number of left-sided anomalies (25) was similar to that of right-sided ones (22). There was no correlation between gender and variants, unidentified bright objects and variants or between optic gliomas and variants. Conclusions Occurrence of arterial variants in NF1 patients was twofold higher than in control group. Multiple variants were more frequent in the study group although the difference did not reach statistical significance. Features of cerebral arteriopathy were found in one child with NF1

    Verification of taxonomic relationships within the genus Secale (Poaceae: Pooideae: Triticeae) based on multiple molecular methods

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    This study aimed to verify the taxonomic relationships within the genus Secale. The plant material included 16 wild rye accessions from four species. Two approaches were applied: 1) whole genome scanning using three molecular marker systems: diversity arrays technology sequencing, simple sequence repeats and sequence-specific amplification polymorphism; and 2) characterisation based on polymorphisms within the sequences of two genes involved in benzoxazinoid biosynthesis: ScBx1 and ScBx5. Bayesian and neighbour-joining clustering and principal coordinate analysis were applied to illustrate relationships among species and accessions of Secale based on genetic distance (GD) matrices. Pearson’s correlation analysis between GD matrices was conducted. Clustering of Secale accessions revealed that S. sylvestre samples were the most divergent. The remaining accessions formed two clusters. One of them comprised S. strictum accessions while the second cluster consisted of subspecies of S. cereale, the species S. vavilovii and S. strictum subsp. ciliatoglume

    Prenatalne badanie MR jako metoda kontroli patologii płodu

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    Background: It has been shown that MRI offers the possibility of more detailed assessment of fetal pathology than sonography. It is used not only to diagnose but also to follow up some prenatal diseases. It is a basis of in utero treatment and the tool of monitoring its efficacy. The purpose of the study was to present the authors’ experience with prenatal MRI as a method of follow-up of fetal pathology and of monitoring invasive fetal therapy. Material and Methods: The study group consisted of 31 fetuses that underwent two MRI examinations. The first exams were performed at the gestational age of 19-28 weeks (mean: 23.6 weeks), the follow-up between week 20 and 37 (mean: 30.5). The MRI examinations were performed using 1.5 T scanners. SSFSE/ T2-weighted images, TSE/ or GRE/T1-weighted images, DWI, FIESTA, EPIGRE were performed. Results: In 5 cases MRI allowed to exclude a suspected pathology: brain anomaly in a healthy fetus, septo-optic dysplasia in a healthy fetus, right-sided CDH in case of a left-sided pathology, pentalogy of Cantrell, lack of bladder in a fetus with a small, thick-walled bladder. In 4 cases an additional pathology was detected on MRI: CCAM/pulmonary sequestration with self-regression, cerebellar hypoplasia, rhombencephalosynapsis, tethered cord with syringohydromyelia. In 4 cases MRI was used just to follow-up and showed evolution of the disease in 2 cases: regression of intracerebral hemorrhage, progression of kidney disease. Finally, in 18 cases MRI was performed before and after an open fetal surgery of myelomeningocele showing good outcome in 10 cases and a wide spectrum of complications in 8 neonates: from edema of the transplant only in 4 to recurrent MC in 1. Conclusions: Maternal uterus constitutes a natural “incubator” for the fetus – it is easier and safer to perform diagnostic procedure in utero than in a seriously ill newborn. MRI is a method of choice in the diagnosis and of follow-up in cases of open fetal surgery.Wstęp: Badanie MR daje możliwość bardziej szczegółowej oceny patologii płodu niż USG. Jest stosowane nie tylko do diagnostyki, ale też kontroli niektórych patologii płodowych. Na jego podstawie planuje się leczenie wewnątrzmaciczne oraz monitoruje jego skuteczność. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie własnych doświadczeń w kontroli patologii oraz monitorowaniu inwazyjnej terapii płodu za pomocą MR. Materiał i metody: Materiał stanowi 31 płodów, u których wykonano dwa badania MR: pierwsze między 19. a 28. tygodniem życia płodowego (średnio: 23,6 tyg.), drugie między 20. a 37. (średnio: 30,5 tyg.). Stosowano aparaty o natężeniu pola 1,5T. Wykonywano obrazy SSFSE/T2-zależne, TSE/ lub GRE/T1-zależne, DWI, FIESTA, EPIGRE. Wyniki: W 5 przypadkach MR pozwolił wykluczyć podejrzewane zmiany (wadę mózgu i dysplazję przegrodowo -wzrokową u zdrowych płodów, prawostronną przepuklinę przeponową u płodu z lewostronną przepukliną, pentalogię Cantrella, brak pęcherza moczowego u płodu ze zwłókniałym pęcherzem). W 4 przypadkach rozpoznano w MR dodatkowe zmiany (CCAM/sekwestr płucny, który uległ samowyleczeniu, niedorozwój móżdżku, rhombencephalosynapsis, przytwierdzenie rdzenia kręgowego z syringohydromyelią). W 4 przypadkach MR nie wniósł nowych informacji i był wykonany powtórnie jedynie w celu kontroli, w 2 wykazując ewolucję zmian (regresję krwiaka śródmózgowego, progresję choroby nerek). W 18 przypadkach MR był wykonany przed i po zabiegu operacyjnym przepukliny oponowo-rdzeniowej, wykazując całkowity sukces zabiegu u 10 płodów i spektrum powikłań: od obrzęku w miejscu przeszczepu u 4 do nawrotowej przepukliny u 1. Wnioski: Brzuch matki stanowi naturalny „inkubator” dla płodu – łatwiej i bezpieczniej jest wykonać badanie wewnątrzmacicznie niż badać chorego noworodka. MR jest metodą z wyboru w diagnostyce i kontroli w przypadkach otwartej chirurgii płodu

    A High Density Consensus Map of Rye (Secale cereale L.) Based on DArT Markers

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    L.) is an economically important crop, exhibiting unique features such as outstanding resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses and high nutrient use efficiency. This species presents a challenge to geneticists and breeders due to its large genome containing a high proportion of repetitive sequences, self incompatibility, severe inbreeding depression and tissue culture recalcitrance. The genomic resources currently available for rye are underdeveloped in comparison with other crops of similar economic importance. The aim of this study was to create a highly saturated, multilocus linkage map of rye via consensus mapping, based on Diversity Arrays Technology (DArT) markers.Recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from 5 populations (564 in total) were genotyped using DArT markers and subjected to linkage analysis using Join Map 4.0 and Multipoint Consensus 2.2 software. A consensus map was constructed using a total of 9703 segregating markers. The average chromosome map length ranged from 199.9 cM (2R) to 251.4 cM (4R) and the average map density was 1.1 cM. The integrated map comprised 4048 loci with the number of markers per chromosome ranging from 454 for 7R to 805 for 4R. In comparison with previously published studies on rye, this represents an eight-fold increase in the number of loci placed on a consensus map and a more than two-fold increase in the number of genetically mapped DArT markers.Through the careful choice of marker type, mapping populations and the use of software packages implementing powerful algorithms for map order optimization, we produced a valuable resource for rye and triticale genomics and breeding, which provides an excellent starting point for more in-depth studies on rye genome organization

    DArT markers tightly linked with the Rfc1 gene controlling restoration of male fertility in the CMS-C system in cultivated rye (Secale cereale L.)

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    The Rfc1 gene controls restoration of male fertility in rye (Secale cereale L.) with sterility-inducing cytoplasm CMS-C. Two populations of recombinant inbred lines (RIL) were used in this study to identify DArT markers located on the 4RL chromosome, in the close vicinity of the Rfc1 gene. In the population developed from the 541×2020LM intercross, numerous markers tightly linked with the restorer gene were identified. This group contained 91 DArT markers and three SCARs additionally analyzed in the study. All these markers were mapped in the distance not exceeding 6 cM from the gene of interest. In the second mapping population (541×Ot1-3 intercross), only 9 DArT markers located closely to the Rfc1 gene were identified. Five of these DArT markers were polymorphic in both populations