289 research outputs found

    Spiral phases and two-particle bound states from a systematic low-energy effective theory for magnons, electrons, and holes in an antiferromagnet

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    We have constructed a systematic low-energy effective theory for hole- and electron-doped antiferromagnets, where holes reside in momentum space pockets centered at (±π2a,±π2a)(\pm\frac{\pi}{2a},\pm\frac{\pi}{2a}) and where electrons live in pockets centered at (πa,0)(\frac{\pi}{a},0) or (0,πa)(0,\frac{\pi}{a}). The effective theory is used to investigate the magnon-mediated binding between two holes or two electrons in an otherwise undoped system. We derive the one-magnon exchange potential from the effective theory and then solve the corresponding two-quasiparticle Schr\"odinger equation. As a result, we find bound state wave functions that resemble dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2}-like or dxyd_{xy}-like symmetry. We also study possible ground states of lightly doped antiferromagnets.Comment: 2 Pages; Proc. of SCES'07, Housto

    Thermodynamics of Two-Dimensional Ideal Ferromagnets - Three-Loop Analysis

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    Within the effective Lagrangian framework, we explicitly evaluate the partition function of two-dimensional ideal ferromagnets up to three loops at low temperatures and in the presence of a weak external magnetic field. The low-temperature series for the free energy density, energy density, heat capacity, entropy density, as well as the magnetization are given and their range of validity is critically examined in view of the Mermin-Wagner theorem. The calculation involves the renormalization and numerical evaluation of a particular three-loop graph which is discussed in detail. Interestingly, in the low-temperature series for the two-dimensional ideal ferromagnet, the spin-wave interaction manifests itself in the form of logarithmic terms. In the free energy density the leading such term is of order T4lnTT^4 \ln T -- remarkably, in the case of the three-dimensional ideal ferromagnet no logarithmic terms arise in the low-temperature series. While the present study demonstrates that it is straightforward to consider effects up to three-loop order in the effective field theory framework, this precision seems to be far beyond the reach of microscopic methods such as modified spin-wave theory.Comment: 31 pages, 2 figure

    Homogeneous versus Spiral Phases of Hole-doped Antiferromagnets: A Systematic Effective Field Theory Investigation

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    Using the low-energy effective field theory for magnons and holes -- the condensed matter analog of baryon chiral perturbation theory for pions and nucleons in QCD -- we study different phases of doped antiferromagnets. We systematically investigate configurations of the staggered magnetization that provide a constant background field for doped holes. The most general configuration of this type is either constant itself or it represents a spiral in the staggered magnetization. Depending on the values of the low-energy parameters, a homogeneous phase, a spiral phase, or an inhomogeneous phase is energetically favored. The reduction of the staggered magnetization upon doping is also investigated.Comment: 35 pages, 5 figure

    Systematic Low-Energy Effective Field Theory for Electron-Doped Antiferromagnets

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    In contrast to hole-doped systems which have hole pockets centered at (±π2a,±π2a)(\pm \frac{\pi}{2a},\pm \frac{\pi}{2a}), in lightly electron-doped antiferromagnets the charged quasiparticles reside in momentum space pockets centered at (πa,0)(\frac{\pi}{a},0) or (0,πa)(0,\frac{\pi}{a}). This has important consequences for the corresponding low-energy effective field theory of magnons and electrons which is constructed in this paper. In particular, in contrast to the hole-doped case, the magnon-mediated forces between two electrons depend on the total momentum P\vec P of the pair. For P=0\vec P = 0 the one-magnon exchange potential between two electrons at distance rr is proportional to 1/r41/r^4, while in the hole case it has a 1/r21/r^2 dependence. The effective theory predicts that spiral phases are absent in electron-doped antiferromagnets.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figure

    PHP64 Reorganisation of Hospital Emergency Services: A Business Case for Quality Improvement

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    In Switzerland, emergency care has no gatekeeping system and emergency wards are increasingly overcrowded by walk-in patients. This leads to inefficient use of spezialised resources. Treatment costs are paid by public sources and, beyond some co-payment, reimbursed by health care insurances via tariffs. Given the problems above, a public hospital (Stadtspital Waid; Zurich; catchment population 180'000 people) reorganised its emergency service in 2008. A nurse led triage system and a General Practitioner-led emergency service was implemented beside the conventional emergency ward

    Two-Hole Bound States from a Systematic Low-Energy Effective Field Theory for Magnons and Holes in an Antiferromagnet

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    Identifying the correct low-energy effective theory for magnons and holes in an antiferromagnet has remained an open problem for a long time. In analogy to the effective theory for pions and nucleons in QCD, based on a symmetry analysis of Hubbard and t-J-type models, we construct a systematic low-energy effective field theory for magnons and holes located inside pockets centered at lattice momenta (\pm pi/2a,\pm pi/2a). The effective theory is based on a nonlinear realization of the spontaneously broken spin symmetry and makes model-independent universal predictions for the entire class of lightly doped antiferromagnetic precursors of high-temperature superconductors. The predictions of the effective theory are exact, order by order in a systematic low-energy expansion. We derive the one-magnon exchange potentials between two holes in an otherwise undoped system. Remarkably, in some cases the corresponding two-hole Schr\"odinger equations can even be solved analytically. The resulting bound states have d-wave characteristics. The ground state wave function of two holes residing in different hole pockets has a d_{x^2-y^2}-like symmetry, while for two holes in the same pocket the symmetry resembles d_{xy}.Comment: 35 pages, 11 figure

    Surveillance for European bat lyssavirus in Swiss bats

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    Most countries in Western Europe are currently free of rabies in terrestrial mammals. Nevertheless, rabies remains a residual risk to public health due to the natural circulation of bat-specific viruses, such as European bat lyssaviruses (EBLVs). European bat lyssavirus types 1 and 2 (EBLV-1 and EBLV-2) are widely distributed throughout Europe, but little is known of their true prevalence and epidemiology. We report that only three out of 837 brains taken from bats submitted to the Swiss Rabies Centre between 1976 and 2009 were found by immunofluorescence (FAT) to be positive for EBLVs. All three positive cases were in Myotis daubentoni, from 1992, 1993 and 2002. In addition to this passive surveillance, we undertook a targeted survey in 2009, aimed at detecting lyssaviruses in live bats in Switzerland. A total of 237 bats of the species M. daubentoni, Myotis myotis, Eptesicus serotinus and Nyctalus noctula were captured at different sites in western Switzerland. Oropharyngeal swabs and blood from each individual were analysed by RT-PCR and rapid fluorescent focus inhibition test (RFFIT), respectively. RNA corresponding to EBLV-2 was detected from oropharyngeal swabs of a single M. daubentoni bat, but no infectious virus was found. Molecular phylogenetic analysis revealed that the corresponding sequence was closely related to the other EBLV-2 sequences identified in previous rabies isolates from Swiss bats (particularly to that found at Geneva in 2002). Three M. daubentoni bats were found to be seropositive by RFFIT. In conclusion, even though the prevalence is low in Switzerland, continuous management and surveillance are required to assess the potential risk to public healt

    Generation of precision-cut slice cultures of human placenta.

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    We present a protocol to generate an advanced ex vivo model of human placenta. We use a vibrating tissue slicer to obtain precision-cut slices representative of the entire thickness of human placenta. This approach delivers standardized cultures with a preserved microstructure and cellular composition comparable to the native tissue. We applied this system to study SARS-CoV-2 infection at the maternal-fetal interface. Moreover, this system can be used to investigate the basic functions of the human placenta in health and disease. For complete details on the use and execution of this protocol, please refer to Fahmi et al. (2021)

    Putting the cart before the horse? The origin of information donation

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    Heintz & Scott-Phillips propose that the partner choice ecology of our ancestors required Gricean cognitive pragmatics for reputation management, which caused a tendency toward showing and expecting prosociality that subsequently scaffolded language evolution. Here, we suggest a cognitively leaner explanation that is more consistent with comparative data and posits that prosociality and eventually language evolved along with cooperative breeding

    A convergent interaction engine: vocal communication among marmoset monkeys

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    To understand the primate origins of the human interaction engine, it is worthwhile to focus not only on great apes but also on callitrichid monkeys (marmosets and tamarins). Like humans, but unlike great apes, callitrichids are cooperative breeders, and thus habitually engage in coordinated joint actions, for instance when an infant is handed over from one group member to another. We first explore the hypothesis that these habitual cooperative interactions, the marmoset interactional ethology, are supported by the same key elements as found in the human interaction engine: mutual gaze (during joint action), turn-taking, volubility, as well as group-wide prosociality and trust. Marmosets show clear evidence of these features. We next examine the prediction that, if such an interaction engine can indeed give rise to more flexible communication, callitrichids may also possess elaborate communicative skills. A review of marmoset vocal communication confirms unusual abilities in these small primates: high volubility and large vocal repertoires, vocal learning and babbling in immatures, and voluntary usage and control. We end by discussing how the adoption of cooperative breeding during human evolution may have catalysed language evolution by adding these convergent consequences to the great ape-like cognitive system of our hominin ancestors. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Revisiting the human ‘interaction engine’: comparative approaches to social action coordination’