7 research outputs found

    Correlation between hyperglycemia and glycated albumin with retinopathy of prematurity

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    Funding Information: The present publication was funded by Fundação Ciência e Tecnologia, IP national support through CHRC (UIDP/04923/2020).To determine the association between hyperglycemia, glycated albumin (GlyA) and retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). Prospective study of all infants under ROP screening from March 2017 to July 2019. All demographic, clinical and laboratory data were collected. Glucose was measured at birth and every 8 h for the first week and serum GlyA was evaluated at birth, 1st, 2nd and 4th weeks after birth. Reference range for GlyA was obtained. Univariate logistic regression was used to examine risk factors for ROP followed by multivariate regression. A total of 152 infants were included in the study. Median gestational age was 30 weeks and median birth weight 1240 g. Thirty-three infants (21.7%) had ROP. Hyperglycemia was present in 24 (72.7%) infants diagnosed with any ROP versus 6 (0.05%) in those without ROP. Median GlyA at birth, 1st, 2nd and 4th and respective reference ranges were 8.50% (6.00–12.65), 8.20% (5.32–11.67), 8.00% (5.32–10.00) and 7.90% (5.30–9.00) respectively. After multivariate logistic regression, hyperglycemia but not GlyA, remained a significant risk factor for ROP overpowering the other recognized risk factors (Exp (B) 28.062, 95% CI for Exp(B) 7.881–99.924 p < 0.001). In our cohort, hyperglycemia but not GlyA, remained a significant risk factor for ROP overpowering the other recognized risk factors.publishersversionpublishe

    Estudos Luso-Hispanos de História do Direito II = Estudios Luso-Hispanos de Historia del Derecho II

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    This book brings together a set of studies that were presented and discussed at the III Spanish-Portuguese Meeting of Law Historians. They deal with central themes of the History of Law and Institutions in Modern and Contemporary eras, with special emphasis on the peninsular territories and also on the territories that made up, at different times, the Spanish and Portuguese empires. As a whole, they contribute to broaden and deepen the historical knowledge of aspects related to justice and the administration of the territories, the functioning of institutions (courts, universities, courts) and the discussion of legal concepts central to the knowledge of the legal-political doctrine produced at different times of a vast chronological period.Este libro reúne un conjunto de estudios que fueron presentados y discutidos en el III Encuentro hispano-luso de historiadores del Derecho. Tratan temas centrales de la historia del derecho y de las instituciones en la época moderna y contemporánea, con especial énfasis en los territorios peninsulares y también en los territorios que compusieron, en distintas épocas, los imperios español y portugués. En su conjunto, contribuyen a ampliar y profundizar el conocimiento histórico de aspectos relacionados con la justicia y la administración de los territorios, el funcionamiento de las instituciones (tribunales, universidades, Cortes) y la discusión de conceptos jurídicos centrales para el conocimiento de la doctrina jurídico-política producida en distintos momentos de un vasto período cronológico. = Neste livro reúne-se um conjunto de estudos que foram apresentados e discutidos no III Encontro hispano-luso de historiadores do Direito. Neles são abordados temas centrais da história do direito e das instituições na época moderna e contemporânea, com especial incidência nos territórios peninsulares e também nos territórios que integraram, em momentos diversos, os impérios espanhol e português. No seu conjunto, contribuem para o alargamento e o aprofundamento do conhecimento histórico de aspectos ligados à justiça e à administração dos territórios, ao funcionamento das instituições (tribunais, universidades, Cortes) e à discussão de conceitos jurídicos centrais para o conhecimento da doutrina jurídico-política produzida em momentos diferentes de um vasto período cronológico

    Cataract surgery and IOP: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials

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    © The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2022Purpose: Cataract and glaucoma are two of the most common ocular comorbidities. Cataract surgery has been shown to influence intra-ocular pressure (IOP) in patients with glaucoma; nevertheless, the extent of this effect remains controversial, especially in patients with open-angle glaucoma (OAG). The aim of this review is to determine the real effect of cataract surgery on IOP change in patients with OAG, focusing on data retrieved from randomised controlled trials (RCTs). Methods: A systematic review was performed, including six different RCTs that studied the net effect of cataract surgery on IOP. Eligibility criteria required a full washout from hypotensive therapy, allowing accurate measurement of unmedicated IOP, both before and after surgery. Results: Included studies revealed a consistent reduction on IOP occurring after surgery, varying between 4.1 and 8.5 mmHg depending on the RCT. There was also a decrease in the number of glaucoma medications, with a mean reduction of 0.2-1.0 agents postoperatively. Evaluation of adverse outcomes of cataract surgery showed a very favourable safety profile. Conclusion: Although the role of cataract surgery in the algorithm of glaucoma treatment remains to be established, this review highlights a consistent decrease on IOP following surgery and a reduced dependency on glaucoma medications. Potential downgrade in medication can thus be considered in well-controlled glaucoma patients after phacoemulsification.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tubulointerstitial Nephritis and Uveitis Syndrome: Case Series and Literature Review

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    Tubulointerstitial nephritis and uveitis syndrome (TINU) is a rare oculorenal inflammatory entity with a probable autoimmune etiology. Interstitial nephritis may be asymptomatic and usually has a benign course with spontaneous resolution. Uveitis, instead, is classically anterior, bilateral, and nongranulomatous, but it can be unilateral and presents as posterior uveitis or panuveitis, sometimes with a chronic or recurrent evolution. The frequent time lag of ocular and renal manifestations makes this diagnosis particularly challenging. The authors describe four cases of this rare entity, two with tubulointerstitial nephritis preceding ocular manifestations and the remaining, instead, with uveitis preceding renal involvement. The therapeutic approach included systemic corticosteroids in all cases. The addition of immunosuppressive therapy was required in three patients to achieve uveitis control. TINU is probably an underrecognized entity and should always be considered in the differential diagnosis of a chronic or recurrent idiopathic uveitis, especially in young patients who may have mild and asymptomatic renal disease

    Retrospective comparison between growth and retinopathy of prematurity model versus WINROP model

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    © Canadian Ophthalmological Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Objective: To compare the weight and insulin-like growth factor-1 in neonatal retinopathy (WINROP) to the growth and retinopathy of prematurity (G-ROP) model in a Portuguese cohort. Design: Retrospective case series. Methods: Clinical records of consecutive infants who underwent retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) screening from April 2012 to May 2019 were retrospectively reviewed. Both WINROP and G-ROP models were accessed for sensitivity and specificity for type 1 ROP. A separate analysis of both algorithms was performed in infants with gestational age (GA) <30 weeks. Results: Of the 375 infants included in the study, 313 were eligible for G-ROP analysis and 311 for WINROP. In the G-ROP group, 22 infants developed type 1 ROP (sensitivity 90.91%, 95% confidence interval [CI] 70.84%-98.98%). In the WINROP group, 23 infants needed treatment (sensitivity of 86.96%, 95% CI 66.41%-97.22%). Both models reached 100% sensitivity for type 1 ROP if restricted to GA <30 weeks. Conclusions: Both models were easy to use and had similar sensitivities. If restricted to GA <30 weeks, both models detected all type 1 ROP.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    DIGIROP efficacy for detecting treatment-requiring retinopathy of prematurity in a Portuguese cohort

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    © The Author(s), under exclusive licence to The Royal College of Ophthalmologists 2021Background/objectives: To determine the efficacy of the DIGIROP model in detecting treatment-requiring retinopathy of prematurity (TR-ROP) in a Portuguese cohort. Subjects/methods: Multicentre, retrospective cohort study of all consecutive preterm infants who underwent ROP screening from April 2012 to May 2019 in two neonatal units. Gestational age (GA), birth weight (BW) and sex were inserted in the DIGIROP platform. The optimal cut-off point to achieve 100% sensitivity was calculated. Area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) was calculated. Results: Of the 431 infants who underwent ROP screening, 257 were eligible for DIGIROP analysis and 174 infants were excluded for having a GA outside the range 24-30 weeks imposed by the DIGIROP algorithm. Median GA was 29 weeks (range 24-30) and BW was 1060 g (range 408-2080). Twenty-tree infants (8.9%) developed TR-ROP. The highest risk obtained for TR-ROP was 0.5404 (95% CI 0.4343-0.6616) with a median achieved risk of 0.0938 (range 0.0016-0.5404). The optimal cut-off point to achieve 100% sensitivity on TR-ROP was 0.0016. The number of infants receiving ROP examinations would have been reduced from 257 to 187 infants (-27.2%) if the model was applied. Conclusions: In our cohort, of 257 infants, the optimal cut-off point to achieve 100% sensitivity for TR-ROP was 0.0016 with moderate accuracy in the AUC (0.70). The number of infants requiring screening would have decreased 27.2% if the model was applied. It is essential that algorithms continue to be tested in different populations, especially in cohorts that include both younger and older GA infants.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estudios Luso-Hispanos de Historia del Derecho II

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    Este libro reúne un conjunto de estudios que fueron presentados y discutidos en el III Encuentro hispano-luso de historiadores del Derecho. Tratan temas centrales de la historia del derecho y de las instituciones en la época moderna y contemporánea, con especial énfasis en los territorios peninsulares y también en los territorios que compusieron, en distintas épocas, los imperios español y portugués. En su conjunto, contribuyen a ampliar y profundizar el conocimiento histórico de aspectos relacionados con la justicia y la administración de los territorios, el funcionamiento de las instituciones (tribunales, universidades, Cortes) y la discusión de conceptos jurídicos centrales para el conocimiento de la doctrina jurídico-política producida en distintos momentos de un vasto período cronológico.Neste livro reúne-se um conjunto de estudos que foram apresentados e discutidos no III Encontro hispano-luso de historiadores do Direito. Neles são abordados temas centrais da história do direito e das instituições na época moderna e contemporânea, com especial incidência nos territórios peninsulares e também nos territórios que integraram, em momentos diversos, os impérios espanhol e português. No seu conjunto, contribuem para o alargamento e o aprofundamento do conhecimento histórico de aspectos ligados à justiça e à administração dos territórios, ao funcionamento das instituições (tribunais, universidades, Cortes) e à discussão de conceitos jurídicos centrais para o conhecimento da doutrina jurídico-política produzida em momentos diferentes de um vasto período cronológico.This book brings together a set of studies that were presented and discussed at the III Spanish-Portuguese Meeting of Law Historians. They deal with central themes of the History of Law and Institutions in Modern and Contemporary eras, with special emphasis on the peninsular territories and also on the territories that made up, at different times, the Spanish and Portuguese empires. As a whole, they contribute to broaden and deepen the historical knowledge of aspects related to justice and the administration of the territories, the functioning of institutions (courts, universities, courts) and the discussion of legal concepts central to the knowledge of the legal-political doctrine produced at different times of a vast chronological period.Apresentação. Em memória do professor António Manuel Hespanha / Cristina Nogueira da Silva, Margarida Seixas (pp. 11-16). -- L’illuminismo giuridico: strategia di dominio o progetto di emancipazione? / Pietro Costa (pp. 17-30). -- El gobernador general de Cataluña Requesens fiscalizado por seis inquisidores políticos (1421) / Daniel Álvarez-Gómez (pp. 31-56). -- Causas de remoción de la carga de expósitos en Galicia a través de los pleitos del Hospital Real de Santiago: siglo XVIII / Bouzada Gil (pp.57-82). -- Corte, administración y territorio en la edad moderna: propuesta de análisis en el ámbito ibérico / Ignacio Ezquerra (pp. 83-132). -- Dominium na doutrina de Francisco de Vitória: reflexões para a historiografia de um discurso jurídico moderno / Ana Caldeira Fouto (pp. 133-160). -- Régimen jurídico del examen de abogado ante el Real Acuerdo de la Chancillería de Valladolid (1495-1834) / Víctor Gautier Fernández (pp. 161-188). -- O pretenso tribunal de Resgate de cativos (o Regimento de 20 de Março de 1461) / Isabel Graes (pp. 189-214. -- Entre tribunales, ministros y procedimientos. La historiografía jurídica y social sobre las Audiencias reales en el Antiguo Régimen / Francisco Miguel Martín Blázquez (pp. 215-238). -- Do trabalho livre nos textos da Segunda Escolástica Peninsular: manuscritos portugueses no final do século XVI / Margarida Seixas (pp. 239-264). -- Domingo de Soto y la defensa del ius migrandi e ius communicationis en la controversia de la reforma de asistencia social del siglo XVI / Sandro Alex Souza Simões (pp. 265-286). -- Da ordem do juízo de 1526 à nova ordem do juízo de 1577: notas sobre reformas processuais no Portugal quinhentista / Jorge Veiga Testos (pp. 287-322). -- La II República y el Estatuto Orgánico de los territorios españoles del Golfo de Guinea / Jose Luis Bibang Ondo Eyang (pp. 323-352). -- A estranha alquimia da Cláusula Martens de 1864 até à I Conferência de Paz da Haia de 1899 / Anabela Paula Brízido (pp. 353-390). -- A influência internacional na elaboração das leis de caça em Moçambique colonial / Marcos Dias Coelho (pp. 391-410). -- El final de los pretendientes a oficios: perfil jurídico de una figura para la provisión de empleos en su última etapa (ca. 1805-1852) / Francisco Javier Díaz Majano (pp. 411-440). -- Constitución, Código y Sociedad Anónima (1812-1848) / Jesús Jimeno-Borrero (pp. 441-462). -- A reforma de Gonçalves Ferreira: o Estado Novo e os primórdios de um Sistema Nacional de Saúde em Portugal / Filipe de Arede Nunes (pp. 463-490). -- Incongruências do foro militar. O processo de Francisco Maximiliano de Sousa (1822-1823) / João Andrade Nunes (pp. 491-516). -- La reforma de la universidad en el siglo XX. 100 años del Plan Silió: el proyecto de autonomía de la Universidad de Granada / Marina Rojo Gallego-Burín (pp. 517-546). -- Teor e propósito da história do direito civil português Contemporâneo / Jorge Silva Santos (pp. 547-576). -- The diminished administration (about the Spanish government in the Philippines during the second half of the 19th century) / María Julia Solla Sastre (pp. 577-584). -- Três formatos jurídicos e relações coloniais conflituosas no norte de Moçambique (1894 - 1940) / Fernanda do Nascimento Thomaz (pp. 585-614). -- A fluidez do liberalismo oitocentista: uma análise do debate sobre eleições diretas ou indiretas nas Cortes Gerais e Extraordinárias da Nação Portuguesa (1821-1822) e na Primeira Assembleia Nacional Constituinte do Brasil (1823) / Maíra Tito (pp. 615-648