65 research outputs found

    Salt induced stratification and accumulation of heavy metals in the roadside lake, Kutjern

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    Road salt, commonly comprised of sodium chloride, is utilized to mitigate winter road icing by augmenting friction between car tires and asphalt (Norrström, 2005). Upon dissolution in water, NaCl dissociates into free Na+ and Cl- ions, which are subsequently mobilized by rainfall and replace naturally occurring ions within soils and aquatic environments. Concurrently, heavy metals originating from vehicle abrasion are adsorbed to diluted salts and colloids, subsequently entering nearby aquatic systems during precipitation events. The principal objective of this study was to ascertain the stratification status of Kutjern and evaluate the extent of heavy metal accumulation within its water column. Throughout this master's thesis, monitoring in Kutjern was conducted from May 25th to August 31st, 2023. Measurements were taken at one-meter intervals to assess parameters including oxygen concentration, pH, redox conditions, specific conductivity, and temperature. Additionally, weekly water sampling was performed to analyze nutrient and heavy metal content by using techniques such as filtration, color reactions, chromatography, and spectrometry. Comparative analysis with previous studies was undertaken, revealing if congruent metal concentrations and stratification patterns were present. The findings unequivocally indicated meromixis in lake Kutjern, with a discernible chemocline forming around a depth of 4 meters. The lake retained a distinct temperature and saline stratification, impeding seasonal mixing during spring and fall. Notable deviations in physical parameters were observed, due to variations in precipitation and air temperature, during the summer of 2023. Anoxic conditions prevailing in the hypolimnion fostered reducing environments, facilitating release of heavy metals from the sediment surface, with elevated concentrations of Fe, S, and Zn in epilimnion. Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb had admittedly concentrations below toxic levels. This research serves to elucidate the repercussions of road salt application on proximate water bodies, elucidating salt stratification dynamics and the accumulation of heavy metals. Moreover, it furnishes a foundational framework for subsequent investigations concerning the ecological ramifications of salt intrusion in roadside lakes

    Assessment of heating and cooling demands of a glass greenhouse in Bucharest, Romania

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    In southern parts of Europe, a balanced use of both heating and cooling is required to control the greenhouse temperatures throughout the year. Especially, with climate change and increasingly hot summers, the need for efficient greenhouse cooling and humidity control has become more and more important. In this work, we investigate the heating and cooling demands of a glass greenhouse located in Bucharest, Romania (latitude 44 N, longitude 26 E). The IDA Indoor Climate and Energy (IDA ICE) software is applied for the assessment of the energy demands, with weather data supplied using the integrated International Weather for Energy Calculations (IWEC) file for Bucharest. With a 2-degree wide deadband, the temperatures of the greenhouse compartments are set to 25°C and 19°C for day and night, respectively. The simulation gives an annual heating demand of 1,715 MWh for the greenhouse, corresponding to 638 kWh/m . The annual cooling demand is 1739 MWh, corresponding to 647 kWh/m . The maximum daily cooling load averages about 730 kW during the hottest summer months, while the maximum heat load averages about 590 kW for the coldest winter months. A novel, energy-efficient concept to be installed at the greenhouse, comprising an integrated heat pump system, air handling units, dry coolers, and the utilization of borehole thermal energy storage (BTES), is discussed in terms of the main principles and the required capacities of the system.Assessment of heating and cooling demands of a glass greenhouse in Bucharest, RomaniapublishedVersio

    Modellering av energisystemet på Mære. Mulige investeringer som kan øke selvforsyningsgraden av energi

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    Mære landbruksskole ligger i Steinkjer kommune i Trøndelag og er eid av Trøndelag fylkeskommune. Det er en videregående skole som tilbyr utdanning innen naturbruk, og samtidig driftes et skolegårdsbruk. Mære landbruksskole har et mål om å bli en nullutslippsgård, og viktige elementer er reduksjon i energibruk og egenproduksjon av fornybar energi. I denne studien har vi sett på energisystemet på Mære og vurdert potensielle investeringer som kan gjøre landbruksskolen mer selvforsynt med strøm. Kategoriene av tiltak som er vurdert, er ENØK-tiltak, solstrømproduksjon og batteri, samt biogassanlegg. Studien viser at man kan øke selvforsyningsgraden for strøm og samtidig redusere årlige kostnader. Laveste totale årskostnader oppnås for scenariet der man kombinerer ENØK-tiltak, ny solstrømproduksjon (246 MWh/år økning) og biogassanlegg. Dette scenariet reduserer behovet for strøm fra nettet med 30 % og topplasten med 24 % sammenlignet med å ikke gjøre noen nye investeringer. En betydelig kostnadsreduksjon oppnås også for scenariet med kun ENØK-tiltak, hvor årlig energibehov og topplast reduseres med hhv. 15 og 16 %. Investering i kun biogassanlegg eller kun solstrømproduksjon vil redusere både årlig behov for strøm fra nettet og topplast uten at man får en økning i totale årlige kostnader. Å redusere effekttoppene vil ha innflytelse på energikostnadene for Mære landbruksskole gjennom effektleddet for strøm. Redusert topplast gir også en samfunnsøkonomisk gevinst fordi det avlaster kraftnettet, både i forsyning inn til Mære og i omkringliggende kraftforsyning. Kraftnettet må dimensjoneres etter den høyeste etterspørselen som kan oppstå, og på landsbasis har maksimalt effektuttak økt betydelig de siste årene. Reduksjon av effekttoppene hos forbrukerne kan derfor bidra til økt kapasitet og fleksibilitet i nettet. Denne studien vil gi Mære landbruksskole og Trøndelag fylkeskommune en pekepinn på hvilke investeringer som kan være lønnsomme, og hvordan disse vil bidra til å redusere behovet for importert strøm og således være steg på veien til å realisere nullutslippsgården. Mæremiljøet er allerede en god innovasjonsarena for FoU-miljøer og ulike leverandører inn mot landbrukssektoren, og erfaringer som høstes her vil kunne bidra til økt bærekraft innen en viktig sektor.publishedVersio

    Nyhavna – et nullutslippsnabolag med systemsmart energiforsyning

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    Nyhavna er et område i Trondheim som per i dag hovedsakelig brukes til industrielle formål, men som skal utvikles til et attraktivt boligområde i de kommende tiårene. Ifølge kvalitetsprogrammet skal området ikke føre til økt energibehov, effektbehov eller klimagassutslipp i byen; og bygningene og energisystemet på Nyhavna skal samhandle med hverandre, og med omkringliggende energisystem. Siden bygningsmassen på Nyhavna vil bestå hovedsakelig av boliger, dominerer oppvarming det totale energibehovet. Hensikten med studien var da å identifisere den mest kostnadsoptimale løsningen for energisystemet, med fokus på varmeforsyning, som minimerer det totale behovet og spesielt topplastbehovet for energi levert til Nyhavna. Det studerte energiforsyningssystemet besto av et lokalt lavtemperatur-varmenett, et sesonglager for lagring av overskuddsvarme fra sommeren, en storskala varmepumpe med sjøvann som varmekilde, og strømproduksjon integrert i bygningene. I studien ble det antatt at sesonglageret hadde stor nok kapasitet til å dekke hele varmebehovet på Nyhavna. Studien viser at et energiforsyningssystem på Nyhavna basert på lokal produksjon av varme kombinert med sesonglagring er mer kostnadseffektivt enn hvis varmebehovene skulle dekkes gjennom import fra fjernvarmenettet. Det ble evaluert to scenarier for turtemperatur i det lokale varmenettet: mellom- (70 °C) og lavtemperatur (45 °C), som begge ga en betydelig reduksjon i energikostnadene. Lavtemperaturscenariet kom ut som det mest kostnadseffektive scenariet, men forskjellen mellom totale kostnader i disse to alternativene er liten, og gitt usikkerhetene i investeringskostnadene er det vanskelig å trekke en endelig konklusjon for hvilket scenario som er mest kostnadseffektivt. Lavtemperaturscenariet har noen tydelige fordeler med tanke på: (i) mer effektiv utnyttelse av sesong-lageret, slik at området kan være tilnærmet selvforsynt med oppvarming; (ii) mest effektiv drift av varmepumper, som minimerer etterspørselen etter importert elektrisitet; og (iii) mer fleksibilitet på timenivå gjennom tappevannsvarmepumpene og -tankene i bygningene. Lavtemperatursystemet er da mest i tråd med kravene til kvalitetsprogrammet, men vil imidlertid kreve mer teknisk utstyr i bygningene, noe som vil øke kompleksiteten til det lokale energisystemet. For å oppnå best mulig utnyttelse av lokale fleksibilitetsressurser, bør energisystemet på Nyhavna ha en forretningsmodell som tillater fri deling av lokalprodusert strøm innenfor området. I land som Norge med høyt behov for oppvarming, er effektiv varmeforsyning og samspill mellom strøm- og varmesystemer avgjørende for å redusere effekttopper og øke fleksibiliteten i energisystemet. Studien viser at i nullutslippsnabolag med mye lokal strømproduksjon, er varmeforsyning via et lokalt lavtemperatur-nett spesielt gunstig, da dette tillater effektiv integrasjon med strømnettet ved hjelp av varmepumper og termisk lagring. Et lavtemperatur-varmesystem muliggjør i tillegg effektiv utnyttelse av overskuddsvarmekilder, som er viktig for å redusere kostnader og utslipp fra varmeproduksjon.publishedVersio

    Performance analysis of high temperature heat pumps and thermal energy storages for a dairy

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    This paper analyses the performance of the integrated energy system of an existing dairy in Bergen, Norway. The investigated dairy has an innovative solution for the thermal process supply by using only heat pumps and thermal energy storage to cover all temperature levels of the existing heating and cooling demand. The aim of the study was to determine the energy consumption and system performance for one winter week and one summer week and compare these results against each other. To evaluate the performance, a comprehensive energy analysis was carried out based on the available process data. The results show for a comparatively energy-intensive week in February that the integrated energy system covers the existing demand and can compensate for demand peaks, with a waste heat recovery rate of over 95% for the process. The chillers and heat pumps achieved high COPs in the range of 4.2 to 5.9, while the overall system achieved a total COP of 4.1. A comparative week in June was then investigated and compared with the results of the operating week in February. Due to higher building cooling demands and lower building heating demands, the demand for dry cooling was significantly increased in the summer, whereas the need for electric heating and district heating was reduced. The achieved COPs in the range of 4.2 to 5.7 were similar in the summer week, meaning that the energy system functions well in different climatic conditions. Based on the results of this study, the performance of the system under different conditions was evaluated and the impact on power consumption and potential use for other climatic regions was discussed.Performance analysis of high temperature heat pumps and thermal energy storages for a dairyacceptedVersio

    Strenuous physical activity, exercise, and pelvic organ prolapse : a narrative scoping review

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    Introduction and hypothesis High-intensity physical activity and exercise have been listed as possible risk factors for pelvic organ prolapse (POP). The aim of the present study is to conduct a literature review on the prevalence and incidence of POP in women who engage in regular physical activity. In addition, we review the effects of a single exercise or a single session of exercise on pelvic floor support. Finally, the effect of exercises on POP in the early postpartum period is reviewed. Methods This is a narrative scoping review. We searched PubMed and Ovid Medline, the Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro), and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews up to May 2022 with the following MeSH terms: “physical activity” AND “exercise” AND “pelvic floor” AND “pelvic organ prolapse”. Results Eight prevalence studies were retrieved. Prevalence rates of symptomatic POP varied between 0 (small study within different sports) and 23% (Olympic weightlifters and power lifters). Parity was the only factor associated with POP in most studies. Three studies evaluated the pelvic floor after a single exercise or one session of exercise and found increased vaginal descent or increased POP symptoms. One prospective cohort study reported the development of POP after 6 weeks of military parashot training, and one randomized trial reported increased POP symptoms after transverse abdominal training. There is scant knowledge on exercise and POP in the postpartum period. Conclusions Prevalence of POP in sports varies widely. Experimental and prospective studies indicate that strenuous exercise increased POP symptoms and reduced pelvic floor support

    Are hypopressive and other exercise programs efective for the treatment of pelvic organ prolapse?

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    Introduction and hypothesis Pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) is effective for the treatment of pelvic organ prolapse (POP), but other exercise programs have also been promoted and used. The aim of this review was to evaluate the effect of hypopressive and other exercise programs besides PFMT for POP. Methods A literature search was conducted on Ovid Medline, EMBASE, CINAHL, Cochrane, PEDro, and Scopus databases from January 1996 to 30 December 2021. Only randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were included. The keywords were combinations of “pelvic organ prolapse” or “urogenital prolapse,” and “exercise therapy,” “hypopressive exercise,” “Kegel,” “pelvic floor muscle training,” “pelvic floor muscle exercises,” “Pilates,” “treatment,” “yoga,” “Tai Chi.” Methodological quality was assessed using the PEDro rating scale (0–10). Results Seven RCTs containing hypopressive exercise, yoga or breathing and hip muscle exercises in an inverted position were retrieved and analyzed. PEDro score ranged from 4 to 7. There was no additional effect of adding hypopressive exercise to PFMT, and PFMT was more effective than hypopressive exercise alone. The studies that included the term “yoga” included regular PFMT and thus can be classified as PFMT. Hip exercises in an inverted position added to PFMT vs PFMT alone showed better improvement in some secondary outcomes but not in the primary outcome, POP stage. Conclusions There are few RCTs assessing the effects of other exercise programs besides PFMT in the treatment of POP. To date, there is no evidence that other exercise programs are more effective than PFMT for POP

    A survey of prolapse practice in UK women’s health physiotherapists: what has changed in the last decade?

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    INTRODUCTION AND HYPOTHESIS: Prolapse is a common female problem, and conservative treatments such as pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) are important options for women. Evidence supporting the effectiveness of PFMT for prolapse has grown over the last decade, and it was hypothesised that practice and practice guidelines would have developed in line with the evidence. To assess this, up-to-date information about the practice of physiotherapists working in women’s health regarding their treatment of prolapse was required. METHODS: An online survey sent to members of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Women’s Health and the Chartered Physiotherapists Promoting Continence. Results were compared with those of an earlier survey undertaken in 2002. RESULTS: A 49 % response rate was achieved. The majority of respondents were senior physiotherapists (55 %) and had worked in women’s health for more than 10 years. Respondents were treating significantly more women with prolapse than a decade before: 36 % vs 14 % treated more than 50 women per year in 2002 and 2013 respectively (p < 0.001). Individualised PFMT (93 %), lifestyle advice (92 %) and biofeedback-assisted PFMT (83 %) were the most common treatment elements, with four being the average number of appointments. Forty-eight percent had changed their practice as a result of recent research; however, scepticism amongst medics, the referral of women directly for surgery, and constraints on resources were thought to be barriers to wider implementation of the evidence of PFMT for prolapse. CONCLUSIONS: There has been uptake of evidence-based prolapse practice by UK specialist physiotherapists in the last decade. Further research targeting the implementation of this evidence would be valuable in addressing potential barriers, and in supporting the need for physiotherapy in the treatment of prolapse

    Posterior circulation stroke diagnosis using HINTS in patients presenting with acute vestibular syndrome: A systematic review

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    PurposeAcute vestibular syndrome – vertigo, nausea/vomiting, nystagmus and gait unsteadiness – is common, and differentiating posterior circulation stroke from a peripheral cause can be challenging. The National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) does not include acute vestibular syndrome, and early computed tomography scanning cannot rule out acute ischaemia. A positive Head Impulse–Nystagmus–Test of Skew (HINTS) test suggests posterior circulation stroke in acute vestibular syndrome when any of three signs are present: normal horizontal head impulse, gaze-direction nystagmus or eye skew deviation. This systematic review examined the accuracy of positive HINTS in identifying posterior circulation stroke in acute vestibular syndrome patients.MethodsWe searched MEDLINE (1966 to 21 December 2017), EMBASE (1980 to December 2017), Web of Science and scanned bibliographies. Two authors independently screened relevant articles and extracted data. We included studies where HINTS was used to identify posterior circulation stroke with diagnosis confirmed using magnetic resonance imaging.FindingsSix studies (n = 644 patients) were identified. Acute stroke was confirmed in 200 (31.1%) patients. There was a 15-fold increased risk of posterior circulation stroke in patients with positive HINTS test compared to those with no abnormality (RR: 15.84, 95% CI: 5.25–47.79). For any stroke, the pooled sensitivity was 95.5% (95% CI: 92.6–98.4%) and specificity was 71.2% (95% CI: 67.0–75.4%).Discussion and ConclusionThe data suggest that the HINTS test as one element of clinical evaluation is useful to differentiate posterior circulation stroke from peripheral causes in acute vestibular syndrome. Further studies are needed to validate HINTS as a clinical prediction tool in emergency department settings and selection of patients for reperfusion treatment

    Integrated technologies based on heat pumps, thermal energy storage and smart control systems

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    An overview of integrated technologies based on heat pumps, thermal energy storage and smart control systems is provided. Heat pumps are devices that transfer thermal energy from low-temperature to high-temperature areas, consuming a small amount of electricity in the process. Their working principles, heat sources, working fluids, and applications are discussed. Heat sources include ambient air, ground, seawater, and waste heat. Natural working fluids like hydrocarbons, ammonia and CO2 are recommended for their environmental advantages. Thermal energy storage is discussed, using water tanks, phase change materials, and boreholes. Examples of integrated heat pump systems in Norway are presented, including two dairies and one local heating network for a new neighbourhood.Integrated technologies based on heat pumps, thermal energy storage and smart control systemspublishedVersio