2,173 research outputs found

    Electrical quality assurance (ELQA)

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    The standard Instrumentation Feedthrough System for the LHC cryo-magnets

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    For the LHC, 1232 dipole magnets and about 400 quadrupole magnets operating at 1.9 K are installed in arcs and dispersion suppressors. Each cryo-magnet assembly comprises the main magnet and several small corrector magnets. Each assembly is equipped with voltage taps, quench heaters and cryogenic instrumentation. The number of instrumentation wires serving each magnet assembly and passing from cold to ambient is between 36 and 40. An Instrumentation Feedthrough System (IFS) will electrically and mechanically connect the instrument wires to the outside of the vacuum vessel. The IFS has to satisfy several requirements: simplicity of integration, optimal access during tests and commissioning, voltage withstand and reliability during the lifetime of the machine. The heat load to superfluid helium must be minimized, and the long-term stability of the insulation vacuum should be preserved. The solution foresees an open stainless steel tube housing the wires connected between the magnet and the outside of the vacuum vessel and terminated by a leak tight connector. The IFS is assembled from different standard components designed to fulfil the electrical, mechanical and thermal requirements and will be integrated by the industries that build the magnets. The standardization of the IFS for all types of cryo-magnet assemblies permits the same hardware interfaces and procedures to be used from the integration to commissioning and operation of the machine. This paper describes the main parameters, the technical choices, the performance and the integration techniques of the IFS system

    De l’Italie au Québec : implications de la réforme psychiatrique italienne

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    Cet article a deux objectifs. 1) Contribuer à mieux faire connaître la tant discutée réforme psychiatrique italienne. 2) Proposer, pour réflexion, débat et action, un certain nombre d'implications que cette réforme soulève par rapport à la discussion actuelle sur la réorganisation des services de santé mentale au Québec. Sur le premier point, le message central des faits est le suivant: il y a moyen de faire une autre psychiatrie si société et intervenants veulent se donner un tel projet. Sur le deuxième point, les principales conditions de succès d'une psychiatrie globale et désinstitutionnalisee apparaissent être les suivantes: des ressources suffisantes; une base aux mains libres (décentralisation poussée de la décision et de l'organisation) mais responsable de l'intégration des services sur un territoire; un patient travail sur la culture et le tissu social local; l'omniprésence (temps/espace) du service sur le territoire; une réponse globale (et désinstitutionnalisee) aux besoins des patients; un travail d'équipe démocratique. Pas de miracles en Italie cependant: dans la société «refroidie» des années 80, la place est à l'expérimentation.This article has two aims: 1) to help in the understanding of the much discussed Italian reform in psychiatry. 2) to offer for review, discussion or action, a certain number of implications uncovered by this reform with regard to the ongoing discussions on the reorganization of Mental Health Services in Quebec. On the first aim, the key message is as follows: it is possible to create another psychiatry if society in general and those actually participating really want such a project. On the second aim, the main conditions of success for a global and deinstitutionalized psychiatry seem to be as follows: Sufficient resources, freedom to develop policies (a deep decentralisation of the decision making process and the organization) that are central to the integration of the services in a given territory; a dedicated study of the culture and the local social live; a continuous presence (intime and space) of the service in the territory; a total response (and deinstitu-tionalization) to the patient's needs; a democratic team work. However, there are no miracles in Italy; in the cooled down society of the 80's there is room for experimentation

    La décentralisation après la loi de 1991 sur les services de santé et les services sociaux au Québec

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    Après six ans de consultations diverses, le chapitre 42 des lois du Québec de 1991 présente sous l'appellation de décentralisation une réponse aux demandes d'autonomie budgétaire et programmatique des régions et des établissements. Cet article analyse, à partir du texte de loi et des critères reconnus, dans quelle mesure il s'agit d'une réelle décentralisation ; il revoit en outre le chemin parcouru à cet égard depuis le rapport de la Commission Castonguay-Nepveu et met en relief les enjeux de pouvoir et d'autonomie liés à la décentralisation dans les rapports entre trois catégories d'acteurs : le MSSS, les régies régionales et les établissements. Enfin, l'article relève trois « tests de vérité » que la réforme subira sous peu et qui révéleront la portée réelle du transfert de pouvoirs vers les régions : la réglementation de la loi, les premières règles budgétaires et leur application, de même que les transferts d'effectif du MSSS vers les régions

    nondimensional analysis of fractional order pdd1 2 control of purely inertial systems

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    The paper discusses the performance of thePDD1/2control scheme, which is an extension of the classical PD scheme with the introduction of the half-derivative term. The comparison between the PD and thePDD1/2schemes is performed with reference to a second-order purely inertial system, using a dimensionless approach for the sake of generality. The influences of the sampling time and of the saturation are taken into account. The results show that the introduction of the half-derivative term, in proper combination with the derivative term, reduces the settling time under the same conditions of maximum control output and null overshoot

    Growth inhibition in rats fed inadequate and incomplete proteins: repercussion on mandibular biomechanics

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    This study describes the effects of feeding growing rats with a diet containing inadequate and incomplete proteins on both the morphological and the biomechanical properties of the mandible. Female rats aged 30 d were fed freely with one of two diets, control (CD, 301 Cal/100g) and experimental (ED, 359 Cal/100g). CD was a standard laboratory diet, while ED was a synthetic diet containing cornflower supplemented with vitamins and minerals. Both diets had the same physical characteristics. Control (C) and experimental (E) animals were divided into 4 groups of 10 animals each. C40 and E40 rats were fed CD and ED, respectively, for 40 d; C105 were fed the CD for 105 d; and E105 were fed the ED for 40 d and then the CD for the remainder of the experimental period (65 d). Mandibular growth was estimated directly on excised and cleaned bones by taking measurements between anatomical points. Mechanical properties of the right hemimandible were estimated by using a 3-point bending test to estimate the structural properties of the bone. Geometric properties of both the entire bone and the cross-section were determined. Bone material properties were calculated from structural and geometric properties. The left hemimandibles were ashed and the ash weight obtained. Rats fed the ED failed to achieve normal body weight gain. Complete catch-up was observed at the end of nutritional rehabilitation. Mandibular weight and length were negatively affected by the ED, as were the cross-sectional area, the mineralized cortical area, and the cross-sectional moment of inertia. All of these parameters showed incomplete catch-up. The structural bone mechanical properties indicative of strength and stiffness were negatively affected. Intrinsic material properties, as assessed by the modulus of elasticity and maximal elastic stress, were within normal values. In summary, the experimental bone was weaker than the control and structurally incompetent. The bone considered was smaller than the control bone, showing a significant reduction in the cross-sectional area and the moment of inertia. However, material properties as well as the ash fraction and degree of mineralization were similar in E and C bones. Therefore, the E bone was weaker than the C bone because of its smaller bone mass, which appears to have been negatively influenced by the ED in relation to its effects on overall body massFil: Bozzini, Clarisa. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Odontología. Cátedra de Fisiología; Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay; Argentina;Fil: Champin, Graciela Monica. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Odontología. Cátedra de Fisiología; Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay; Argentina;Fil: Bozzini, Carlos Eduardo Jose. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Odontología. Cátedra de Fisiología; Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay; Argentina;Fil: Alippi, Rosa Maria. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Odontología. Cátedra de Fisiología; Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay; Argentina

    Gestational and early postnatal exposure to simulated high altitude does not modify postnatal body mass growth trajectory in the rat

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    Postnatal hypoxia blunts body mass growth. It is also known that the quality of the fetal environment can influence the subsequent adult phenotype. The main purpose of the study was to determine whether gestational hypoxia and early postnatal hypoxia are able to blunt growth when the offspring is raised under normoxia. Hypobaric hypoxia was induced in simulated high altitude (SHA) chambers in which air was maintained at 380 mmHg (5450 m). Mature Sprague-Dawley rats of both sexes were divided in normoxic (NX) and hypoxic (HX) groups and, in the case of the HX group, maintained for 1 month at 5450 m. Mating was then allowed under NX or HX conditions. Offspring were NX-NX, NX-HX, HX-HX, or HX-NX: the first term indicates NX or HX during both gestation and the first 30 days of life; the second term indicates NX or HX during postnatal life between days 30 and 133. Body mass (g) was measured periodically and body mass growth rate (BMGR, g/d) was estimated between days 33 and 65 of postnatal life. Results can be summarized as follows: 1) BM was significantly higher in NX than in HX rats at weaning; 2) BMGR was not significantly different between NX-NX and HX-NX rats, and between HX-HX and NX-HX animals; and 3) BMGR was significantly higher in rats living under NX conditions than in those living under HX conditions during postnatal life. Data suggest that that hypobaric hypoxia during gestational and early postnatal development of rats does not alter the regulation of body mass growth in rats when compared to that seen under sea-level conditions.Fil: Bozzini, Carlos Eduardo Jose. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Odontología. Cátedra de Fisiología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Champin, Graciela Monica. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Odontología. Cátedra de Fisiología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Bozzini, Clarisa. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Odontología. Cátedra de Fisiología; ArgentinaFil: Alippi, Rosa Maria. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Odontología. Cátedra de Fisiología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin
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