16 research outputs found

    Oral health status of a sample of disabled population in Iran

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    BACKGROUND: A wide range of oral health conditions has been studies in disabled populations. Many studies showed that the oral health of individuals who were disabled was poor and their oral treatment needs were greater than those of the general population. This study aimed to determine caries experience, levels of oral hygiene, periodontal health and prevalence of malocclusion in a sample of disabled subjects. METHODS: Five special care needs schools were randomly selected from the list of schools in Kerman and all attendants were examined for dental status on the basis of WHO criteria, gingival health and oral hygiene behaviors. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and chi-square tests. RESULTS: There were 297 participants in the study. The most frequent group of disability was mental retard. The mean decayed, missing and filled teeth (DMFT) score was 5.14. Ninety percent of subjects had gingival inflammation. There was no significant (P = 0.34) difference between caries experiences of different disable groups. CONCLUSIONS: Oral hygiene of disabled groups was poor and their caries experience rate was very high. Special oral health care program for them is recommended. KEY WORDS: Special care, oral health, oral hygiene, disability

    Quality appraisal of published qualitative dental, medical and health researches in Iranian Persian language journals

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    BACKGROUND AND AIM: This study aimed to determine the rate of published qualitative research in the field of public health including dental researches in Iran and to appraise their quality. METHODS: A total of 165 articles which published in 170 Iranian Medical Journals between years 2000 and 2014 were found eligible to the study. 48 papers were selected randomly. The papers were appraised by two calibrated reviewer using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) appraisal framework for qualitative research. RESULTS: Only 2 studies (about 4%) were on dental topics. About 82% (38-48) studies had sufficient reporting regarding aims, study design, recruitment and data collection, data analysis, finding and implication of research. Only 12 articles (25%) had an adequate discussion of the study limitations. Overall, the assessment showed that 27 papers (about 56%) of studies were well conducted. CONCLUSION: Qualitative methods are underutilized on dentistry topics, and the quality of qualitative research on health topics in medical journals of Iran is mediocre. KEYWORDS: Qualitative Research; Critical Appraisal; Oral Health; Ira

    Findings of the Peripheral Blood Smear in Patient Suspected with Sepsis Admitted in Emergency Department

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    مقدمه: شناخت بهترین شیوه های تشخیص پاراکلینیک نقش مهمی در تشخیص افتراقی مبتلایان به سپسیس و بهبود پیش آگهی نهایی بیماران ایفا می نماید. لذا این مطالعه به منظور بررسی یافته های لام خون محیطی در بیماران مشکوک به سپسیس و ارتباط آن با تشخیص نهایی انجام شد. روش کار: در این مطالعه مشاهده ای که به صورت مقطعی انجام گردید، تعداد 348 بیمار مشکوک به سپسیس بستری در اورژانس بیمارستان شهدای تجریش در سال 1396 مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفتند و یافته های لام خون محیطی در آنها تعیین شده و ارتباط آن با تشخیص نهایی در بیماران بستری ارزیابی گردید. یافته ها: میانگین سنی بیماران مورد بررسی 3/62 سال با انحراف معیار 7/17 سال بود. همچنین 2/53 درصد از بیماران مورد بررسی مذکر و 8/46 درصد مونث بودند. شایعترین تشخیص های نهایی شامل پنومونی (29 درصد) و عفونت ادراری (1/18 درصد) بودند. در مورد یافته های لام خون محیطی ارتباط آماری معناداری با تشخیص نهایی بیماران در مورد یافته های ترومبوسیتوپنی (000/0 = p)، ترومبوسیتوز (032/0 = p)، مورفولوژی غیرطبیعی (049/0 = p) وجود داشت. نتیجه گیری: در مجموع چنین استنباط می شود که تعداد پلاکتها و مورفولوژی غیرطبیعی می توانند کارآیی تشخیصی خوبی در مورد بیماران مشکوک به سپسیس داشته باشند.Introduction: Determination of good diagnostic tools is an issue of importance specially to differentiate between sepsis etiologies and improvement of prognosis. Hence our purpose was to determine the finding of the peripheral blood smear (PBS) in patients with suspected of sepsis and its association with the final diagnosis in the year 1396. Methods: In this cross-sectional comparative survey, 348 consecutive patients with suspected of sepsis admitted in emergency department of Shohaday-e-Tajrish Hospital were enrolled and the association of finding of the peripheral blood smear in patients with the final diagnosis in the year 1396 were determined. Results: The results in this study demonstrated that pneumonia and urinary tract infection were seen in 29% and 18.1%. Thrombocytopenia (p=0.000), thrombocytosis (p=0.032), and abnormal morphology (p=0.049) were related to final diagnosis. Conclusion: Totally, according to the obtained results it may be concluded that platelet count and PBS morphology are important related factors for sepsis

    Detection of Carious Lesions and Restorations Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm

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    Background/Purpose. In terms of the detection of tooth diagnosis, no intelligent detection has been done up till now. Dentists just look at images and then they can detect the diagnosis position in tooth based on their experiences. Using new technologies, scientists will implement detection and repair of tooth diagnosis intelligently. In this paper, we have introduced one intelligent method for detection using particle swarm optimization (PSO) and our mathematical formulation. This method was applied to 2D special images. Using developing of our method, we can detect tooth diagnosis for all of 2D and 3D images. Materials and Methods. In recent years, it is possible to implement intelligent processing of images by high efficiency optimization algorithms in many applications especially for detection of dental caries and restoration without human intervention. In the present work, we explain PSO algorithm with our detection formula for detection of dental caries and restoration. Also image processing helped us to implement our method. And to do so, pictures taken by digital radiography systems of tooth are used. Results and Conclusion. We implement some mathematics formula for fitness of PSO. Our results show that this method can detect dental caries and restoration in digital radiography pictures with the good convergence. In fact, the error rate of this method was 8%, so that it can be implemented for detection of dental caries and restoration. Using some parameters, it is possible that the error rate can be even reduced below 0.5%

    Knowledge, attitude, and practices of pediatricians about children’s oral health

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    BACKGROUND AND AIM: Many pediatric oral diseases are preventable if physicians recognize and encourage preventive care and refer patients to dentists whenever necessary. Parents usually visit pediatricians for routine care during the first few years of a child’s life. Therefore, pediatricians have can assist dental professionals by educating parents to maintain their children's oral health. The main objective of this study was to determine knowledge, attitude, and practices of pediatricians about the oral disease prevention. METHODS: A piloted questionnaire was completed by volunteer pediatricians and pediatric residents in Kerman, Iran. It comprised a series of questions including sociodemographic and practice characteristics, knowledge about the risk factors for oral diseases, attitude toward oral disease prevention, practicing preventive care for oral diseases, and information about oral diseases. RESULTS: Overall, 60 subjects participated in the study. Less than half of the respondents knew all the main risk factors of dental caries, gingivitis, and malocclusion. There was also a positive attitude that caries can be prevented (100%). Less than 10% of the participants prescribed dietary fluoride supplements for their patients. CONCLUSIONS: Although we found inadequate knowledge about oral and dental diseases among pediatricians, the majority of our subjects believed that they had an important responsibility in preventing oral diseases. KEY WORDS: Oral Health, Children, Pediatrician, Preventive Car

    Improving oral health status of preschool children using motivational interviewing method

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    BACKGROUND: Oral diseases are common chronic diseases that are affected by human health behavior. One-way to promote health behaviors can be achieved through education. The present study aims to assess the effect of an oral health education program using motivational interviewing (MI) method on oral health status of preschool children. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study recruited 222 volunteer children and their parents from 10 elementary schools into a community trial. At baseline, plaque, gingival and decayed, missing, and filled teeth indexes were measured in the children. They were randomly allocated into test groups where they and their parents received oral health education using MI and the control group received traditional oral health education. The test group had recall and postal reminder during 6 months of the study, but there was no reminder for the control group. After 6 months, the same oral health indexes were measured. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 20 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) by t-test, Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon signed ranks test. P < 0.05 was considered as significant. RESULTS: The results showed that after both oral health education programs, differences of plaque index (PI) (P = 0.000) and gingival index (P = 0.000) were significant between the two groups. The number of children with healthy gingiva and low PI were more frequent in the test group after intervention. CONCLUSION: Considering the limitations of this study, oral health status of children after education of parents using MI was observed, and it should be considered in oral health education programs

    Quantum mechanical study of carbon nanotubes functionalized with drugs, pentoxifylline and lysofylline

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    1202-1208The noncovalent interactions of drug pentoxifylline (PTX) with (5, 5) pristine and COOH functionalized-carbon nanotube and the mechanisms of covalent functionalization of the drug, lisofylline (LSF) with (5, 5) COOH and COOCl functionalized carbon nanotube have been studied by density functional theory calculations. Quantum molecular descriptors for four configurations of noncovalent interaction are calculated. It is found that binding of PTX with COOH functionalized CNT is thermodynamically favorable. COOH and COCl functionalized CNT can bind to lysofylline via OH (COOH mechanism) and Cl (COCl mechanism ) groups, respectively. The barrier energies of two mechanisms have been evaluated and compared with each other. It was found that the COOH mechanism has activation energy higher than the COCl mechanism, and hence the reason for suitability of COCl pathway for covalent functionalization

    Oral Health Behavior of Parents as a Predictor of Oral Health Status of Their Children

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    Copyright © 2013 Elham Bozorgmehr et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Introduction. It is widely acknowledged that the behavior of parents affects their children’s health. This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between oral health behavior of parents and oral health status and behavior of their children in a sample of preschool children in Iran.Method and Material. A random sample of over-five-year-old preschool children and their parents were enrolled in the study. Selection of schools was by clustering method. Parents were asked to fill a piloted questionnaire which included demographic characteristics, socioeconomic status, oral health behaviors of children and their parents.Oral health status of childre

    Oral health status of a sample of disabled population in Iran

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    BACKGROUND: A wide range of oral health conditions has been studies in disabled populations. Many studies showed that the oral health of individuals who were disabled was poor and their oral treatment needs were greater than those of the general population. This study aimed to determine caries experience, levels of oral hygiene,periodontal health and prevalence of malocclusion in a sample of disabled subjects. METHODS: Five special care needs schools were randomly selected from the list of schools in Kerman and all attendants were examined for dental status on the basis of WHO criteria, gingival health and oral hygiene behaviors. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and chi-square tests. RESULTS: There were 297 participants in the study. The most frequent group of disability was mental retard. The mean decayed, missing and filled teeth (DMFT) score was 5.14. Ninety percent of subjects had gingival inflammation. There was no significant (P = 0.34) difference between caries experiences of different disable groups. CONCLUSIONS: Oral hygiene of disabled groups was poor and their caries experience rate was very high. Special oral health care program for them is recommended

    Quality appraisal of published qualitative dental, medical and health ‎researches‏ ‏in Iranian Persian language journals

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    BACKGROUND AND AIM: This study aimed to determine the rate of published qualitative research in the field of public health including dental researches in Iran and to appraise their quality. METHODS: A total of 165 articles which published in 170 Iranian Medical Journals between years 2000 and 2014 were found eligible to the study. 48 papers were selected randomly. The papers were appraised by two calibrated reviewer using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) appraisal framework for qualitative research. RESULTS: Only 2 studies (about 4%) were on dental topics. About 82% (38-48) studies had sufficient reporting regarding aims, study design, recruitment and data collection, data analysis, finding and implication of research. Only 12 articles (25%) had an adequate discussion of the study limitations. Overall, the assessment showed that 27 papers (about 56%) of studies were well conducted. CONCLUSION: Qualitative methods are underutilized on dentistry topics, and the quality of qualitative research on health topics in medical journals of Iran is mediocre