9 research outputs found

    Management of ınvasive ınsect species: an example of anoplophora chinensis (forster, 1771) (coleoptera: cerambycidae)

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    Uluslararası ticaret birçok böcek türünün bir yerden başka bir ülkeye taşınmasında önemli rol oynamaktadır. İthal edilen süs bitkileri yoluyla taşınabilen zararlılardan birisi de turunçgil uzun antenli böceği Anoplophora chinensis (Forster, 1771) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) olup, Bitki Karantinası Yönetmeliği’nin Ek-1 B-Türkiye’de sınırlı olarak bulunan ve ithale mani teşkil eden karantinaya tabi zararlı organizmalar listesinde yer almaktadır. Bu tür, bitkinin odun dokusu içerisinde yumurta, larva, pupa dönemlerinde taşınabilmektedir. Dişiler genellikle ağacın gövdesinin topraktan 60 cm yükseklikteki yüzeyine ya da dışarıda kalmış kök bölümlerindeki kabuklar üzerinde mandibulası ile T biçiminde yarıklar açarak bu yarıkların her birine bir adet yumurta bırakmaktadır. Zararlının erginleri doğada mayıs ve ekim ayları arasındaki dönemde bulunmaktadır. Yumurta, larva ve pupa dönemleri ağacın gövdesi içerisinde bulunduğundan varlığının dışarıdan tespit edilmesi oldukça zordur. Ancak, ağacın gövdesinden çıkış yapan erginlerin oluşturduğu 1-1,5 cm çapındaki çıkış deliklerinin ya da erginlerin görülmesi ile zararlının varlığı tespit edilebilmektedir. Sürgünlerde beslenme belirtilerinin ve gövdede talaş artıklarının görülmesi de zararlının varlığına işaret olabilmektedir. Zarar belirtilerinin çoğu ağacın yerden 1,5 m yüksekliği civarında görülmektedir. Ergin çıkış delikleri görüldüğünde ise mücadele için geç kalınmış olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada turunçgil uzun antenli böceği A. chinensis’in kısa biyolojisi, konukçuları, zarar şekli, mücadelesi ve eradikasyonu konusunda Türkiye’de ve dünyada yürütülen çalışmalar ile alınması gereken karantina önlemleri hakkında bilgi verilmesi amaçlanmıştır.International trade plays an important role in the transport of many insect species from one place to another. Anoplophora chinensis (Forster, 1771) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) is one of the harmful insects that can be transported through the imported ornamental plants. It is listed on Annex-1B the harmful organisms that have limited existence in Turkey, that are subject to quarantine and that hinder importation of the plant quarantine regulation in Turkey. This species can be transported in egg, larva, pupa periods within the xylem of the plant. Females cut a T-shaped slit on the bole of the trees about 60 cm high from the ground or on the exposed roots with their mandibles and deposit one egg in each of these slits. Adults of the insects are seen in the period between May and October. Since eggs, larvae and pupae are located inside the tree's thrunk, it is very difficult to detect its presence from the outside. However, it is possible to determine the presence of a 1-1.5 cm diameter exit hole or see adults that exit from the tree's trunk. The presence of feeding signs in the shoots and sawdust debris on the trunk can also indicate the presence of damage. Most of the damage symptoms are seen around the height of 1.5 m from the ground. When the adult exit holes are seen, it is too late for the control. In this study it is aimed to give information about citrus longhorn beetle A. chinensis short biology, hosts, damage, control and eradication measures carried out in Turkey and in the world and quarantine measures need to be taken

    Küreselleşmenin enerji tüketimi üzerindeki etkisi: EAGLEs ülkelerinden kanıtlar

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    Energy is seen as one of the critical inputs of the production process to ensure countries' economic and social development. Due to the increasing economic integration between countries in recent years, the relationship between globalization and energy consumption is frequently discussed. To contribute to the discussions on this subject, the effect of the globalization process on energy consumption was investigated in this study. In addition to globalization, economic growth, urbanization, and changes in public expenditures on energy consumption are also examined. In this context, panel data analysis was made for the period 1990-2019 by using annual data of 9 countries called EAGLEs (Emerging and Growth-leading Economies). The analysis framework applied cross-section dependency and Pesaran's (2007) CADF (Cross Sectional Dickey-Fuller) unit root tests. Then, coefficient estimates were made with the random-effects model. The findings show that the increase in globalization increases energy consumption. In addition, it has been determined that economic growth, included in the model as a control variable, has an increasing effect on energy consumption. In addition, it has been observed that the increase in urbanization has reduced effects on energy consumption, but the change in public expenditures has no effect.Enerji, ülkelerin ekonomik ve sosyal gelişmelerini sağlamaları bakımından üretim sürecinin önemli girdilerinden biri olarak görülmektedir. Son yıllarda ülkeler arasında artan ekonomik entegrasyona bağlı olarak küreselleşme ile enerji tüketimi arasındaki ilişki sıklıkla tartışılmaktadır. Bu konudaki tartışmalara katkı sağlamak amacıyla bu çalışmada küreselleşme sürecinin enerji tüketimine olan etkisi araştırılmıştır. Küreselleşmenin yanında ekonomik büyüme, kentleşme ve kamu harcamalarındaki değişimin de enerji tüketimi üzerindeki etkisi belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Bu kapsamda EAGLEs (Yükselen ve Büyümede Öncü Ekonomiler) olarak adlandırılan 9 ülkeye ait yıllık veriler kullanılarak 1990-2019 dönemi için panel veri analizi yapılmıştır. Analiz çerçevesinde, ilk olarak yatay kesit bağımlılığı ve Pesaran (2007)’nin CADF (Cross Sectional Dickey-Fuller) birim kök testleri uygulanmıştır. Daha sonra tesadüfi etkiler modeliyle katsayı tahminleri yapılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular küreselleşme düzeyindeki artışın enerji tüketimini arttırdığını göstermiştir. Ayrıca kontrol değişken niteliğinde modele dahil edilen ekonomik büyümenin de enerji tüketimini arttırıcı etkilerde bulunduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca enerji tüketiminde kentleşmedeki artışın azaltıcı etkilerinin olduğu fakat kamu harcamalarındaki değişimin bir etkisinin olmadığı görülmüştür

    Fungal diversity and ex vitro symbiotic germination of Serapias vomeracea (Orchidaceae)

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    Conservation of orchids can be possible with effective seed germination and seedling growth methods. In this context, ex vitro symbiotic seed germination and seedling growth of orchid seeds may be convenient and advantageous. In this study, both the diversity of the root endophytic fungi in Serapias vomeracea (Burm.f.) Briq. and the ex vitro effects of these fungi on seed germination, seedling development and tuber formation were revealed. The fungi were isolated monthly for two years from S. vomeracea roots and the isolates were identified based on morphological characters and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequences. All of the Rhizoctonia-like isolates that joined the mycorrhizal association were closely related to Tulasnella calospora (thirty isolates). Non-Rhizoctonia isolates are closely related to Fusarium tricinctum (two isolates), Aspergillus spelaeus (one isolate) and Talaromyces pinophilus (Pezizales) (one isolate). The viability rate of the seeds was 90.32%. The seed packs were placed in soils containing fungus and the germination process was followed. All isolates associated with Tulasnella calospora promoted germination and seedling development. Isolate Svl 21 (Tulasnella sp.) was found to have the highest germination rate (98%) but isolate Svl 4 developed seedlings with advanced leaves (stage 4 (S4): seedlings with advanced leaves and/or rooted, 13.67%). All seedlings at S4 were transferred to the natural environment; the first tubers were observed seven months after. In this study, for the first time, a tuberous European orchid, S. vomeracea developed from seed to adult plant in a natural environment

    Orta Anadolu Bölgesinde Organik Kiraz Üretiminde Hastalık, Zararlı ve Yabancı Otların Mücadelesinin Yönetimi

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    Proje 2003-2005 yılları arasında Isparta (Eğirdir) ve Konya (Akşehir) illerinde yürütülmüştür. Organik ve entegre mücadele uygulamaları yapılan kiraz bahçelerinde mevcut hastalık, zararlı ve yabancı otların tespiti ve mücadelesi, doğal düşmanların tür ve yoğunlukları, toprak ve yaprak analizleri, meyve analizleri ve ekonomik analizler yapılmıştır. Kiraz Zararlılarının Mücadelesinin Yönetiminde bahçelerdeki zararlı ve yararlı türleri ve yoğunluklarını belirlemek amacıyla dal sayım yöntemi, gözle inceleme yöntemi, darbe yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Kiraz Hastalıklarının Mücadelesinin Yönetiminde hastalık etmenlerini saptamak amacıyla hastalık belirtisi gösteren meyve, dal, yaprak ve sürgünlerden örnek alınarak izolasyonu yapılmıştır. Yabancı ot Mücadelesinin Yönetiminde bahçelerdeki yabancı otların türleri saptanmıştır. Hastalık, zararlı ve yabancı otların mücadelesi, organik tarım bahçelerinde organik tarım yöntemlerine, entegre mücadele bahçelerinde entegre mücadele yöntemlerine uygun olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmaların yapıldığı bahçelerden toprak ve yaprak örnekleri alınarak, analizleri yapılmış ve besin eksikliği belirlenmiştir. Pomolojik analizler ve ekonomik analizler yapılmıştır. ETKO Organik Tarım Kontrol ve Sertifikasyon kuruluşu uzmanları tarafından organik tarım uygulaması yapılan bahçeler denetlenmiş olup, her iki bahçeye de 2004-2005 yıllarında Organik Tarım Sertifikası verilmiştir

    The Role of Patent Foramen Ovale in Cryptogenic Stroke Kriptojenik İnmede Patent Foramen Ovalenin Rolü

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    INTRODUCTION Approximately 40% of ischemic strokes with no clearly definable etiology are classified as cryptogenic stroke (1). The etiology of some cryptogenic strokes may be an embolus from the venous system traversing from the right to left atrium into the systemic circulation through a patent foramen ovale (PFO), a phenomenon known as paradoxical embolism (2). The first description regarding the association of PFO with stroke was in a young woman with cerebral arterial embolism by Cohnheim et al. (3) in 1877. At autopsy series of general population, the prevalence of PFO is 20−26% (4). However, PFO prevalence in cryptogenic strokes changes between 40% and 55.7% (5). A PFO located between the septum primum and septum secundum leads to the passage of fetal blood from the right atrium to the left atrium. In 75% of PFO cases, thi

    A8011 alaşımı kullanılarak üretilen pilfer-proof malzemenin proses parametrelerinin optimizasyonu

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    Commercial capmaking process include drawing, redrawing and several ironing operations. A8011 Pilfer-proof material is commonly used for making bottle caps, such as alcoholic beverages, water, nonalcoholic beverages and concentrated beverages. It is important to have prevention from taint or contamination, deformation hardening characteristics inhibiting the ease of opening, but actually ensuring clean snap seperation of the cap from the sleeve. Recently, it is also important for manufacturers to make deeper caps in order to provide flexible industrial needs.On the other hand, it is observed that during drawing process earing develops incured by the anisotrophic properties of the sheets.Minimizing the earing of products has always been the object of the can industry. Thus, a total understanding of earing behaviour during cold rolling is a prerequisite for a satisfied prediction.As it is important to improve the performance of the systems and increase the yield of the process without increasing the cost, optimization is an important phenomen. Conventional method for optimization is one-variable-at-a-time, which means there is one parameter change to find the optimimal operating condition while keeping other parameters at a constant level. But with this method it is impossible to measure the effect of the interactions, therefore most optimization studies are being carried out using response surface methadology(RSM).In this study, we worked on process pamaters of manufacturing A8011 pilfer proof material with 0,22mm thickness. The aim of the study was increasing the drawing depth and decreasing the earing behaviour. In ordere to optimize the responses we used a RSM design with four independent variables, homogenization thickness, homogenization temperature, annealing thicknesses and three levels for each. The experimental data were analyzed by response surface procedure using Minitab15 to fit the second order polynomial model predicted for optimization. Annealing temperatures and duration were kept constant at 350?C and 4 hours. The results obtained show that the mathematical model is useful not only for predicting optimum process parameters but alsı process optimization. The resulting drawing depth was computed as 6.481mm and plastic strain ratio as 0,0. Using the optimal combination of these parameters is useful in minimizing the cost arised as a result of earing and cracks occurred as a result of drawing process.M.Sc.Yüksek Lisan

    Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition)

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    In 2008, we published the first set of guidelines for standardizing research in autophagy. Since then, this topic has received increasing attention, and many scientists have entered the field. Our knowledge base and relevant new technologies have also been expanding. Thus, it is important to formulate on a regular basis updated guidelines for monitoring autophagy in different organisms. Despite numerous reviews, there continues to be confusion regarding acceptable methods to evaluate autophagy, especially in multicellular eukaryotes. Here, we present a set of guidelines for investigators to select and interpret methods to examine autophagy and related processes, and for reviewers to provide realistic and reasonable critiques of reports that are focused on these processes. These guidelines are not meant to be a dogmatic set of rules, because the appropriateness of any assay largely depends on the question being asked and the system being used. Moreover, no individual assay is perfect for every situation, calling for the use of multiple techniques to properly monitor autophagy in each experimental setting. Finally, several core components of the autophagy machinery have been implicated in distinct autophagic processes (canonical and noncanonical autophagy), implying that genetic approaches to block autophagy should rely on targeting two or more autophagy-related genes that ideally participate in distinct steps of the pathway. Along similar lines, because multiple proteins involved in autophagy also regulate other cellular pathways including apoptosis, not all of them can be used as a specific marker for bona fide autophagic responses. Here, we critically discuss current methods of assessing autophagy and the information they can, or cannot, provide. Our ultimate goal is to encourage intellectual and technical innovation in the field