10,013 research outputs found

    Comparison of Experimental and Analytical Performance for Contoured Endwall Stators

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    Comparisons between predicted and experimental stator losses showed that the analysis was able to predict the change in stator loss when contoured endwalls with highly three dimensional passage geometry were used. The level of loss was predicted to within 75 percent of that measured. The predicted loss was due only to profile loss and boundary layer growth on the endwalls. The 25 percent difference was approximately 0.015 at design pressure ratio. The analysis was shown to predict the trend in stator flow angle, even for small stator geometries

    Analytical and experimental investigation of stator endwall countouring in a small axial-flow turbine

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    An experimental and analytical investigation was conducted to determine the effect of stator endwall contouring on turbine stage performance. In this investigation three stator configurations were evaluated using a common rotor. The three stator configurations were a cylindrical endwall design and two contoured endwall designs, one having a S-shaped outer wall profile and the other having a conical-shaped outer wall profile. Experimental data were obtained over a range of equivalent speeds, total pressure ratios, and rotor tip clearances for each stator-rotor combination. Detailed analytical loss assessments were conducted to aid in the determination of the contouring effect on turbine performance

    Comparison between measured turbine stage performance and the predicted performance using quasi-3D flow and boundary layer analyses

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    A method for calculating turbine stage performance is described. The usefulness of the method is demonstrated by comparing measured and predicted efficiencies for nine different stages. Comparisons are made over a range of turbine pressure ratios and rotor speeds. A quasi-3D flow analysis is used to account for complex passage geometries. Boundary layer analyses are done to account for losses due to friction. Empirical loss models are used to account for incidence, secondary flow, disc windage, and clearance losses

    TIRS Cryocooler: Spacecraft Integration and Test and Early Flight Data

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    The Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) is an instrument on Landsat 8, launched in February 2013. The focal plane is cooled by a two-stage Ball Aerospace Stirling cycle cryocooler, with a coldfinger operating at 40K. This paper describes events during the spacecraft integration and test program, and results from early orbit operation of the cryocooler

    Radiocarbon dating of deep-sea corals

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    Deep-sea corals are a promising new archive of paleoclimate. Coupled radiocarbon and U-series dates allow ^(14)C to be used as a tracer of ocean circulation rate in the same manner as it is used in the modern ocean. Diagnetic alteration of coral skeletons on the seafloor requires a thorough cleaning of contaminating phases of carbon. In addition, 10% of the coral must be chemically leached prior to dissolution to remove adsorbed modern CO_2. A survey of modern samples from the full Δ^(14)C gradient in the deep ocean demonstrates that the coralline CaCO_3 records the radiocarbon value of the dissolved inorganic carbon

    QSO clustering and the AAT 2dF redshift survey

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    We review previous results on the clustering and environments of QSOs. We show that the correlation length for QSOs derived from existing surveys is r~5/h Mpc, similar to the observed correlation length for field galaxies at the present epoch. The galaxy environment for z<1 radio-quiet QSOs is also consistent with field galaxies. The evolution of the QSO correlation length with redshift is currently uncertain, largely due to the small numbers of QSOs (~2000) in surveys suitable for clustering analysis. We report on intial progress with the AAT 2dF QSO redshift survey, which, once completed will comprise almost 30000 QSOs. With over 1000 QSOs already observed, it is already the largest single homogeneous QSO survey. We discuss prospects for deriving limits on cosmological parameters from this survey, and on the evolution of large-scale structure in the Universe.Comment: Invited talk at RS meeting on 'Large Scale Structure in the Universe' held at the Royal Society on 25-26 March 1998 14 pages, 11 figre

    A Medium Survey of the Hard X-Ray Sky with ASCA. II.: The Source's Broad Band X-Ray Spectral Properties

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    A complete sample of 60 serendipitous hard X-ray sources with flux in the range ∼1×10−13\sim 1 \times 10^{-13} \ecs to ∼4×10−12\sim 4 \times 10^{-12} \ecs (2 - 10 keV), detected in 87 ASCA GIS2 images, was recently presented in literature. Using this sample it was possible to extend the description of the 2-10 keV LogN(>S)-LogS down to a flux limit of ∼6×10−14\sim 6\times 10^{-14} \ecs (the faintest detectable flux), resolving about a quarter of the Cosmic X-ray Background. In this paper we have combined the ASCA GIS2 and GIS3 data of these sources to investigate their X-ray spectral properties using the "hardness" ratios and the "stacked" spectra method. Because of the sample statistical representativeness, the results presented here, that refer to the faintest hard X-ray sources that can be studied with the current instrumentation, are relevant to the understanding of the CXB and of the AGN unification scheme.Comment: 28 pages plus 6 figures, LaTex manuscript, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal, Figure 5 can retrieved via anonymous ftp at ftp://ftp.brera.mi.astro.it/pub/ASCA/paper2/fig5.ps.g

    Some continuum physics results from the lattice V-A correlator

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    We present preliminary results on extractions of the chiral LECs L_10 and C_87 and constraints on the excited pseudoscalar state pi(1300) and pi(1800) decay constants obtained from an analysis of lattice data for the flavor ud light quark V-A correlator. A comparison of the results for the correlator to the corresponding mildly-model-dependent continuum results (based primarily on experimental hadronic tau decay data) is also givenComment: 7 pages, 3 figures. Prepared for the Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Cairns, Australia, June 24-29, 2012; expanded version of Reference 1

    New results from the lattice on the theoretical inputs to the hadronic tau determination of V_us

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    Recent sum rule determinations of |V_us|, employing flavor-breaking combinations of hadronic tau decay data, are significantly lower than either expectations based on 3-family unitarity or determinations from K_ell3 and Gamma[K_mu2]/Gamma[pi_mu2]. We use lattice data to investigate the accuracy/reliability of the OPE representation of the flavor-breaking correlator combination entering the tau decay analyses. The behavior of an alternate correlator combination, constructed to reduce problems associated with the slow convergence of the D = 2 OPE series, and entering an alternate sum rule requiring both electroproduction cross-section and hadronic tau decay data, is also investigated. Preliminary updates of both analyses, with the lessons learned from the lattice data in mind, are also presented.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures. Prepared for the proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Tau Lepton Physics, Sep. 17-21, 2012, Nagoya, Japan and the 10th International Conference on Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, Oct. 6-13, 2012, Garching/Munich, German
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