443 research outputs found

    Arguments for F-theory

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    After a brief review of string and MM-Theory we point out some deficiencies. Partly to cure them, we present several arguments for ``FF-Theory'', enlarging spacetime to (2,10)(2, 10) signature, following the original suggestion of C. Vafa. We introduce a suggestive Supersymmetric 27-plet of particles, associated to the exceptional symmetric hermitian space E6/Spinc(10)E_{6}/Spin^{c}(10). Several possible future directions, including using projective rather than metric geometry, are mentioned. We should emphasize that FF-Theory is yet just a very provisional attempt, lacking clear dynamical principles.Comment: To appear in early 2006 in Mod. Phys. Lett. A as Brief Revie

    The Geometrodynamics of Sine-Gordon Solitons

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    The relationship between N-soliton solutions to the Euclidean sine-Gordon equation and Lorentzian black holes in Jackiw-Teitelboim dilaton gravity is investigated, with emphasis on the important role played by the dilaton in determining the black hole geometry. We show how an N-soliton solution can be used to construct ``sine-Gordon'' coordinates for a black hole of mass M, and construct the transformation to more standard ``Schwarzchild-like'' coordinates. For N=1 and 2, we find explicit closed form solutions to the dilaton equations of motion in soliton coordinates, and find the relationship between the soliton parameters and the black hole mass. Remarkably, the black hole mass is non-negative for arbitrary soliton parameters. In the one-soliton case the coordinates are shown to cover smoothly a region containing the whole interior of the black hole as well as a finite neighbourhood outside the horizon. A Hamiltonian analysis is performed for slicings that approach the soliton coordinates on the interior, and it is shown that there is no boundary contribution from the interior. Finally we speculate on the sine-Gordon solitonic origin of black hole statistical mechanics.Comment: Latex, uses epsf, 30 pages, 6 figures include

    Deformed defects for scalar fields with polynomial interactions

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    In this paper we use the deformation procedure introduced in former work on deformed defects to investigate several new models for real scalar field. We introduce an interesting deformation function, from which we obtain two distinct families of models, labeled by the parameters that identify the deformation function. We investigate these models, which identify a broad class of polynomial interactions. We find exact solutions describing global defects, and we study the corresponding stability very carefully.Comment: 8 pages, 5 eps figures, to appear in PR

    Geometric Phases and Mielnik's Evolution Loops

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    The cyclic evolutions and associated geometric phases induced by time-independent Hamiltonians are studied for the case when the evolution operator becomes the identity (those processes are called {\it evolution loops}). We make a detailed treatment of systems having equally-spaced energy levels. Special emphasis is made on the potentials which have the same spectrum as the harmonic oscillator potential (the generalized oscillator potentials) and on their recently found coherent states.Comment: 11 pages, harvmac, 2 figures available upon request; CINVESTAV-FIS GFMR 11/9

    Geometrization of Quantum Mechanics

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    We show that it is possible to represent various descriptions of Quantum Mechanics in geometrical terms. In particular we start with the space of observables and use the momentum map associated with the unitary group to provide an unified geometrical description for the different pictures of Quantum Mechanics. This construction provides an alternative to the usual GNS construction for pure states.Comment: 16 pages. To appear in Theor. Math. Phys. Some typos corrected. Definition 2 in page 5 rewritte

    Hall Normalization Constants for the Bures Volumes of the n-State Quantum Systems

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    We report the results of certain integrations of quantum-theoretic interest, relying, in this regard, upon recently developed parameterizations of Boya et al of the n x n density matrices, in terms of squared components of the unit (n-1)-sphere and the n x n unitary matrices. Firstly, we express the normalized volume elements of the Bures (minimal monotone) metric for n = 2 and 3, obtaining thereby "Bures prior probability distributions" over the two- and three-state systems. Then, as an essential first step in extending these results to n > 3, we determine that the "Hall normalization constant" (C_{n}) for the marginal Bures prior probability distribution over the (n-1)-dimensional simplex of the n eigenvalues of the n x n density matrices is, for n = 4, equal to 71680/pi^2. Since we also find that C_{3} = 35/pi, it follows that C_{4} is simply equal to 2^{11} C_{3}/pi. (C_{2} itself is known to equal 2/pi.) The constant C_{5} is also found. It too is associated with a remarkably simple decompositon, involving the product of the eight consecutive prime numbers from 2 to 23. We also preliminarily investigate several cases, n > 5, with the use of quasi-Monte Carlo integration. We hope that the various analyses reported will prove useful in deriving a general formula (which evidence suggests will involve the Bernoulli numbers) for the Hall normalization constant for arbitrary n. This would have diverse applications, including quantum inference and universal quantum coding.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, 6 postscript figures. Revised version to appear in J. Phys. A. We make a few slight changes from the previous version, but also add a subsection (III G) in which several variations of the basic problem are newly studied. Rather strong evidence is adduced that the Hall constants are related to partial sums of denominators of the even-indexed Bernoulli numbers, although a general formula is still lackin

    Bures volume of the set of mixed quantum states

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    We compute the volume of the N^2-1 dimensional set M_N of density matrices of size N with respect to the Bures measure and show that it is equal to that of a N^2-1 dimensional hyper-halfsphere of radius 1/2. For N=2 we obtain the volume of the Uhlmann 3-D hemisphere, embedded in R^4. We find also the area of the boundary of the set M_N and obtain analogous results for the smaller set of all real density matrices. An explicit formula for the Bures-Hall normalization constants is derived for an arbitrary N.Comment: 15 revtex pages, 2 figures in .eps; ver. 3, Eq. (4.19) correcte

    Localization of solitons: linear response of the mean-field ground state to weak external potentials

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    Two aspects of bright matter-wave solitons in weak external potentials are discussed. First, we briefly review recent results on the Anderson localization of an entire soliton in disordered potentials [Sacha et al. PRL 103, 210402 (2009)], as a paradigmatic showcase of genuine quantum dynamics beyond simple perturbation theory. Second, we calculate the linear response of the mean-field soliton shape to a weak, but otherwise arbitrary external potential, with a detailed application to lattice potentials.Comment: Selected paper presented at the 2010 Spring Meeting of the Quantum Optics and Photonics Section of the German Physical Society. V2: minor changes, published versio

    Hilbert--Schmidt volume of the set of mixed quantum states

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    We compute the volume of the convex N^2-1 dimensional set M_N of density matrices of size N with respect to the Hilbert-Schmidt measure. The hyper--area of the boundary of this set is also found and its ratio to the volume provides an information about the complex structure of M_N. Similar investigations are also performed for the smaller set of all real density matrices. As an intermediate step we analyze volumes of the unitary and orthogonal groups and of the flag manifolds.Comment: 13 revtex pages, ver 3: minor improvement