1,356 research outputs found

    Analysis for a system of coupled reaction-diffusion parabolic equations arising in biology

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    AbstractWe study a system where the equations are coupled by transport and reaction terms. In the general case, we prove local existence and uniqueness of the solution, and in a particular case for a priori fixed time T, global existence on [0, T]

    From STEM to STEAM: Toward a Human-Centered Education

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    The 20th century was based on local linear engineering of complicated systems. We made cars, airplanes and chemical plants for example. The 21st century has opened a new basis for holistic non-linear design of complex systems, such as the Internet, air traffic management and nanotechnologies. Complexity, interconnectivity, interaction and communication are major attributes of our evolving society. But, more interestingly, we have started to understand that chaos theories may be more important than reductionism, to better understand and thrive on our planet. Systems need to be investigated and tested as wholes, which requires a cross-disciplinary approach and new conceptual principles and tools. Consequently, schools cannot continue to teach isolated disciplines based on simple reductionism. Science; Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) should be integrated together with the Arts1 to promote creativity together with rationalization, and move to STEAM (with an "A" for Arts). This new concept emphasizes the possibility of longer-term socio-technical futures instead of short-term financial predictions that currently lead to uncontrolled economies. Human-centered design (HCD) can contribute to improving STEAM education technologies, systems and practices. HCD not only provides tools and techniques to build useful and usable things, but also an integrated approach to learning by doing, expressing and critiquing, exploring possible futures, and understanding complex systems

    Fault diagnosis in orbital refueling operations

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    Usually, operation manuals are provided for helping astronauts during space operations. These manuals include normal and malfunction procedures. Transferring operation manual knowledge into a computerized form is not a trivial task. This knowledge is generally written by designers or operation engineers and is often quite different from the user logic. The latter is usually a compiled version of the former. Experiments are in progress to assess the user logic. HORSES (Human - Orbital Refueling System - Expert System) is an attempt to include both of these logics in the same tool. It is designed to assist astronauts during monitoring and diagnosis tasks. Basically, HORSES includes a situation recognition level coupled to an analytical diagnoser, and a meta-level working on both of the previous levels. HORSES is a good tool for modeling task models and is also more broadly useful for knowledge design. The presentation is represented by abstract and overhead visuals only

    Rancangan Disaster Recovery Pada Instansi Pendidikan Studi Kasus Universitas Mercu Buana

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    Perencanaan untuk pemulihan dari bencana dengan cepat menjadi diakui sebagai suatu kebutuhan. Begitu juga dengan institusi pendidikan memerlukan perencanaan pemulihan data mereka bila terjadi bencana. Oleh karena itu peneliti mencoba membuat rencana pemulihan bagi salah satu institusi pendidikan yang ada di Indonesia yang dituangkan pada paper ini. Paper yang peneliti buat berjudul “DRP menggunakan sistem fail over dan mirroring untuk instansi pendidikan Studi kasus Universitas Mercu Buana” menggunakan metode NDLC (Network Development Life Cylce). Dengan tujuan agar Universitas Mercu Buana akan lebih cepat melakukan pemulihan sistem komputerisasi mereka saat terjadi bencana. Penulis menggunakan sistem fail over, mirroring karena penulis menerapkan metode aktif pasif, perencanaan pembuatan, penulis menggunakan NDLC karena metode ini sangat membantu dalam penyelesaian persoalan pada penulisan paper ini. Sistem fail over digunakan pada aplikasi yang berjalan pada Universitas Mercu Buana, yaitu aplikasi SIA (Sistem Informasi Akademik), dan mirroring pada mesin database-nya

    Pengaruh Budaya Organisasional, Disiplin Kerja, dan Motivasi Kerja terhadap Kinerja Aparat Kecamatan Batujajar Kabupaten Bandung

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    This research was conducted in the District Batujajar. The results of preliminary studies indicate that the performance of the sub-district officials have not met the expectations. Not optimal performance of the sub-district officials, allegedly because of organizational culture, work discipline, and his motivation is still low. Departing from the above phenomenon, the problem formulated in this study as follows: How oragnisasional culture, work discipline, motivation, and performance apparatus Batujajar District of Bandung regency. How much influence organizational culture, work discipline, and motivation to work on the performance of the apparatus Batujajar District of Bandung either partially or simultaneously. The method used is descriptive method of analysis, with a total population of 43 people, all of them serve as respondent (census). The data analysis technique used is the correlation analysis techniques to determine the degree of closeness of the relationship between the study variables and path analysis techniques to determine the effect, directly or indirectly, exogenous variables on endogenous variables. In the operationalization used SPSS 10 and Excel. The results showed that the direct effect of organizational culture on the performance of the sub-district officials Batujajar of 0,066, the indirect effect through labor discipline of 0.007, the indirect effect through the work motivation of 0.056, so the total effect of 0, 129. The direct effect on the performance of work discipline is equal to 0.064 and indirect effect through organizational culture on the performance of 0,007, the indirect effect through motivation to work on the performance of 0.043, so that the total effect is equal to 0.114. Simultaneous influence of organizational culture, work discipline, and motivation to work on the performance of the apparatus Batujajar District of Bandung amounted to 0.621, the remaining amount of 0.379 determined by other variables. Based on the results, it can put forward some suggestions as follows: in the sub-district leader Batujajar districts should emphasize employment targets, concerned with improving employee skills, providing working facilities, Giving rewards for high achievers and sanctions for noncompliance; have a clear and unequivocal rules for the convenience of the employees, understand the various rules, obey and adhere to the regulations set out, follow up on the results of the evaluation produces a better solution, sanctions for violating any rules; increase the income of workers, improving the ability of the apparatus, looking for new ways better, reward commensurate with the burden of his duties and responsibilities. Keywords: organizational culture; work discipline; work motivation; performanc

    Unifying Human Centered Design and Systems Engineering for Human Systems Integration

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    Despite the holistic approach of systems engineering (SE), systems still fail, and sometimes spectacularly. Requirements, solutions and the world constantly evolve and are very difficult to keep current. SE requires more flexibility and new approaches to SE have to be developed to include creativity as an integral part and where the functions of people and technology are appropriately allocated within our highly interconnected complex organizations. Instead of disregarding complexity because it is too difficult to handle, we should take advantage of it, discovering behavioral attractors and the emerging properties that it generates. Human-centered design (HCD) provides the creativity factor that SE lacks. It promotes modeling and simulation from the early stages of design and throughout the life cycle of a product. Unifying HCD and SE will shape appropriate human-systems integration (HSI) and produce successful systems

    Respons Hama Lalat Buah Jantan terhadap Beberapa Jenis Atraktan dan Warna Perangkap di Kebun Petani

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    . Penelitian respons lalat buah jantan terhadap beberapa jenis atraktan dan warna perangkap dilakukan dikebun buah dan sayur Padang Pariaman dari bulan Juni sampai Oktober 2006. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acakkelompok pola faktorial dengan dua faktor dan tiga ulangan. Faktor pertama ialah warna perangkap (merah, kuning,hijau, oranye, dan transparan). Faktor kedua ialah atraktan ME sintetik (metil eugenol murni 90%), petrogenol (ME70%), dan cue-lure. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rerata jumlah lalat buah yang terperangkap/perangkap/haripada berbagai warna perangkap dan atraktan sintetik berbeda nyata. Lalat buah lebih banyak terperangkap, diperolehpada perangkap warna kuning (39 ekor), kemudian diikuti oleh perangkap warna merah, hijau, oranye, dan transparan,masing-masing 29,84, 27,99, 14,89, dan 14,3 ekor lalat buah/perangkap/hari. Jumlah lalat buah paling banyak tertarikpada perangkap dengan atraktan metil eugenol murni dibandingkan dengan perangkap ME 70% dan cue-lure. Perangkapwarna kuning dengan atraktan ME dapat menarik lebih banyak jenis lalat buah (11 spesies) kemudian diikuti olehperangkap transparan, perangkap warna merah, oranye, dan hijau, masing-masing dapat menarik berturut-turut 9,8, 8, dan 7 jenis lalat buah. Penggabungan antara warna perangkap dengan atraktan sintetik metil eugenol, dapatmeningkatkan kemampuan sebagai perangkap yang potensial dan juga sebagai alat monitoring lalat buah

    A Situation Awareness Assistant for Human Deep Space Exploration

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    This paper presents the development and testing of a Virtual Camera (VC) system to improve astronaut and mission operations situation awareness while exploring other planetary bodies. In this embodiment, the VC is implemented using a tablet-based computer system to navigate through inter active database application. It is claimed that the advanced interaction media capability of the VC can improve situation awareness as the distribution of hu man space exploration roles change in deep space exploration. The VC is being developed and tested for usability and capability to improve situation awareness. Work completed thus far as well as what is needed to complete the project will be described. Planned testing will also be described

    Analisis Finansial Budidaya Tomat Di Dataran Rendah Sulawesi Tengah

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    The main problem at tomato farm level is low yield compared to potential production. Objective of theresearch was to find out the appropriate packaged technology of tomatoes farming on low elevation. The research wasconducted at Labuan Toposo village, Sub district of Tawaeli, district of Donggala, from December 2003 to April2004. Randomized Complete Block Design was used with five replications. There are three packaged technology wereused : (A) introduce packaged-1 technology, (B) introduce packaged-2 technology, and (C) farmers packagedtechnology as usual. Results of the research showed that the introduce packaged-2 technology was highest in yield andthen followed by introduce packaged-1 technology, while the farmer packaged technology as the lowest. The cost ofthe production for introduce packaged-2 technology is Rp. 16.022.000,-/ha, with the highest of labour cost (Rp.8.000.000,- or 49,9% from total cost), followed by ather cost such as bambooes for stick, fertilizer, pestiside, landrent and the seed is the lowest cost. On the production level of 55,13 t/ha and range of yield price from Rp. 500 – Rp.1.250/kg will get the net income of tomato farm with packaged-2 technology as Rp. 37.069.250, with packaged-1technology were Rp. 20.292.150 and at farmers level is only Rp. 8.089.750. Furthermore, R/C ratio for packaged-2technology were 3,31; packaged-1 technology were 2,30, and farmers level of 1,54. Efficiency level of packkaged-2technology was high than others.Key words : Lycopersicon esculentum, financial analysis, cultivation systems, Central SulawesiPotensi lahan di Sulawesi Tengah masih cukup luas untuk pengembangan tanaman tomat. Permasalahanusahatani tomat di tingkat petani adalah produksi masih sangat rendah dibandingkan dengan potensi produksi yangada. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan paket teknologi budidaya yang sesuai dan secara ekonomis paling layakdigunakan pada USAhatani tomat di dataran rendah. Kajian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Labuan Toposo, KecamatanTawaeli, Kabupaten Donggala, pada bulan Desember 2003 sampai April 2004. Kajian ini menggunakan rancanganacak kelompok dengan lima ulangan. Ada tiga paket teknologi budidaya yang dikaji, yaitu : (A) paket introduksi-1,(B) paket introduksi-2, dan (C) paket teknologi menurut kebiasaan petani (sebagai pembanding). Hasil kajianmenunjukkan bahwa dari tiga paket teknologi budidaya yang dikaji, paket introduksi-2 menghasilkan produksi buahyang paling besar, kemudian diikuti oleh paket introduksi-1, dan yang paling rendah adalah paket petani. Biayaproduksi USAhatani tomat dengan menggunakan paket introduksi-2 adalah Rp. 16.022.000,- per hektare, dengan biayaterbesar pada tenaga kerja Rp.8.000.000,- (49,9 %), kemudian diikuti berturut-turut oleh biaya tiang penyangga,pupuk, pestisida, sewa lahan dan biaya paling sedikit adalah biaya bibit. Pada tingkat produksi 55,13 t/ha dan hargaantara Rp.500 – Rp. 1.250,-/kg, pendapatan bersih USAhatani tomat dengan menggunakan paket introduksi-2 adalahRp.37.069.250,-, paket introduksi-1 Rp. 20.292.150,- dan paket petani Rp. 8.089.750,-. Pada tingkat produksi danharga tomat tersebut di atas, hasil perhitungan R/C ratio untuk paket introduksi-2 adalah 3,31, paket introduksi-1adalah 2,30 dan paket petani 1,54. Meskipun ketiga paket teknologi budidaya tersebut masih memberikan keuntungan,namun tingkat efisiensi tertinggi dicapai pada paket introduksi-2