5,994 research outputs found

    Acitation analysis of the SIGCSE 2007 proceedings

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    This paper identifies the most commonly cited conferences, journals and books among the 1398 citations made in the 122 publications of the SIGCSE 2007 proceedings. The SIGCSE 2007 authors cited a very large array of conferences, journals and books, but the majority are only cited within a single paper. There are only a very small set of journals and conferences cited frequently. Most books cited are concerned with technical information or are textbooks. Only 2% of books are concerned with computer science education and 23% with education in general. The picture that emerges from this citation analysis is that the SIGCSE community does not have a substantial core set of educational literature. Also, the epistemology of the SIGCSE community is primarily objectivist, with a focus on content, rather than a constructivist, student-centered focus on learning

    Kepler-539: a young extrasolar system with two giant planets on wide orbits and in gravitational interaction

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    We confirm the planetary nature of Kepler-539b (aka Kepler object of interest K00372.01), a giant transiting exoplanet orbiting a solar-analogue G2 V star. The mass of Kepler-539b was accurately derived thanks to a series of precise radial velocity measurements obtained with the CAFE spectrograph mounted on the CAHA 2.2m telescope. A simultaneous fit of the radial-velocity data and Kepler photometry revealed that Kepler-539b is a dense Jupiter-like planet with a mass of Mp = 0.97 Mjup and a radius of Rp = 0.747 Rjup, making a complete circular revolution around its parent star in 125.6 days. The semi-major axis of the orbit is roughly 0.5 au, implying that the planet is at roughly 0.45 au from the habitable zone. By analysing the mid-transit times of the 12 transit events of Kepler-539b recorded by the Kepler spacecraft, we found a clear modulated transit time variation (TTV), which is attributable to the presence of a planet c in a wider orbit. The few timings available do not allow us to precisely estimate the properties of Kepler-539c and our analysis suggests that it has a mass between 1.2 and 3.6 Mjup, revolving on a very eccentric orbit (0.4<e<0.6) with a period larger than 1000 days. The high eccentricity of planet c is the probable cause of the TTV modulation of planet b. The analysis of the CAFE spectra revealed a relatively high photospheric lithium content, A(Li)=2.48 dex, which, together with both a gyrochronological and isochronal analysis, suggests that the parent star is relatively young.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Eclipsing binaries and fast rotators in the Kepler sample. Characterization via radial velocity analysis from Calar Alto

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    The Kepler mission has provided high-accurate photometric data in a long time span for more than two hundred thousands stars, looking for planetary transits. Among the detected candidates, the planetary nature of around 15% has been established or validated by different techniques. But additional data is needed to characterize the rest of the candidates and reject other possible configurations. We started a follow-up program to validate, confirm, and characterize some of the planet candidates. In this paper we present the radial velocity analysis (RV) of those presenting large variations, compatible with being eclipsing binaries. We also study those showing large rotational velocities, which prevents us from obtaining the necessary precision to detect planetary-like objects. We present new RV results for 13 Kepler objects of interest (KOIs) obtained with the CAFE spectrograph at the Calar Alto Observatory, and analyze their high-spatial resolution images and the Kepler light curves of some interesting cases. We have found five spectroscopic and eclipsing binaries. Among them, the case of KOI-3853 is of particular interest. This system is a new example of the so-called heartbeat stars, showing dynamic tidal distortions in the Kepler light curve. We have also detected duration and depth variations of the eclipse. We suggest possible scenarios to explain such effect, including the presence of a third substellar body possibly detected in our RV analysis. We also provide upper mass limits to the transiting companions of other six KOIs with large rotational velocities. This property prevents the RV method to obtain the necessary precision to detect planetary-like masses. Finally, we analyze the large RV variations of other two KOIs, incompatible with the presence of planetary-mass objects. These objects are likely to be stellar binaries but a longer timespan is still needed.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 18 pages, 9 figures, 17 tables. This version fixes an error affecting the values of tables A.1-A.13. The text remains unaltere

    Cooperation for knowledge demands know-how for cooperation

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    Valedictory Address by Louk de la Rive Box, Professor of international cooperation and Rector of the International Institute of Social Studies (22 April 2010). Which Knowledge and for Which Development? Old Timers and New Players More than a decade ago the cyber-revolution gave rise to optimism that ICT would facilitate access to knowledge and promote “development”. The World Development Report 1998-99 promised “Knowledge for Development”, while the World Bank proclaimed itself the “Knowledge Bank”. There had been many “old” players in the knowledge field, including public research organizations for different sectors. During the 1980s and 1990s, however, private players had come to dominate the “knowledge market”, as dwindling public finances and government subsidies undermined public research and development, and related public goods such as education. While many of these “new” players effectively privatized knowledge, some contributed to knowledge becoming more widely available, in forms such as open-access journals and e-books, in a process referred to as “democratizing knowledge”. The question is whether this really translated into wider access to knowledge. In particular, did knowledge became accessible for the less privileged in the world, those seeking “development”, or has knowledge become a private good, with segmented access to information, for a particular form of (elite-driven) development? How can we explain, for instance, the lack of knowledge development for peasant agriculture, and the overall focus on development of technology for (and by) agri-business, with highly protected forms of access? Although civil society is contesting this way of restricting knowledge, it is not clear whether and how the current trend towards concentration in the “power of knowledge” can be reversed in the interest of broad-based access. Let the debate continue

    Kepler-447b: a hot-Jupiter with an extremely grazing transit

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    We present the radial velocity confirmation of the extrasolar planet Kepler-447b, initially detected as a candidate by the Kepler mission. In this work, we analyze its transit signal and the radial velocity data obtained with the Calar Alto Fiber-fed Echelle spectrograph (CAFE). By simultaneously modeling both datasets, we obtain the orbital and physical properties of the system. According to our results, Kepler-447b is a Jupiter-mass planet (Mp=1.37−0.46+0.48 MJupM_p=1.37^{+0.48}_{-0.46}~M_{\rm Jup}), with an estimated radius of Rp=1.65−0.56+0.59 RJupR_p=1.65^{+0.59}_{-0.56}~R_{\rm Jup} (uncertainties provided in this work are 3σ3\sigma unless specified). This translates into a sub-Jupiter density. The planet revolves every ∌7.8\sim7.8 days in a slightly eccentric orbit (e=0.123−0.036+0.037e=0.123^{+0.037}_{-0.036}) around a G8V star with detected activity in the Kepler light curve. Kepler-447b transits its host with a large impact parameter (b=1.076−0.086+0.112b=1.076^{+0.112}_{-0.086}), being one of the few planetary grazing transits confirmed so far and the first in the Kepler large crop of exoplanets. We estimate that only around 20% of the projected planet disk occults the stellar disk. The relatively large uncertainties in the planet radius are due to the large impact parameter and short duration of the transit. Planets with such an extremely large impact parameter can be used to detect and analyze interesting configurations such as additional perturbing bodies, stellar pulsations, rotation of a non-spherical planet, or polar spot-crossing events. All these scenarios would periodically modify the transit properties (depth, duration, and time of mid-transit), what could be detectable with sufficient accurate photometry. Short-cadence photometric data (at the 1 minute level) would help in the search for these exotic configurations in grazing planetary transits like that of Kepler-447b.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 13 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables. This version replaces an earlier version of the pape

    DC-Prophet: Predicting Catastrophic Machine Failures in DataCenters

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    When will a server fail catastrophically in an industrial datacenter? Is it possible to forecast these failures so preventive actions can be taken to increase the reliability of a datacenter? To answer these questions, we have studied what are probably the largest, publicly available datacenter traces, containing more than 104 million events from 12,500 machines. Among these samples, we observe and categorize three types of machine failures, all of which are catastrophic and may lead to information loss, or even worse, reliability degradation of a datacenter. We further propose a two-stage framework-DC-Prophet-based on One-Class Support Vector Machine and Random Forest. DC-Prophet extracts surprising patterns and accurately predicts the next failure of a machine. Experimental results show that DC-Prophet achieves an AUC of 0.93 in predicting the next machine failure, and a F3-score of 0.88 (out of 1). On average, DC-Prophet outperforms other classical machine learning methods by 39.45% in F3-score.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, accepted by 2017 ECML PKD

    A new look inside Planetary Nebula LoTr 5: A long-period binary with hints of a possible third component

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    LoTr 5 is a planetary nebula with an unusual long-period binary central star. As far as we know, the pair consists of a rapidly rotating G-type star and a hot star, which is responsible for the ionization of the nebula. The rotation period of the G-type star is 5.95 days and the orbital period of the binary is now known to be ∌\sim2700 days, one of the longest in central star of planetary nebulae. The spectrum of the G central star shows a complex Hα\alpha double-peaked profile which varies with very short time scales, also reported in other central stars of planetary nebulae and whose origin is still unknown. We present new radial velocity observations of the central star which allow us to confirm the orbital period for the long-period binary and discuss the possibility of a third component in the system at ∌\sim129 days to the G star. This is complemented with the analysis of archival light curves from SuperWASP, ASAS and OMC. From the spectral fitting of the G-type star, we obtain a effective temperature of TeffT_{\rm eff} = 5410±\pm250 K and surface gravity of log⁥g\log g = 2.7±\pm0.5, consistent with both giant and subgiant stars. We also present a detailed analysis of the Hα\alpha double-peaked profile and conclude that it does not present correlation with the rotation period and that the presence of an accretion disk via Roche lobe overflow is unlikely.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Political opportunism and countercyclical fiscal policy in election-year recessions

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    Political budget cycles (PBCs) have been well documented in the literature, albeit not for all circumstances. Similarly, there is clear evidence on the positive effect of economic growth on electoral success. However, no work has been done on the impact of economic growth on the magnitude of PBCs. The theoretical model argues that a government has an incentive to increase fiscal manipulations when a recession is expected to hit and curtail reelection chances; this amounts to countercyclical policy for opportunistic rather than Keynesian motives. Very robust evidence for this behavior is found in Portuguese municipalities; in election years, budget deficits go up even more and significantly so, when a recession is expected.Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e Tecnologia (FCT

    Kepler-91b: a planet at the end of its life. Planet and giant host star properties via light-curve variations

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    The evolution of planetary systems is intimately linked to the evolution of their host star. Our understanding of the whole planetary evolution process is based on the large planet diversity observed so far. To date, only few tens of planets have been discovered orbiting stars ascending the Red Giant Branch. Although several theories have been proposed, the question of how planets die remains open due to the small number statistics. In this work we study the giant star Kepler-91 (KOI-2133) in order to determine the nature of a transiting companion. This system was detected by the Kepler Space Telescope. However, its planetary confirmation is needed. We confirm the planetary nature of the object transiting the star Kepler-91 by deriving a mass of Mp=0.88−0.33+0.17 MJup M_p=0.88^{+0.17}_{-0.33} ~M_{\rm Jup} and a planetary radius of Rp=1.384−0.054+0.011 RJupR_p=1.384^{+0.011}_{-0.054} ~R_{\rm Jup}. Asteroseismic analysis produces a stellar radius of R⋆=6.30±0.16 R⊙R_{\star}=6.30\pm 0.16 ~R_{\odot} and a mass of M⋆=1.31±0.10 M⊙M_{\star}=1.31\pm 0.10 ~ M_{\odot} . We find that its eccentric orbit (e=0.066−0.017+0.013e=0.066^{+0.013}_{-0.017}) is just 1.32−0.22+0.07 R⋆1.32^{+0.07}_{-0.22} ~ R_{\star} away from the stellar atmosphere at the pericenter. Kepler-91b could be the previous stage of the planet engulfment, recently detected for BD+48 740. Our estimations show that Kepler-91b will be swallowed by its host star in less than 55 Myr. Among the confirmed planets around giant stars, this is the planetary-mass body closest to its host star. At pericenter passage, the star subtends an angle of 48∘48^{\circ}, covering around 10% of the sky as seen from the planet. The planetary atmosphere seems to be inflated probably due to the high stellar irradiation.Comment: 21 pages, 8 tables and 11 figure
