1,477 research outputs found

    Helicity Probabilities For Heavy Quark Fragmentation Into Excited Mesons

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    In the fragmentation of a heavy quark into a heavy meson whose light degrees of freedom have angular momentum 3/23/2, all the helicity probabilities are completely determined in the heavy quark limit up to a single probability w3/2w_{3/2}. We point out that this probability depends on the longitudinal momentum fraction zz of the meson and on its transverse momentum p⊄p_\bot relative to the jet axis. We calculate w3/2w_{3/2} as a function of scaling variables corresponding to zz and p⊄p_\bot for the heavy quark limit of the perturbative QCD fragmentation functions for bb quark to fragment into (bcˉ)(b \bar c) mesons. In this model, the light degrees of freedom prefer to have their angular momentum aligned transverse to, rather than along, the jet axis. Implications for the production of excited heavy mesons, like D∗∗D^{**} and B∗∗B^{**}, are discussed.Comment: 10 pages, Latex file plus 3 figures with postscript files appended at the en

    Energetics and stability of dangling-bond silicon wires on H passivated Si(100)

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    We evaluate the electronic, geometric and energetic properties of quasi 1-D wires formed by dangling bonds on Si(100)-H (2 x 1). The calculations are performed with density functional theory (DFT). Infinite wires are found to be insulating and Peierls distorted, however finite wires develop localized electronic states that can be of great use for molecular-based devices. The ground state solution of finite wires does not correspond to a geometrical distortion but rather to an antiferromagnetic ordering. For the stability of wires, the presence of abundant H atoms in nearby Si atoms can be a problem. We have evaluated the energy barriers for intradimer and intrarow diffusion finding all of them about 1 eV or larger, even in the case where a H impurity is already sitting on the wire. These results are encouraging for using dangling-bond wires in future devices.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Language and theory of mind in autism spectrum disorder : the relationship between complement syntax and false belief task performance.

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    This study aimed to test the hypothesis that children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) use their knowledge of complement syntax as a means of “hacking out” solutions to false belief tasks, despite lacking a representational theory of mind (ToM). Participants completed a “memory for complements” task, a measure of receptive vocabulary, and traditional location change and unexpected contents false belief tasks. Consistent with predictions, the correlation between complement syntax score and location change task performance was significantly stronger within the ASD group than within the comparison group. However, contrary to predictions, complement syntax score was not significantly correlated with unexpected contents task performance within either group. Possible explanations for this pattern of results are considered

    Effects of mesonic correlations in the QCD phase transition

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    The finite temperature phase transition of strongly interacting matter is studied within a nonlocal chiral quark model of the NJL type coupled to a Polyakov loop. In contrast to previous investigations which were restricted to the mean-field approximation, mesonic correlations are included by evaluating the quark-antiquark ring sum. For physical pion masses, we find that the pions dominate the pressure below the phase transition, whereas above T_c the pressure is well described by the mean-field approximation result. For large pion masses, as realized in lattice simulations, the meson effects are suppressed.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures; version accepted for publication in Yad. Fiz., text extended, 1 figure adde

    O(N) methods in electronic structure calculations

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    Linear scaling methods, or O(N) methods, have computational and memory requirements which scale linearly with the number of atoms in the system, N, in contrast to standard approaches which scale with the cube of the number of atoms. These methods, which rely on the short-ranged nature of electronic structure, will allow accurate, ab initio simulations of systems of unprecedented size. The theory behind the locality of electronic structure is described and related to physical properties of systems to be modelled, along with a survey of recent developments in real-space methods which are important for efficient use of high performance computers. The linear scaling methods proposed to date can be divided into seven different areas, and the applicability, efficiency and advantages of the methods proposed in these areas is then discussed. The applications of linear scaling methods, as well as the implementations available as computer programs, are considered. Finally, the prospects for and the challenges facing linear scaling methods are discussed.Comment: 85 pages, 15 figures, 488 references. Resubmitted to Rep. Prog. Phys (small changes

    Four new T dwarfs identified in PanSTARRS 1 commissioning data

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    A complete well-defined sample of ultracool dwarfs is one of the key science programs of the Pan-STARRS 1 optical survey telescope (PS1). Here we combine PS1 commissioning data with 2MASS to conduct a proper motion search (0.1--2.0\arcsec/yr) for nearby T dwarfs, using optical+near-IR colors to select objects for spectroscopic followup. The addition of sensitive far-red optical imaging from PS1 enables discovery of nearby ultracool dwarfs that cannot be identified from 2MASS data alone. We have searched 3700 sq. deg. of PS1 y-band (0.95--1.03 um) data to y≈\approx19.5 mag (AB) and J≈\approx16.5 mag (Vega) and discovered four previously unknown bright T dwarfs. Three of the objects (with spectral types T1.5, T2 and T3.5) have photometric distances within 25 pc and were missed by previous 2MASS searches due to more restrictive color selection criteria. The fourth object (spectral type T4.5) is more distant than 25 pc and is only a single-band detection in 2MASS. We also examine the potential for completing the census of nearby ultracool objects with the PS1 3π\pi survey.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figures, 5 table, AJ accepted, updated to comply with Pan-STARRS1 naming conventio

    The Semileptonic Decays B→πlÎœB\to\pi l\nu and D→πlÎœD\to\pi l\nu from Lattice QCD

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    We present a lattice QCD calculation of the form factors and differential decay rates for semileptonic decays of the heavy-light mesons BB and DD to the final state πlÎœ\pi l\nu. The results are obtained with three methodological improvements over previous lattice calculations: a matching procedure that reduces heavy-quark lattice artifacts, the first study of lattice-spacing dependence, and the introduction of kinematic cuts to reduce model dependence. We show that the main systematics are controllable (within the quenched approximation) and outline how the calculations could be improved to aid current experiments in the determination of~∣Vub∣|V_{ub}| and~∣Vcd∣|V_{cd}|.Comment: 35 pp, 12 fig

    Heavy Flavour Baryons in Hyper Central Model

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    Heavy flavor baryons containing single and double charm (beauty) quarks with light flavor combinations are studied using the hyper central description of the three-body problem. The confinement potential is assumed as hyper central coulomb plus power potential with power index υ\upsilon. The ground state masses of the heavy flavor, JP=1/2+J^P={1/2}^+ and 3/2+{3/2}^+ baryons are computed for different power index, Îœ \nu starting from 0.5 to 2.0. The predicted masses are found to attain a saturated value in each case of quark combinations beyond the power index Îœ=1.0\nu=1.0.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure
