7,286 research outputs found

    Early-type Galaxies in the Cluster Abell 2390 at z=0.23

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    To examine the evolution of the early-type galaxy population in the rich cluster Abell 2390 at z=0.23 we have gained spectroscopic data of 51 elliptical and lenticular galaxies with MOSCA at the 3.5 m telescope on Calar Alto Observatory. This investigation spans both a broad range in luminosity (-19.3>M_B>-22.3) and uses a wide field of view of 10'x10', therefore the environmental dependence of different formation scenarios can be analysed in detail as a function of radius from the cluster centre. Here we present results on the surface brightness modelling of galaxies where morphological and structural information is available in the F814W filter aboard the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and investigate for this subsample the evolution of the Fundamental Plane.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, to appear in "Carnegie Observatories Astrophysics Series, Vol. 3: Clusters of Galaxies: Probes of Cosmological Structure and Galaxy Evolution", ed. J. S. Mulchaey, A. Dressler, and A. Oemler (Pasadena: Carnegie Observatories, http://www.ociw.edu/ociw/symposia/series/symposium3/proceedings.html

    Bimodal AGNs in Bimodal Galaxies

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    By their star content, the galaxies split out into a red and a blue population; their color index peaked around u-r=2.5 or u-r=1, respectively, quantifies the ratio of the blue stars newly formed from cold galactic gas, to the redder ones left over by past generations. On the other hand, upon accreting substantial gas amounts the central massive black holes energize active galactic nuclei (AGNs); here we investigate whether these show a similar, and possibly related, bimodal partition as for current accretion activity relative to the past. To this aim we use an updated semianalytic model; based on Monte Carlo simulations, this follows with a large statistics the galaxy assemblage, the star generations and the black hole accretions in the cosmological framework over the redshift span from z=10 to z=0. We test our simulations for yielding in close detail the observed split of galaxies into a red, early and a blue, late population. We find that the black hole accretion activities likewise give rise to two source populations: early, bright quasars and later, dimmer AGNs. We predict for their Eddington parameter λE\lambda_E -- the ratio of the current to the past black hole accretions -- a bimodal distribution; the two branches sit now under λE≈0.01\lambda_E \approx 0.01 (mainly contributed by low-luminosity AGNs) and around λE≈0.3−1\lambda_E \approx 0.3-1. These not only mark out the two populations of AGNs, but also will turn out to correlate strongly with the red or blue color of their host galaxies.Comment: 7 pages, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Summary of Meddies Tracked by Floats

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    SPITZER IRS spectra of Virgo early type galaxies: detection of stellar silicate emission

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    We present high signal to noise ratio Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph observations of 17 Virgo early-type galaxies. The galaxies were selected from those that define the colour-magnitude relation of the cluster, with the aim of detecting the silicate emission of their dusty, mass-losing evolved stars. To flux calibrate these extended sources we have devised a new procedure that allows us to obtain the intrinsic spectral energy distribution and to disentangle resolved and unresolved emission within the same object. We have found that thirteen objects of the sample (76%) are passively evolving galaxies with a pronounced broad silicate feature which is spatially extended and likely of stellar origin, in agreement with model predictions. The other 4 objects (24%) are characterized by different levels of activity. In NGC 4486 (M 87) the line emission and the broad silicate emission are evidently unresolved and, given also the typical shape of the continuum, they likely originate in the nuclear torus. NGC 4636 shows emission lines superimposed on extended (i.e. stellar) silicate emission, thus pushing the percentage of galaxies with silicate emission to 82%. Finally, NGC 4550 and NGC 4435 are characterized by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) and line emission, arising from a central unresolved region. A more detailed analysis of our sample, with updated models, will be presented in a forthcoming paper.Comment: 6 pages; ApJ Letters, accepte

    Explaining the entropy excess in clusters and groups of galaxies without additional heating

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    The X-ray luminosity and temperature of clusters and groups of galaxies do not scale in a self-similar manner. This has often been interpreted as a sign that the intracluster medium has been substantially heated by non-gravitational sources. In this paper, we propose a simple model which, instead, uses the properties of galaxy formation to explain the observations. Drawing on available observations, we show that there is evidence that the efficiency of galaxy formation was higher in groups than in clusters. If confirmed, this would deplete the low-entropy gas in groups, increase their central entropy and decrease their X-ray luminosity. A simple, empirical, hydrostatic model appears to match both the luminosity-temperature relation of clusters and properties of their internal structure as well.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted in ApJL; added one reference, otherwise unchange

    Gamma-ray emission from dark matter wakes of recoiled black holes

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    A new scenario for the emission of high-energy gamma-rays from dark matter annihilation around massive black holes is presented. A black hole can leave its parent halo, by means of gravitational radiation recoil, in a merger event or in the asymmetric collapse of its progenitor star. A recoiled black hole which moves on an almost-radial orbit outside the virial radius of its central halo, in the cold dark matter background, reaches its apapsis in a finite time. Near or at the apapsis passage, a high-density wake extending over a large radius of influence, forms around the black hole. It is shown that significant gamma-ray emission can result from the enhancement of neutralino annihilation in these wakes. At its apapsis passage, a black hole is shown to produce a flash of high-energy gamma-rays whose duration is determined by the mass of the black hole and the redshift at which it is ejected. The ensemble of such black holes in the Hubble volume is shown to produce a diffuse high-energy gamma-ray background whose magnitude is compared to the diffuse emission from dark matter haloes alone.Comment: version to appear in Astrophysical Journal letters (labels on Fig. 3 corrected

    A Robust Age Indicator for Old Stellar Populations

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    We derive new spectral H_gamma index definitions which are robust age indicators for old and relatively old stellar populations and thus have great potential for solving the age-metallicity degeneracy of galaxy spectra. To study H_gamma as a function of age, metallicity and resolution, we used a new spectral synthesis model which predicts SEDs of single-age, single-metallicity stellar populations at resolution FWHM=1.8A (which can be smoothed to different resolutions), allowing direct measurements of the equivalent widths of particular absorption features. We find that the H_gamma strong age disentangling power strongly depends strongly on the adopted resolution and galaxy velocity dispersion. We propose a system of indices which are completely insensitive to metallicity and stable against resolution, allowing the study of galaxies up to ~300 km/s. Observational spectra of very high S/N and relatively high dispersion, are required to gain this unprecedented age discriminating power. Once such spectra are obtained, accurate and reliable estimates for the luminosity-weighted average stellar ages of these galaxies will become possible for the first time, without assessing their metallicities. We measured this index for two globular clusters, a number of low-luminosity elliptical galaxies and a standard S0 galaxy. We find a large spread in the average stellar ages of a sample of low-luminosity ellipticals. In particular these indices yield 4 Gyr for M32, in agreement with the age provided by an extraordinary fit to the full spectrum of this galaxy that we achieve here.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures. ApJ, in press. Models and details can be found at http://www.ioa.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~vazdekis

    Towards a Holistic View of the Heating and Cooling of the Intracluster Medium

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    (Abridged) X-ray clusters are conventionally divided into two classes: "cool core" (CC) clusters and "non-cool core" (NCC) clusters. Yet relatively little attention has been given to the origins of this dichotomy and, in particular, to the energetics and thermal histories of the two classes. We develop a model for the entropy profiles of clusters starting from the configuration established by gravitational shock heating and radiative cooling. At large radii, gravitational heating accounts for the observed profiles and their scalings well. However, at small and intermediate radii, radiative cooling and gravitational heating cannot be combined to explain the observed profiles of either type of cluster. The inferred entropy profiles of NCC clusters require that material is preheated prior to cluster collapse in order to explain the absence of low entropy (cool) material in these systems. We show that a similar modification is also required in CC clusters in order to match their properties at intermediate radii. In CC clusters, this modification is unstable, and an additional process is required to prevent cooling below a temperature of a few keV. We show that this can be achieved by adding a self-consistent AGN feedback loop in which the lowest-entropy, most rapidly cooling material is heated so that it rises buoyantly to mix with material at larger radii. The resulting model does not require fine tuning and is in excellent agreement with a wide variety of observational data. Some of the other implications of this model are briefly discussed.Comment: 27 pages, 13 figures, MNRAS accepted. Discussion of cluster heating energetics extended, results unchange
