4,140 research outputs found

    Manipulations to the Timing and Type of Instructions to Examine Motor Skill Performance Under Pressure

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    There is evidence that prescriptive versus discovery methods of learning can lead to breakdowns under pressure due to “reinvestment” of knowledge and a more conscious, controlled mode of control. There is some speculation that this breakdown is mediated by the attentional focus of the instructions. We expected these effects to also be moderated by when in practice these instructions are given. Across two experiments, five groups practiced a forehand disk throwing task and we manipulated the timing and attentional focus of instructions. Internally directed instructions provided to participants early in practice resulted in a slower rate of acquisition (outcome error) and detrimental effects under stress, in comparison to the same instructions provided later in practice or not at all. Externally directed, technical instructions positively impacted rate of acquisition and regardless of when in practice they were provided, there were no adverse effects associated with instructions under pressure. These results show that the direction of attention encouraged by instructions moderates performance under stress as does the timing of presentation of these instructions

    Unconventional cosmology on the (thick) brane

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    We consider the cosmology of a thick codimension 1 brane. We obtain the matching conditions leading to the cosmological evolution equations and show that when one includes matter with a pressure component along the extra dimension in the brane energy-momentum tensor, the cosmology is of non-standard type. In particular one can get acceleration when a dust of non-relativistic matter particles is the only source for the (modified) Friedman equation. Our equations would seem to violate the conservation of energy-momentum from a 4D perspective, but in 5D the energy-momentum is conserved. One could write down an effective conserved 4D energy-momentum tensor attaching a ``dark energy'' component to the energy-momentum tensor of matter that has pressure along the extra dimension. This extra component could, on a cosmological scale, be interpreted as matter-coupled quintessence. We comment on the effective 4D description of this effect in terms of the time evolution of a scalar field (the 5D radion) coupled to this kind of matter.Comment: 9 pages, v2. eq.(17) corrected, comments on effective theory change

    Exact Solutions in Five-Dimensional Axi-dilaton Gravity with Euler-Poincare Term

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    We examine the effective field equations that are obtained from the axi-dilaton gravity action with a second order Euler-Poincare term and a cosmological constant in all higher dimensions. We solve these equations for five-dimensional spacetimes possessing homogeneity and isotropy in their three-dimensional subspaces. For a number of interesting special cases we show that the solutions fall into two main classes: The first class consists of time-dependent solutions with spherical or hyperboloidal symmetry which require certain fine-tuning relations between the coupling constants of the model and the cosmological constant. Solutions in the second class are locally static and prove the validity of Birkhoff's staticity theorem in the axi-dilaton gravity. We also give a special class of static solutions, among them the well-known black hole solutions in which the usual electric charge is superseded by an axion charge.Comment: New formulas and references adde

    Physics Opportunities with the FCC-hh Injectors

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    In this chapter we explore a few examples of physics opportunities using the existing chain of accelerators at CERN, including potential upgrades. In this context the LHC ring is also considered as a part of the injector system. The objective is to find examples that constitute sensitive probes of New Physics that ideally cannot be done elsewhere or can be done significantly better at theCERN accelerator complex. Some of these physics opportunities may require a more flexible injector complex with additional functionality than that just needed to inject protons into the FCC-hh at the right energy, intensity and bunch structure. Therefore it is timely to discuss these options concurrently with the conceptual design of the FCC-hh injector system.Comment: 13 pages, chapter 5 in Physics at the FCC-hh, a 100 TeV pp collide

    Brane-world generalizations of the Einstein static universe

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    A static Friedmann brane in a 5-dimensional bulk (Randall-Sundrum type scenario) can have a very different relation between the density, pressure, curvature and cosmological constant than in the case of the general relativistic Einstein static universe. In particular, static Friedmann branes with zero cosmological constant and 3-curvature, but satisfying rho>0 and rho+3p>0, are possible. Furthermore, we find static Friedmann branes in a bulk that satisfies the Einstein equations but is not Schwarzschild-anti de Sitter or its specializations. In the models with negative bulk cosmological constant, a positive brane tension leads to negative density and 3-curvature.Comment: additional interpretation of new solutions; accepted by Class.Quant.Gra

    Inflating wormholes in the braneworld models

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    The braneworld model, in which our Universe is a three-brane embedded in a five-dimensional bulk, allows the existence of wormholes, without any violation of the energy conditions. A fundamental ingredient of traversable wormholes is the violation of the null energy condition (NEC). However, in the brane world models, the stress energy tensor confined on the brane, threading the wormhole, satisfies the NEC. In conventional general relativity, wormholes existing before inflation can be significantly enlarged by the expanding spacetime. We investigate the evolution of an inflating wormhole in the brane world scenario, in which the wormhole is supported by the nonlocal brane world effects. As a first step in our study we consider the possibility of embedding a four-dimensional brane world wormhole into a five dimensional bulk. The conditions for the embedding are obtained by studying the junction conditions for the wormhole geometry, as well as the full set of the five dimensional bulk field equations. For the description of the inflation we adopt the chaotic inflation model. We study the dynamics of the brane world wormholes during the exponential inflation stage, and in the stage of the oscillating scalar field. A particular exact solution corresponding to a zero redshift wormhole is also obtained. The resulting evolution shows that while the physical and geometrical parameters of a zero redshift wormhole decay naturally, a wormhole satisfying some very general initial conditions could turn into a black hole, and exist forever.Comment: 30 pages, no figures, accepted for publication in CQ

    Strong Brane Gravity and the Radion at Low Energies

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    For the 2-brane Randall-Sundrum model, we calculate the bulk geometry for strong gravity, in the low matter density regime, for slowly varying matter sources. This is relevant for astrophysical or cosmological applications. The warped compactification means the radion can not be written as a homogeneous mode in the orbifold coordinate, and we introduce it by extending the coordinate patch approach of the linear theory to the non-linear case. The negative tension brane is taken to be in vacuum. For conformally invariant matter on the positive tension brane, we solve the bulk geometry as a derivative expansion, formally summing the `Kaluza-Klein' contributions to all orders. For general matter we compute the Einstein equations to leading order, finding a scalar-tensor theory with ω(Κ)∝ι/(1−ι)\omega(\Psi) \propto \Psi / (1 - \Psi), and geometrically interpret the radion. We comment that this radion scalar may become large in the context of strong gravity with low density matter. Equations of state allowing (ρ−3P)(\rho - 3 P) to be negative, can exhibit behavior where the matter decreases the distance between the 2 branes, which we illustrate numerically for static star solutions using an incompressible fluid. For increasing stellar density, the branes become close before the upper mass limit, but after violation of the dominant energy condition. This raises the interesting question of whether astrophysically reasonable matter, and initial data, could cause branes to collide at low energy, such as in dynamical collapse.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figure

    Cosmology of a brane radiating gravitons into the extra dimension

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    We study in a self-consistent way the impact of the emission of bulk gravitons on the (homogeneous) cosmology of a three-brane embedded in a five-dimensional spacetime. In the low energy regime, we recover the well known result that the bulk affects the Friedmann equation only via a radiation-like term \C/a^4, called dark or Weyl radiation. By contrast, in the high energy regime, we find that the Weyl parameter \C is no longer constant but instead grows very rapidly as \C\propto a^4. As a consequence, the value of \C today is not a free parameter as usually considered but is a fixed number, which, generically, depends only on the number of relativistic degrees of freedom at the high/low energy transition. Our estimated amount of Weyl radiation satisfies the present nucleosynthesis bounds.Comment: 12 page

    Gravitating global defects: the gravitational field and compactification

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    We give a prescription to add the gravitational field of a global topological defect to a solution of Einstein's equations in an arbitrary number of dimensions. We only demand that the original solution has a O(n) invariance with n greater or equal 3. We will see that the general effect of a global defect is to introduce a deficit solid angle. We also show how the same kind of scalar field configurations can be used for spontaneous compactification of "n" extra dimensions on an n-sphere.Comment: Uses revte

    Gravitational collapse on the brane: a no-go theorem

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    We investigate how braneworld gravity affects gravitational collapse and black hole formation by studying Oppenheimer-Snyder-like collapse on a Randall-Sundrum type brane. Without making any assumptions about the bulk, we prove a no-go theorem: the exterior spacetime on the brane cannot be static, which is in stark contrast with general relativity. We also consider the role of Kaluza-Klein energy density in collapse, using a toy model.Comment: 5 pages, REVTEX style, 1 figure, main results unchanged, revised to improve clarity; version accepted by Phys. Rev. Let
