7 research outputs found

    The First ASEAN Art Therapy Conference

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    The First ASEAN Art Therapy Conference washeld on June 4, 2015 as part of the Princess MahaChakri Sirindhorn Congress: “Interdisciplinary Approachto Sustainable Research and Development”,organized by the Interdisciplinary NetworkS of theRoyal Society of Thailand, to honor the Crown PrincessSirindhorn’s 60th birthday, at the IMPACT Forum,Muangthong Thani, Thailand. The ASEAN ArtTherapy conference was initiated by Emeritus ProfessorDr. Somchai Bovornkitti, the Chairman ofHealth Forum of the Academy of Science, the RoyalSociety of Thailand, in order to coincide with comingevent that the countries in the Association of theSoutheast Asian Nations will become one ASEANEconomic Community (AEC). Details of the conferenceare deliberated as follows and in the eventualcoming proceedings

    The Perspectives of Teachers and Students in the Art Education (12+2) Program, Arts Education College, Lao PDR, with Developmental Ideas

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    The research is conducted to study the perspectives of teachers and students towards the art educationcurriculum (12+2), Arts Education College of Laos in order to analyze its development methodsbased on the curriculum users’ perspectives. The population in the research contains the program’steachers and students including 11 teachers and 12 students who are studying for their last semester.Using the questionnaire created the answers are analyzed into averages and percentages in the followingcategories: the respondents’ profiles, the opinions towards the curriculum, the viewpoints towards thecourse and the open-ended questions. After that, the researcher generates the issues from the gatheredinformation and uses them in the discussion of a focus group to find the methods of curriculum development,then concludes the results and suggests the development ideas. The subjects agreed with thecurriculum by the mean of 3.79, a high level of agreement

    The Study on Painting Courses Instructional Management in the Art Education Program, Lao PDR

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    The important factors in the research on the painting courses instructional management in the ArtEducation program of the Arts Education College of Lao PDR, are as follows: teacher and teachingmethod, teaching plan, teaching media and equipment, assessment, facilities, and other supporting factorswhich affect the teaching-learning environment of the courses. This research is a qualitative research,which used questionnaires, interviews, and observations of the teaching-learning environment.The results reveal that the factors in condition of teaching-learning environment in painting thatreceived HIGH average scores are teaching plan, teaching method, teaching content, and assessment.The average score given by the teachers and by the students are 53.22% and 68.22% respectively.After the analysis, the factors that must be quickly developed are 1) teaching media and equipment –including oil painting tools such as oil paint, brushes, palette knives, stretcher bars, easels, color palettes,mixing oils, palette bottles and cups, washcloths and aprons, and drawing models i.e. still life models(triangles, squares, circles, square pipes...) and anatomy model; 2) facilities - including painting studios,exhibition rooms, and information libraries; 3) other supporting factors - including cooperation withinthe organization and external sponsorships.The results conclude that these factors must be prioritized and developed for an effective teachingand learning in painting that comply with social and national development

    A Study on Enhancing the Self-esteem of Female Inmates Through Art Activities*

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    Art activities can be used correctly and effectively in association with the concept of enhancing selfesteem.The study was aimed at using art activities to enhance the self-esteem of 20 female inmates inthe Central Prison of Khon Kaen Province. Methods were: 10 art activities of 12 sessions and pre-posttests (Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale) were given to and conducted on the female inmates. The resultswere positive: the levels of self-esteem tested showed statistical significance at 0.5, and their satisfactionwith the art activities ranged from 4.25 to 4.90, showing that most were highly satisfied. Therefore, artactivity can be an effective tool for enhancing self-esteem in female inmates. Future research should becarried out on male inmates for further validation of the use of art activity for self-esteem enhancement

    The Learning Achievement of Grade Seven Students on Landscape Painting Through 3D Paper Model

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    An effective teaching and learning management is to give students the optimum chance to participateand gain learning experience by themselves. A teacher’s role is the facilitator who arranges properlearning activities and materials on surrounding pictures. This research aims to study the learning achievementof Grade 7 students on landscape painting through 3D paper model and the learning method thatdoes not use 3D paper model. The samples in this study are 70 students of Grade 7 in the secondsemester of the academic year 2013 at Sarasas Witaed Nimitmai School, Klongsamwa, Bangkok. Clusterrandom sampling is used to select the population samples from 2 classes which have 35 studentseach. The experimental study is conducted by using 3D paper model for 12 weeks at 60 minutes. Theresearch tools are 3D paper model, pretest and posttest, and questionnaires on satisfaction in using 3Dpaper model. The researcher conducts the research in compliance with the experiment plan. The methodof data analysis is to find the average, standard deviation and t-test for dependent-samples.The research results are that the learning achievement of Grade 7 students learning landscape paintingthrough 3D paper model is improved at 0.01 statistically and significantlyand the satisfaction onlearning through 3D paper model is in the highest level

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    The Integrative Teaching of 5E Instruction Model with Multidisciplinary Approach Visual Arts Learning

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    In general, the objectives of this research are to study the art learning process with the use of theintegrative teaching of 5E instructional model with multidisciplinary approach and to revise the satisfactiontowards the integrative teaching of 5E instructional model with multidisciplinary approach. Thesamples of this research were 50 mattayom-four students who selected “Creative Art” as an optionalsubject in the first semester of the school year 2556 at Nawaminthrachinuthit TriamUdomsuksa NomklaoSchool, under subordination of the Office of the Private Education Commission of Bangkok.In order to accomplish the assigned objectives, the researcher divided fifty students into two groups:25 students were selected as samples and the other 25 were selected as non-samples. The primary datawas conducted by carrying out an activity using the integrative teaching of 5E instructional model withmultidisciplinary approach in visual elements and composition learning in over six 100-minute sessions.The instruments used in the research were learning action plan, achievement test in visual elements andcomposition learning and satisfaction evaluation form towards the integrative teaching of 5E instructionalmodel with multidisciplinary approach.In terms of methodological work of this experimental research, the researcher used the Control GroupPre-test/Post-test Designand the data was collected by undertaking the t-test for dependent and independentsamples. As a result, it appeared that after using the integrative teaching of 5E instructional modelin visual elements and composition learning, the level of multidisciplinary approach has increased at0.05 in statistical significance