20 research outputs found

    Complex temperature dependence of coupling and dissipation of cavity-magnon polaritons from milliKelvin to room temperature

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    Hybridized magnonic-photonic systems are key components for future information processing technologies such as storage, manipulation or conversion of data both in the classical (mostly at room temperature) and quantum (cryogenic) regime. In this work, we investigate a YIG sphere coupled strongly to a microwave cavity over the full temperature range from 290 K290\,\mathrm{K} down to 30 mK30\,\mathrm{mK}. The cavity-magnon polaritons are studied from the classical to the quantum regime where the thermal energy is less than one resonant microwave quanta, i.e. at temperatures below 1 K1\,\mathrm{K}. We compare the temperature dependence of the coupling strength geff(T)g_{\rm{eff}}(T), describing the strength of coherent energy exchange between spin ensemble and cavity photon, to the temperature behavior of the saturation magnetization evolution Ms(T)M_{\rm{s}}(T) and find strong deviations at low temperatures. The temperature dependence of magnonic disspation is governed at intermediate temperatures by rare earth impurity scattering leading to a strong peak at 40 40\,K. The linewidth κm\kappa_{\rm{m}} decreases to 1.2 1.2\,MHz at 30 30\,mK, making this system suitable as a building block for quantum electrodynamics experiments. We achieve an electromagnonic cooperativity in excess of 2020 over the entire temperature range, with values beyond 100100 in the milliKelvin regime as well as at room temperature. With our measurements, spectroscopy on strongly coupled magnon-photon systems is demonstrated as versatile tool for spin material studies over large temperature ranges. Key parameters are provided in a single measurement, thus simplifying investigations significantly.Comment: 10 pages , 9 figures in tota

    Steering between level repulsion and attraction: broad tunability of two-port driven cavity magnon-polaritons

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    Cavity-magnon polaritons (CMPs) are the associated quasiparticles of the hybridization between cavity photons and magnons in a magnetic sample placed in a microwave resonator. In the strong coupling regime, where the macroscopic coupling strength exceeds the individual dissipation, there is a coherent exchange of information. This renders CMPs as promising candidates for future applications such as in information processing. Recent advances on the study of the CMP now allow not only for creation of CMPs on demand, but also for tuning of the coupling strength—this can be thought of as the enhancement or suppression of information exchange. Here, we go beyond standard single-port driven CMPs and employ a two-port driven CMP. We control the coupling strength by the relative phase ϕ and amplitude field ratio δ0 between both ports. Specifically, we derive a new expression from input–output theory for the study of the two-port driven CMP and discuss the implications on the coupling strength. Furthermore, we examine intermediate cases where the relative phase is tuned between its maximal and minimal value and, in particular, the high δ0 regime, which has not been yet explored

    Control of the Coupling Strength and the Linewidth of a Cavity-Magnon Polariton

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    The full coherent control of hybridized systems such as strongly coupled cavity photon-magnon states is a crucial step to enable future information processing technologies. Thus, it is particularly interesting to engineer deliberate control mechanisms such as the full control of the coupling strength as a measure for coherent information exchange. In this work, we employ cavity resonator spectroscopy to demonstrate the complete control of the coupling strength of hybridized cavity photon-magnon states. For this, we use two driving microwave inputs which can be tuned at will. Here, only the first input couples directly to the cavity resonator photons, whilst the second tone exclusively acts as a direct input for the magnons. For these inputs, both the relative phase ϕ\phi and amplitude δ0\delta_0 can be independently controlled. We demonstrate that for specific quadratures between both tones, we can increase the coupling strength, close the anticrossing gap, and enter a regime of level merging. At the transition, the total amplitude is enhanced by a factor of 1000 and we observe an additional linewidth decrease of 13%13\% at resonance due to level merging. Such control of the coupling, and hence linewidth, open up an avenue to enable or suppress an exchange of information and bridging the gap between quantum information and spintronics applications.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Steering between level repulsion and attraction : broad tunability of two-port driven cavity magnon-polaritons

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    Cavity-magnon polaritons (CMPs) are the associated quasiparticles of the hybridization between cavity photons and magnons in a magnetic sample placed in a microwave resonator. in the strong coupling regime, where the macroscopic coupling strength exceeds the individual dissipation, there is a coherent exchange of information. this renders cmps as promising candidates for future applications such as in information processing. recent advances on the study of the cmp now allow not only for creation of cmps on demand, but also for tuning of the coupling strength-this can be thought of as the enhancement or suppression of information exchange. here, we go beyond standard single-port driven cmps and employ a two-port driven cmp. we control the coupling strength by the relative phase phi and amplitude field ratio delta(0) between both ports. specifically, we derive a new expression from input-output theory for the study of the two-port driven cmp and discuss the implications on the coupling strength. furthermore, we examine intermediate cases where the relative phase is tuned between its maximal and minimal value and, in particular, the high delta(0) regime, which has not been yet explored

    Probing the Tavis-Cummings level splitting with intermediate-scale superconducting circuits

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    We demonstrate the local control of up to eight two-level systems interacting strongly with a microwave cavity. Following calibration, the frequency of each individual two-level system (qubit) is tunable without influencing the others. Bringing the qubits one by one on resonance with the cavity, we observe the collective coupling strength of the qubit ensemble. The splitting scales up with the square root of the number of the qubits, which is the hallmark of the Tavis-Cummings model. The local control circuitry causes a bypass shunting the resonator, and a Fano interference in the microwave readout, whose contribution can be calibrated away to recover the pure cavity spectrum. The simulator's attainable size of dressed states with up to five qubits is limited by reduced signal visibility, and -- if uncalibrated -- by off-resonance shifts of sub-components. Our work demonstrates control and readout of quantum coherent mesoscopic multi-qubit system of intermediate scale under conditions of noise

    Magnons at low excitations: Observation of incoherent coupling to a bath of two-level-systems

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    Collective magnetic excitation modes, magnons, can be coherently coupled to microwave photons in the single excitation limit. This allows for access to quantum properties of magnons and opens up a range of applications in quantum information processing, with the intrinsic magnon linewidth representing the coherence time of a quantum resonator. Our measurement system consists of a yttrium iron garnet (YIG) sphere and a three-dimensional (3D) microwave cavity at temperatures and excitation powers typical for superconducting quantum circuit experiments. We perform spectroscopic measurements to determine the limiting factor of magnon coherence at these experimental conditions. Using the input-output formalism, we extract the magnon linewidth Îşm\kappa_\mathrm{m}. We attribute the limitations of the coherence time at lowest temperatures and excitation powers to incoherent losses into a bath of near-resonance two-level systems (TLSs), a generic loss mechanism known from superconducting circuits under these experimental conditions. We find that the TLSs saturate when increasing the excitation power from quantum excitation to multi-photon excitation and their contribution to the linewidth vanishes. At higher temperatures, the TLSs saturate thermally and the magnon linewidth decreases as well

    Gilbert damping of CoFe-alloys

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    We report structural, magnetic and dynamic properties of polycrystalline coxfe1-x-alloy films on sapphire, silicon, and mgo substrates across the full composition range, by using a vector network analyser ferromagnetic resonance measurement technique (vna-fmr), superconducting quantum interference device magnetometry (squid) and x-ray diffraction (xrd). in the approximate vicinity of 28% co, we observe a minimum of the damping parameter, associated with a reduction in the density of states to a minimum value at the fermi energy level. for films on all substrates, we find magnetic damping of the order of 4-5 . 10(-3), showing that the substrate does not play a major role. using a post-annealing process, we report a decrease of the magnetic damping down to 3-4 . 10(-3). we find that the saturation magnetization depends approximately reciprocally on the damping parameter with varying alloy composition

    Introducing coherent time control to cavity magnon-polariton modes

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    By connecting light to magnetism, cavity magnon-polaritons (CMPs) can link quantum computation to spintronics. Consequently, CMP-based information processing devices have emerged over the last years, but have almost exclusively been investigated with single-tone spectroscopy. However, universal computing applications will require a dynamic and on-demand control of the CMP within nanoseconds. Here, we perform fast manipulations of the different CMP modes with independent but coherent pulses to the cavity and magnon system. We change the state of the CMP from the energy exchanging beat mode to its normal modes and further demonstrate two fundamental examples of coherent manipulation. We first evidence dynamic control over the appearance of magnon-Rabi oscillations, i.e., energy exchange, and second, energy extraction by applying an anti-phase drive to the magnon. Our results show a promising approach to control building blocks valuable for a quantum internet and pave the way for future magnon-based quantum computing research

    Interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and chiral magnetic textures in a ferrimagnetic insulator

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    The interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI) in multilayers of heavy metal and ferromagnetic metals enables the stabilization of novel chiral spin structures such as skyrmions. Magnetic insulators, on the other hand, can exhibit enhanced dynamics and properties such as lower magnetic damping and therefore it is of interest to combine the properties enabled by interfacial DMI with insulating systems. Here, we demonstrate the presence of interfacial DMI in heterostructures that include insulating magnetic layers. We use perpendicularly magnetized insulating thulium iron garnet (TmIG) films capped by the heavy metal platinum, grown on gadolinium gallium garnet (GGG) substrates, and find a surprisingly strong interfacial DMI that, combined with spin-orbit torque, results in efficient switching. The interfacial origin is confirmed through thickness-dependence measurements of the DMI, revealing the characteristic 1/thickness dependence. We combine chiral spin structures and spin-orbit torques for efficient switching and identify skyrmions that allow us to establish the GGG/TmIG interface as the possible origin of the DMI