1,277 research outputs found

    Desarrollo y optimización de metodologías para el diseño e implementación de sistemas electrohidráulicos y electroneumáticos eficientes

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    [Resumen] La introducción masiva de las Tecnologías Digitales en el campo de la Tecnología Oleoneumática ha modificado la forma en que se gobiernan sus diferentes elementos, facilitando el control y mejorando la fiabilidad de los diseños. No obstante, las fases de diseño, desarrollo y optimización de los sistemas oleoneumáticos en la actualidad, tanto en aplicaciones terrestres como navales, se centran en procedimientos intuitivos o métodos que requieren modificaciones y ajustes continuos hasta su implementación definitiva. En esta Tesis Doctoral se investigan los criterios y procedimientos de diseño a la hora de proyectar los sistemas electrohidráulicos y electroneumáticos desarrollados con controladores digitales programables que optimicen el binomio eficaciasimplicidad de las soluciones, sin omitir la seguridad humana y del sistema; y se desarrollan cuatro metodologías sistemáticas de carácter universal que permiten el diseño e implementación de sistemas electrohidráulicos y electroneumáticos industriales de la manera más eficiente y segura.[Resumo] Título: "Desenvolvemento e optimización de Metodoloxías para o deseño e implementación de Sistemas Electrohidráulicos e Electropneumáticos eficientes". A introdución masiva das Tecnoloxías Dixitais no campo da Tecnoloxía Oleopneumática modificou a forma na que se gobernan os seus diferentes elementos, facilitando o control e mellorando a fiabilidade dos deseños. Non obstante, as fases de deseño, desenvolvemento e optimización dos sistemas oleopneumáticos na actualidade, tanto en aplicacións terrestres como navais, céntranse en procedementos intuitivos ou métodos que requiren modificacións e axustes continuos ata a súa implementación definitiva. Nesta Tese Doutoral investíganse os criterios e procedementos de deseño á hora de proxectar os sistemas electrohidráulicos e electropneumáticos desenvolvidos con controladores dixitais programables que optimicen o binomio eficaciasimplicidade das solucións, sen omitir a seguridade humana e do sistema; e desenvólvense catro metodoloxías sistemáticas de carácter universal que permiten o deseño e implementación de sistemas electrohidráulicos e electropneumáticos industriais do xeito máis eficiente e seguro.[Abstract] Title: “Methodologies for the design and implementation of efficient electropneumatic and electrohydraulic systems: Development and optimization” The massive introduction of digital technologies in the field of Fluid Power Technology has changed the way its different elements are governed, facilitating control and improving the reliability of designs. However, nowadays, the phases of design, development and optimization of hydraulic and pneumatic systems, for both marine applications as for land systems, are developed through intuitive processes or methods which require continuous adjustments and modifications for its final implementation. In this Doctoral Thesis the criteria and procedures about electrohydraulic and electropneumatic systems design developed with programmable digital controllers are investigated in order to balance the binomial efficiency-simplicity of solutions, not omitting the human security and of system; and four systematic methodologies that allow design and implementation of industrial electropneumatic and electrohydraulic systems are developed in the most efficiently and safely

    Comparative study of single-dose and 24-hour multiple-dose antibiotic prophylaxis for cardiac surgery

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    Producción CientíficaUse of single-dose antibiotic prophylaxis is associated with reduced antibiotic resistance, lower costs, and fewer problems with drug toxicity and superinfections. We tested the hypothesis that single doses of cefazolin are as effective as a 24-hour regimen of cefazolin in preventing surgical site infections in adults undergoing cardiac procedures. This random, prospective, clinical study included 838 adult patients undergoing elective coronary artery bypass grafting, valve operations, or both. These patients were randomly given a single dose of cefazolin (2 g) or a 24-hour treatment (2-g initial dose, followed by 1 g every 8 hours). Investigators blinded to the drug regimen diagnosed wound infections according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention criteria. Patient clinical and demographic characteristics were noted, with follow-up for 12 postoperative months. The primary objective was to compare the incidence of surgical infections between groups up to 12 months postoperatively. Results: A total of 419 patients received single-dose cefazolin, and another 419 received the 24-hour treatment. Surgical site infection occurred in 35 (8.3%) patients receiving single doses and 15 (3.6%) patients administered the 24-hour treatment (P ¼ .004). We identified no differences between groups for mortality or duration of hospitalization (preoperative hospitalization, intensive care unit stay, and hospitalization after surgical intervention). The microorganisms isolated showed a similar distribution in both groups. The germs isolated were gram-positive cocci in 86% of the surgical site infections. Single-dose cefazolin used as antibiotic prophylaxis in cardiac surgery is associated with a higher surgical site infection rate than the 24-hour, multiple-dose cefazolin regimen

    Perfil de ingresos y urgencias pediátricas en período epidémico de rotavirus en Valladolid. Utilidad de un modelo predictivo

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    Producción CientíficaEste estudio pretende determinar las semanas de alta circulación de rotavirus en valladolid, y comparar las características de los ingresos y urgencias en período epidémico con respecto al período no epidémico. Se utilizaron las declaraciones al sistema de información microbiológica, el conjunto mínimo básico de datos y el registro de urgencias. Se calcularon los casos esperados para 2006 a partir de un modelo elaborado previamente. Si los casos observados superaban el umbral superior del 95% de los esperados, la semana se consideró epidémica. Se compararon las características de los ingresos y urgencias en ambos períodos. En 2006 se diagnosticaron un 42% menos de los casos esperados. La media de ingresos diarios fue superior en período epidémico (diferencia=1,49; p=0,01), y también fue mayor la duración media del ingreso. La actividad del servicio de pediatría se incrementó en período epidémico, por lo que es oportuna la implantación de actividades de vigilancia, programas de prevención y control frente a rotavirus en el ámbito hospitalario

    The Unfolded Protein Response and the Phosphorylations of Activating Transcription Factor 2 in the trans-Activation of il23a Promoter Produced by β-Glucans

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    Producción CientíficaCurrent views on the control of IL-23 production focus on theregulation ofil23a, the gene encoding IL-23 p19, by NF- Bincombination with other transcription factors. C/EBP homolo-gous protein (CHOP), X2-Box-binding protein 1 (XBP1), acti-vator protein 1 (AP1), SMAD, CCAAT/enhancer-binding pro-tein (C/EBP ), and cAMP-response element-binding protein(CREB) have been involved in response to LPS, but no data areavailable regarding the mechanism triggered by the fungalmimic and -glucan-containing stimulus zymosan, which pro-duces IL-23 and to a low extent the related cytokine IL-12 p70.Zymosan induced the mobilization of CHOP from the nuclearfractions to phagocytic vesicles. Hypha-formingCandidaalsoinduced the nuclear disappearance of CHOP. Assay of tran-scription factor binding to theil23apromoter showed anincrease of Thr(P)-71–Thr(P)-69-activating transcription fac-tor 2 (ATF2) binding in response to zymosan. PKC and PKA/mitogen- and stress-activated kinase inhibitors down-regulatedThr(P)-71–ATF2 binding to theil23apromoter andil23amRNA expression. Consistent with the current concept ofcomplementary phosphorylations on N-terminal Thr-71 andThr-69 of ATF2 by ERK and p38 MAPK, MEK, and p38 MAPKinhibitors blunted Thr(P)-69–ATF2 binding. Knockdown ofatf2mRNA with siRNA correlated with inhibition ofil23amRNA, but it did not affect the expression ofil12/23bandil10mRNA. These data indicate the following: (i) zymosan decreasesnuclear proapoptotic CHOP, most likely by promoting its accu-mulation in phagocytic vesicles; (ii) zymosan-inducedil23amRNA expression is best explained through coordinated B-and ATF2-dependent transcription; and (iii)il23aexpressionrelies on complementary phosphorylation of ATF2 on Thr-69and Thr-71 dependent on PKC and MAPK activities

    Macroloides for the treatment of severe respiratory illness caused by novel H1N1 swine influenza viral strains

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    Producción CientíficaThe current outburst of a new H1N1 swine influenza strain(s) in México and the United States is causing great concern in health authorities and in the general population [1]. With the World Health Organization (WHO) reporting the pandemic potential of the new strain, it is necessary to determine which therapeutic options are available until a specific vaccine is available. Based on information from the Centre for Disease Control (CDC), the virus is sensitive to oseltamivir and zanamivir. Antivirals are strongly affected by viral mutations; thus their efficiency could be lost as the virus changes

    Covid-19 control measures and its impact on seafarers’ mental health

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    The appearance of COVID-19 in maritime transport has been an exceptional challenge for all stakeholders in this sector, mainly for seafarers who have been caught between the need to keep supply chains operational and the limitations imposed by administrations to prevent the spread of the virus. With these objectives in mind, international institutions and organizations have developed a long series of regulations that have emerged in parallel with the measures established to control the pandemic. This article compiles the recommendations and regulations on health management established for this sector, as well as the implications of this entire process on fatigue and stress in seafarers.  Issues such as difficulties experienced in crew changes and repatriation, extended working hours, social isolation caused by mobility limitations in ports, limited medical equipment and services available, health care restrictions in some ports, the need to quarantine, and the possibility of being infected have been reported, among others, as causes of increased fatigue and stress among seafarers, as well as an upturn in anxiety, depression and other psychiatric disorders in this group. Thus, despite the efforts of the international maritime community to regulate the problematic areas related to the outbreak of the pandemic with the aim of keeping seafarers free of coronavirus and facilitating the continuity of maritime transport, its levels of fatigue and stress have increased notably, demonstrating that these efforts have neither been sufficient nor effective regulations have been developed that specifically take into account how COVID-19 and actions aimed at the continuity of maritime transport have affected and may continue to affect seafarers’ mental health.Peer Reviewe

    Impact of the rotavirus vaccine in Valladolid, Spain: An interrupted time series analysis

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    Producción CientíficaRotavirus vaccines (RV) have decreased the infant morbidity and mortality in countries that included RV in their national schedule. Rotavirus vaccination is recommended by the Spanish Society of Pediatrics; however, Spain, as most countries in Europe, has authorized commercialization but not included RV in its national vaccination program. We assessed the impact of RV on the rotavirus hospitalization rate through an interrupted time series analysis. There was a 46.8% (95% CI: 29.3–60.2) decrease on the rotavirus hospitalizations rate in the study region after RV commercialization in 2006. Currently there is limited evidence about the impact of RV in Europe, especially among countries not offering systematic vaccination in their national schedule. Documentation of RV coverage, effectiveness and impact is urgently needed in these countries

    Ventilator-associated pneumonia is an important risk factor for mortality after major cardiac surgery

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    Producción CientíficaVentilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is the main infectious complication in cardiac surgery patients and is associated with an important increase in morbidity and mortality. The aim of our study was to analyze the impact of VAP on mortality excluding other comorbidities and to study its etiology and the risk factors for its development. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This prospective cohort study included 1610 postoperative cardiac surgery patients' status post cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) between July 2004 and January 2008. The primary outcome measures were the development of VAP and in-hospital mortality. RESULTS: Ventilator-associated pneumonia was observed in 124 patients (7.7%). Patients with VAP had a longer length of hospitalization (40.7 ± 35.1 vs 16.1 ± 30.1 days, P <.0001) and greater in-hospital mortality (49.2% [61/124] vs 2.0% [30/1486], P =.0001) in comparison with patients without VAP. After performing the Cox multivariant analysis adjustment, VAP was identified as the most important independent mortality risk factor (adjusted hazard ratio [HR], 8.53; 95% confidence interval, 4.21-17.30; P =.0001). Other independent risk factors of in-hospital mortality were chronic renal failure (HR, 2.56), diabetes mellitus (HR, 1.90), CPB time (HR, 1.51), respiratory failure (HR, 2.13), acute renal failure (HR, 2.39), and mediastinal bleeding of at least 1000 mL (HR, 1.81)

    Ventilator-associated pneumonia in patients undergoing major heart surgery: an incidence study in Europe

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    INTRODUCTION: Patients undergoing major heart surgery (MHS) represent a special subpopulation at risk for nosocomial infections. Postoperative infection is the main non-cardiac complication after MHS and has been clearly related to increased morbidity, use of hospital resources and mortality. Our aim was to determine the incidence, aetiology, risk factors and outcome of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) in patients who have undergone MHS in Europe. METHODS: Our study was a prospective study of patients undergoing MHS in Europe who developed suspicion of VAP. During a one-month period, participating units submitted a protocol of all patients admitted to their units who had undergone MHS. RESULTS: Overall, 25 hospitals in eight different European countries participated in the study. The number of patients intervened for MHS was 986. Fifteen patients were excluded because of protocol violations. One or more nosocomial infections were detected in 43 (4.4%) patients. VAP was the most frequent nosocomial infection (2.1%; 13.9 episodes per 1000 days of mechanical ventilation). The microorganisms responsible for VAP in this study were: Enterobacteriaceae (45%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (20%), methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (10%) and a range of other microorganisms. We identified the following significant independent risk factors for VAP: ascending aorta surgery (odds ratio (OR) = 6.22; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.69 to 22.89), number of blood units transfused (OR = 1.08 per unit transfused; 95% CI = 1.04 to 1.13) and need for re-intervention (OR = 6.65; 95% CI = 2.10 to 21.01). The median length of stay in the intensive care unit was significantly longer (P < 0.001) in patients with VAP than in patients without VAP (23 days versus 2 days). Death was significantly more frequent (P < 0.001) in patients with VAP (35% versus 2.3%). CONCLUSIONS: Patients undergoing aortic surgery and those with complicated post-intervention courses, requiring multiple transfusions or re-intervention, constitute a high-risk group probably requiring more active preventive measures

    Attitudes, perceptions and practices of influenza vaccination in the adult population: Results of a cross-sectional survey in Spain

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    Producción CientíficaIn Spain, the 2021/22 influenza season overlapped with the sixth wave of the 2019 coronavirus disease pandemic (COVID-19). Influenza is a major public health problem associated with high morbidity and mortality. The objectives of this study were to determine the knowledge, perceptions and practices of influenza vaccination in the Spanish population, coinciding with the COVID-19 pandemic, with special attention paid to people over 65 years of age. A cross-sectional study was carried out by conducting 2211 telephone interviews. It was observed that 81.6% of people ≥ 65 years were vaccinated annually or with some frequency compared to 35.5% of those under 65 years (p < 0.001). Fifty percent of Spaniards showed an intention to be vaccinated in the 2021/22 campaign, during the SARS-CoV2 pandemic. In the case of people ≥ 65 years old, this figure was 83% compared to 42% of those under 65 years old (p < 0.001). Significant predictors of intention to be vaccinated were age of 65 years or older (OR 1.8, 95% CI 1.3–2.5), female sex (OR 1.9, 95% CI 1.5–2.4), belonging to risk groups (OR 2.2, 95% CI 1.6–3.1) and having been previously vaccinated (OR 29.7, 95% CI 22.5–39.2). The main reasons for deciding to be vaccinated were the need to be protected against the virus and to be vaccinated annually. On the other hand, lack of recommendation and considering the influenza vaccine as not necessary were the main reasons for not getting vaccinated. In addition, health personnel stood out as the main source of information (32.9%) compared to traditional media (26.9%) and public administration (12.3%). This study aimed to assess and analyse the factors influencing willingness to receive influenza vaccines in the COVID-19 era among Spanish adults, as well as the main information channels and strategies to encourage vaccination