6,007 research outputs found

    Line and continuum radiative transfer modelling of AA Tau

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    We present photometric and spectroscopic models of the Classical T Tauri star AA Tau. Photometric and spectroscopic variability present in observations of AA Tau is attributed to a magnetically induced warp in the accretion disc, periodically occulting the photosphere on an 8.2--day timescale. Emission line profiles show signatures of both infall, attributed to magnetospherically accreting material, and outflow. Using the radiative transfer code TORUS, we have investigated the geometry and kinematics of AA Tau's circumstellar disc and outflow, which is modelled here as a disc wind. Photometric models have been used to constrain the aspect ratio of the disc, the offset angle of the magnetosphere dipole with respect to the stellar rotation axis, and the inner radius of the circumstellar disc. Spectroscopic models have been used to constrain the wind and magnetosphere temperatures, wind acceleration parameter, and mass loss rate. We find observations are best fitted by models with a mass accretion rate of 5×10−95\times10^{-9} M⊙_\odot yr−1^{-1}, a dipole offset of between 10∘10^\circ and 20∘20^\circ, a magnetosphere that truncates the disc from 5.2 to 8.8 R⋆_\star, a mass-loss-rate to accretion-rate ratio of ~ 0.1, a magnetosphere temperature of 8500 -- 9000 K, and a disc wind temperature of 8000 K.Comment: 22 pages, 32 figures, 4 tables. Accepted by MNRAS. V3: Corrected typ

    Constraints on the disk geometry of the T Tauri star AA Tau from linear polarimetry

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    We have simultaneously monitored the photometric and polarimetric variations of the Classical T Tauri star AA Tau during the fall of 2002. We combine these data with previously published polarimetric data covering two earlier epochs. The phase coverage is complete, although not contiguous. AA Tau clearly shows cyclic variations coupled with the rotation of the system. The star-disk system produces a repeatable polarisation curve where the polarisation increases with decreasing brightness. The data fit well with the model put forward by Bouvier et al. (1999) where AA Tau is viewed almost edge-on and its disk is actively dumping material onto the central star via magnetospheric accretion. The inner edge of the disk is deformed by its interaction with the tilted magnetosphere, producing eclipses as it rotates and occults the photosphere periodically. From the shape of the polarisation curve in the QU-Plane we confirm that the accretion disk is seen at a large inclination, almost edge-on, and predict that its position angle is PA~90 deg., i.e., that the disk's major axis is oriented in the East-West direction.Comment: Astron. Astrophys., in pres

    A 10-micron Search for Inner-Truncated Disks Among Pre-Main-Sequence Stars With Photometric Rotation Periods

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    We use mid-IR (primarily 10 Ό\mum) photometry as a diagnostic for the presence of disks with inner cavities among 32 pre-main sequence stars in Orion and Taurus-Auriga for which rotation periods are known and which do not show evidence for inner disks at near-IR wavelengths. Disks with inner cavities are predicted by magnetic disk-locking models that seek to explain the regulation of angular momentum in T Tauri stars. Only three stars in our sample show evidence for excess mid-IR emission. While these three stars may possess truncated disks consistent with magnetic disk-locking models, the remaining 29 stars in our sample do not. Apparently, stars lacking near-IR excesses in general do not possess truncated disks to which they are magnetically coupled. We discuss the implications of this result for the hypothesis of disk-regulated angular momentum. Evidently, young stars can exist as slow rotators without the aid of present disk-locking, and there exist very young stars already rotating near breakup velocity whose subsequent angular momentum evolution will not be regulated by disks. Moreover, we question whether disks, when present, truncate in the manner required by disk-locking scenarios. Finally, we discuss the need for rotational evolution models to take full account of the large dispersion of rotation rates present at 1 Myr, which may allow the models to explain the rotational evolution of low-mass pre-main sequence stars in a way that does not depend upon braking by disks.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Catching GRBs with atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes

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    Fermi has shown GRBs to be a source of >10 GeV photons. We present an estimate of the detection rate of GRBs with a next generation Cherenkov telescope. Our predictions are based on the observed properties of GRBs detected by Fermi, combined with the spectral properties and redshift determinations for the bursts population by instruments operating at lower energies. While detection of VHE emission from GRBs has eluded ground-based instruments thus far, our results suggest that ground-based detection may be within reach of the proposed Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), albeit with a low rate, 0.25 - 0.5/yr. Such a detection would help constrain the emission mechanism of gamma-ray emission from GRBs. Photons at these energies from distant GRBs are affected by the UV-optical background light, and a ground-based detection could also provide a valuable probe of the Extragalactic Background Light (EBL) in place at high redshift.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of "Gamma Ray Bursts 2010", held Nov. 1-4, 2010 in Annapolis, M

    Rotation in the Orion Nebula Cluster

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    Eighteen fields in the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC) have been monitored for one or more observing seasons from 1990-99 with a 0.6-m telescope at Wesleyan University. Photometric data were obtained in Cousins I on 25-40 nights per season. Results from the first 3 years of monitoring were analyzed by Choi & Herbst (1996; CH). Here we provide an update based on 6 more years of observation and the extensive optical and IR study of the ONC by Hillenbrand (1997) and Hillenbrand et al. (1998). Rotation periods are now available for 134 ONC members. Of these, 67 were detected at multiple epochs with identical periods by us and 15 more were confirmed by Stassun et al. (1999) in their study of Ori OBIc/d. The bimodal period distribution for the ONC is confirmed, but we also find a clear dependence of rotation period on mass. This can be understood as an effect of deuterium burning, which temporarily slows the contraction and thus spin-up of stars with M <0.25 solar masses and ages of ~1 My. Stars with M <0.25 solar masses have not had time to bridge the gap in the period distribution at ~4 days. Excess H-K and I-K emission, as well as CaII infrared triplet equivalent widths (Hillenbrand et al. 1998), show weak but significant correlations with rotation period among stars with M >0.25 solar masses. Our results provide new observational support for the importance of disks in the early rotational evolution of low mass stars. [abridged]Comment: 18 pages of text, 17 figures, and 4 tables; accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    The low-mass population of the Rho Ophiuchi molecular cloud

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    Star formation theories are currently divergent regarding the fundamental physical processes that dominate the substellar regime. Observations of nearby young open clusters allow the brown dwarf (BD) population to be characterised down to the planetary mass regime, which ultimately must be accommodated by a successful theory. We hope to uncover the low-mass population of the Rho Ophiuchi molecular cloud and investigate the properties of the newly found brown dwarfs. We use near-IR deep images (reaching completeness limits of approximately 20.5 mag in J, and 18.9 mag in H and Ks) taken with the Wide Field IR Camera (WIRCam) at the Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) to identify candidate members of Rho Oph in the substellar regime. A spectroscopic follow-up of a small sample of the candidates allows us to assess their spectral type, and subsequently their temperature and membership. We select 110 candidate members of the Rho Ophiuchi molecular cloud, from which 80 have not previously been associated with the cloud. We observed a small sample of these and spectroscopically confirm six new brown dwarfs with spectral types ranging from M6.5 to M8.25

    The evolution of surface magnetic fields in young solar-type stars

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    The surface rotation rates of young solar-type stars decrease rapidly with age from the end of the pre-main sequence though the early main sequence. This suggests that there is also an important change in the dynamos operating in these stars, which should be observable in their surface magnetic fields. Here we present early results in a study aimed at observing the evolution of these magnetic fields through this critical time period. We are observing stars in open clusters and stellar associations to provide precise ages, and using Zeeman Doppler Imaging to characterize the complex magnetic fields. Presented here are results for six stars, three in the in the beta Pic association (~10 Myr old) and three in the AB Dor association (~100 Myr old).Comment: To appear in the proceedings of IAU symposium 302: Magnetic fields throughout stellar evolution. 2 pages, 3 figure

    Nurturing Student Scientists as People of Faith

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    The Loyola Marymount University (LMU) campus community fosters the interplay between religious faith and scientific reason. Not only is this evident by honoring scientists in the stained-glass windows of Sacred Heart Chapel, but the culture invigorates a disproportionate number of science students to actively engage with the faith community. This integration might seem counter to society’s norms, but it is well aligned with the teachings of the Catholic Church and Jesuit tradition. Jesuit universities, in particular, have a unique role to play in fostering the mutual enrichment between faith and scientific reason. Education should be used to bridge the misunderstandings between faith and science. Faculty members, particularly at Jesuit universities, have a wonderful opportunity to share their experiences with students through teaching and scholarship

    The Chemistry of Atmosphere-Forest Exchange (CAFE) Model-Part 2: Application to BEARPEX-2007 Observations

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    In a companion paper, we introduced the Chemistry of Atmosphere-Forest Exchange (CAFE) model, a vertically-resolved 1-D chemical transport model designed to probe the details of near-surface reactive gas exchange. Here, we apply CAFE to noontime observations from the 2007 Biosphere Effects on Aerosols and Photochemistry Experiment (BEARPEX-2007). In this work we evaluate the CAFE modeling approach, demonstrate the significance of in-canopy chemistry for forest-atmosphere exchange and identify key shortcomings in the current understanding of intra-canopy processes. CAFE generally reproduces BEARPEX-2007 observations but requires an enhanced radical recycling mechanism to overcome a factor of 6 underestimate of hydroxyl (OH) concentrations observed during a warm (~29 °C) period. Modeled fluxes of acyl peroxy nitrates (APN) are quite sensitive to gradients in chemical production and loss, demonstrating that chemistry may perturb forest-atmosphere exchange even when the chemical timescale is long relative to the canopy mixing timescale. The model underestimates peroxy acetyl nitrate (PAN) fluxes by 50% and the exchange velocity by nearly a factor of three under warmer conditions, suggesting that near-surface APN sinks are underestimated relative to the sources. Nitric acid typically dominates gross dry N deposition at this site, though other reactive nitrogen (NOy) species can comprise up to 28% of the N deposition budget under cooler conditions. Upward NO2 fluxes cause the net above-canopy NOy flux to be ~30% lower than the gross depositional flux. CAFE under-predicts ozone fluxes and exchange velocities by ~20%. Large uncertainty in the parameterization of cuticular and ground deposition precludes conclusive attribution of non-stomatal fluxes to chemistry or surface uptake. Model-measurement comparisons of vertical concentration gradients for several emitted species suggests that the lower canopy airspace may be only weakly coupled with the upper canopy. Future efforts to model forest-atmosphere exchange will require a more mechanistic understanding of non-stomatal deposition and a more thorough characterization of in-canopy mixing processes
