193 research outputs found


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    cette recherche vise à identifier les facteurs explicatifs de la gestion des résultats des dirigeants des sociétés absorbantes avant une fusion française. Elle montre le rôle déterminant de facteurs contextuels et ce au-delà des facteurs politico-contractuels et de gouvernance généralement admis par la littérature. Elle révèle en outre des comportements substantiellement différents selon l'initiative de l'opération. Enfin, en soulignant la potentielle combinaison d'instruments de manipulation pour influencer la parité, cette étude contribue à apporter un nouvel éclairage sur les stratégies comptables des dirigeants avant des fusions acquisitions.gestion des résultats, accruals, parité, déterminants contextuels, fusions-absorptions


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    L'objectif de cette recherche est d'examiner si les sociétés absorbantes adoptent une politique comptable spécifique avant une opération de fusion-absorption française, et ce à travers (1) l'étude de l'approche multicritères exigée par les autorités financières pour déterminer la parité d'échange et (2) l'étude de la gestion des résultats. Les résultats, obtenus sur un échantillon de 107 fusions entre 1997 et 2006, suggèrent (1) que certaines pratiques en matière de choix de sélection et de combinaison des critères de parité peuvent être sujettes à caution au regard des préconisations formulées par les autoritésapproche multicritères, gestion des résultats, parité, fusions

    Militantisme littéraire, sujets mobiles et poétiques de la figuration dans The Farming of Bones d’Edwidge Danticat et We Need New Names de NoViolet Bulawayo

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    Dans cette étude comparée, j’étudie les poétiques figuratives d’Edwidge Danticat et de NoViolet Bulawayo dans The Farming of Bones et We Need New Names. Je démontre que ces écrivaines s’inspirent de techniques d’écriture cinématographique et poétique, menant ainsi un militantisme littéraire pour dénoncer l’extrême brutalité des systèmes de pouvoir national, étatique et économique, leurs modalités de consolidation et leurs impacts sur la subjectivité des sujets mobiles. Dans le premier chapitre de ma recherche, la poétique cinématographique du chaos de Bulawayo et l’imaginaire de l’autorité dictatoriale ficelé à la poétique du corps subjectivé marron et du paysage naturel me permettront d’examiner l’extrême brutalité dans le cadre d’expulsions orchestrées par les formes de pouvoir étatico-national. Le deuxième chapitre portera sur le contexte post-expulsif car j’y étudierai les comportements abusifs des aidants envers les aidés ; révélateurs d’une profonde rupture de communication. J’examinerai aussi les stratégies de survivance des protagonistes dont je révélerai les symboliques et les limites. Dans le dernier chapitre, je compare l’aliénation du travailleur étranger dans les systèmes économiques de la plantation sucrière dominicaine et du néolibéralisme global à l’échelle nationale. S’il n’existe pas d’acteur répressif précis, la brutalité systémique des logiques de productivité et de rentabilité vulnérabilise les individus dépourvus de documents d’immigration. Ainsi, loin d’être déployées à des fins strictement esthétiques, ces poétiques expressives de la figuration constituent des outils de conscientisation qui s’impriment dans l’imagination du lecteur et peuvent l’aider à cheminer dans la maturation de son esprit critique.Throughout this comparative study, I examine the figurative poetics in Edwidge Danticat’s The Farming of Bones and NoViolet Bulawayo’s We Need New Names. The writers draw on cinematic and poetry writing techniques to promote a literary militancy. This creative militancy allows them to critique the extreme brutality rooted in the different structures of power such as the nation-state and the global economy. By elucidating the mechanisms of power, I study their impact on the individuals’ formation of subjectivity. The first chapter of my work examines the mechanisms of brutality visible through the expulsive campaigns orchestrated by the nation-state. Through my close reading, I focus on Bulawayo’s cinematic poetic of chaos and Danticat’s genocidal imaginary. The second chapter deals with the context of post-expulsion. I study the relationship between the political and international helpers and the subaltern migrants and diasporas. The abusive and repressive behavior of the helpers reveals their profound inability to communicate and to act with human values. I also reflect on the value and the limits of the protagonists’ survival strategies. Finally, I compare the alienation of the foreign worker in economic systems such as the Dominican sugar plantation (20th century) and the global neoliberalism at the national scale. Contrary to the other chapters, the brutality is not perpetrated by a repressive actor because it is rooted in the economic system. One of my conclusions is that these figurative poetics are not only aesthetic tools, but they are potential instruments of awareness that help the reader to improve his critical thinking

    Les dirigeants gèrent-ils les résultats comptables avant d’annoncer une réduction d’effectifs ? Le cas des entreprises françaises cotées

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    This paper examines whether firms engage in earnings management activities in the context of workforce reductions. We assume that firms use income-decreasing accruals before workforce reduction announcements to show that the operation is necessary and thus to avoid incurring political costs. Based on 120 workforce reduction announcements for 104 French listed companies over the period 2007-2012, our results confirm that firms manage earnings downwards in the year before workforce reduction announcements (approximately 4% of total assets). Overall, the results validate the political cost hypothesis in the context of workforce reductions

    Enhanced Respiratory Chain Supercomplex Formation in Response to Exercise in Human Skeletal Muscle.

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    Mitochondrial dysfunction is a hallmark of multiple metabolic complications. Physical activity is known to increase mitochondrial content in skeletal muscle, counteracting age-related decline in muscle function and protecting against metabolic and cardiovascular complications. Here, we investigated the effect of 4 months of exercise training on skeletal muscle mitochondria electron transport chain complexes and supercomplexes in 26 healthy, sedentary older adults. Exercise differentially modulated respiratory complexes. Complex I was the most upregulated complex and not stoichiometrically associated to the other complexes. In contrast to the other complexes, complex I was almost exclusively found assembled in supercomplexes in muscle mitochondria. Overall, supercomplex content was increased after exercise. In particular, complexes I, III, and IV were redistributed to supercomplexes in the form of I+III2+IV. Taken together, our results provide the first evidence that exercise affects the stoichiometry of supercomplex formation in humans and thus reveal a novel adaptive mechanism for increased energy demand

    Characterization of the interaction between the HIV-1 Gag structural polyprotein and the cellular ribosomal protein L7 and its implication in viral nucleic acid remodeling

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    Background: In HIV-1 infected cells, the integrated viral DNA is transcribed by the host cell machinery to generate the full length HIV-1 RNA (FL RNA) that serves as mRNA encoding for the Gag and GagPol precursors. Virion formation is orchestrated by Gag, and the current view is that a specific interaction between newly made Gag molecules and FL RNA initiates the process. This in turn would cause FL RNA dimerization by the NC domain of Gag (GagNC). However the RNA chaperoning activity of unprocessed Gag is low as compared to the mature NC protein. This prompted us to search for GagNC co-factors. Results: Here we report that RPL7, a major ribosomal protein involved in translation regulation, is a partner of Gag via its interaction with the NC domain. This interaction is mediated by the NC zinc fingers and the N- and C-termini of RPL7, respectively, but seems independent of RNA binding, Gag oligomerization and its interaction with the plasma membrane. Interestingly, RPL7 is shown for the first time to exhibit a potent DNA/RNA chaperone activity higher than that of Gag. In addition, Gag and RPL7 can function in concert to drive rapid nucleic acid hybridization. Conclusions: Our results show that GagNC interacts with the ribosomal protein RPL7 endowed with nucleic acid chaperone activity, favoring the notion that RPL7 could be a Gag helper chaperoning factor possibly contributing to the start of Gag assembly.Instituto de Estudios Inmunológicos y Fisiopatológico

    Glucose-Dependent Regulation of NR2F2 Promoter and Influence of SNP-rs3743462 on Whole Body Insulin Sensitivity

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    Background: The Nuclear Receptor 2F2 (NR2F2/COUP-TFII) heterozygous knockout mice display low basal insulinemia and enhanced insulin sensitivity. We previously established that insulin represses NR2F2 gene expression in pancreatic β-cells. The cis-regulatory region of the NR2F2 promoter is unknown and its influence on metabolism in humans is poorly understood. The present study aimed to identify the regulatory regions that control NR2F2 gene transcription and to evaluate the effect of NR2F2 promoter variation on glucose homeostasis in humans. Methodology/Principal Findings: Regulation of the NR2F2 promoter was assessed using gene reporter assays, ChIP and gel shift experiments. The effects of variation at SNP rs3743462 in NR2F2 on quantitative metabolic traits were studied in two European prospective cohorts. We identified a minimal promoter region that down-regulates NR2F2 expression by attenuating HNF4α activation in response to high glucose concentrations. Subjects of the French DESIR population, who carried the rs3743462 T-to-C polymorphism, located in the distal glucose-responsive promoter, displayed lower basal insulin levels and lower HOMA-IR index. The C-allele at rs3743462 was associated with increased NR2F2 binding and decreased NR2F2 gene expression. Conclusions/Significance: The rs3743462 polymorphism affects glucose-responsive NR2F2 promoter regulation and thereby may influence whole-body insulin sensitivity, suggesting a role of NR2F2 in the control of glucose homeostasis in humans. © 2012 Boutant et al

    Distinct patterns of skeletal muscle mitochondria fusion, fission and mitophagy upon duration of exercise training.

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    Healthy ageing interventions encompass regular exercise to prevent mitochondrial dysfunction, key player in sarcopenia pathogenesis. Mitochondrial biogenesis has been well documented, but mitochondrial remodelling in response to exercise training is poorly understood. Here we investigated fusion, fission and mitophagy before and after an exercise intervention in older adults. Skeletal muscle biopsies were collected from 22 healthy sedentary men and women before and after 4 months of supervised training. Eight lifelong trained age- and gender-matched volunteers served as positive controls. Transmission electron microscopy was used to estimate mitochondrial content. Western blotting and qRT-PCR were used to detect changes in specific proteins and transcripts. After intervention, mitochondrial content increased to levels of controls. While enhancement of fusion was prevalent after intervention, inhibition of fission and increased mitophagy were dominant in controls. Similarly to PARKIN, BCL2L13 content was higher in controls. The observed molecular adaptations paralleled long-term effects of training on physical fitness, exercise efficiency and oxidative capacity. This study describes distinct patterns of molecular adaptations in human skeletal muscle under chronic exercise training. After 16 weeks of exercise, the pattern was dominated by fusion to increase mitochondrial content to the metabolic demands of exercise. In lifelong exercise, the pattern was dominated by mitophagy synchronized with increased fusion and decreased fission, indicating an increased mitochondrial turnover. In addition to these temporally distinct adaptive mechanisms, this study suggests for the first time a specific role of BCL2L13 in chronic exercise that requires constant maintenance of mitochondrial quality