49 research outputs found

    Estructura biotipológica de las principales redes hídricas rifeñas a través de los simúlidos (Diptera: Simuliidae)

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    El trabajo está basado en simúlidos recogidos a distintas fases de su desarrollo (larvas, pupas y adultos) entre 1998 y 1999 en las principales redes hidrográficas del macizo rifeño (norte de Marruecos). Se utilizó un análisis de los factores de correspondencias (AFC) para determinar las afinidades y relaciones ecológicas entre 28 especies y 85 estaciones. Se reconoció a cuatro agrupaciones de taxones y estaciones : una primera agrupación caracteriza las especies altícolas y estenotermas, las cuales caracterizan los altlos cursos de agua fría (fuentes y arroyos) ; la agrupación 2 incluye especies propias de zonas de montaña de media y alta altitud ; la nube 3 constituye una agrupación compuesta a nivel ecológico porque incluye una especie a tendencia hemistenoterma junto con las especies más euritermas capturadas en grandes cursos de altitudes medias o bajas ; una última agrupación 4, es formada esencialmente por las especies más termófilas y potamófilas que pertenecen a las zonas mas bajas de los ríos.The work is based on simuliids at different stages of development (larvae, pupas and adults) collected from the main courses of the Rif mountains (North of Morocco) during prospections made between 1998 and 1999. An analysis of the correspondences factors (AFC) was used to determine the ecological affinities and relations between 28 species and 85 stations. Four groupings of species and station were found : the first one characterizes the highest and stenothermal species, which characterizes the highest cold waters (sources and streams) ; grouping 2 includes own mountaineer species at average and high altitudes ; the third grouping is composed at ecological level because includes a species to hemistenothermal tendency along with the more eurithermal species captured in great courses of median or low altitudes ; the last grouping 4, is formed essentially by the more thermophilous and potamophilous species than belongs to the lowest zones of the rivers

    Faunistic and bibliographical inventory of the Psychodinae moth-flies of North Africa (Diptera, Psychodidae)

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    All published records for the 49 species of moth flies known from North Africa are reviewed and discussed: Morocco (27 species), Algeria (33 species), Tunisia (18 species) and Egypt (five species). In addition, records of seven species of Psychodinae new to the fauna of Morocco are added, of which three are new mentions for North Africa (Table 1) and one is a new record for Egypt. Telmatoscopus squamifer Tonnoir, 1922 is transferred to the genus Iranotelmatoscopus Ježek, 1987, comb. n. Satchelliella reghayana Boumezzough & Vaillant, 1987 is transferred to the genus Pneumia Enderlein, 1935, comb. n. Pneumia aberrans Tonnoir, 1922 is transferred to the subgenus Logima

    A new species of the genus Baeoura from Morocco, with a key to the West Palaearctic species (Diptera, Tipuloidea, Limoniidae)

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    The genus Baeoura is represented in Morocco by two species, Baeoura ebenina Starý, 1981, and Baeoura staryi sp. n. The new species is described and illustrated, and a key to the West Palaearctic species of Baeoura is presented

    Additions to the Limoniidae and Pediciidae fauna of Morocco, with an updated checklist (Diptera, Tipuloidea)

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    Eighteen species of Limoniidae and two species of Pediciidae are recorded for the first time in Morocco, of which 15 species are new to North Africa. An updated checklist of Moroccan short-palped craneflies (Limoniidae and Pediciidae) is appended, containing 73 species in 25 genera

    Figure 11 from: Yimlahi D, Üstüner T, Zinebi S, Belqat B (2017) New records of the soldier flies of Morocco with a bibliographical inventory of the North African fauna (Diptera, Stratiomyidae). ZooKeys 709: 87-125. https://doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.709.13364

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    First checklist of the fruit flies of Morocco, including new records (Diptera, Tephritidae)

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    The first checklist of the Tephritidae of Morocco, containing 59 species, is presented here. Out of 38 species collected during the present project, three (Campiglossa martii (Becker, 1908), Tephritis divisa (Rondani, 1871), and Terellia sp. near longicauda) present new records for North Africa, and ten (Carpomya incompleta (Becker, 1903), Chaetorellia conjuncta (Becker, 1913), Chetostoma curvinerve Rondani, 1856, Dacus frontalis (Becker, 1922), D. longistylus (Wiedemann, 1830), Dioxyna sororcula (Wiedemann, 1830), Ensina sonchi (Linnaeus, 1767), Myopites inulaedyssentericae Blot, 1827, M. stylatus Fabricius, 1794, and Tephritis vespertina (Loew, 1844)) are new for Morocco

    Obuchovia Rubtsov 1947

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    Subgenus OBUCHOVIA Rubtsov, 1947 Giudicelli & Dakki (1984: 95): Obuchovia unidentified sp., record. Simulium (Obuchovia) auricoma Meigen, 1818 Rif: Belqat (2000: 16, 17): first record for North Africa. Belqat et al. (2001 a: 11): record. Belqat (2002: 180– 184): record, distribution map, figures (photographs of Rif specimens). Belqat & Dakki (2004: 93–108, 113 – 137): record, dichotomous key, figures (photographs and drawings). Belqat et al. (2005: 54–55): analysis of correspondence factors to determine ecological affinities and relations between 28 Rif species and 85 stations. Simulium (Obuchovia) galloprovinciale Giudicelli, 1963 Rif: Belqat (2000: 16, 17): first record for North Africa. Belqat et al. (2001 a: 11): record. Belqat (2002: 184– 189): record, distribution map, figures (photographs of Rif specimens). Belqat & Dakki (2004: 93–109, 112 – 137): record, dichotomous key, figures (photographs and drawings). Belqat et al. (2005: 54–55): analysis of correspondence factors to determine ecological affinities and relations between 28 Rif species and 85 stations. Simulium (Obuchovia) marocanum Bouzidi & Giudicelli, 1988 Rif: Bouzidi & Giudicelli (1988: 186, 191): record (male paratype), ecological notes. High Atlas: Bouzidi & Giudicelli (1988): original description (male, female, pupa, larva, figures). Clergue- Gazeau et al. (1991: 51–54): records. Giudicelli et al. (2000: 62, 70): records. Belqat et al. (2001 a: 11): listed. Belqat (2002: 189–192): record, distribution map, figures (copies of drawings from Bouzidi & Giudicelli (1988)). Belqat & Dakki (2004: 93–109, 112 – 137): record, dichotomous key, figures (copies of original drawings).Published as part of Belqat, Boutaïna, Adler, Peter H. & Crosskey, Roger W., 2011, Faunistic and bibliographical inventory of the blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) of Morocco, pp. 46-58 in Zootaxa 2829 on page 52, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.20114

    Helodon Enderlein 1921

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    Genus HELODON Enderlein, 1921 Helodon laamii (Beaucournu-Saguez & Bailly-Choumara, 1981) Rif: Beaucournu-Saguez & Bailly-Choumara (1981: 113–119): original description (male, female, pupa, larva, figures). Clergue-Gazeau et al. (1991: 54): listed as “ laami ”, erroneous spelling. Belqat et al. (2001 a: 11): listed. Belqat (2002: 110–113): record, distribution map, figures (copies of drawings from Beaucournu-Saguez & Bailly- Choumara (1981)). Belqat & Dakki (2004: 92–109, 112 – 137): listed, dichotomous key, figures (copies of original drawings).Published as part of Belqat, Boutaïna, Adler, Peter H. & Crosskey, Roger W., 2011, Faunistic and bibliographical inventory of the blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) of Morocco, pp. 46-58 in Zootaxa 2829 on page 47, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.20114