59 research outputs found

    Sexual health promotion programming for youth in or at-risk for foster care: Improving knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors.

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    Among girls in foster care, 48% become pregnant at least once by age 19 (Dworkey & Courtney, 2010). Teen moms are less likely to graduate from high school and their children also are more likely to be placed in foster care due to abuse or neglect (Hoffman, 2006). Furthermore, 50% of 21-year-old men aging out of foster care report they have gotten someone pregnant, compared to 19% of their peers not involved in foster care (Courtney et al., 2007). Youth in or at-risk for foster care (YFC) report limited knowledge about, access to, and use of condoms; ambivalent attitudes toward teen parenting; and participation in other risky behaviors. For the current study, we adapted and supplemented an evidence-based sexual health program called SiHLE, using a systematic adaptation framework (ADAPT-ITT, Wingood & DiClemete, 2008), to address these unique and targeted needs of YFC. Thirty-six youth participated in four sessions of SiHLE-YFC during their stay at a temporary shelter. Four 90-minute sessions focused on increasing sexual health knowledge, improving attitudes toward and self-efficacy of condom use, and developing core skills such as problem-solving and communication. As hypothesized, youth showed high satisfaction with the intervention and significant improvement in sexual health knowledge from pre to post. At one month follow-up, youth continued to show significant improvement in sexual health knowledge, along with a significant reduction in risky sexual behaviors. Though not significant, there were moderate effect sizes for changes in attitudes toward teen pregnancy and condoms. There were no changes in attitudes towards teen parenting. Taken together, findings suggest that sexual health education directly targeting the unique needs of YFC may improve sexual health knowledge and behavior, and are discussed in the context of challenges associated with intervention and research with this population

    Un objet néolithique en forme de pied humain à Labwé (Liban)

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    Le site néolithique de Labwé (Liban) a livré, en surface, un objet en calcaire reproduisant un pied humain. Ce type d’artefact, connu seulement par quelques spécimens retrouvés sur des sites du Proche-Orient, peut être assimilé à une «  forme » utilisée pour la fabrication de chaussures.A limestone artifact which looks like a human foot, has been found on the surface of the Neolithic site of Labweh (Lebanon). This kind of artifact, known only by few specimens recovered in sites of the Middle East, could be assimilated to a last used to make shoes.خلاصة – وجد على سطح موقع اللبوة (لبنان) و الذي يعود إلى العصر الحجري الحديث، قطعة أثرية منحوتة على شكل قدم إنسان. إن هذا النوع من القطع ليس معروفاً إلا من خلال النماذج التي اكتشفت في مواقع في الشرق الأوسط وتمثل هذه القطع عبارة عن قوالب تستخدم في تصنيع الأحذية

    Using relevance mapping methodology to design an adolescent mental health intervention in India

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    Background Adolescents in low and middle-income countries experience pronounced mental health needs in contexts where infrastructure and resources are scarce. While evidence-based treatment are readily available, they may not fit the unique needs of certain contexts. Objective This manuscript illustrates the systematic process of applying ‘relevance mapping’ methodology to leverage the youth mental health evidence base to identify candidate practices for inclusion in the development of a contextually appropriate psychological treatment protocol for common adolescent mental health problems in India. Methods The practice identification was informed by two datasets obtained from adolescent samples in India. The first was an epidemiological dataset from a large community sample in Goa (N = 2,048); the second incorporated ‘youth top problems’ reported by service-seeking students presenting to school counsellors in Goa and Delhi (N = 78). Problems identified in each dataset were categorized using structured codes. Problem codes and youth demographics were then indexed against a database of hundreds of evidence-based psychological treatments and their associated clinical trials. This methodology revealed the most common practice elements (discrete therapeutic strategies) and their most efficient combinations with evidence of effectiveness matching the demographics and diagnostic category (anxiety, disruptive behaviors and depression) prevalent in the planned treatment population. Results For anxiety, the most common practice elements for this age group were exposure, cognitive coping, and psychoeducation. For disruptive behaviors, the most common practices were problem-solving, goal-setting, and rapport-building. For depression, cognitive coping, behavioral activation, and psychoeducation were the most common practice elements. Conclusion These practice elements provided the treatment development team with a preliminary list of candidate content for the development of an intensive psychological treatment within a stepped care service model to address common adolescent mental health problems in schools in India

    Development of a transdiagnostic, low-intensity, psychological intervention for common adolescent mental health problems in Indian secondary schools

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    Background: The PRIDE programme aims to establish a suite of transdiagnostic psychological interventions organised around a stepped care system in Indian secondary schools. This paper describes the development of a low-intensity, first-line component of the PRIDE model. Method: Contextual and global evidence informed an intervention ‘blueprint’ with problem solving as the primary practice element. Successive iterations were tested and modified across two pilot cohort studies (N=45; N=39). Participants were aged 13–20 years and presenting with elevated mental health symptoms in New Delhi schools. Results: The first iteration of the intervention, based on a guided self-help modality, showed promising outcomes and user satisfaction when delivered by psychologists. However, delivery was not feasible within the intended 6-week schedule, and participants struggled to use materials outside ‘guidance’ sessions. In Pilot 2, a modified counsellor-led problem-solving intervention was implemented by less experienced counsellors over a 3–4 week schedule. Outcomes were maintained, with indications of enhanced feasibility and acceptability. High demand was observed across both pilots, leading to more stringent eligibility criteria and a modified sensitisation plan. Discussion: Findings have shaped a first-line intervention for common adolescent mental health problems in low-resource settings. A forthcoming randomised controlled trial will test its effectiveness

    Arqueología al oeste de Homs: sondeos en los yacimientos de Jeftelik (Natufiense), Tell Marj (Neolítico cerámico) y prospecciones de monumentos megalíticos: campaña 2009

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    RESUMEN: En el artículo se presentan los resultados de los trabajos de campo desarrollados en el marco del proyecto "Arqueología al oeste de Homs" en 2009. Se han excavado los yacimientos de Jeftelik y Tell Marj y se ha continuado la prospección de las necrópolis megalíticas en la región. Jeftelik es un yacimiento natufiense antiguo en el que se ha localizado una probable estructura de habitación a la que está asociado una gran cantidad de material lítico tallado. Sus características y cronología ponen en cuestión los modelos convencionales sobre el origen y expansión del natufiense. Tell Marj es un poblado construido al final del neolítico en el que las casas cuentan con muros de basalto bien escuadrados. En el lugar se han reconocido dos fases de ocupación por el momento, la más antigua de las cuales muestra varias reconstrucciones y superposiciones de casas. Entre el material arqueológico destaca la extraordinaria abundancia de puntas de proyectil y la presencia de restos que sugieren la implantación de formas económicas y sociales complejas, con intercambios a larga distancia y almacenamiento a gran escala. Las necrópolis megalíticas reconocidas destacan por la gran extensión de las áreas ocupadas, de decenas de km., y por la existencia de monumentos complejos que a veces asocian otro tipo de estructuras a las construcciones funerarias propiamente dichas.ABSTRACT: This paper presents the results of the fieldwork carried out within the Project "Archaeology to the West of Homs" in 2009. The sites at Jeftelik and Tell Marj have been excavated and the work surveying the megalithic necropolis in the área has continued. Jeftelik is an early Natufian site, with a probable habitation structure associated with a large amount of knapped lithic objects. Its characteristics and chronology question conventional models about the origin and expansion of the Natufian. Tell Marj is a late Neolithic settlement, with houses with well-built rectangular basalt walls. Two occupation phases have been identified to date, in which the older phase exhibits several stages of re-building and superimposition of houses. The archaeological material found includes large numbers of projectile points and remains suggesting the incorporation of complex economic and social forms, with long-distance exchange networks and large-scale storage. The megalithic necropolises that have been studied cover large areas, several tens of square kilometres. Complex monuments have been identified, sometimes, associated with other types of structures apart from the funerary constructions themselves.Este proyecto está financiado por el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (proyectos i+D+i HUM2007-66128-C02-01 y 02), el Instituto de Patrimonio Cultural de España del Ministerio de Cultura, el programa EXCAVA de la Generalitat de Catalunya, la Universidad Saint-Joseph de Beirut y la Universidad de Cantabria

    Le Musée de Préhistoire libanaise de l’Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth, 15 ans déjà !

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    Fig.1 : Le Musée de Préhistoire libanaise, Université Saint-Joseph, Beyrouth. Un peu d’histoire… Les recherches préhistoriques au Liban ont démarré à partir de la fin du 19ème siècle sous l’impulsion du père Godefroy Zumoffen (1848-1928), véritable fondateur de la préhistoire libanaise auquel ont succédé d’autres savants jésuites tels que Raoul Desribes (1856-1940), Paul Bovier-Lapierre (1873-1950), Auguste Bergy (1873-1955) et Henri Fleisch (1904-1985). Mais c’est avec Francis Hours (1921-19..

    Les ateliers de taille de la Béqa (Liban) dans le contexte proche-oriental (le façonnage des macrolithes néolithiques)

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    Les ateliers de taille de la vallée de la Béqa (Liban) sont installés sur les gîtes de matières premières silicieuses. Les tailleurs néolithiques y ont façonné des haches, des herminettes, des ciseaux, des grattoirs lourds etc. Il apparaît donc, qu'à cette époque, ces sites-ateliers, où aucun matériel témoignant de la vie quotidienne propre aux villages n'a été retrouvé, étaient spécialisés dans la fabrication d'outillages lourds associés d'une manière générale au travail du bois. Ce phénomène semble être lié à la présence d'une forêt dense sur la façade méditerranéenne du Proche-Orient. Pour façonner les macrolithes, les tailleurs ont sélectionné les supports (nodules et éclats) dont la morphologie et les dimensions sont proches de l'objet recherché. L'application des mêmes procédés de taille et la similarité des classes d'outils provenant de l'ensemble des sites-ateliers de la Béqa, laissent à penser que les tailleurs sont issus d'une seule communauté ou de plusieurs communautés ayant vécu durant une même période du Néolithique. Il est possible que ces ateliers, connus uniquement par des ramassages en surface, aient été fréquentés au PPNB récent (8600-8000 BP) et/ou au Néolithique à céramique (8000-6100 BP). S'il est difficile de préciser davantage l'attribution chrono-culturelle de ces ateliers tant qu'aucun n'a fait l'objet de fouilles, il apparaît néanmoins que les quatre grandes étapes qui sont l'acquisition des matières premières, la production, la circulation et l'utilisation, ont eu lieu dans le même territoire, dans la Béqa sud.LYON2/BRON-BU (690292101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Systematic Review of DBT-based Interventions with Adolescents

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    The purpose of this systematic review is to survey the available literature published on DBT for adolescents and synthesize study findings across treatment setting (e.g., inpatient, outpatient, school), treatment level (e.g., clinical intervention, targeted, universal prevention), and problem behavior (e.g., borderline personality disorder symptoms, suicidal ideation, depression). Although previous review papers have examined the effectiveness of DBT for adolescents, they do not include results from studies published within the last ten years, and are in need of updating (Groves et al., 2012; MacPherson et al., 2013). Compiling evidence across adolescent populations and indications will provide both practitioners and researchers with important clinical implications to consider