23 research outputs found

    Caractérisation moléculaire et fonctionnelle de la protéine DYW1 dans le complexe d'édition chloroplastique d'Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Dans les organites des plantes, l Ă©dition de l ARN consiste majoritairement en une dĂ©samination de cytidines Ă  des sites spĂ©cifiques de l ARNm. Trente-quatre sites d Ă©dition ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©couverts dans les transcrits chloroplastiques d Arabidopsis thaliana et plus de 500 dans les transcrits mitochondriaux. Depuis 2005, beaucoup de facteurs d Ă©dition ont Ă©tĂ© trouvĂ©s. La majoritĂ© de ces protĂ©ines appartiennent Ă  la famille des PentatricoPeptide Repeat (PPR). Parmi ces PPR, certaines contiennent un domaine DYW possĂ©dant de faibles similaritĂ©s avec les cytidines dĂ©saminases (CDA), alors que d autres en sont dĂ©nuĂ©es, gĂ©nĂ©rant un doute sur le fait qu il ait une activitĂ© CDA. Le gĂšne At1g47580 (DYW1) code une protĂ©ine unique chez Arabidopsis thaliana contenant seulement un domaine DYW. Il a Ă©tĂ© proposĂ© que DYW1 puisse interagir avec les PPR ne contenant pas de domaine DYW, pour former un hĂ©tĂ©rodimĂšre, capable d Ă©diter spĂ©cifiquement un site. En accord avec cette hypothĂšse, nous avons montrĂ© que DYW1 agissait sur le mĂȘme site d Ă©dition que CRR4, une PPR sans domaine DYW, et que ces protĂ©ines interagissaient in vivo. De plus, nous avons montrĂ© que DYW1 remplaçait les parties manquantes de CRR4 pour l Ă©dition. Pour obtenir plus d informations sur la fonction du domaine DYW, des mutations ont Ă©tĂ© introduites dans DYW1. Nous avons montrĂ© que la signature CDA dans les protĂ©ines DYW Ă©tait essentielle Ă  l Ă©dition de l ARN ainsi qu Ă  l interaction avec les ions zinc. Les donnĂ©es sont en accord avec l hypothĂšse d une activitĂ© CDA dans le domaine DYW. Cependant, aucune activitĂ© CDA n a pu ĂȘtre mise Ă  jour in vitro. Il est vraisemblable qu au moins un cofacteur doive encore ĂȘtre identifiĂ©.In plant organelles, RNA editing mostly takes the form of conversions of cytidines to uridines at specific sites in mRNAs. Thirty-four editing sites have been found in Arabidopsis thaliana chloroplast transcripts and more than 500 sites in mitochondrial transcripts. Since 2005, lots of proteins have been found to act as RNA editing factors. Most of these proteins belong to the PentatricoPeptide Repeat (PPR) family. Amongst these PPR, some contain a DYW domain with weak similarity to cytidine deaminases (CDA), whilst others lack such a domain, creating doubts about whether this domain is required for editing. The gene At1g47580 (named DYW1) encodes a protein in Arabidopsis thaliana that contains only a DYW domain. Our initial hypothesis was that DYW1 might interact with PPR proteins that lack a DYW domain, in order to form a heterodimer, able to perform site-specific editing. In accordance with this hypothesis, we discovered that DYW1 is involved in editing the same site as CRR4, a PPR lacking a DYW domain, and that these two proteins interact together in vivo. Moreover, we showed that DYW1 replaces all the missing parts of CRR4 for editing. So, other partners need to be hypothesized for other DYW-lacking editing factors if this hypothesis is to be generalized. The highly conserved residues making up the CDA signature in DYW proteins were found to be essential for RNA editing and are also required for zinc binding, which is a known characteristic of CDAs. All the data so far are consistent with the DYW domain being (part of) a CDA activity; nevertheless, no CDA activity could be detected in vitro. It is likely that at least one required cofactor remains to be identified.EVRY-Bib. Ă©lectronique (912289901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Analysis of BAC end sequences in oak, a keystone forest tree species, providing insight into the composition of its genome

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>One of the key goals of oak genomics research is to identify genes of adaptive significance. This information may help to improve the conservation of adaptive genetic variation and the management of forests to increase their health and productivity. Deep-coverage large-insert genomic libraries are a crucial tool for attaining this objective. We report herein the construction of a BAC library for <it>Quercus robur</it>, its characterization and an analysis of BAC end sequences.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The <it>Eco</it>RI library generated consisted of 92,160 clones, 7% of which had no insert. Levels of chloroplast and mitochondrial contamination were below 3% and 1%, respectively. Mean clone insert size was estimated at 135 kb. The library represents 12 haploid genome equivalents and, the likelihood of finding a particular oak sequence of interest is greater than 99%. Genome coverage was confirmed by PCR screening of the library with 60 unique genetic loci sampled from the genetic linkage map. In total, about 20,000 high-quality BAC end sequences (BESs) were generated by sequencing 15,000 clones. Roughly 5.88% of the combined BAC end sequence length corresponded to known retroelements while <it>ab initio </it>repeat detection methods identified 41 additional repeats. Collectively, characterized and novel repeats account for roughly 8.94% of the genome. Further analysis of the BESs revealed 1,823 putative genes suggesting at least 29,340 genes in the oak genome. BESs were aligned with the genome sequences of <it>Arabidopsis thaliana</it>, <it>Vitis vinifera </it>and <it>Populus trichocarpa</it>. One putative collinear microsyntenic region encoding an alcohol acyl transferase protein was observed between oak and chromosome 2 of <it>V. vinifera.</it></p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This BAC library provides a new resource for genomic studies, including SSR marker development, physical mapping, comparative genomics and genome sequencing. BES analysis provided insight into the structure of the oak genome. These sequences will be used in the assembly of a future genome sequence for oak.</p

    Molecular and functional characterization of the DYW1 protein in the chloroplast editing complex of Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Dans les organites des plantes, l’édition de l’ARN consiste majoritairement en une dĂ©samination de cytidines Ă  des sites spĂ©cifiques de l’ARNm. Trente-quatre sites d’édition ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©couverts dans les transcrits chloroplastiques d’Arabidopsis thaliana et plus de 500 dans les transcrits mitochondriaux. Depuis 2005, beaucoup de facteurs d’édition ont Ă©tĂ© trouvĂ©s. La majoritĂ© de ces protĂ©ines appartiennent Ă  la famille des «PentatricoPeptide Repeat» (PPR). Parmi ces PPR, certaines contiennent un domaine DYW possĂ©dant de faibles similaritĂ©s avec les cytidines dĂ©saminases (CDA), alors que d’autres en sont dĂ©nuĂ©es, gĂ©nĂ©rant un doute sur le fait qu’il ait une activitĂ© CDA. Le gĂšne At1g47580 (DYW1) code une protĂ©ine unique chez Arabidopsis thaliana contenant «seulement» un domaine DYW. Il a Ă©tĂ© proposĂ© que DYW1 puisse interagir avec les PPR ne contenant pas de domaine DYW, pour former un hĂ©tĂ©rodimĂšre, capable d’éditer spĂ©cifiquement un site. En accord avec cette hypothĂšse, nous avons montrĂ© que DYW1 agissait sur le mĂȘme site d’édition que CRR4, une PPR sans domaine DYW, et que ces protĂ©ines interagissaient in vivo. De plus, nous avons montrĂ© que DYW1 remplaçait les parties manquantes de CRR4 pour l’édition. Pour obtenir plus d’informations sur la fonction du domaine DYW, des mutations ont Ă©tĂ© introduites dans DYW1. Nous avons montrĂ© que la signature CDA dans les protĂ©ines DYW Ă©tait essentielle Ă  l’édition de l’ARN ainsi qu’à l’interaction avec les ions zinc. Les donnĂ©es sont en accord avec l’hypothĂšse d’une activitĂ© CDA dans le domaine DYW. Cependant, aucune activitĂ© CDA n’a pu ĂȘtre mise Ă  jour in vitro. Il est vraisemblable qu’au moins un cofacteur doive encore ĂȘtre identifiĂ©.In plant organelles, RNA editing mostly takes the form of conversions of cytidines to uridines at specific sites in mRNAs. Thirty-four editing sites have been found in Arabidopsis thaliana chloroplast transcripts and more than 500 sites in mitochondrial transcripts. Since 2005, lots of proteins have been found to act as RNA editing factors. Most of these proteins belong to the PentatricoPeptide Repeat (PPR) family. Amongst these PPR, some contain a DYW domain with weak similarity to cytidine deaminases (CDA), whilst others lack such a domain, creating doubts about whether this domain is required for editing. The gene At1g47580 (named DYW1) encodes a protein in Arabidopsis thaliana that contains “only” a DYW domain. Our initial hypothesis was that DYW1 might interact with PPR proteins that lack a DYW domain, in order to form a heterodimer, able to perform site-specific editing. In accordance with this hypothesis, we discovered that DYW1 is involved in editing the same site as CRR4, a PPR lacking a DYW domain, and that these two proteins interact together in vivo. Moreover, we showed that DYW1 replaces all the missing parts of CRR4 for editing. So, other partners need to be hypothesized for other DYW-lacking editing factors if this hypothesis is to be generalized. The highly conserved residues making up the CDA signature in DYW proteins were found to be essential for RNA editing and are also required for zinc binding, which is a known characteristic of CDAs. All the data so far are consistent with the DYW domain being (part of) a CDA activity; nevertheless, no CDA activity could be detected in vitro. It is likely that at least one required cofactor remains to be identified

    Tissue-specific isolation of tagged Arabidopsis plastids

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    Plastids are found in all plant cell types. However, most extraction methods to study these organelles are performed at the organ level (e.g., leaf, root, fruit) and do not allow for tissue-specific resolution, which hinders our understanding of their physiology. Therefore, IPTACT (Isolation of Plastids TAgged in specific Cell Types) was developed to isolate plastids in a tissue-specific manner in Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis). Plastids are biotinylated using one-shot transgenic lines, and tissue specificity is achieved with a suitable promoter as long as such a promoter exists. Cell-specific biotinylated plastids are then isolated with 2.8-”m streptavidin beads. Plastids extracted by IPTACT are suitable for RNA or protein isolation and subsequent tissue-specific OMICs analyses. This method provides the user with a powerful tool to investigate plastidial functions at cell-type resolution. Furthermore, it can easily be combined with studies using diverse genetic backgrounds and/or different developmental or stress conditions

    Comparison of plastid proteomes points towards a higher plastidial redox turnover in vascular tissues than in mesophyll cells

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    Plastids are complex organelles that vary in size and function depending on the cell type. Accordingly, they can be referred to as amyloplasts, chloroplasts, chromoplasts, etioplasts, or proplasts, to only cite a few. Over the past decades, methods based on density gradients and differential centrifugation have been extensively used for the purification of plastids. However, these methods need large amounts of starting material, and hardly provide a tissue-specific resolution. Here, we applied our IPTACT (Isolation of Plastids TAgged in specific Cell Types) method, which involves the biotinylation of plastids in vivo using one-shot transgenic lines expressing the Translocon of the Outer Membrane 64 (TOC64) gene coupled with a biotin ligase receptor particle and the BirA biotin ligase, to isolate plastids from mesophyll and companion cells of Arabidopsis using tissue specific pCAB3 and pSUC2 promoters, respectively. Subsequently, a proteome profiling was performed, which allowed the identification of 1672 proteins, among which 1342 were predicted to be plastidial, and 705 were fully confirmed according to the SUBA5 database. Interestingly, although 92% of plastidial proteins were equally distributed between the two tissues, we observed an accumulation of proteins associated with jasmonic acid biosynthesis, plastoglobuli (e.g. NAD(P)H dehydrogenase C1, vitamin E deficient 1, plastoglobulin of 34 kDa, ABC1-like kinase 1) and cyclic electron flow in plastids originating from vascular tissue. Besides demonstrating the technical feasibility of isolating plastids in a tissue-specific manner, our work provides strong evidence that plastids from vascular tissue have a higher redox turnover to ensure optimal functioning, notably under high solute strength as encountered in vascular cells

    Tissue-specific isolation of Arabidopsis/plant mitochondria - IMTACT (isolation of mitochondria tagged in specific cell types)

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    Plant cells contain numerous subcompartments with clearly delineated metabolic functions. Mitochondria represent a very small fraction of the total cell volume and yet are the site of respiration and thus crucial for cells throughout all developmental stages of a plant's life. As such, their isolation from the rest of the cellular components is a basic requirement for numerous biochemical and physiological experiments. Although procedures exist to isolate plant mitochondria from different organs (i.e. leaves, roots, tubers, etc.), they are often tedious and do not provide resolution at the tissue level (i.e. phloem, mesophyll or pollen). Here, we present a novel method called IMTACT (isolation of mitochondria tagged in specific cell types), developed inArabidopsis thaliana(Arabidopsis) that involves biotinylation of mitochondria in a tissue-specific manner using transgenic lines expressing a synthetic version of theOM64(Outer Membrane 64) gene combined withBLRPand theBirAbiotin ligase gene. Tissue specificity is achieved with cell-specific promoters (e.g.CAB3andSUC2). Labeled mitochondria from crude extracts are retained by magnetic beads, allowing the simple and rapid isolation of highly pure and intact organelles from organs or specific tissues. For example, we could show that the mitochondrial population from mesophyll cells was significantly larger in size than the mitochondrial population isolated from leaf companion cells. To facilitate the applicability of this method in both wild-type and mutant Arabidopsis plants we generated a set of OM64-BLRP one-shot constructs with different selection markers and tissue-specific promoters

    Gene atlas of iron-containing proteins (ironOME) in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Iron (Fe) is an essential element for all organisms, including plants, because of its presence in numerous proteins involved in vital cellular processes1. We have recently performed an exhaustive, manually curated, inventory of genes encoding Fe-containing proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana to obtain a comprehensive view of genes and biological processes that depends directly on Fe acquisition in plants. Based on genome annotations, sequence analysis as well as on a detailed literature survey, we identified 1068 genes encoding potential Fe-binding proteins, which include 204 iron-sulfur (Fe-S) proteins, 446 haem proteins and 330 non-Fe-S/non-haem Fe proteins. Additionally, 88 other genes encoding proteins for which Fe binding is uncertain were indexed as ‘unclear’ in a fourth category. In total, this represents approximately 4% of the Arabidopsis genes. Furthermore, we have analyzed the predicted or demonstrated subcellular localization for all corresponding proteins, and we assessed the phylostratigraphic ranking of the gene set coding for all three Fe-containing protein categories to investigate the evolutionary age. Finally, we analyzed the spatiotemporal gene expression profile of this gene set during plant development. In order to keep the Arabidopsis Fe-containing protein atlas as ‘up to date’ as possible, this resource is made available to – and updatable by – the scientific community at https://conf.arabidopsis.org/display/COM/Atlas+of+Fe+containing+proteins.We believe that this resource represents a valuable tool for a large scientific community interested in many aspects of Fe metabolism, including Fe assimilation/acquisition and its utilization in plants and beyond. In particular, it may help selecting relevant targets for future breeding or biotechnological approaches aiming at Fe biofortification in plants

    Gene atlas of iron-containing proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Iron (Fe) is an essential element for the development and physiology of plants, owing to its presence in numerous proteins involved in central biological processes. Here, we established an exhaustive, manually curated inventory of genes encoding Fe-containing proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana, and summarized their subcellular localization, spatiotemporal expression and evolutionary age. We have currently identified 1068 genes encoding potential Fe-containing proteins, including 204 iron-sulfur (Fe-S) proteins, 446 haem proteins and 330 non-Fe-S/non-haem Fe proteins (updates of this atlas are available at https://conf.arabidopsis.org/display/COM/Atlas+of+Fe+containing+proteins). A fourth class, containing 88 genes for which iron binding is uncertain, is indexed as ‘unclear’. The proteins are distributed in diverse subcellular compartments with strong differences per category. Interestingly, analysis of the gene age index showed that most genes were acquired early in plant evolutionary history and have progressively gained regulatory elements, to support the complex organ-specific and development-specific functions necessitated by the emergence of terrestrial plants. With this gene atlas, we provide a valuable and updateable tool for the research community that supports the characterization of the molecular actors and mechanisms important for Fe metabolism in plants. This will also help in selecting relevant targets for breeding or biotechnological approaches aiming at Fe biofortification in crops

    Gene atlas of iron-containing proteins (ironOME) in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Iron (Fe) is an essential element for all organisms, including plants, because of its presence in numerous proteins involved in vital cellular processes1. We have recently performed an exhaustive, manually curated, inventory of genes encoding Fe-containing proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana to obtain a comprehensive view of genes and biological processes that depends directly on Fe acquisition in plants. Based on genome annotations, sequence analysis as well as on a detailed literature survey, we identified 1068 genes encoding potential Fe-binding proteins, which include 204 iron-sulfur (Fe-S) proteins, 446 haem proteins and 330 non-Fe-S/non-haem Fe proteins. Additionally, 88 other genes encoding proteins for which Fe binding is uncertain were indexed as ‘unclear’ in a fourth category. In total, this represents approximately 4% of the Arabidopsis genes. Furthermore, we have analyzed the predicted or demonstrated subcellular localization for all corresponding proteins, and we assessed the phylostratigraphic ranking of the gene set coding for all three Fe-containing protein categories to investigate the evolutionary age. Finally, we analyzed the spatiotemporal gene expression profile of this gene set during plant development. In order to keep the Arabidopsis Fe-containing protein atlas as ‘up to date’ as possible, this resource is made available to – and updatable by – the scientific community at https://conf.arabidopsis.org/display/COM/Atlas+of+Fe+containing+proteins.We believe that this resource represents a valuable tool for a large scientific community interested in many aspects of Fe metabolism, including Fe assimilation/acquisition and its utilization in plants and beyond. In particular, it may help selecting relevant targets for future breeding or biotechnological approaches aiming at Fe biofortification in plants

    The RPN12a proteasome subunit is essential for the multiple hormonal homeostasis controlling the progression of leaf senescence

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    The 26S proteasome is a conserved multi-subunit machinery in eukaryotes. It selectively degrades ubiquitinated proteins, which in turn provides an efficient molecular mechanism to regulate numerous cellular functions and developmental processes. Here, we studied a new loss-of-function allele of RPN12a, a plant ortholog of the yeast and human structural component of the 19S proteasome RPN12. Combining a set of biochemical and molecular approaches, we confirmed that a rpn12a knock-out had exacerbated 20S and impaired 26S activities. The altered proteasomal activity led to a pleiotropic phenotype affecting both the vegetative growth and reproductive phase of the plant, including a striking repression of leaf senescence associate cell-death. Further investigation demonstrated that RPN12a is involved in the regulation of several conjugates associated with the auxin, cytokinin, ethylene and jasmonic acid homeostasis. Such enhanced aptitude of plant cells for survival in rpn12a contrasts with reports on animals, where 26S proteasome mutants generally show an accelerated cell death phenotype