288 research outputs found

    Presuposición y persuasión en los anuncios publicitarios de revistas de salud y fitness: un estudio preliminar.

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    In this study presupposition is examined from the point of view of the type of information assumed by advertisers (Levinson 1983; Goddard 1998) and the functions they ful fi l in achieving persuasion in nutritional advertising. Thus, 25 headlines from 5 health and fitness magazines (2012) have been classi fied according to the type of covert information. The results indicate that there are gender differences as regards this form of inferential information as well as the linguistic items that trigger these presuppositions. Whereas commercials addressed to men are more competitive, those addressed to women appeal more to their emotions

    Design of an attitude control system and flight schedule for CubeSats with NASA 42 Simulator

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    Over the last decade, CubeSats, a standardised satellite design, have opened up doors of space exploration to a wide range of universities, startups and research groups by offering low-cost, versatile operations. This thesis is within the framework of the DISEN research group and its Amazon Mission, which intends to establish a communication link between a remote and inaccessible place such as the Amazon, with the DISEN ground station. The thesis aims to develop an attitude control system and flight schedule for the Amazon Mission CubeSat using the NASA’s open-source 42 Simulator. In addition, Matlab is used to plot and analyse the simulation outputs. The attitude control system is designed with two possible states: a ground station pointing state, to be used during a flyby over a ground station, and an Earth pointing state, to be used during the rest of the orbit. Based on this, the flight schedule calls each state at the required time, depending on the CubeSat relative position with the Earth. Furthermore, a preliminary analysis on the battery management and data flow of the CubeSat throughout its orbit is implemented. To analyse the simulation results, data such as the pointing accuracy, the angular velocity of the reaction wheels and the battery consumption is particularly focused and detailed due to being critical factors for the performance of the CubeSat. Regarding the final design, it provides the CubeSat with a pointing accuracy below 4 degrees at all times and with a 20% battery charge surplus during each orbit. It also ensures that the operation of the reaction wheels is within limits. With the results obtained, it can be stated that the CubeSat designed has a reliable operation and fulfills the Amazon Mission goals. Nevertheless, this thesis has built the mission foundations within the 42 Simulator, and it is future work to refine many of the processes and models designed to achieve even more realistic simulations

    The Burau representation of the Braid group

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Matemàtiques, Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2020, Director: Ricardo García López[en] This work deals with two relevant subjects of modern mathematics: representation theory and braid theory. It also includes a relation between them; the Burau representation, as well as a new concept; the Fox partial derivatives and its relation with the braid theory, more specifically with the Burau representation. The structure of the work is as follows. Firstly, the basic notions of representation and braid theory will be given to understand the following results. Therefore, the Burau representation will be studied giving its definition, the one of its reduced form and proving its faithfulness. A different interpretation of this representation, introduced by V. Jones will also be studied and it has to be outlined due to its relation with the probability. Finally, the Fox calculus and its partial derivatives will be introduced to show an alternative approach to the Burau representation


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    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo destacar la importancia de la Gestión Estratégica como instrumento técnico para el fortalecimiento de la gestión Institucional, ya que se define como el proceso que evalúa y vigila la inestabilidad del entorno en busca de oportunidades y/o amenazas del afuera y las fortalezas y las debilidades del adentro, articulando una visión, misión, metas y objetivos institucionales acordes con las expectativas de la comunidad, para desarrollar estrategias y tácticas que, en el marco de un plan, se orienten a satisfacer las necesidades de los individuos y de las organizaciones. Los sistemas de gestión se han ido modificando, y estos cambios están relacionados con la incorporación de las nuevas tecnologías de la información para el desarrollo de sus actividades, la creciente competencia por los recursos económicos, la rendición de cuentas a la sociedad, las nuevas demandas sociales y económicas, la colaboración universitaria en el desarrollo regional y mundial, lo que dará lugar a que todas las universidades deban afrontar una serie de retos con perspectiva de futuro. La Gestión Estratégica se enmarca en un estilo de dirección, de manera que un plan estratégico carece de sentido si su staff directivo no tiene asimilado esta forma de dirección

    Una forma de escepticismo terapéutico: Nishitani, lector de Hakuin

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    El maestro zen Hakuin Ekaku (1685-1768) enseñaba a sus seguidores que para lograr la liberación del sufrimiento debían poner en tela de juicio su propia capacidad de comprensión y al mismo tiempo dotarse de una gran confianza en la posibilidad del despertar a la verdad que persigue el budismo. Su método consistía en practicar una serie de kōan, una técnica meditativa basada en la resolución de unos casos aparentemente paradójicos o ilógicos, hasta que el practicante llegara a convertirse en una «gran masa de duda». Dos siglos más tarde, el filósofo japonés Nishitani Keiji (1900-1990), ampliamente reconocido como uno de los miembros más destacados de la llamada Escuela de Kioto, se propuso como tarea pensar el problema del nihilismo, como fenómeno filosófico pero también histórico y existencial. Este artículo examina el modo en que Nishitani aborda el problema del nihilismo y su propuesta de resolución a partir de la influencia ejercida por el maestro Hakuin en él y, más concretamente, el papel que desempeña en su argumentación la noción zen de «gran duda» (jap. taigi). Sugerimos que el pensamiento de Nishitani se puede situar en la línea de una tradición espiritual que se halla representada en el zen de Hakuin, en la medida en que ve en la duda radical una forma de hallar la certeza, o en la negación de la negación, una afirmación absolutaThe Zen master Hakuin Ekaku (1685-1768) taught his disciples that in order to achieve liberation from suffering they should question their capacity of understanding and at the same time acquire great confidence in the possibility of awakening to the truth that Buddhism seeks. His method consisted of continually practicing kōan, a meditation technique based on the resolution of several cases seemingly paradoxical or illogical, until the practitioner becomes a “great doubting mass.” Two centuries later, the Japanese philosopher Nishitani Keiji (1900-1990), widely recognized as one of the most prominent members of the so-called Kyoto School, assumed the task of thinking the problem of nihilism as a philosophical phenomenon, but also as a historical, and existential one. This article examines Nishitani’s approach to the problem of nihilism and his proposed resolution from the influence exerted on him by master Hakuin. More specifically, we analyze the role played in his discussion of the Zen notion of “Great Doubt” (Jap. taigi). We suggest that Nishitani’s thought can be located on the line of a spiritual tradition found represented in Hakuin’s Zen, insofar as it sees a radical doubting as a way to certainty, or the negation of negation as an absolute affirmatio


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