67 research outputs found

    Can filesharers be triggered by economic incentives? Results of an experiment

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    Illegal filesharing on the internet leads to considerable financial losses for artists and copyright owners as well as producers and sellers of music. Thus far, measures to contain this phenomenon have been rather restrictive. However, there are still a considerable number of illegal systems, and users are able to decide quite freely between legal and illegal downloads because the latter are still difficult to sanction. Recent economic approaches account for the improved bargaining position of users. They are based on the idea of revenue-splitting between professional sellers and peers. In order to test such an innovative business model, the study reported in this article carried out an experiment with 100 undergraduate students, forming five small peer-to-peer networks.The networks were confronted with different economic conditions.The results indicate that even experienced filesharers hold favourable attitudes towards revenue-splitting.They seem to be willing to adjust their behaviour to different economic conditions

    Forecasting with Big Data: A Review

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    Big Data is a revolutionary phenomenon which is one of the most frequently discussed topics in the modern age, and is expected to remain so in the foreseeable future. In this paper we present a comprehensive review on the use of Big Data for forecasting by identifying and reviewing the problems, potential, challenges and most importantly the related applications. Skills, hardware and software, algorithm architecture, statistical significance, the signal to noise ratio and the nature of Big Data itself are identified as the major challenges which are hindering the process of obtaining meaningful forecasts from Big Data. The review finds that at present, the fields of Economics, Energy and Population Dynamics have been the major exploiters of Big Data forecasting whilst Factor models, Bayesian models and Neural Networks are the most common tools adopted for forecasting with Big Data

    Valorisation des productions agricoles en zone de grand défi alimentaire au Zaïre. Tome 1. : le secteur agro-alimentaire vivrier : identification de partenaires potentiels

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    L'objectif assignĂ© Ă  la mission Ă©tait d'identifier des opĂ©rateurs capables de valoriser les productions agricoles par la transformation et le conditionnement des produits afin de rĂ©pondre aux dĂ©fis alimentaires posĂ©s par les villes et les rĂ©gions Ă  forte densitĂ© de population. Trois rĂ©gions ont Ă©tĂ© choisies pour cette identification : Kinshasa et son hinterland, Sus Kivu, KasaĂŻ oriental. Cette identification doit dĂ©boucher sur deux phases successives de micro-projets : -la premiĂšre phase portera sur un choix limitĂ© d'opĂ©rateurs et devra donner lieu Ă  la mise en place d'unitĂ©s artisanales de transformation et de conditionnement trĂšs rapidement opĂ©rationnelles et l'adaptation des circuits de commercialisation correspondants. -la deuxiĂšme phase constituera une phase de diffusion des unitĂ©s dĂ©jĂ  testĂ©es dans la premiĂšre phase, mais aussi une phase d'approfondissement oĂč pourront ĂȘtre pris en compte des produits et des procĂ©dĂ©s novateurs ou/et qui nĂ©cessitent des Ă©tudes approfondies et une mise en route progressive. AprĂšs un apperçu du contexte Ă©conomique global et du secteur agroalimentaire du ZaĂŻre, le rapport prĂ©sente les entreprises agroalimentaires zaĂŻroises, les techniques et produits et les fiches signalĂ©tiques des partenaires potentiel

    Valorisation des productions agricoles en zone de grand défi alimentaire. Tome II : proposition de projet

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    AprÚs avoir, dans un premier tome, identifié les opérateurs capables de valoriser les productions agricoles par la transformation et le conditionnement des produits, les auteurs présente dans ce 2e volume une proposition de projet. L'objectif est d'améliorer la qualité et la productivité de la transformation agro alimentaire artisanale afin de favoriser l'approvisionnement de la population et l'écoulement des produits agricoles locaux. Ils s'intéressera aux produits de base pour lesquels existe une demande considérabl

    Dynamic modelling for a twin screw food extruder: Analysis of the dynamic behaviour through process variables

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    International audienceFood extrusion processes are multiple input, multiple output complex systems. In this paper, the extrusion cooker is simplified into a single input, single output dynamic system, even though multi-input tests have also been performed. Its dynamic characteristics are obtained with step tests on different operating variables: feed rate, moisture content and screw speed. The response is monitored on the following outputs: melt pressure, melt temperature and specific mechanical energy.The results show the following: — the behaviour of the extruder generally verifies the conditions of the BIBO (Bounded Input, Bounded Output) stability, — the process can be considered to be stationary and non-linear. The non-linearity of the system is highlighted by: — the variability of the steady state grain as a function of step magnitude, — the lack of superimposition of the gains when performing multi-input tests.The study of the transient behaviour shows that the systems exhibit a non-separable non-linearity. The observed dynamic characteristics are rising problems that must be taken into account in designing control systems for food extrusion
