34 research outputs found

    Sobre a estandarizaci贸n da antroponimia: Anxelo/Anxela e familia

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    In the fi rst part of this article I will address general questions regarding the linguistic standardization of personal names, given their signifi cance in terms of the lexicon. In addition, criteria regulating their legal use and modifi cation will be considered. In the second part, these issues are examined in terms of the names Anxelo/Anxela, and the different forms that they have generated over time. Their history in Galicia is reviewed, from their emergence during the seventeenth century, the existence of authentic Galician forms and the tendency to Castilianise them in offi cial written uses, to their rapid consolidation and the emergence of new forms during the twentieth century. The historical data employed in this article are sourced mainly from the land registries (catastros) of Ensenada for the eighteenth century, and from the 2002 census of the Statistical National Institute (INE-Madrid) for the twentieth century. Finally, the standard forms are propounded by drawing upon the different forms which occurred in the several sources

    Farruco. Paco, Fran: datos hist贸ricos e evoluci贸n dos hipocor铆sticos en Galicia

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    [Resumo] Os hipocor铆sticos, ou formas afectivas dos nomes persoais, apenas foron obxecto de estudo en Galicia ata agora. Neste traballo com茅zase reflexionando sobre a s煤a delimitaci贸n con- ceptual e as dificultades metodol贸xicas para o seu estudo. Logo, exam铆nanse os rexistrados en Galicia ao longo dos s茅culos, desde a Idade Media, os S茅culos Escuros e o s茅culo XX ata as tendencias m谩is recentes. A partir deles faise unha an谩lise dos procedementos de for- maci贸n dos hipocor铆sticos m谩is tradicionais (a adxunci贸n de sufixos, a supresi贸n de sons, o uso de certas consoantes palatais, e outros) e consid茅rase a influencia que sobre eles tive- ron os cambios nas tendencias onom谩sticas dos 煤ltimos anos. Ao final reprod煤cese a com- pilaci贸n das m谩is de 400 formas rexistradas.[Abstract] Hypocoristics, or affectionate forms of personal names, have scarcely been the subject of study in Galicia until now. In this work the author reflects upon their conceptual delimita- tion and the methodological difficulties posed by their study. Hipocoristics registered in Galicia during the course of several centuries are examined, from the period of the Middle Ages, to the so-called Dark Centuries and the twentieth century until more recent trends. Processes associated with the formation of more traditional hipocoristics are analyzed (the addition of suffixes, suppression of sounds, use of certain palatals consonants, etc.), with especial emphasis places on the influence that changes in naming trends have exercised upon them in recent years. Finally, the compilation of the more of 400 forms is reproduced

    A edici贸n da documentaci贸n medieval non literaria en Galicia

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    Reflexionar sobre a edici贸n da documentaci贸n medieval en Galicia. A limitaci贸n do n煤mero de p谩xinas obr铆ganos a acouta-lo tema 贸s textos non literarios, posto que a an谩lise da produci贸n literaria esixir铆a ter en conta condicionantes moi diferentes

    As copias como testemu帽os ling眉铆sticos: a lingua galega no manuscrito V da Cr贸nica de Iria (s. XVII)

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    A Cr贸nica de Iria chegou ata n贸s a trav茅s de varios manuscritos, dos cales o m谩is antigo conservado 茅 o da catedral de Santiago, C, escrito por Rui V谩zquez en 1468, como el mesmo deixou dito no colof贸n da obra. A pesar dun indicio tan claro, desde un principio suscitou d煤bidas en canto 谩 s煤a autor铆a, porque varios estudosos o consideraron copista, non autor

    A antroponimia nos textos documentais galegos ata o s茅culo XIII

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    A finalidade deste traballo 茅 examinar a evoluci贸n do tratamento da antroponimia nos textos medievais ata o s茅culo XIII, para determinar como esta parte especial do l茅xico se comporta nos documentos escritos en lat铆n e nos escritos en romance. Para isto teremos en conta dous corpus diferentes: un de documentos orixinais latinos e outro, m谩is reducido, dos documentos en galego localizados ata 1260, para que sexan m谩is homox茅neos cronoloxicamente, e para p贸r de relevo as vacilaci贸ns propias dos primeiros textos. O grao de romanceamento existente en ambos os corpora porase de manifesto non s贸 na evoluci贸n fon茅tica, sen贸n tam茅n no tratamento dos sufixos patron铆micos, pois constit煤en unha evidencia da vontade latinizante dos escribas