78 research outputs found

    The Social consequences of sunday work in the USA

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    International audienc

    Decent working time: New trends, new issues.

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    Includes selected papers from the 9th International Symposium on Working Time, Paris (2004), looking at the increasing use of results-based employment relationships for managers and professionals, and the increasing fragmentation of time to more closely tailor staffing needs to customer requirements (e.g., short-hours, part-time work). Moreover, as operating/opening hours rapidly expand toward a 24-hour and 7-day economy, the book considers how this has resulted in a growing diversification, decentralization, and individualization of working hours, as well as an increasing tension between enterprises' business requirements and workers' needs and preferences regarding their hours. It addresses issues such as increasing employment insecurity and instability, time-related social inequalities, particularly in relation to gender, workers' ability to balance their paid work with their personal lives, and the synchronization of working hours with social times, such as community activities. In addition, the book offers suggestions on how policy-makers, academics, and the social partners can together help further develop effective policies for advancing "decent working timeRéduction du temps de travail; Aménagement du temps de travail; Horaires de travail; Labor laws and legislation; Developed countries; Trend; Arrangement of working time; Flexible hours of work; Hours of work;

    Decent working time in industrialized countries: issues, scopes and paradox

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    International audienceThis chapter attempts to analyse the ways in which the trends and stakes of working time have changed during recent decades (section 1.2). The utility of the concept of “decent working time” will then be examined in the light of these changes, by emphasizing its heuristic contribution, and the perspectives and implications that the term suggests in respect of working time policy (section 1.3). The limits and even the paradoxes of such a concept when applied to a heterogeneous world of national spaces can thus be stipulated. The paradoxes and contradictions of policies, in this case EU ones, will then be stressed (section 1.4). Finally, we will show how the notion of “decent working time” suggests some reconfigurations of these policies (section 1.5)

    Premiers résultats des plongées Nautile de la campagne SUBPSO 1 sur la zone de collision "ride des Loyauté arc des Nouvelles-Hébrides" (Sud-Ouest Pacifique)

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    International audienceFour dives were conducted over the collision zone "Loyalty ridge/New Hebrides arc". On the Loyalty ridge, basaltic and rhyolitic breccias overlain by reef limestones were observed. An andesitic volcaniclastic sequence outcrops on the western flank of the New Hebrides arc. Near the trench, the Loyalty ridge has been sliced by normal faults along which the reef limestones collapsed of at least 4,000m. The unusual existence ofSW verging anticlines on the outer wall, 1,000m above the trench, was confirmed. These folds affect rocks ofthe lowerpartofthe ridge flank.Quatre plongées, réalisées sur la zone de collision «ride des Loyauté/arc des NouvellesHébrides », ont permis d'observer: (1) sur la ride des Loyauté, en mur externe de la fosse, des formations volcano-détritiques basaltiques et rhyolitiques, coiffées par des calcaires récifaux, le toutintensément fracturé; (2) sur le flanc occidental de l'arc néo-hébridais, en mur interne de la fosse, une série volcano-détritique andésitique. A l'approche de la fosse, des failles normales ont découpé la ride des Loyauté, amenant les calcaires récifaux jusqu'à des profondeurs de plus de 4000m. Enfin, la présence inhabituelle de plis déjetés vers le SW sur le mur externe, 1000 m au-dessus de la fosse, a été confirmée; ils semblent s'être développés aux dépens de matériel de la partie inférieure du flanc de la ride

    Mardis de Tempo : ouvrir les médiathèques le dimanche (Les)

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    Tempo territorial est une association à but non lucratif crée en 2004. Il s\u27agit du premier réseau national des acteurs des démarches temporelles, réunit des collectivités, des organisations scientifiques, des associations, des consultants et des entreprises, des individus soucieux de faciliter la conciliation des temps personnels et professionnels. Tempo Territorial, a pour objet de favoriser l’échange, le partage, l’apprentissage, la mutualisation, la coopération, entre acteurs des démarches temporelles. Ce document rend compte des travaux menés par l\u27association, et propose un examen des conditions favorables à l’ouverture de certaines bibliothèques le dimanche

    Premiers résultats des plongées de la campagne SUBPSO 1 dans la zone de collision des rides d'Entrecasteaux et de l'arc des Nouvelles-Hébrides

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    International audienceGeological cross-sections,constructed from observations and samples collected during seven dives of theFrench submersible Nautile,reveal that the inner wall of the New Hebrides trench, in front of the North d'Entrecasteaux ridge and the Bougainville guyot,is primarily composed of volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks, most likely shed from the arc. Observations indicate that the bedding of thearc-slope rocks,which generally slopes trench ward in this collision zone,dips steeply (40-80°) arcward near the contact of the colliding features. In this particular area, arc-slope rocks are generally highly fractured and sheared, an exception being rocks forming the ridge east of the Bougainville guyot.Arc-slope rocks are deeply incised by erosional channels and show numerous fresh slump scars. These scars confirm the importance of mass wasting along the deformation front. No evidence for fluid venting,such as clams and mud volcanoes,was observed during the dives.Les coupes géologiques réalisées à partir de sept plongées du Nautile ont montré que le mur interne de la fosse des Nouvelles-hébrides,en face de la ride Nord d'Entrecasteaux et du guyot Bougainville,est essentiellement constitué par des formations volcaniques et volcano-détritiques provenant probablement de l'arc. Ces formations, généralement inclinées vers la fosse, ont,au contact de la ride et du guyot,rebroussées vers le haut et pentées de 40 à 80°vers l'arc. A ces niveaux,les roches sont intensément fracturées et cisaillées à l'exception de celles constituant le bourrelet qui surplombe le toit du guyot Bougainville.Le mur interne présente enfin une morphologie remarquable comprenant des loupes d'arrachement gravitaire,des chenaux d'érosion, des canyons et,localement,des marmites de géant.Ces figures confirment l'importance de l'érosion gravitaire le long du front de déformation.Aucune manifestation de sorties de fluides n'a été observée lors de ces plongées

    Geology of the d'Entrecasteaux - New Hebrides arc collision zone : results from a deep submersible survey

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    International audienceDuring the SuBPSOl cruise, seven submersible dives were conducted between water depths of 5350 and 900 m over the collision zone between the New Hebrides island arc and the d'Entrecasteaux Zone (DEZ). The DEZ, a topographic high on the Australian plate, encompasses the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge (NDR) and the Bougainville guyot, both of which collide with the island-arc slope. In this report we use diving observations and samples, as well as dredging results, to analyse the geology of the Bougainville guyot and the outer arc slope in the DEZ-arc collision zone, and to decipher the mechanisms of seamount subduction. These data indicate that the Bougainville guyot is a middle Eocene island arc volcanocapped with reef limestones that appear to have been deposited during the Late Oligocene to Early Miocene and in Miocene-Pliocene times. This guyot possibly emerged during the Middle and Late Miocene, and started to sink in the New Hebrides trench after the Pliocene. The rocks of the New Hebrides arc slope, in the collision zone, consist primarily of Pliocene-Recent volcaniclastic rocks derived from the arc, and underlying fractured island-arc volcanic basement, possibly of Late Miocene age. However, highly sheared, Upper Oligocene to Lower Miocene nannofossil ooze and chalk are exposed at the toe of the arc slope against the northern flank of the NDR. Based on a comparison with cores collected at DSDP Site 286, the ooze and chalk can be interpreted as sediments accreted from the downgoing plate. East of the Bougainville guyot an antifonn that developed in the arc slope as a consequence of the collision reveals a 500-m-thick wedge of strongly tectonized rocks, possibly accreted from the guyot or an already subducted seamount. The wedge that is overlain by less deformed volcaniclastic island-arc rocks and sediments includes imbricated layers of Late Oligocene to Early Miocene reef and micritic limestones. This wedge, which develops against the leading flank of the guyot, tends to smooth its high-drag shape. A comparison between the 500-m-thick wedge of limestones that outcrops southeast of the guyot and the absence of such a wedge over the flat top of the guyot, although the top is overthrust by island-arc rocks and sediments, can be interpreted to suggest that the wedge moves in the subduction zone with the guyot and facilitates its subduction by streamlining

    Signification géodynamique des calcaires de plate-forme en cours de subduction sous l'arc des Nouvelles-Hébrides (Sud-Ouest de l'océan Pacifique)

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    Note présentée par Jean DercourtInternational audienceThe analysis of carbonates from New Hébrides Trench shows that three main épisodes of shallow water carbonate déposition occurred during Late Eocene,Late Oligocene-Early Miocène,Mio-Pliocene-Quaternary, controlled by eustatism and tectonic.L'analyse de carbonates issus de la fosse des Nouvelles-Hébrides a permis de reconnaître trois périodes favorables au développement de plates-formes(Éocène supérieur,Oligocène supérieur-Miocène inférieur,Mio-Pliocène-Quaternaire)contrôlé par l'eustatisme et la tectonique
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