125 research outputs found

    The Block Spin Renormalization Group Approach and Two-Dimensional Quantum Gravity

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    A block spin renormalization group approach is proposed for the dynamical triangulation formulation of two-dimensional quantum gravity. The idea is to update link flips on the block lattice in response to link flips on the original lattice. Just as the connectivity of the original lattice is meant to be a lattice representation of the metric, the block links are determined in such a way that the connectivity of the block lattice represents a block metric. As an illustration, this approach is applied to the Ising model coupled to two-dimensional quantum gravity. The correct critical coupling is reproduced, but the critical exponent is obscured by unusually large finite size effects.Comment: 10 page

    Ising Model Coupled to Three-Dimensional Quantum Gravity

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    We have performed Monte Carlo simulations of the Ising model coupled to three-dimensional quantum gravity based on a summation over dynamical triangulations. These were done both in the microcanonical ensemble, with the number of points in the triangulation and the number of Ising spins fixed, and in the grand canoncal ensemble. We have investigated the two possible cases of the spins living on the vertices of the triangulation (``diect'' case) and the spins living in the middle of the tetrahedra (``dual'' case). We observed phase transitions which are probably second order, and found that the dual implementation more effectively couples the spins to the quantum gravity.Comment: 11 page

    Bubble divergences: sorting out topology from cell structure

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    We conclude our analysis of bubble divergences in the flat spinfoam model. In [arXiv:1008.1476] we showed that the divergence degree of an arbitrary two-complex Gamma can be evaluated exactly by means of twisted cohomology. Here, we specialize this result to the case where Gamma is the two-skeleton of the cell decomposition of a pseudomanifold, and sharpen it with a careful analysis of the cellular and topological structures involved. Moreover, we explain in detail how this approach reproduces all the previous powercounting results for the Boulatov-Ooguri (colored) tensor models, and sheds light on algebraic-topological aspects of Gurau's 1/N expansion.Comment: 19 page

    Quantum Gravity Vacuum and Invariants of Embedded Spin Networks

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    We show that the path integral for the three-dimensional SU(2) BF theory with a Wilson loop or a spin network function inserted can be understood as the Rovelli-Smolin loop transform of a wavefunction in the Ashtekar connection representation, where the wavefunction satisfies the constraints of quantum general relativity with zero cosmological constant. This wavefunction is given as a product of the delta functions of the SU(2) field strength and therefore it can be naturally associated to a flat connection spacetime. The loop transform can be defined rigorously via the quantum SU(2) group, as a spin foam state sum model, so that one obtains invariants of spin networks embedded in a three-manifold. These invariants define a flat connection vacuum state in the q-deformed spin network basis. We then propose a modification of this construction in order to obtain a vacuum state corresponding to the flat metric spacetime.Comment: 15 pages, revised version to appear in Class. Quant. Gra

    Smooth Random Surfaces from Tight Immersions?

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    We investigate actions for dynamically triangulated random surfaces that consist of a gaussian or area term plus the {\it modulus} of the gaussian curvature and compare their behavior with both gaussian plus extrinsic curvature and ``Steiner'' actions.Comment: 7 page

    2D Conformal Field Theories and Holography

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    It is known that the chiral part of any 2d conformal field theory defines a 3d topological quantum field theory: quantum states of this TQFT are the CFT conformal blocks. The main aim of this paper is to show that a similar CFT/TQFT relation exists also for the full CFT. The 3d topological theory that arises is a certain ``square'' of the chiral TQFT. Such topological theories were studied by Turaev and Viro; they are related to 3d gravity. We establish an operator/state correspondence in which operators in the chiral TQFT correspond to states in the Turaev-Viro theory. We use this correspondence to interpret CFT correlation functions as particular quantum states of the Turaev-Viro theory. We compute the components of these states in the basis in the Turaev-Viro Hilbert space given by colored 3-valent graphs. The formula we obtain is a generalization of the Verlinde formula. The later is obtained from our expression for a zero colored graph. Our results give an interesting ``holographic'' perspective on conformal field theories in 2 dimensions.Comment: 29+1 pages, many figure

    An Effective Model for Crumpling in Two Dimensions?

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    We investigate the crumpling transition for a dynamically triangulated random surface embedded in two dimensions using an effective model in which the disordering effect of the XX variables on the correlations of the normals is replaced by a long-range ``antiferromagnetic'' term. We compare the results from a Monte Carlo simulation with those obtained for the standard action which retains the XX's and discuss the nature of the phase transition.Comment: 5 page

    A Potts/Ising Correspondence on Thin Graphs

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    We note that it is possible to construct a bond vertex model that displays q-state Potts criticality on an ensemble of phi3 random graphs of arbitrary topology, which we denote as ``thin'' random graphs in contrast to the fat graphs of the planar diagram expansion. Since the four vertex model in question also serves to describe the critical behaviour of the Ising model in field, the formulation reveals an isomorphism between the Potts and Ising models on thin random graphs. On planar graphs a similar correspondence is present only for q=1, the value associated with percolation.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Ising Model on Networks with an Arbitrary Distribution of Connections

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    We find the exact critical temperature TcT_c of the nearest-neighbor ferromagnetic Ising model on an `equilibrium' random graph with an arbitrary degree distribution P(k)P(k). We observe an anomalous behavior of the magnetization, magnetic susceptibility and specific heat, when P(k)P(k) is fat-tailed, or, loosely speaking, when the fourth moment of the distribution diverges in infinite networks. When the second moment becomes divergent, TcT_c approaches infinity, the phase transition is of infinite order, and size effect is anomalously strong.Comment: 5 page

    Quantum Adiabatic Algorithm and Large Spin Tunnelling

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    We provide a theoretical study of the quantum adiabatic evolution algorithm with different evolution paths proposed in [E. Farhi, et al., arXiv:quant-ph/0208135]. The algorithm is applied to a random binary optimization problem (a version of the 3-Satisfiability problem) where the n-bit cost function is symmetric with respect to the permutation of individual bits. The evolution paths are produced, using the generic control Hamiltonians H(\tau) that preserve the bit symmetry of the underlying optimization problem. In the case where the ground state of H(0) coincides with the totally-symmetric state of an n-qubit system the algorithm dynamics is completely described in terms of the motion of a spin-n/2. We show that different control Hamiltonians can be parameterized by a set of independent parameters that are expansion coefficients of H(\tau) in a certain universal set of operators. Only one of these operators can be responsible for avoiding the tunnelling in the spin-n/2 system during the quantum adiabatic algorithm. We show that it is possible to select a coefficient for this operator that guarantees a polynomial complexity of the algorithm for all problem instances. We show that a successful evolution path of the algorithm always corresponds to the trajectory of a classical spin-n/2 and provide a complete characterization of such paths.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figure