23 research outputs found

    Air Stripping Designs and Reactive Water Purification Processes for the Lunar Surface

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    Air stripping designs are considered to reduce the presence of volatile organic compounds in the purified water. Components of the wastewater streams are ranked by Henry's Law Constant and the suitability of air stripping in the purification of wastewater in terms of component removal is evaluated. Distillation processes are modeled in tandem with air stripping to demonstrate the potential effectiveness and utility of these methods in recycling wastewater on the Moon. Scaling factors for distillation and air stripping columns are presented to account for the difference in the lunar gravitation environment. Commercially available distillation and air stripping units which are considered suitable for Exploration Life Support are presented. The advantages to the various designs are summarized with respect to water purity levels, power consumption, and processing rates. An evaluation of reactive distillation and air stripping is presented with regards to the reduction of volatile organic compounds in the contaminated water and air. Among the methods presented, an architecture is presented for the evaluation of the simultaneous oxidation of organics in air and water. These and other designs are presented in light of potential improvements in power consumptions and air and water purities for architectures which include catalytic activity integrated into the water processor. In particular, catalytic oxidation of organics may be useful as a tool to remove contaminants that more traditional distillation and/or air stripping columns may not remove. A review of the current leading edge at the commercial level and at the research frontier in catalytically active materials is presented. Themes and directions from the engineering developments in catalyst design are presented conceptually in light of developments in the nanoscale chemistry of a variety of catalyst materials

    Distillation Designs for the Lunar Surface

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    Gravity-based distillation methods may be applied to the purification of wastewater on the lunar base. These solutions to water processing are robust physical separation techniques, which may be more advantageous than many other techniques for their simplicity in design and operation. The two techniques can be used in conjunction with each other to obtain high purity water. The components and feed compositions for modeling waste water streams are presented in conjunction with the Aspen property system for traditional stage distillation. While the individual components for each of the waste streams will vary naturally within certain bounds, an analog model for waste water processing is suggested based on typical concentration ranges for these components. Target purity levels for recycled water are determined for each individual component based on NASA s required maximum contaminant levels for potable water Optimum parameters such as reflux ratio, feed stage location, and processing rates are determined with respect to the power consumption of the process. Multistage distillation is evaluated for components in wastewater to determine the minimum number of stages necessary for each of 65 components in humidity condensate and urine wastewater mixed streams

    Phase Change Transformations with Dynamically Addressable Aminal Metallogels

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    Dynamic polymers assembled through hemiaminal and aminal functionalities reversibly fragment upon binding to trivalent metals. Gels produced with these dynamic polymers are broken down to liquids after the addition of metal salts. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy studies and density functional theory calculations of intermediates reveal that the presence of these metals causes shifts in the energetic landscape of the intermediates in the condensation pathway to render stable nonequilibrium products. These species remain stable in the liquid phase at room temperature but convert to gels upon heating. With thermal activation, the fragmented ligands transform catalytically into closed-ring hexahydrotriazine products, which are macroscopically observable as new gels with distinct physical properties. The interplay between equilibrium and nonequilibrium gels and liquids and the ligands responsible for these transformations has been observed rheologically, giving controlled gel times dictated by the thermodynamics and kinetics of the system. This constitutionally dynamic macromolecular system offers the possibility of harnessing an equilibrium/nonequilibrium system in tandem with its inherent self-healing properties and triggered release functionality

    Distillation and Air Stripping Designs for the Lunar Surface

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    Air stripping and distillation are two different gravity-based methods, which may be applied to the purification of wastewater on the lunar base. These gravity-based solutions to water processing are robust physical separation techniques, which may be advantageous to many other techniques for their simplicity in design and operation. The two techniques can be used in conjunction with each other to obtain high purity water. The components and feed compositions for modeling waste water streams are presented in conjunction with the Aspen property system for traditional stage distillation models and air stripping models. While the individual components for each of the waste streams will vary naturally within certain bounds, an analog model for waste water processing is suggested based on typical concentration ranges for these components. Target purity levels for the for recycled water are determined for each individual component based on NASA s required maximum contaminant levels for potable water Distillation processes are modeled separately and in tandem with air stripping to demonstrate the potential effectiveness and utility of these methods in recycling wastewater on the Moon. Optimum parameters such as reflux ratio, feed stage location, and processing rates are determined with respect to the power consumption of the process. Multistage distillation is evaluated for components in wastewater to determine the minimum number of stages necessary for each of 65 components in humidity condensate and urine wastewater mixed streams. Components of the wastewater streams are ranked by Henry s Law Constant and the suitability of air stripping in the purification of wastewater in terms of component removal is evaluated. Scaling factors for distillation and air stripping columns are presented to account for the difference in the lunar gravitation environment. Commercially available distillation and air stripping units which are considered suitable for Exploration Life Support are presented. The advantages to the various designs are summarized with respect to water purity levels, power consumption, and processing rates

    Reactive Distillation and Air Stripping Processes for Water Recycling and Trace Contaminant Control

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    Reactive distillation designs are considered to reduce the presence of volatile organic compounds in the purified water. Reactive distillation integrates a reactor with a distillation column. A review of the literature in this field has revealed a variety of functional reactive columns in industry. Wastewater may be purified by a combination of a reactor and a distiller (e.g., the EWRS or VPCAR concepts) or, in principle, through a design which integrates the reactor with the distiller. A review of the literature in reactive distillation has identified some different designs in such combinations of reactor and distiller. An evaluation of reactive distillation and reactive air stripping is presented with regards to the reduction of volatile organic compounds in the contaminated water and air. Among the methods presented, an architecture is presented for the evaluation of the simultaneous oxidation of organics in air and water. These and other designs are presented in light of potential improvements in power consumptions and air and water purities for architectures which include catalytic activity integrated into the water processor. In particular, catalytic oxidation of organics may be useful as a tool to remove contaminants that more traditional distillation and/or air stripping columns may not remove. A review of the current leading edge at the commercial level and at the research frontier in catalytically active materials is presented. Themes and directions from the engineering developments in catalyst design are presented conceptually in light of developments in the nanoscale chemistry of a variety of catalyst materials

    Theoretical and Structural Analysis of Long C−C Bonds in the Adducts of Polycyanoethylene and Anthracene Derivatives and Their Connection to the Reversibility of Diels–Alder Reactions

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    X-ray structure determinations on four Diels–Alder adducts derived from the reactions of cyano- and ester-substituted alkenes with anthracene and 9,10-dimethylanthracene have shown the bonds formed in the adduction to be particularly long. Their lengths range from 1.58 to 1.62 Å, some of the longest known for Diels–Alder adducts. Formation of the four adducts is detectably reversible at ambient temperature and is associated with free energies of reaction ranging from −2.5 to −40.6 kJ mol−1. The solution equilibria have been experimentally characterised by NMR spectroscopy. Density-functional-theory calculations at the MPW1K/6-31+G(d,p) level with PCM solvation agree with experiment with average errors of 6 kJ mol−1 in free energies of reaction and structural agreement in adduct bond lengths of 0.013 Å. To understand more fully the cause of the reversibility and its relationship to the long adduct bond lengths, natural-bond-orbital (NBO) analysis was applied to quantify donor–acceptor interactions within the molecules. Both electron donation into the σ*-anti-bonding orbital of the adduct bond and electron withdrawal from the σ-bonding orbital are found to be responsible for this bond elongation.

    In situ investigation of phosphonate retarder interaction in oil well cements at elevated temperature and pressure conditions

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    The effect of a high-performance retarding additive in oil well cements was investigated under elevated temperature (165°C) and pressure (1000 psi) conditions via in situ synchrotron-based X-ray diffraction (XRD) and quasielastic neutron scattering (QENS) techniques. Under these temperature and pressure conditions, crystalline calcium silicate hydrates (C–S–H) are formed through the cement hydration process. From in situ XRD experiments, the retardation effect was observed by a change in the rate of the appearance of 11 Å tobermorites as well as a change in the rate of the α-C2SH generation and depletion. QENS analysis revealed that the retardation effect was related to the non-conversion of free water to chemical and constrained water components. A high presence of free water components was attributed to a decrease in 11 Å tobermorites along with slower consumption of the quartz and portlandite phases. Furthermore, QENS results infer that the water molecules experienced confinement in the restricted pore spaces. The retarder inhibited this initial water confinement by slowing the bulk diffusion of free water in the confined region