142 research outputs found

    Selected non-holonomic functions in lattice statistical mechanics and enumerative combinatorics

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    We recall that the full susceptibility series of the Ising model, modulo powers of the prime 2, reduce to algebraic functions. We also recall the non-linear polynomial differential equation obtained by Tutte for the generating function of the q-coloured rooted triangulations by vertices, which is known to have algebraic solutions for all the numbers of the form 2+2cos(jπ/n)2 +2 \cos(j\pi/n), the holonomic status of the q= 4 being unclear. We focus on the analysis of the q= 4 case, showing that the corresponding series is quite certainly non-holonomic. Along the line of a previous work on the susceptibility of the Ising model, we consider this q=4 series modulo the first eight primes 2, 3, ... 19, and show that this (probably non-holonomic) function reduces, modulo these primes, to algebraic functions. We conjecture that this probably non-holonomic function reduces to algebraic functions modulo (almost) every prime, or power of prime numbers. This raises the question to see whether such remarkable non-holonomic functions can be seen as ratio of diagonals of rational functions, or algebraic, functions of diagonals of rational functions.Comment: 27 page

    The Ising model and Special Geometries

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    We show that the globally nilpotent G-operators corresponding to the factors of the linear differential operators annihilating the multifold integrals χ(n)\chi^{(n)} of the magnetic susceptibility of the Ising model (n6n \le 6) are homomorphic to their adjoint. This property of being self-adjoint up to operator homomorphisms, is equivalent to the fact that their symmetric square, or their exterior square, have rational solutions. The differential Galois groups are in the special orthogonal, or symplectic, groups. This self-adjoint (up to operator equivalence) property means that the factor operators we already know to be Derived from Geometry, are special globally nilpotent operators: they correspond to "Special Geometries". Beyond the small order factor operators (occurring in the linear differential operators associated with χ(5) \chi^{(5)} and χ(6) \chi^{(6)}), and, in particular, those associated with modular forms, we focus on the quite large order-twelve and order-23 operators. We show that the order-twelve operator has an exterior square which annihilates a rational solution. Then, its differential Galois group is in the symplectic group Sp(12,C) Sp(12, \mathbb{C}). The order-23 operator is shown to factorize in an order-two operator and an order-21 operator. The symmetric square of this order-21 operator has a rational solution. Its differential Galois group is, thus, in the orthogonal group SO(21,C) SO(21, \mathbb{C}).Comment: 33 page

    Landau singularities and singularities of holonomic integrals of the Ising class

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    We consider families of multiple and simple integrals of the ``Ising class'' and the linear ordinary differential equations with polynomial coefficients they are solutions of. We compare the full set of singularities given by the roots of the head polynomial of these linear ODE's and the subset of singularities occurring in the integrals, with the singularities obtained from the Landau conditions. For these Ising class integrals, we show that the Landau conditions can be worked out, either to give the singularities of the corresponding linear differential equation or the singularities occurring in the integral. The singular behavior of these integrals is obtained in the self-dual variable w=s/2/(1+s2)w= s/2/(1+s^2), with s=sinh(2K)s= \sinh(2K), where K=J/kTK=J/kT is the usual Ising model coupling constant. Switching to the variable ss, we show that the singularities of the analytic continuation of series expansions of these integrals actually break the Kramers-Wannier duality. We revisit the singular behavior (J. Phys. A {\bf 38} (2005) 9439-9474) of the third contribution to the magnetic susceptibility of Ising model χ(3)\chi^{(3)} at the points 1+3w+4w2=01+3w+4w^2= 0 and show that χ(3)(s)\chi^{(3)}(s) is not singular at the corresponding points inside the unit circle s=1| s |=1, while its analytical continuation in the variable ss is actually singular at the corresponding points 2+s+s2=0 2+s+s^2=0 oustside the unit circle (s>1| s | > 1).Comment: 34 pages, 1 figur

    High order Fuchsian equations for the square lattice Ising model: χ(6)\chi^{(6)}

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    This paper deals with χ~(6)\tilde{\chi}^{(6)}, the six-particle contribution to the magnetic susceptibility of the square lattice Ising model. We have generated, modulo a prime, series coefficients for χ~(6)\tilde{\chi}^{(6)}. The length of the series is sufficient to produce the corresponding Fuchsian linear differential equation (modulo a prime). We obtain the Fuchsian linear differential equation that annihilates the "depleted" series Φ(6)=χ~(6)23χ~(4)+245χ~(2)\Phi^{(6)}=\tilde{\chi}^{(6)} - {2 \over 3} \tilde{\chi}^{(4)} + {2 \over 45} \tilde{\chi}^{(2)}. The factorization of the corresponding differential operator is performed using a method of factorization modulo a prime introduced in a previous paper. The "depleted" differential operator is shown to have a structure similar to the corresponding operator for χ~(5)\tilde{\chi}^{(5)}. It splits into factors of smaller orders, with the left-most factor of order six being equivalent to the symmetric fifth power of the linear differential operator corresponding to the elliptic integral EE. The right-most factor has a direct sum structure, and using series calculated modulo several primes, all the factors in the direct sum have been reconstructed in exact arithmetics.Comment: 23 page

    Integrable mappings and polynomial growth

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    We describe birational representations of discrete groups generated by involutions, having their origin in the theory of exactly solvable vertex-models in lattice statistical mechanics. These involutions correspond respectively to two kinds of transformations on q×qq \times q matrices: the inversion of the q×qq \times q matrix and an (involutive) permutation of the entries of the matrix. We concentrate on the case where these permutations are elementary transpositions of two entries. In this case the birational transformations fall into six different classes. For each class we analyze the factorization properties of the iteration of these transformations. These factorization properties enable to define some canonical homogeneous polynomials associated with these factorization properties. Some mappings yield a polynomial growth of the complexity of the iterations. For three classes the successive iterates, for q=4q=4, actually lie on elliptic curves. This analysis also provides examples of integrable mappings in arbitrary dimension, even infinite. Moreover, for two classes, the homogeneous polynomials are shown to satisfy non trivial non-linear recurrences. The relations between factorizations of the iterations, the existence of recurrences on one or several variables, as well as the integrability of the mappings are analyzed.Comment: 45 page

    Mise en valeur des minerais de phosphate par flottation

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    La flottation est une méthode de séparation des solides qui utilise les différences de propriétés des interfaces entre les solides, une solution  aqueuse et un gaz généralement l’air. Ce procédé est favorisé par  l’introduction de réactifs spécifiques appelés les collecteurs. Dans notre travail, on tient à déterminer les formes d’adsorption des collecteurs sur les surfaces minérales des carbonates (calcite et dolomite) et le quartz en utilisant la spectroscopie IR et la spectrométrie à gamme visible. Les acides gras fractions C10-C16 jouent le rôle de collecteurs anioniques dans la flottation des carbonates alors que le triazine est utilisé comme collecteur cationique pour flotter le quartz. Le concentré de phosphate obtenu pourra être utilisé pour la fabrication de l’acide phosphorique et de superphosphate en qualité d’engrais.Mots-clés : flottation, adsorption, carbonates, collecteurs, quartz, spectrométrieFTI

    The importance of the Ising model

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    Understanding the relationship which integrable (solvable) models, all of which possess very special symmetry properties, have with the generic non-integrable models that are used to describe real experiments, which do not have the symmetry properties, is one of the most fundamental open questions in both statistical mechanics and quantum field theory. The importance of the two-dimensional Ising model in a magnetic field is that it is the simplest system where this relationship may be concretely studied. We here review the advances made in this study, and concentrate on the magnetic susceptibility which has revealed an unexpected natural boundary phenomenon. When this is combined with the Fermionic representations of conformal characters, it is suggested that the scaling theory, which smoothly connects the lattice with the correlation length scale, may be incomplete for H0H \neq 0.Comment: 33 page

    The diagonal Ising susceptibility

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    We use the recently derived form factor expansions of the diagonal two-point correlation function of the square Ising model to study the susceptibility for a magnetic field applied only to one diagonal of the lattice, for the isotropic Ising model. We exactly evaluate the one and two particle contributions χd(1)\chi_{d}^{(1)} and χd(2)\chi_{d}^{(2)} of the corresponding susceptibility, and obtain linear differential equations for the three and four particle contributions, as well as the five particle contribution χd(5)(t){\chi}^{(5)}_d(t), but only modulo a given prime. We use these exact linear differential equations to show that, not only the russian-doll structure, but also the direct sum structure on the linear differential operators for the n n-particle contributions χd(n)\chi_{d}^{(n)} are quite directly inherited from the direct sum structure on the form factors f(n) f^{(n)}. We show that the nth n^{th} particle contributions χd(n)\chi_{d}^{(n)} have their singularities at roots of unity. These singularities become dense on the unit circle sinh2Ev/kTsinh2Eh/kT=1|\sinh2E_v/kT \sinh 2E_h/kT|=1 as n n\to \infty.Comment: 18 page

    Canonical decomposition of linear differential operators with selected differential Galois groups

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    We revisit an order-six linear differential operator having a solution which is a diagonal of a rational function of three variables. Its exterior square has a rational solution, indicating that it has a selected differential Galois group, and is actually homomorphic to its adjoint. We obtain the two corresponding intertwiners giving this homomorphism to the adjoint. We show that these intertwiners are also homomorphic to their adjoint and have a simple decomposition, already underlined in a previous paper, in terms of order-two self-adjoint operators. From these results, we deduce a new form of decomposition of operators for this selected order-six linear differential operator in terms of three order-two self-adjoint operators. We then generalize the previous decomposition to decompositions in terms of an arbitrary number of self-adjoint operators of the same parity order. This yields an infinite family of linear differential operators homomorphic to their adjoint, and, thus, with a selected differential Galois group. We show that the equivalence of such operators is compatible with these canonical decompositions. The rational solutions of the symmetric, or exterior, squares of these selected operators are, noticeably, seen to depend only on the rightmost self-adjoint operator in the decomposition. These results, and tools, are applied on operators of large orders. For instance, it is seen that a large set of (quite massive) operators, associated with reflexive 4-polytopes defining Calabi-Yau 3-folds, obtained recently by P. Lairez, correspond to a particular form of the decomposition detailed in this paper.Comment: 40 page