13 research outputs found

    Phytogeographical study of the forest massifs of KĂ©frida, a neglected sector of the Babors important plant area (Northeastern Algeria)

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    Afin d’apporter une meilleure connaissance sur la flore de Petite Kabylie (BĂ©jaĂŻa, AlgĂ©rie), dans l’objectif de conservation du patrimoine naturel, une Ă©tude phytogĂ©ographique a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e sur la vĂ©gĂ©tation forestiĂšre dans deux massifs montagneux peu Ă©tudiĂ©s du secteur de KĂ©frida, mitoyen de la ZIP (zone importante pour les plantes) des Babors. L’inventaire floristique rĂ©alisĂ© au niveau des groupements forestiers de ChĂȘne zĂ©en (Quercus canariensis Willd.), de ChĂȘne afarĂšs (Q. afares Pomel) et des pelouses de montagne a permis de comptabiliser 332 espĂšces de plantes vasculaires. En plus des 205 (62 %) espĂšces mĂ©diterranĂ©ennes qu’il abrite, le site est remarquable par la prĂ©sence de 37 (11 %) endĂ©miques ou sub-endĂ©miques algĂ©riennes et surtout 79 (23 %) espĂšces de l’ensemble holarctique non mĂ©diterranĂ©en. L’analyse du spectre biologique brut montre une dominance significative des hĂ©micryptophytes (48 %) sur les autres formes de vie (7,2 – 22,5 %). Cette zone constitue un refuge actuel exceptionnel pour une flore d’origine non mĂ©diterranĂ©enne et/ou endĂ©mique, dans un contexte de rĂ©chauffement climatique. On note la prĂ©sence de quatorze espĂšces dĂ©terminantes pour le secteur de KĂ©frida Ă©tudiĂ©, dont huit en commun avec la ZIP des Babors et celle d’Akfadou et quatre en commun avec les ZIPs de Djurdjura et des monts de la Medjerda. La zone Ă©tudiĂ©e prĂ©sente aussi un nombre apprĂ©ciable de plantes importantes pour l’AlgĂ©rie. Cette prĂ©sence d’espĂšces dĂ©terminantes et/ou importantes pour le pays permet de classer le secteur de KĂ©frida comme une extension de la ZIP des Babors.In order to provide a better knowledge of the flora of Little Kabylia (BejaĂŻa, Algeria), with an objective of conservation of natural heritage, a phytogeographical study was conducted on forest vegetation in two understudied mountains in the area of KĂ©frida, adjoining the IPA (important plants area) of the Babors. The floristic surveys were conducted in a Zeen and an Afares oak (Quercus canariensis Willd. and Q. afares Pomel respectively) forests as well as mountain grasslands. The sampling allowed us to inventory 332 species of vascular plants. Besides the 205 (62 %) Mediterranean species it houses, the site is remarkable by the presence of 37 (11 %) Algerian endemics or sub-endemics and, above all, 79 (23 %) species from the non-Mediterranean Holarctic subset. Analysis of the global biological spectrum showed the significant dominance of hemicryptophytes (48 %) over the other life-forms (7.2 - 22.5 %). This area is an exceptional current refuge for non-Mediterranean and/or endemic flora, in a context of global warming. We note the presence of fourteen trigger species, including eight in common with the Babors and the Akfadou IPAs and four in common with the Djurdjura and the Medjerda ones. Besides, the investigated area has a significant number of plants important for Algeria. This presence of trigger species and/or plants important for the country allows to classifying the sector of KĂ©frida as an extension of the Babors IPA

    Inventaire des orchidées de la Kabylie des Babors (Algérie) : cartographie et enjeux patrimoniaux

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    International audienceThe orchids of Babors Kabylia (north eastern Algeria) remain understudied despite the importance of this key area for biodiversity and the recent interest of Algerian botanists into orchids family. They were inventoried during the spring period extending from 2011 to 2014. Twenty-seven taxa (species or subspecies) were recorded (plus two others in the literature) divided into nine genera (ten with literature). The genus Ophrys is the most diverse with eight species ; genus Orchis comes in second place with five species. Four of these species are mentioned for the first time in this phytogeographical area known as "Petite Kabylie". The study area harbour twelve (46%) species which are of high patrimonial value. Among them, five are rare, four fairly rare and one extremely rare species and in parallel six species are protected by the Algerian law, while three are Algero-Tunisian endemism. This relatively high orchid diversity is due in large part to the exceptional weather conditions, combined with a relative landscape originality in the mountainous areas of Kabylia of the Babors, fairly well preserve

    Analyse floristique et phytogéographique de quelques massifs de la Kabylie des Babors (Nord-Est algérien) / Floristic and phytogeographical analysis of some mountains to the Kabylia of Babors (Northeastern Algeria)

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    In order to know the natural heritage, a phytogeographical study based on the phytosociological sigmatist method was conducted on forest vegetation in two understudied mountains in the Babors region (Northeastern Algeria). The floristic list obtained from 60 surveys carried out in forest and preforest formations of Zeen Oak (Quercus canariensis Willd.) and Cedar (Cedrus atlantica (Endl.) CarriĂšre) as well as mountain grasslands (primary grasslands) includes 409 taxa belonging to 261 genera and 75 families of vascular plants. Analysis of the chorological spectrum shows not only the importance of Mediterranean element with 55.3% of the listed species, but above all the importance of the taxa which belong to the northern element (24.4%). The study area contains 68 (16.6%) Algerian endemics or sub-endemics. Analysis of the global biological spectrum showed the significant dominance of hemicryptophytes (46.2%) over other life-forms (7.8 to 22.8%). This area is an exceptional current refuge for non-Mediterranean and/ or endemic flora.Dans l’objectif de renforcer les connaissances sur le patrimoine naturel, une Ă©tude chorologique basĂ©e sur la mĂ©thode phytosociologique sigmatiste a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e sur la vĂ©gĂ©tation forestiĂšre dans deux massifs montagneux peu Ă©tudiĂ©s des Babors (Nord-Est algĂ©rien). La liste floristique obtenue Ă  partir des 60 relevĂ©s effectuĂ©s au niveau des formations forestiĂšres et prĂ©forestiĂšres de chĂȘne zĂ©en (Quercus canariensis Willd.), de cĂšdre (Cedrus atlantica (Endl.) CarriĂšre) et des pelouses de montagne (pelouses primaires) comprend 409 taxons appartenant Ă  261 genres et 75 familles de plantes vasculaires. L’analyse du spectre chorologique brut montre non seulement l’importance de l’ensemble mĂ©diterranĂ©en avec 55,3 % des espĂšces rĂ©pertoriĂ©es, mais surtout celle des taxons qui relĂšvent de l’ensemble septentrional (24,4 %). Les massifs Ă©tudiĂ©s comptent 68 taxons (16,6 %) endĂ©miques ou sub-endĂ©miques algĂ©riens. L’analyse du spectre biologique global indique une dominance significative des hĂ©micryptophytes (46,2 %) sur les autres formes de vie (7,8 Ă  22,8 %). Cette rĂ©gion constitue un refuge conservatoire pour une flore d’origine non mĂ©diterranĂ©enne et/ ou endĂ©mique.Bouchibane Mebarek, Zemouri Mourad, Bougaham Abdelazize Franck, Toumi Rachid. Analyse floristique et phytogĂ©ographique de quelques massifs de la Kabylie des Babors (Nord-Est algĂ©rien) / Floristic and phytogeographical analysis of some mountains to the Kabylia of Babors (Northeastern Algeria). In: Ecologia mediterranea, tome 47 n°2, 2021. pp. 51-72

    Food profile of grey wagtail motacilla cinerea during an annual cycle in the Algerian Babors Mountains of North Africa

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    This study showed from the analysis of 180 droppings of the Grey Wagtail Motacilla cinerea harvested during a period of one year from the Babors Mountains (Bejaia, Algeria) that insects formed the main part of the diet (85.9% of identified items). The other food categories included arachnids, crustaceans and gastropods. Among the insects, Coleoptera (beetles) was the main order consisting of 37.4% of identified items. The most frequently recorded family was Baetidae (Ephemeroptera; 9.8%). At the prey-taxa level, an unidentified Baetidae was the most frequently encountered and represented 9.7% of the diet. This species was present in the diet throughout the year. Prey taxa classified as aquatic were more frequently encountered (54.2%) compared with those considered terrestrial. This study showed that seasonal fluctuations in the diet of Grey Wagtail were very weak. Prey size ranged from 0.2 to 30.5 mm, with an average of 8.9 mm. Overall, this study showed that Grey wagtail fed on species of a wide variety of taxa, with little variation across the year

    Nestling diet of the Algerian Nuthatch Sitta ledanti, an endemic threatened bird in Babors’ Kabylia region (north-eastern Algeria)

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    The Algerian Nuthatch is an endemic and protected bird species in Algeria, and its different habitats are threatened by fires and others human actions; the species is therefore considered ‘Endangered’. A faecal samples analysis of the species’ nestlings was done to determine their diet. The nestling faecal samples were collected during the breedingseason of 2019 in the Tamentout deciduous forest in the region of Babors’ Kabylia (north-east Algeria). The faecalsamples analysis allowed us to count 686 individuals belonging to 39 different prey taxa. They belong to two arthropods classes and six orders. Insects (95.4%) were more dominant compared with spiders (4.96%). Beetles were most diverse, with 22 prey taxa and 293 individuals. Dermaptera (earwigs) were represented by only two prey taxa and 265 individuals, with the European Earwig Forficula auricularia recorded 253 times. A correlation was also found between the prey sizes and energy intake. Costello’s charts indicated five potential prey including Forficula auricularia, Oxythyrea funesta and Anthaxia sp. were the most consumed. The niche breadth calculation (0.017) revealed that the Algerian Nuthatch specialises on some prey items such as Forficula auricularia to feed its nestlings. The most prized prey species had sizes between 14.5 mm and 19 mm, Forficula auricularia has a size of 15 mm. RĂ©gime alimentaire des oisillons de la Sittelle kabyle Sitta ledanti, un oiseau endĂ©mique et menacĂ© dans la rĂ©gion de la Kabylie des Babors (Nord-Est de l’AlgĂ©rie) La Sittelle kabyle est une espĂšce d’oiseau endĂ©mique et protĂ©gĂ©e en AlgĂ©rie. Ses diffĂ©rents habitats sont menacĂ©spar les incendies et autres actions humaines; l’espĂšce est considĂ©rĂ©e comme ‘En danger’. Le rĂ©gime alimentaire des oisillons de l’espĂšce a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ© par l’analyse des Ă©chantillons fĂ©caux. Durant la saison de reproduction 2019, les Ă©chantillons fĂ©caux des oisillons ont Ă©tĂ© collectĂ©s dans la forĂȘt caducifoliĂ©e de Tamentout dans la rĂ©gion de la Kabylie des Babors (Nord-Est de l’AlgĂ©rie). L’analyse des Ă©chantillons fĂ©caux nous a permis de dĂ©nombrer 686 individus appartenant Ă  39 taxons proies diffĂ©rents. Ils appartiennent Ă  deux classes d’arthropodes et Ă  six ordres. Les insectes (95.4%) Ă©taient plus dominants que les araignĂ©es (4.96%). Les colĂ©optĂšres Ă©taient plus diversifiĂ©s avec 22 taxons proies et 293 individus. Les DermaptĂšres Ă©taient reprĂ©sentĂ©s par deux taxons proies et 265 individus oĂč Forficula auricularia a Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ© 253 fois. Une corrĂ©lation a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© trouvĂ©e entre la taille des proies et leurs apports Ă©nergĂ©tiques. Le graphe de Costello indiquait cinq proies potentielles, dont Forficula auricularia, Oxythyrea funesta et Anthaxia sp. Ă©taient les plus consommĂ©s. Le calcul de la largeur de la niche (0.017) a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que la Sittelle kabyle, pour nourrir ses oisillons, se spĂ©cialise dans certaines proies telles que Forficula auricularia. Les espĂšces de proies les plus prisĂ©es avaient des tailles comprises entre 14.5 mm et 19 mm, Forficula auricularia a une taille de 15 mm

    Étude phytogĂ©ographique des massifs forestiers de KĂ©frida, un secteur mĂ©connu de la zone importante pour les plantes des Babors (Nord-Est algĂ©rien)

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    International audiencePhytogeographical study of the forest massifs of KĂ©frida, a neglected sector of the Babors important PLANT area (Northeastern Algeria).― In order to provide a better knowledge of the flora of Little Kabylia (BejaĂŻa, Algeria), with an objective of conservation of natural heritage, a phytogeographical study was conducted on forest vegetation in two understudied mountains in the area of KĂ©frida, adjoining the IPA (important plants area) of the Babors. The floristic surveys were conducted in a Zeen and an Afares oak (Quercus canariensis Willd. and Q. afares Pomel respectively) forests as well as mountain grasslands. The sampling allowed us to inventory 332 species of vascular plants. Besides the 205 (62 %) Mediterranean species it houses, the site is remarkable by the presence of 37 (11 %) Algerian endemics or sub-endemics and, above all, 79 (23 %) species from the non-Mediterranean Holarctic subset. Analysis of the global biological spectrum showed the significant dominance of hemicryptophytes (48 %) over the other life-forms (7.2-22.5 %). This area is an exceptional current refuge for non-Mediterranean and/or endemic flora, in a context of global warming. We note the presence of fourteen trigger species, including eight in common with the Babors and the Akfadou IPAs and four in common with the Djurdjura and the Medjerda ones. Besides, the investigated area has a significant number of plants important for Algeria. This presence of trigger species and/or plants important for the country allows to classifying the sector of KĂ©frida as an extension of the Babors IP

    New data on the distribution area of the Atlas foxglove Digitalis atlantica (Pomel) / Nouvelles donnĂ©es sur l’aire de distribution de la Digitale de l’Atlas Digitalis atlantica (Pomel)

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    This study is a first aimed at searching for a plant strictly endemic to Algeria, Digitalis atlantica Pomel, for a possible evaluation of its conservation status. The research was conducted from March to July 2019 in the forests of the Babor mountains, in the north-eastern area of Kabylia, likely to contain this species. The discovery of three new locations of the Atlas foxglove, outside its historical occurrence, has allowed the collection of new data on this species and its range. The conservation of the species is expected to be problematic because the three new forests sites do not benefit from protected area status.Cette Ă©tude est une premiĂšre exploration visant la recherche d’une plante endĂ©mique stricte d’AlgĂ©rie la Digitale de l’Atlas, Digitalis atlantica Pomel pour une Ă©ventuelle Ă©valuation de son Ă©tat de conservation. Les recherches se sont dĂ©roulĂ©es durant la pĂ©riode allant de mars Ă  juillet 2019 dans les forĂȘts de montagne de la Kabylie des Babors susceptibles d’abriter cette espĂšce. La dĂ©couverte de trois nouvelles stations de la Digitale de l’Atlas, en dehors de sa prĂ©sence dans les sites historiques, a permis de recueillir de nouvelles donnĂ©es sur cette espĂšce et sur son aire de distribution. La conservation de l’espĂšce est problĂ©matique car les trois forĂȘts Ă©chantillonnĂ©es ne bĂ©nĂ©ficient pas du statut de zone protĂ©gĂ©e.Chelli-Tabti Dalila, Markhouf Sabrina, Derradji Soria, Hamitouche Souad, Bouchareb Abdelouhab, Bougaham Abdelazize Franck. New data on the distribution area of the Atlas foxglove Digitalis atlantica (Pomel) / Nouvelles donnĂ©es sur l’aire de distribution de la Digitale de l’Atlas Digitalis atlantica (Pomel). In: Ecologia mediterranea, tome 46 n°1, 2020. pp. 41-47

    Découverte de Christella dentata (Thelypteridaceae) en Algérie

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    International audienceChristella dentata(= Cylosorus dentatus, Thelypteridaceae, Pteridophyta), native to the tropi-cal and subtropical regions of Africa and Asia, has been observed between Jijel and Bejaia innortheastern Algeria. Distribution, ecological notes and comparison with related taxa asCyclosorus interruptus(Dryopteris gongylodesp.p.) are also provided. This is the first reportof this species in North Africa