63 research outputs found

    Estimation de la fréquence instantanée des signaux FM par opérateur d'énergie Psi_B

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    Psi_B energy operator is an extension of the cross Teager-Kaiser energy operator which is an non-linear energy tracking operator to deal with complex signals and its usefulness for non-stationary signals analysis has been demonstrated. In this letter two new properties of Psi_B are established. The first property is the link between Psi_B and the dynamic signal which is a generalization of the Instantaneous Frequency (IF). The second property obtained for frequency modulated signals is a simple way to estimate the IF. These properties confirm the interest of Psi_B operator to track the non-stationary of a signal. Results of IF estimation in noisy environment of a non-linear FM signal are presented and comparison to Wigner-Ville distribution and Hilbert transform-based method is provided

    Image source detection for geoacoustic inversion by Teager-Kaiser energy operator

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    This letter presents an improvement of the image source method (ISM) for geoacoustic inversion. The new algorithm is based on the Teager-Kaiser Energy Operator which ampli es the discontinuities in signals while the soft transitions are reduced. This property is exploited for accurate detection of time arrivals and thus for location of the image sources. The e ectiveness of the method is shown on both synthetic and real data and the inversion results are, overall, in good agreement with ground truth and other inversion results with a signi cant reduction of computation time

    Analyse des signaux AM-FM basée sur une version B-splines de l'EMD-ESA

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    In this paper a signal analysis framework for estimating time-varying amplitude and frequency functions of multicomponent amplitude and frequency modulated (AM–FM) signals is introduced. This framework is based on local and non-linear approaches, namely Energy Separation Algorithm (ESA) and Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD). Conjunction of Discrete ESA (DESA) and EMD is called EMD–DESA. A new modified version of EMD where smoothing instead of an interpolation to construct the upper and lower envelopes of the signal is introduced. Since extracted IMFs are represented in terms of B-spline (BS) expansions, a closed formula of ESA robust against noise is used. Instantaneous Frequency (IF) and Instantaneous Amplitude (IA) estimates of a multi- component AM–FM signal, corrupted with additive white Gaussian noise of varying SNRs, are analyzed and results compared to ESA, DESA and Hilbert transform-based algorithms. SNR and MSE are used as figures of merit. Regularized BS version of EMD– ESA performs reasonably better in separating IA and IF components compared to the other methods from low to high SNR. Overall, obtained results illustrate the effective- ness of the proposed approach in terms of accuracy and robustness against noise to track IF and IA features of a multicomponent AM–FM signal

    Tatouage audio par EMD

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    In this paper a new adaptive audio watermarking algorithm based on Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) is introduced. The audio signal is divided into frames and each one is decomposed adaptively, by EMD, into intrinsic oscillatory components called Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs). The watermark and the synchronization codes are embedded into the extrema of the last IMF, a low frequency mode stable under different attacks and preserving audio perceptual quality of the host signal. The data embedding rate of the proposed algorithm is 46.9–50.3 b/s. Relying on exhaustive simulations, we show the robustness of the hidden watermark for additive noise, MP3 compression, re-quantization, filtering, cropping and resampling. The comparison analysis shows that our method has better performance than watermarking schemes reported recently

    Codage des signaux par EMD

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    In this letter a new signals coding framework based on the Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) is introduced. The EMD breaks down any signal into a reduced number of oscillating components called Intrinsic Modes Decomposition (IMFs). Based on IMF properties, different coding strategies are presented. No assumptions concerning the linearity or the stationarity are made about the signal to be coded. Results obtained on ECG signals are presented and compared to those of wavelets coding

    Rehaussement du signal de parole par EMD et opérateur de Teager-Kaiser

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    The authors would like to thank Professor Mohamed Bahoura from Universite de Quebec a Rimouski for fruitful discussions on time adaptive thresholdingIn this paper a speech denoising strategy based on time adaptive thresholding of intrinsic modes functions (IMFs) of the signal, extracted by empirical mode decomposition (EMD), is introduced. The denoised signal is reconstructed by the superposition of its adaptive thresholded IMFs. Adaptive thresholds are estimated using the Teager–Kaiser energy operator (TKEO) of signal IMFs. More precisely, TKEO identifies the type of frame by expanding differences between speech and non-speech frames in each IMF. Based on the EMD, the proposed speech denoising scheme is a fully data-driven approach. The method is tested on speech signals with different noise levels and the results are compared to EMD-shrinkage and wavelet transform (WT) coupled with TKEO. Speech enhancement performance is evaluated using output signal to noise ratio (SNR) and perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ) measure. Based on the analyzed speech signals, the proposed enhancement scheme performs better than WT-TKEO and EMD-shrinkage approaches in terms of output SNR and PESQ. The noise is greatly reduced using time-adaptive thresholding than universal thresholding. The study is limited to signals corrupted by additive white Gaussian noise

    Estimation de l'enveloppe et de la fréquence locales par les opérateurs de Teager-Kaiser en interférométrie en lumiÚre blanche.

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    In this work, a new method for surface extraction in white light scanning interferometry (WLSI) is introduced. The proposed extraction scheme is based on the Teager-Kaiser energy operator and its extended versions. This non-linear class of operators is helpful to extract the local instantaneous envelope and frequency of any narrow band AM-FM signal. Namely, the combination of the envelope and frequency information, allows effective surface extraction by an iterative re-estimation of the phase in association with a new correlation technique, based on a recent TK crossenergy operator. Through the experiments, it is shown that the proposed method produces substantially effective results in term of surface extraction compared to the peak fringe scanning technique, the five step phase shifting algorithm and the continuous wavelet transform based method. In addition, the results obtained show the robustness of the proposed method to noise and to the fluctuations of the carrier frequency

    Une nouvelle classe d'opérateurs de Teager-Kaiser multidimensionnels basée sur les dérivées directionnelles d'ordre supérieur

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    This work aims at introducing some energy operators linked to Teager-Kaiser energy operator and its associated higher order versions and expand them to multidimensional signals. These operators are very useful for analyzing oscillatory signals with time-varying amplitude and frequency (AM-FM). We prove that gradient tensors combined with Kronecker powers allow to express these operators by directional derivatives along any n-D vector. In particular, we show that the construction of a large class of non linear operators for AM-FM multidimensional signal demodulation is possible. Also, a new scalar function using the directional derivative along a vector giving the ”sign” of the frequency components is introduced. An application of this model to local n-D AM-FM signal is presented and related demodulation error rates estimates. To show the effectiveness and the robustness of our method in term of envelope and frequency components extraction, results obtained on synthetic and real data are compared to multi-dimensional energy separation algorithm and to our recently introduced n-D operator

    On the behavior of EMD and MEMD in presence of symmetric alpha-stable noise

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    EmpiricalMode Decomposition (EMD) and its extended versions such as Multivariate EMD (MEMD) are data-driven techniques that represent nonlinear and non-stationary data as a sum of a finite zero-mean AM-FM components referred to as Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs). The aim of this work is to analyze the behavior of EMD and MEMD in stochastic situations involving non-Gaussian noise, more precisely, we examine the case of Symmetric Alpha-Stable noise. We report numerical experiments supporting the claim that both EMD and MEMD act, essentially, as filter banks on each channel of the input signal in the case of Symmetric Alpha Stable noise. Reported results show that, unlike EMD, MEMD has the ability to align common frequency modes across multiple channels in same index IMFs. Further, simulations show that, contrary to EMD, for MEMD the stability property is well satisfied for the modes of lower indices and this result is exploited for the estimation of the stability index of the Symmetric Alpha Stable input signal
