870 research outputs found

    Quasi-static aberrations induced by laser guide stars in adaptive optics

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    Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics (LGS AO) systems use the return from an artificial guide star to measure the wavefront aberrations in the direction of the science object. We observe quasi-static differences between the measured wavefront and the wavefront aberration of the science object. This paper quantifies and explains the source of the difference between the wavefronts measured using an LGS and a natural guide star at the W. M. Keck Observatory, which can be as high as 1000 nm RMS

    Discovery of Temperate Latitude Clouds on Titan

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    Until now, all the clouds imaged in Titan's troposphere have been found at far southern latitudes (60°-90° south). The occurrence and location of these clouds is thought to be the result of convection driven by the maximum annual solar heating of Titan's surface, which occurs at summer solstice (2002 October) in this south polar region. We report the first observations of a new recurring type of tropospheric cloud feature, confined narrowly to ~40° south latitude, which cannot be explained by this simple insolation hypothesis. We propose two classes of formation scenario, one linked to surface geography and the other to seasonally evolving circulation, which will be easily distinguished with continued observations over the next few years

    Méthodologie d'éconconception pour un procédé innovant: la bioélétrosynthÚse des déchets organiques

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    International audienceBulk chemicals and liquid fuels are currently produced almost exclusively from petrochemical feedstock. In the light of emission reduction targets and the dependence on non renewable resources, the production of the same or functionally equivalent chemicals from renewable resources may play an important role [1, 2]. The project BIORARE (Bioelectrosynthesis for the refinery of residual waste) was set up to contribute to this objective. Its purpose is to use microbial electrosynthesis for the direct production of fuels and chemicals from organic waste and CO2 (see figure 1). Ecoconception is used to help to make choices. This is this work which is study.In a first step, we had to determine which parameters of the Bioelectrosynthesis (BES) could be the most impacting ones to define the priorities to be considered to minimize the potential impacts of the entire process. Some flows could be sensitive: the nature and the quantity of outputs, the nature and the quantity of materials, and the amount of energy used. The inventory of these flows had to be the first step. Thanks to databases and literature four have been identified as sensitive: electrodes, membrane, energy and chemicals produced.After determining this, we have to design the model for coupling anaerobic digestion to the BES. This was realized using Life Cycle Assessment approach. The goal of this assessment is to determine the relative influence of various target parameters on the impacts of the process. For example, results will allow assessing if the choice of a material for the electrode could have a significant influence on total impacts. Our methodology illustrates to what extend Life Cycle Assessment could help for the conception of a process, through the evaluation of the contribution of various parameters to the impacts. After, it is possible to integrate them into a model to determine what impacts they could have on the whole production chemicals or fuels from organic waste system.ACV de production de bioéthanol par bioélectrosynthÚse de déchets organiques

    Experimental investigation of fuel-cooled combustor: Cooling efficiency and coke formation

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    Scramjet is an air-breathing engine designed to propel advanced aircrafts in the atmosphere, suitable, according to various studies, to thrust high-speed hypersonic flights (over Mach 5). The thermal protection of vehicles flying at hypersonic velocities is a critical problem; as at supersonic speeds the incoming air is at too high temperature to be used as a coolant, the fuel becomes the only adequate source of cooling for the vehicle. Regenerative cooling is a well-known cooling technique using the fuel as coolant. As the development of regeneratively cooled engines faces many difficulties, an empirical study of this cooling technology and of its complex dynamics is of high interest. In this context, a remotely controlled fuel-cooled combustor, suitable for the experimental analysis of the pyrolysis-combustion coupling characterizing a fuel-cooled combustion chamber when a hydrocarbon propellant is used, has been designed. Tests are realized under both stationary and transient conditions using ethylene as fuel and air as oxidizer. Two operating parameters, i.e. fuel mass flow rate (between 0.010 and 0.040 g.s-1) and equivalence ratio (between 1.0 and 1.5), have been investigated. It has been observed that fuel mass flow rate increases always result in the raise of the heat flux density passing from the combustion gases to the combustor walls. It has been seen that mass flow rate raises between 16 and 20 % lead to increases in the thermal energy evacuated by the fuel-coolant in the range from 30.4 to 48.5 %, depending on equivalence ratio and pressure. The dependence of the cooling system heat exchange efficiency on the two operating parameters has been demonstrated. The consequences of the coking activity of the fuel have also been investigated. For applied interest, a monitoring method for carbon deposits formation has been developed and validated

    Titan imagery with Keck adaptive optics during and after probe entry

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    We present adaptive optics data from the Keck telescope, taken while the Huygens probe descended through Titan's atmosphere and on the days following touchdown. No probe entry signal was detected. Our observations span a solar phase angle range from 0.05° up to 0.8°, with the Sun in the west. Contrary to expectations, the east side of Titan's stratosphere was usually brightest. Compiling images obtained with Keck and Gemini over the past few years reveals that the east-west asymmetry can be explained by a combination of the solar phase angle effect and an enhancement in the haze density on Titan's morning hemisphere. While stratospheric haze was prominent over the northern hemisphere, tropospheric haze dominated the south, from the south pole up to latitudes of ∌45°S. At 2.1 ÎŒm this haze forms a polar cap, while at 1.22 ÎŒm it appears in the form of a collar at 60°S. A few small clouds were usually present near the south pole, at altitudes of 30–40 km. Our narrowband J,H,K images of Titan's surface compare extremely well with that obtained by Cassini ISS, down to the small-scale features. The surface contrast between dark and bright areas may be larger at 2 ÎŒm than at 1.6 and 1.3 ÎŒm, which would imply that the dark areas may be covered by a coarser-grained frost than the bright regions and/or that there is additional 2 ÎŒm absorption there

    Mutual Event Observations of Io's Sodium Corona

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    We have measured the column density profile of Io's sodium corona using 10 mutual eclipses between the Galilean satellites. This approach circumvents the problem of spatially resolving Io's corona directly from Io's bright continuum in the presence of atmospheric seeing and telescopic scattering. The primary goal is to investigate the spatial and temporal variations of Io's corona. Spectra from the Keck Observatory and McDonald Observatory from 1997 reveal a corona that is only approximately spherically symmetric around Io. Comparing the globally averaged radial sodium column density profile in the corona with profiles measured in 1991 and 1985, we find that there has been no significant variation. However, there appears to be a previously undetected asymmetry: the corona above Io's sub-Jupiter hemisphere is consistently more dense than above the anti-Jupiter hemisphere

    Analyse du cycle de vie d'un systÚme bioélectrochimique en tant que plate-forme technologique innovante pour la production d'acide succinique à partir de déchets

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    International audienceWaste management is a key environmental and socio-economic issue. Environmental concerns are encouraging the use of alternative resources and lower emissions to air, water and soil. Innovative technologies to deal with waste recovery that produce marketable bioproducts are emerging. Bioelectrochemical synthesis systems (BESs) are based on the primary principle of transforming organic waste into added-value products using microorganisms to catalyse chemical reactions. This technology is at the core of a research project called BIORARE (BIoelectrosynthesis for ORganic wAste bioREfinery), an interdisciplinary project that aims to use anaerobic digestion as a supply chain to feed a BES and produce target biomolecules. This technology needs to be driven by environmental strategies. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) was used to evaluate the BIORARE concept based on expert opinion and prior experiments for the production of biosuccinic acid and waste management. A multidisciplinary approach based on biochemistry and process engineering expertise was used to collect the inventory data. The BES design and the two-step anaerobic digestion process have many potential impacts on air pollution or ecotoxicity-related categories. The comparison of the BIORARE concept with conventional fermentation processes and a water-fed BES technology demonstrated the environmental benefit resulting from the use of both the BES technology and a waste-based substrate as input thus supporting the BIORARE concept. Some trade-offs among the impact categories were identified but led to options to improve the concept. BES design and synergy management may improve the environmental performance of the BIORARE concep

    The Role of Oxidation Compounds in Biofilm Growth on Polyethylene Geomembrane Barriers Used in Landfill

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    In a model study, polyethylene was preoxidized and incubated for a period of 7 months at 40°C in two different municipal solid waste leachates. During the postexperimental analyses, specific attention was paid to the carbonyl species and carboxylic acid depletion during the environmental exposure because it is well known that carboxylic acids are believed to be a potential substrate for the development of microorganisms. The results showed that the carbonyl as well as the carboxylic acid depletion observed follows first-order kinetics. The biofilm formation was characterized using a suite of analytical techniques, and its formation was compared with the carboxylic acid and carbonyl depletion profil

    MEMPHYS:A large scale water Cerenkov detector at Fr\'ejus

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    A water \v{C}erenkov detector project, of megaton scale, to be installed in the Fr\'ejus underground site and dedicated to nucleon decay, neutrinos from supernovae, solar and atmospheric neutrinos, as well as neutrinos from a super-beam and/or a beta-beam coming from CERN, is presented and compared with competitor projects in Japan and in the USA. The performances of the European project are discussed, including the possibility to measure the mixing angle Ξ13\theta_{13} and the CP-violating phase Ύ\delta.Comment: 1+33 pages, 14 figures, Expression of Interest of MEMPHYS projec
