170 research outputs found

    Les défis pour le travail social à l'Úre des technologies de l'information

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    Activité in vivo d'un plasmide recombinant contenant un tandem de deux génomes du virus du polyome

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    L'intĂ©rĂȘt que nous portons Ă  la relation existant entre la transformation nĂ©oplasique par le virus du polyome et le mode d'intĂ©gration du gĂ©nome viral dans l'ADN cellulaire nous a amenĂ©s Ă  construire une sĂ©rie de molĂ©cules multimĂ©riques Ă  partir de plasmides recombinants encodant diffĂ©rentes portions du gĂ©nome viral. Les plasmides multimĂ©riques ont Ă©tĂ© obtenus par l'intermĂ©diaire du systĂšme de recombinaison de diffĂ©rentes souches bactĂ©riennes. L'introduction des unitĂ©s monomĂ©riques dans la souche bactĂ©rienne E. coli X-1776, qui est rec+, nous a permis d'obtenir des molĂ©cules oligomĂ©riques. Ces derniĂšres ont Ă©tĂ© stabilisĂ©es dans la souche rec A- HB101, avant d'ĂȘtre caractĂ©risĂ©es. Les multimĂšres obtenus contiennent un nombre entier de copies de l'unitĂ© de dĂ©part qui sont liĂ©es entre elles en tandem tĂȘte Ă  queue. La frĂ©quence d'obtention d'un multimĂšre donnĂ© est d'autant plus faible que le nombre de copies de l'unitĂ© de dĂ©part qu'il contient est Ă©levĂ©. De plus, la technique utilisĂ©e ne nous a pas permis d'obtenir de molĂ©cule de plus de 20 Kb. C'est donc dire que plus un plasmide monomĂ©rique est petit, plus le nombre maximal de copies que l'on puisse en obtenir dans un multimĂšre est Ă©levĂ©. Par modification d'une des molĂ©cules multimĂ©riques obtenues, nous avons produit un recombinant contenant un tandem de deux copies complĂštes du gĂ©nome viral liĂ© au plasmide pBR322. Le potentiel tumorigĂšne de cette molĂ©cule (pPB22) a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ© chez les rats nouveaux-nĂ©s et s'est avĂ©rĂ© comparable Ă  celui de recombinants ne contenant qu'une copie du gĂ©nome viral ou que la portion proximale de sa rĂ©gion prĂ©coce. Comme dans le cas de tumeurs induites avec une seule copie du gĂ©nome viral, les lignĂ©es tumorales induites par pPB22 ne peuvent produire l'antigĂšne grand T. Ceci rend encore plus plausible, l'hypothĂšse qui avait dĂ©jĂ  Ă©tĂ© Ă©mise et selon laquelle il y aurait sĂ©lection in vivo contre les cellules produisant cette protĂ©ine virale. Suite Ă  l'injection de pPB22 Ă  des souris nues, la souris Ă©tant l'hĂŽte naturel de polyome, nous avons pu dĂ©tecter la production de gĂ©nomes viraux libres dans les reins des animaux. Cette production s'est mĂȘme manifestĂ©e chez un des animaux injectĂ©s, par l'apparition des symptĂŽmes liĂ©s Ă  une infection par le virus du polyome. Les gĂ©nomes viraux seraient apparus chez les animaux suite Ă  un Ă©vĂ©nement de recombinaison intramolĂ©culaire impliquant le recombinant pPB22. L'environnement permissif fourni par les souris aurait assurĂ© la rĂ©plication des gĂ©nomes viraux ainsi libĂ©rĂ©s

    Principles and Operational Parameters to Optimize Poison Removal with Extracorporeal Treatments

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    A role for nephrologists in the management of a poisoned patient involves evaluating the indications for, and methods of, enhancing the elimination of a poison. Nephrologists are familiar with the various extracorporeal treatments ( ECTR s) used in the management of impaired kidney function, and their respective advantages and disadvantages. However, these same skills and knowledge may not always be considered, or applicable, when prescribing ECTR for the treatment of a poisoned patient. Maximizing solute elimination is a key aim of such treatments, perhaps more so than in the treatment of uremia, because ECTR has the potential to reverse clinical toxicity and shorten the duration of poisoning. This manuscript reviews the various principles that govern poison elimination by ECTR (diffusion, convection, adsorption, and centrifugation) and how components of the ECTR can be adjusted to maximize clearance. Data supporting these recommendations will be presented, whenever available.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/108055/1/sdi12247.pd

    Hair Manganese and Hyperactive Behaviors: Pilot Study of School-Age Children Exposed through Tap Water

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    BACKGROUND: Neurotoxic effects are known to occur with inhalation of manganese particulates, but very few data are available on exposure to Mn in water. We undertook a pilot study in a community in QuĂ©bec (Canada) where naturally occurring high Mn levels were present in the public water system. Our objective was to test the hypothesis that greater exposure to Mn via drinking water would be reflected in higher Mn content in hair which, in turn, would be associated with increased level of hyperactive behaviors. METHODS: Forty-six children participated in the study, 24 boys and 22 girls, 6–15 years of age (median, 11 years). Their homes received water from one of two wells (W) with different Mn concentrations: W1: mean 610 ÎŒg/L; W2: mean 160 ÎŒg/L. The Revised Conners’ Rating Scale for parents (CPRS-R) and for teachers (CTRS-R) were administered, providing T-scores on the following subscales: Oppositional, Hyperactivity, Cognitive Problems/Inattention, and ADHD Index. RESULTS: Children whose houses were supplied by W1 had higher hair Mn (MnH) than those supplied by W2 (mean 6.2 ± 4.7 ÎŒg/g vs. 3.3 ± 3.0 ÎŒg/g, p = 0.025). MnH was significantly associated with T-scores on the CTRS-R Oppositional (p = 0.020) and Hyperactivity (p = 0.002) subscales, after adjustment for age, sex, and income. All children with Oppositional and Hyperactivity T-scores ≄ 65 had MnH > 3.0 ÎŒg/g. CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this pilot study are sufficiently compelling to warrant more extensive investigations into the risks of Mn exposure in drinking water

    Development of optimised tissue-equivalent materials for proton therapy

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    OBJECTIVE: In proton therapy there is a need for proton optimised tissue-equivalent materials as existing phantom materials can produce large uncertainties in the determination of absorbed dose and range measurements. The aim of this work is to develop and characterise optimised tissue-equivalent materials for proton therapy. APPROACH: A mathematical model was developed to enable the formulation of epoxy-resin based tissue-equivalent materials that are optimised for all relevant interactions of protons with matter, as well as photon interactions, which play a role in the acquisition of CT numbers. This model developed formulations for vertebra bone- and skeletal muscle-equivalent plastic materials. The tissue equivalence of these new materials and commercial bone- and muscle-equivalent plastic materials were theoretical compared against biological tissue compositions. The new materials were manufactured and characterised by their mass density, relative stopping power (RSP) measurements, and CT scans to evaluate their tissue-equivalence. MAIN RESULTS: Results showed that existing tissue-equivalent materials can produce large uncertainties in proton therapy dosimetry. In particular commercial bone materials showed to have a relative difference up to 8 % for range. On the contrary, the best optimised formulations were shown to mimic their target human tissues within 1-2 % for the mass density and RSP. Furthermore, their CT-predicted RSP agreed within 1-2 % of the experimental RSP, confirming their suitability as clinical phantom materials. SIGNIFICANCE: We have developed a tool for the formulation of tissue-equivalent materials optimised for proton dosimetry. Our model has enabled the development of proton optimised tissue-equivalent materials which perform better than existing tissue-equivalent materials. These new materials will enable the advancement of clinical proton phantoms for accurate proton dosimetry

    Social support, but not perceived food environment, is associated with diet quality in French-speaking Canadians from the PREDISE study

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    The objectives were to assess whether social support for healthy eating and perceived food environment are associated with diet quality, and to investigate if sociodemographic characteristics moderate these associations. A probability sample of French-speaking adults from the Province of QuĂ©bec, Canada, was recruited in the context of the PREDISE study. Participants reported their perceptions of supportive and non-supportive actions related to healthy eating from close others at home and outside of home (n = 952), and of the accessibility to healthy foods (n = 1035). The Canadian Healthy Eating Index (C-HEI) was calculated based on three Web-based 24 h food recalls. Multiple linear regression models showed that supportive (B = 1.50 (95% CI 0.46, 2.54)) and non-supportive (B = −3.06 (95% CI −4.94, −1.18)) actions related to healthy eating from close others at home were positively and negatively associated with C-HEI, respectively, whereas actions from close others outside of home were not. The negative association between non-supportive actions occurring at home and C-HEI was stronger among participants with lower (vs. higher) levels of education (p interaction = 0.03). Perceived accessibility to healthy foods was not associated with C-HEI (p > 0.05). These results suggest that the social environment may have a stronger influence on healthy eating than the perceived physical environment. This adds support for healthy eating promotion programs involving entire families, especially for more socioeconomically disadvantaged individuals, whose efforts to eat healthily may be more easily thwarted by non-supportive household

    Associations between cardiorespiratory fitness, physical activity and clustered cardiometabolic risk in children and adolescents: the HAPPY study

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    Clustering of cardiometabolic risk factors can occur during childhood and predisposes individuals to cardiometabolic disease. This study calculated clustered cardiometabolic risk in 100 children and adolescents aged 10-14 years (59 girls) and explored differences according to cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) levels and time spent at different physical activity (PA) intensities. CRF was determined using a maximal cycle ergometer test, and PA was assessed using accelerometry. A cardiometabolic risk score was computed as the sum of the standardised scores for waist circumference, blood pressure, total cholesterol/high-density lipoprotein ratio, triglycerides and glucose. Differences in clustered cardiometabolic risk between fit and unfit participants, according to previously proposed health-related threshold values, and between tertiles for PA subcomponents were assessed using ANCOVA. Clustered risk was significantly lower (p < 0.001) in the fit group (mean 1.21 ± 3.42) compared to the unfit group (mean -0.74 ± 2.22), while no differences existed between tertiles for any subcomponent of PA. Conclusion These findings suggest that CRF may have an important cardioprotective role in children and adolescents and highlights the importance of promoting CRF in youth

    The circumpolar impacts of climate change and anthropogenic stressors on Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) and its ecosystem

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    Arctic cod biomass are predicted. In most Arctic seas, the relative abundance of Arctic cod within the fish community will likely fluctuate in accordance with cold and warm periods. A reduced abundance of Arctic cod will negatively affect the abundance, distribution, and physiological condition of certain predators, whereas some predators will successfully adapt to a more boreal diet. Regional management measures that recognize thecritical roleof Arcticcod arerequiredtoensure that increased anthropogenic activities do not exacerbate the impacts of climate change on Arctic marine ecosystems. Ultimately, the mitigation of habitat loss for Arctic cod will only be achieved through a global reduction in carbon emissions
