7,247 research outputs found

    Dual formulation of the utility maximization problem: the case of nonsmooth utility

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    We study the dual formulation of the utility maximization problem in incomplete markets when the utility function is finitely valued on the whole real line. We extend the existing results in this literature in two directions. First, we allow for nonsmooth utility functions, so as to include the shortfall minimization problems in our framework. Second, we allow for the presence of some given liability or a random endowment. In particular, these results provide a dual formulation of the utility indifference valuation rule

    Emergenesis: Genetic traits that may not run in familes.

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    Traits that are influenced by a configuration--rather than by a simple sum-- of polymorphic genes may not be seen to be genetic unless one studies monozygotic twins (who share all their genes and thus all gene configurations) because such “emergenic” traits will tend not to run in families. Personal idiosyncrasies that have been found to be surprisingly concordant among MZ twins separated in infancy and reared apart may be emergenic traits. More speculatively, important human traits like leadership, genius in its many manfestations, being an eflective therapist or parent, as well as certain psychopathological syndromes, may also be emergenic. These ideas re-emphasize the importance of the role played in human aflairs by genetic variation

    Nanodiamond landmarks for subcellular multimodal optical and electron imaging.

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    There is a growing need for biolabels that can be used in both optical and electron microscopies, are non-cytotoxic, and do not photobleach. Such biolabels could enable targeted nanoscale imaging of sub-cellular structures, and help to establish correlations between conjugation-delivered biomolecules and function. Here we demonstrate a sub-cellular multi-modal imaging methodology that enables localization of inert particulate probes, consisting of nanodiamonds having fluorescent nitrogen-vacancy centers. These are functionalized to target specific structures, and are observable by both optical and electron microscopies. Nanodiamonds targeted to the nuclear pore complex are rapidly localized in electron-microscopy diffraction mode to enable "zooming-in" to regions of interest for detailed structural investigations. Optical microscopies reveal nanodiamonds for in-vitro tracking or uptake-confirmation. The approach is general, works down to the single nanodiamond level, and can leverage the unique capabilities of nanodiamonds, such as biocompatibility, sensitive magnetometry, and gene and drug delivery

    Investigating Present-day Health Issues of the American Lobster (Homarus americanus)

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    The American lobster, Homarus americanus, H. Milne Edwards, 1837, supports the most economically valuable fishery along the North Atlantic coast of North America. A collapse in lobster populations in Southern New England (SNE) has coincided with increasing ocean temperatures and emerging diseases. This research investigated the etiologies of limp lobster disease (LLD) and epizootic shell disease (ESD), two diseases that continue to cause significant mortality in natural lobster populations. Mortality from LLD is associated with the bacteria Photobacterium indicum and is more intense in impounded lobsters. To more clearly define the community ecology of this suspected opportunistic pathogen, the microbial biofilms of freshly captured and impounded adult lobsters from the Northern Gulf of Maine coastal shelf were surveyed and compared. P. indicum was found to be a common member of the microbial communities of freshly captured and impounded H. americanus and was also isolated from the lobster pound sediment. There is no medicated feed that is approved for use in controlling P. indicum. Therefore, a P. indicum bacterin was produced and used as an immunostimulant to stimulate a short-term protective immune response in adult American lobsters. The prepared bacterin was safe to use with lobsters and no adverse reactions were observed. Epizootic shell disease (ESD) is an aggressive form of shell disease likely involving multiple microbes. A laboratory study was performed to examine the effects of three seasonal temperature cycles on the immune response and progression of ESD in adult female American lobsters. There was a trend of increased mortality in the diseased lobsters in the mid- and high-temperature seasonal cycles. Both temperature and shell disease influence bacterial loads. The culture dependent microbial diversity remained relatively stable over time and temperature suggesting that increasing temperatures alone did not exacerbate ESD progression or alter microbial communities. Taken together, this work increases our understanding of the etiology of the factors that could influence population abundance and disease emergence in lobsters

    Aquaculture Research Institute

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    Alien Registration- Bouchard, Marie A. (Van Buren, Aroostook County)

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