42 research outputs found

    Modeling Interaction in Multi-Resident Activities

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    In this paper we investigate the problem of modeling multi-resident activities. Specifically, we explore different approaches based on Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) to deal with parallel activities and cooperative activities. We propose an HMM-based method, called CL-HMM, where activity labels as well as observation labels of different residents are combined to generate the corresponding sequence of activities as well as the corresponding sequence of observations on which a conventional HMM is applied. We also propose a Linked HMM (LHMM) in which activities of all residents are linked at each time step. We compare these two models to baseline models which are Coupled HMM (CHMM) and Parallel HMM (PHMM). The experimental results show that the proposed models outperform CHMM and PHMM when tested on parallel and cooperative activities

    A review of smart homes in healthcare

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    The technology of Smart Homes (SH), as an instance of ambient assisted living technologies, is designed to assist the homes’ residents accomplishing their daily-living activities and thus having a better quality of life while preserving their privacy. A SH system is usually equipped with a collection of inter-related software and hardware components to monitor the living space by capturing the behaviour of the resident and understanding his activities. By doing so the system can inform about risky situations and take actions on behalf of the resident to his satisfaction. The present survey will address technologies and analysis methods and bring examples of the state of the art research studies in order to provide background for the research community. In particular, the survey will expose infrastructure technologies such as sensors and communication platforms along with artificial intelligence techniques used for modeling and recognizing activities. A brief overview of approaches used to develop Human–Computer interfaces for SH systems is given. The survey also highlights the challenges and research trends in this area

    A Survey on Concept Drift Adaptation

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    Concept drift primarily refers to an online supervised learning scenario when the relation between the in- put data and the target variable changes over time. Assuming a general knowledge of supervised learning in this paper we characterize adaptive learning process, categorize existing strategies for handling concept drift, discuss the most representative, distinct and popular techniques and algorithms, discuss evaluation methodology of adaptive algorithms, and present a set of illustrative applications. This introduction to the concept drift adaptation presents the state of the art techniques and a collection of benchmarks for re- searchers, industry analysts and practitioners. The survey aims at covering the different facets of concept drift in an integrated way to reflect on the existing scattered state-of-the-art

    An Information Theory Approach to Aesthetic Assessment of Visual Patterns.

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    The question of beauty has inspired philosophers and scientists for centuries. Today, the study of aesthetics is an active research topic in fields as diverse as computer science, neuroscience, and psychology. Measuring the aesthetic appeal of images is beneficial for many applications. In this paper, we will study the aesthetic assessment of simple visual patterns. The proposed approach suggests that aesthetically appealing patterns are more likely to deliver a higher amount of information over multiple levels in comparison with less aesthetically appealing patterns when the same amount of energy is used. The proposed approach is evaluated using two datasets; the results show that the proposed approach is more accurate in classifying aesthetically appealing patterns compared to some related approaches that use different complexity measures

    Scaling up stochastic gradient descent for non-convex optimisation

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    Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) is a widely adopted iterative method for optimizing differentiable objective functions. In this paper, we propose and discuss a novel approach to scale up SGD in applications involving non-convex functions and large datasets. We address the bottleneck problem arising when using both shared and distributed memory. Typically, the former is bounded by limited computation resources and bandwidth whereas the latter suffers from communication overheads. We propose a unified distributed and parallel implementation of SGD (named DPSGD) that relies on both asynchronous distribution and lock-free parallelism. By combining two strategies into a unified framework, DPSGD is able to strike a better trade-off between local computation and communication. The convergence properties of DPSGD are studied for non-convex problems such as those arising in statistical modelling and machine learning. Our theoretical analysis shows that DPSGD leads to speed-up with respect to the number of cores and number of workers while guaranteeing an asymptotic convergence rate of O(1/T) given that the number of cores is bounded by T1 / 4 and the number of workers is bounded by T1 / 2 where T is the number of iterations. The potential gains that can be achieved by DPSGD are demonstrated empirically on a stochastic variational inference problem (Latent Dirichlet Allocation) and on a deep reinforcement learning (DRL) problem (advantage actor critic - A2C) resulting in two algorithms: DPSVI and HSA2C. Empirical results validate our theoretical findings. Comparative studies are conducted to show the performance of the proposed DPSGD against the state-of-the-art DRL algorithms

    Artificial Intelligence and Health in Nepal

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    The growth in information technology and computer capacity has opened up opportunities to deal with much and much larger data sets than even a decade ago. There has been a technological revolution of big data and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Perhaps many readers would immediately think about robotic surgery or self-driving cars, but there is much more to AI. This Short Communication starts with an overview of the key terms, including AI, machine learning, deep learning and Big Data. This Short Communication highlights so developments of AI in health that could benefit a low-income country like Nepal and stresses the need for Nepal’s health and education systems to track such developments and apply them locally. Moreover, Nepal needs to start growing its own AI expertise to help develop national or South Asian solutions. This would require investing in local resources such as access to computer power/ capacity as well as training young Nepali to work in AI

    Online Active Learning for Human Activity Recognition from Sensory Data Streams

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    Human activity recognition (HAR) is highly relevant to many real-world do- mains like safety, security, and in particular healthcare. The current machine learning technology of HAR is highly human-dependent which makes it costly and unreliable in non-stationary environment. Existing HAR algorithms assume that training data is collected and annotated by human a prior to the training phase. Furthermore, the data is assumed to exhibit the true characteristics of the underlying distribution. In this paper, we propose a new autonomous approach that consists of novel algorithms. In particular, we adopt active learning (AL) strategy to selectively query the user/resident about the label of particular activities in order to improve the model accuracy. This strategy helps overcome the challenge of labelling sequential data with time dependency which is highly time-consuming and difficult. Because of the changes that may affect the way activities are performed, we regard sensor data as a stream and human activity learning as an online continuous process. In such process the leaner can adapt to changes, incorporate novel activities and discard obsolete ones. To this extent, we propose a novel semi-supervised classifier (OSC) that works together with a novel Bayesian stream-based active learning (BSAL). Because of the changes in the sensor layouts across different houses' settings, we use Conditional Re-stricted Boltzmann Machine (CRBM) to handle the features engineering issue by learning the features regardless of the environment settings. CRBM is then applied to extract low-level features from unlabelled raw high-dimensional activity input. The resulting approach will then tackle the challenges of activity recognition using a three-module architecture composed of a feature extractor (CRBM), an online semi-supervised classifier (OSC) equipped with BSAL. CRBM-BSAL-OSC allows completely autonomous learning that adjusts to the environment setting, explores the changes and adapt to them. The paper provides the theoretical details of the proposed approach as well as an extensive empirical study to evaluate the performance of the approach. we propose a novel semi-supervised classifier (OSC) that works together with a novel Bayesian stream-based active learning (BSAL). Because of the changes in the sensor layouts across di erent houses' settings, we use Conditional Re

    Investment Opportunities Forecasting: Extending the Grammar of a GP-based Tool

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    In this paper we present a new version of a GP financial forecasting tool, called EDDIE 8. The novelty of this version is that it allows the GP to search in the space of indicators, instead of using pre-specified ones. We compare EDDIE 8 with its predecessor, EDDIE 7, and find that new and improved solutions can be found. Analysis also shows that, on average, EDDIE 8's best tree performs better than the one of EDDIE 7. The above allows us to characterize EDDIE 8 as a valuable forecasting tool


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