537 research outputs found

    Modeling and simulation of high speed milling centers dynamics

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    High speed machining is a milling operation in industrial production of aeronautic parts, molds and dies. The parts production is being reduced because of the slowing down of the machining resulting from the tool path discontinuity machining strategy. In this article, we propose a simulation tool of the machine dynamic behavior, in complex parts machining. For doing this, analytic models have been developed expressing the cutting tool feed rate. Afterwards, a simulation method, based on numerical calculation tools, has been structured. In order to validate our approach, we have compared the simulation results with the experimental ones, for the same examples

    Efficiences économiques comparées des systèmes de production dans différentes situations d'accès à la ressource en eau. Application dans le périmètre irrigué du Gharb, Maroc

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    International audienceCe travail qui a été mené dans les trois grandes zones d'action de l'ORMVA du Gharb (Côtière, Centrale et Beht) a pour objectifs la comparaison des indices d'efficiences économiques des exploitations agricoles irriguées. La méthode Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) a été adoptée. Un échantillon de 49 exploitations a servi de base à cette étude. Il englobe des exploitations avec des systèmes de production différents (maraîchers, céréaliers, agrumicoles et sucriers) et des modes d'irrigation différents (localisé, aspersion et gravitaire). L'analyse des données montre que parmi les exploitations les plus efficientes ont trouve en même temps celles qui " souffrent " d'un manque d'eau d'irrigation (zone du Beht) et celles qui ont un accès " illimité " à la ressource (pompages privés au niveau de la zone côtière). La grande majorité (73 %) des exploitations de l'ensemble de l'échantillon sont inefficientes. Ce qui montre que la majorité des agriculteurs ne maîtrise pas la technologie disponible

    Performances hydrauliques et agronomiques des systèmes d'irrigation gravitaires sur l'élimination de l'excès d'eau hivernal dans la plaine du Gharb au Maroc

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    International audienceLa plaine du Gharb présente une double problématique, celle des excès d'eau en hiver qui mettent en péril les levées et les premières phases des cycles culturaux et, à partir du printemps, celle du déficit en eau qui nécessite le recours à l'irrigation pour garantir un niveau de rendement acceptable. La valorisation de l'eau d'irrigation est en conséquence étroitement dépendante des conditions de drainage hivernales, déterminantes vis-à-vis des potentialités des cultures d'hiver. Toute action à entreprendre pour améliorer l'usage et l'efficience de l'eau ne doit pas perdre de vue ces deux aspects complémentaires. Le travail conduit dans le cadre de la présente recherche vise à démontrer que les systèmes d'irrigation gravitaire à la raie longue présentent non seulement un intérêt en période estivale mais également vis-à-vis du drainage de surface en période hivernale. L'un des enjeux majeur de ce travail est d'évaluer le gain que génère le système gravitaire modernisé (raie longue). A cet effet, des travaux d'expérimentation sont conduits depuis 2003-2004 à la station de Souk Tl et sur la betterave à sucre qui reste l'une des principales cultures pratiquées au Gharb mais dont les potentialités de production sont affectées par les excès d'eau hivernaux. Le travail de recherche a trait à l'évaluation des performances des systèmes d'irrigation gravitaire (raie longue, et " robta ") et des systèmes en aspersion en conditions nivelées et non nivelées. Cette évaluation se basera sur la prise en compte conjointe des contraintes d'excès d'eau hivernaux et de déficit estival de la betterave à sucre. Une bonne - et nécessaire - intégration de ces processus et le transfert des résultats auprès des agriculteurs constitue un enjeu majeur pour la durabilité environnementale et économique du périmètre irrigué du Gharb. C'est dans ce sens que des essais ont été conduits chez des agriculteurs pour la même culture, après correction du nivellement et ce, pour les deux systèmes d'irrigation. Les premiers résultats de ce travail de recherche montrent que le système d'irrigation gravitaire à la raie longue permet d'irriguer et d'évacuer efficacement les excès d'eau hivernaux. Des valeurs de rendements proches des potentialités attestant de cette efficacité ont été obtenues. Des très bons niveaux de rendement ont été également obtenus pour le système en aspersion nivelé. Il est sans conteste montré que l'absence de nivellement, frein à l'évacuation des excès d'eau par ruissellement et générateur de stagnations locales, est responsable de pertes de rendement importantes

    Trans-sinusal frontal approach for olfactory groove meningiomas

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    Background We report on our experience with the trans-sinusal frontal approach in removing olfactory groove meningiomas in the department of neurosurgery of Univesity Hospital Center of Annaba (Algeria).Methods Ten tumours were operated on by the trans-sinusal frontal approach, using a bicoronal incision, tree tumours developed on one side, and there were seven bilateral olfactosellar tumours. Our procedure : steotomy of the anterior wall of the frontal sinus was performed with an oscillating saw. The posterior wall of the sinus was resected and the tumour was removed through a real subfrontal route along the plane of the anterior skull base. Ethmoidal blood supply was early controlled at the initial stages of the operation, allowing avascular tumour debulking. Tumour extensions toward the sella and the optic canals were removed without brain retraction. Results Seven patients made a good neurologic recovery. Two was dead in the 24 hours after intervention and one four days after. Olfactory nets were preserved on the contralateral side in unilateral tumours. Conclusions The trans-sinusal frontal approach represents an excellent way for tumours developed in the central anterior skull base, especially for olfactory groove meningiomas, whatever their size

    Full-length and C-terminal neurogranin in Alzheimer's disease cerebrospinal fluid analyzed by novel ultrasensitive immunoassays

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    Background: Neurogranin (Ng) is a neuron-specific and postsynaptic protein that is abundantly expressed in the brain, particularly in the dendritic spine of the hippocampus and cerebral cortex. The enzymatic cleavage of Ng produces fragments that are released into cerebrospinal (CSF), which have been shown to be elevated in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients and predict cognitive decline. Thus, quantification of distinctive cleavage products of Ng could elucidate different features of the disease. Methods: In this study, we developed novel ultrasensitive single molecule array (Simoa) assays for measurement of full-length neurogranin (FL-Ng) and C-terminal neurogranin (CT-Ng) fragments in CSF. The Ng Simoa assays were evaluated in CSF samples from AD patients (N = 23), mild cognitive impairment due to AD (MCI-AD) (N = 18), and from neurological controls (N = 26). Results: The intra-assay repeatability and inter-assay precision of the novel methods had coefficients of variation below 7% and 14%, respectively. CSF FL-Ng and CSF CT-Ng median concentrations were increased in AD patients (6.02 ng/L, P < 0.00001 and 452 ng/L, P = 0.00001, respectively) and in patients with MCI-AD (5.69 ng/L, P < 0.00001 and 566 ng/L, P < 0.00001) compared to neurological controls (0.644 ng/L and 145 ng/L). The median CSF ratio of CT-Ng/FL-Ng were decreased in AD patients (ratio = 101, P = 0.008) and in patients with MCI-AD (ratio = 115, P = 0.016) compared to neurological controls (ratio = 180). CSF of FL-Ng, CT-Ng, and ratio of CT-Ng/FL-Ng could each significantly differentiate AD patients from controls (FL-Ng, AUC = 0.907; CT-Ng, AUC = 0.913; CT-Ng/FL-Ng, AUC = 0.775) and patients with MCI-AD from controls (FL-Ng, AUC = 0.937; CT-Ng, AUC = 0.963; CT-Ng/FL-Ng, AUC = 0.785). Conclusions: Assessments of the FL-Ng and CT-Ng levels in CSF with the novel sensitive immunoassays provide a high separation of AD from controls, even in early phase of the disease. The novel Ng assays are robust and highly sensitive and may be valuable tools to study synaptic alteration in AD, as well as to monitor the effect on synaptic integrity of novel drug candidates in clinical trials

    Producing Enactable Protocols in Artificial Agent Societies

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    This paper draws upon our previous work [7, 16] in which we proposed the organisation of services around the concept of artificial agent societies and presented a framework for representing roles and protocols using LTSs. The agent would apply for a role in the society, which would result in its participation in a number of protocols. We advocated the use of the games-based metaphor for describing the protocols and presented a framework for assessing the admission of the agent to the society on the basis of its competence. In this work we look at the subsequent question: what information should the agent receive upon entry?. We can not provide it with the full protocol because of security and overload issues. Therefore, we choose to only provide the actions pertinent to the protocols that the role the agent applied for participates in the society. We employ branching bisimulation for producing a protocol equivalent to the original one with all actions not involving the role translated into silent (τ) actions. However, this approach sometimes results in non-enactable protocols. In this case, we need to repair the protocol by adding the role in question as a recipient to certain protocol messages that were causing the problems. We present three different approaches for repairing protocols, depending on the number of messages from the original protocol they modify. The modified protocol is adopted as the final one and the agent is given the role automaton that is derived from the branching bisimulation process

    Quantum Gravitational Corrections to the Real Klein-Gordon Field in the Presence of a Minimal Length

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    The (D+1)-dimensional (β,β)(\beta,\beta')-two-parameter Lorentz-covariant deformed algebra introduced by Quesne and Tkachuk [C. Quesne and V. M. Tkachuk, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. \textbf {39}, 10909 (2006).], leads to a nonzero minimal uncertainty in position (minimal length). The Klein-Gordon equation in a (3+1)-dimensional space-time described by Quesne-Tkachuk Lorentz-covariant deformed algebra is studied in the case where β=2β\beta'=2\beta up to first order over deformation parameter β\beta. It is shown that the modified Klein-Gordon equation which contains fourth-order derivative of the wave function describes two massive particles with different masses. We have shown that physically acceptable mass states can only exist for β<18m2c2\beta<\frac{1}{8m^{2}c^{2}} which leads to an isotropic minimal length in the interval 1017m<(Xi)0<1015m10^{-17}m<(\bigtriangleup X^{i})_{0}<10^{-15}m. Finally, we have shown that the above estimation of minimal length is in good agreement with the results obtained in previous investigations.Comment: 10 pages, no figur