29 research outputs found

    The Cenozoic uplift and earthquake belt of mainland Britain as a response to an Underlying hot, low-density upper mantle

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    A belt of hot, low-density uppermost mantle underlying mainland Britain down to at least 200 km depth, revealed by seismic tomography, may be the prime cause of the Cenozoic uplift and exhumation. We use finite-element modelling to demonstrate how isostatic uplift can occur in response to such a low-density hotspot beneath continental crust. To explain the narrow width of the uplift of northern Britain, the lower crust must be ductile (power-law rheology assumed) and the asymmetrical uplift may be bounded at least on the west side by a pre-existing fault or faults of appropriate polarity. Faulting has probably been reverse under NW–SE regional compression since the onset of the Cenozoic. With the assistance of continuing denudation, inferred gross Cenozoic exhumation of up to 3000 m can be explained. British earthquakes concentrate along a similar north–south belt, with the strongest events in the west. We suggest that the earthquakes result from the continuing tectonics associated with the hot upper mantle, the uplift it causes, and the weakened crust. The underlying low-density region gives rise to tensional loading stress in all directions and bending stresses are associated with the upper-crustal flexuring accompanying uplift. These large stresses supplement NW–SE regional compression. Available earthquake mechanisms are approximately consistent with this stress environment

    Crustal structure of the Iceland-Faeroe Ridge

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    Knowledge of the crustal structure of the Iceland-Faeroe Ridge is based on results from the North Atlantic Seismic Project of 1972 supplemented by earlier short refraction lines and reflection, gravity and magnetic surveys. The main 5. 7 km/s upper crustal layer is locally overlain by lower velocity layers of variable thickness. The upper crust is interpreted as being predominantly basaltic, comprising lavas, regions of pyroclastic rock and intrusives including ring complexes. A 6.7 km/s lower crustal layer underlies the upper crust at a depth of between about 4 and 8 km along the Ridge; this layer is present also beneath the Icelandic shelf but not beneath the Faeroe shelf. A deeper 7.8 km/s refractor interpreted as the Moho occurs at about 30-35 km depth beneath the south-eastern part of the Ridge, shallowing to about 28 km towards the north-western end of it. A significant increase in velocity with depth within the main 6.7 km/s layer has not been detected but may occur, in which case the Moho would be somewhat deeper. The seismic crustal results are consistent with a gravity profile across the Ridge, which indicates approximate Airy isostatic equilibrium. The crust beneath the Ridge, which is of a thickness more typical of the continents than the oceans, is believed to have been formed by sea-floor spreading during the period 55 to 40 Ma ago.         ARK: https://n2t.net/ark:/88439/y051071 Permalink: https://geophysicsjournal.com/article/80 &nbsp

    Patterns of stress at midocean ridges and their offsets due to seafloor subsidence

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    The effect of the seafloor subsidence on the horizontal stress field is investigated by combining the finite element method with a formulation that allows us to compute the two-dimensional (2D) horizontal stresses arising from isostatically compensated vertical loads. The topographic load created by the elevation of midocean ridges relative to old ocean floor is shown to be a significant source of ridge-parallel tensile stresses. These may predominate over the ridge-perpendicular stresses and explain observations at midocean ridge offsets such as (1) oblique normal faulting at ridge-transform intersections trending up to 60° relative to the ridge axis, and (2) nontransform offsets consisting of structures oriented at 45° relative to the ridge trend. At midocean ridge overlaps, rotation of the ridge-parallel tensile stresses favours rift propagation at more than 45° relative to the ridge trend. It is suggested that propagating rift tips that bend abruptly lead to partially unlocked offsets, and as a result large overlaps may eventually start to rotate and evolve into a microplate

    Easter microplate dynamics

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    We use two-dimensional elastic finite element analysis, supplemented by strength estimates, to investigate the driving mechanism of the Easter microplate. Modeled stresses are compared with the stress indicators compiled from earthquake focal mechanisms and structural observations. The objective is to constrain the tectonic forces that govern the Easter microplate rotation and to test the microplate driving hypothesis proposed by Schouten et al. [1993] . We infer that the mantle basal drag cannot drive the microplate rotation but opposes it, and that the asthenospheric viscosity is no more than about 1 × 1018 Pa s. At most, the basal drag comprises 20% of the force resisting microplate rotation. The outward pull of the main plates can drive the rotation by shear drag applied along the northern and southern boundaries of the microplate. However, we propose an additional driving force which arises from the strong variation of the ridge resistance force along the east and west rifts, so that the main driving torques come from the pull of the major plates acting across the narrowing and slowing rifts. This requires the strength to increase substantially toward the rift tips due to thickening of the brittle lithosphere as the spreading rate slows

    Inversão linear de anomalias do geóide utilizando camada equivalente

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