2,743 research outputs found

    Differential rotation and angular momentum

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    Differential rotation not only occurs in astrophysical plasmas like accretion disks, it is also measured in laboratory plasmas as manifested in the toroidal rotation of tokamak plasmas. A re-examination of the Lagrangian of the system shows that the inclusion of the angular momentum’s radial variation in the derivation of the equations of motion produces a force term that couples the angular velocity gradient with the angular momentum. This force term is a property of the angular velocity field, so that the results are valid wherever differential rotation is present

    I think I can, I know I can? Success orientation in adult learner academic self-directedness

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    A Learning 2.0 milieu requires an active learner mindset, where the learner initiates and directs the learning experience. Consequently, adult learner academic self-directedness is essential for facilitating successful lifelong learning. Learner self-directedness is of specific importance in South African higher education, since only about 12 per cent of qualifying matriculants will continue to higher education, and of those, only about 6 per cent will qualify within 6 years. Adult learner self-directedness broadly consists of contextual (learning environment), cognitive (agency) and behavioural (self-management) elements. Although researchers agree that a fairly well-developed capacity for self-directedness is a requirement for successful ODeL studies, there is a lack of research on adult learner self-directedness in the South African ODeL context. The adult learner self-directedness scale (ALSDS) was developed to investigate adult learners in an ODeL context. The scale produced four factors describing adult learner self-directedness in, of which success orientation seems to be the most noteworthy

    'n Hamer, 'n saag en 'n skroewedraaier - oor metodes van ontleding van die griekse teks van die nuwe testament

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    In this article four methods of analysis of the Greek text of the New Testament are compared. The methods are: South African Discourse Analysis, the method of Syntactic Structural Analysis, the method of the Analysis of Thought Structure and finally the method of Semantic Analysis based on nuclear structures

    "Taalkundige" eksegese van romeine 13 :1 - 7

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    As in most scientific disciplines, theoretical and methodological developments in recent times are constantly changing and greatly influencing New Testament studies. The aim of this article is to illustrate, with the use of modern exegetical methods, a possible approach to the "linguistic" phase of the exegetical process. The approach encompasses seven steps, namely, (1) demarcation of the periscope for investigation, (2) a literal translation, (3) grammatical and syntactical commentary, (4) a text -critical check of important variant readings, (5) discourse analysis, (6) a visual representation of the place of the periscope within its broader textual context and (7) word study. Romans 13 :1-7 (which deals with obedience to the authorities) is used for the illustration of all seven these methodological steps. As conclusion it is stated that although this approach does not solve all the exegetical and hermeneutical problems of the periscope (which, however, it also does not pretend to do) , these seven things will always remain an essential pa r t of the basic exegetical work in a scientific interpretation of New Testament texts

    Kom ons stem: Wat het Jesus regtig gesê?

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    Let us vote: What did Jesus really say? Since 1985 the study of the Jesus tradition has taken interesting new directions in the USA. A Jesus Seminar was initiated by the well-known RW Funk and some other leading American New Testament scholars. The question of what Jesus himself really said and what was attributed to him by tradition during later stages, was tackled anew with the explicit additional aim of ‘popularizing’ the results of this research. Since its inception the Jesus Seminar has grown into an academic institute, Westar Institute, with a whole range of research activities. In addition to this, a new publishing house for biblical and related subjects, Polebridge Press, was launched. In this article all these developments are discussed, with special attention to the Jesus Seminar. Finally, by applying the philosophical concepts of ‘exigence’ and ‘rhetorical situation, the article gives a possible ‘explanation’ for these new stimuli in some circles of American biblical scholarship

    'n Verkenning van die moontlikhede van 'n resepsieteoretiese benadering tot die lees van Romeine 7:7—25

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    An exploration of the possibilities of a reception theoretical approach to the reading of Romans 7:7—25The multiplicity of interpretations of Romans 7:7-25 is well-known in Biblical scholarship. In this article the possibilities of a reception theoretical approach to the different readings of this text is explored. A brief theoretical discussion of this approach is given, focusing on the work of the German literary theorists, Hans Robert Jauss and Wolfgang Iser. When applied to the history of reception of Romans 7:7-25 it seems that Jauss's idea of the reader's 'horizon of expectations' and its influence on the interpretation of a text, is confirmed. It is pointed out how extratextual influences throughout the history had changed the interpretation of this text, starting right back in the fourth century with the controversy between Augustine and Pelagius, leading up to the differences between exegetes and sistematic theologians in our day. Some preliminary remarks on 'the reader' in Romans 7:7—25 as well as the gaps and textual strategies of this text are also made. The conclusion reached is that, although not necessarily revolutionary new, a reading of this text from the perspective of the role of the reader, definitely offers some fruitful possibilities for the understanding of New Testament epistolary literature

    Die gereform eerde skrifbeskouing en moderne metodes van verklaring van die nuwe testament

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    In this article aspects of current exegetical methodology in New Testament studies are evaluated with reference to the reformed doctrine of Holy Scripture. The main aspects of the reformed doctrine of Scripture are discussed. Certain textual-theoretical principles which form the basis of the new methodologies in New Testamant studies are discussed, as well as the most important methodological principle in a textual-theoretical approach and the determining factor of one's concept of the text as such

    Geskiedenis en geloof: Gedagtes van en oor Ernst Troeltsch

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    History and faith; Considering the ideas of Emst TroeltschThe work of Ernst Troeltsch (1865-1923) is an important contribution to the discussion on the relationship between faith and history. This article structures Troeltsch's work around his fundamental wrestling with historicism as a valid world view. His views on history and the philosophy of history are summarised, as well as his explanation of the theological task. These are followed by indicating some aspects of his philosophical paradigm. In conclusion some problems that Troeltsch tried to solve, are pointed out as relevant to our own situation

    Living voice and lifeless letters: Reserve towards writing in the Graeco-Roman world

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    This study contributes to the understanding of communication in antiquity by analysing a few specific references to oral and literate traditions in Hellenistic andChristian texts. In the Graeco-Roman world we find a surprising widespread reticence towards writing, varying from mere indifference to active scepticism. The scribalculture of antiquity exhibits a strong bias towards orality, with even literates expressing little confidence in writing. There was a prevailing preference for the ‘livingvoice’ in education, and a strong belief that corpora of teaching which were never written down, and could not be written down, distinguished the insiders from the outsiders