532 research outputs found

    Cats and kids: how a feline disease may help us unravel COVID-19 associated paediatric hyperinflammatory syndrome

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    Leptospirosis is an infectious disease with an increasing incidence worldwide. The clinical presentation is unspecific and ranges from an asymptomatic clinical course to an acute fulminant disease. The current case report describes a 32-year-old male patient who presented with ST segment elevation in the electrocardiogram about 14 days after cross-country running. Pericarditis was diagnosed and linked to an acute leptospirosis that was serologically confirmed

    The Fixed-Stress splitting scheme for Biot's equations as a modified Richardson iteration: Implications for optimal convergence

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    The fixed-stress splitting scheme is a popular method for iteratively solving the Biot equations. The method successively solves the flow and mechanics subproblems while adding a stabilizing term to the flow equation, which includes a parameter that can be chosen freely. However, the convergence properties of the scheme depend significantly on this parameter and choosing it carelessly might lead to a very slow, or even diverging, method. In this paper, we present a way to exploit the matrix structure arising from discretizing the equations in the regime of impermeable porous media in order to obtain a priori knowledge of the optimal choice of this tuning/stabilization parameter.acceptedVersio

    DarSIA: An Open-Source Python Toolbox for Two-Scale Image Processing of Dynamics in Porous Media

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    Understanding porous media flow is inherently a multi-scale challenge, where at the core lies the aggregation of pore-level processes to a continuum, or Darcy-scale, description. This challenge is directly mirrored in image processing, where pore-scale grains and interfaces may be clearly visible in the image, yet continuous Darcy-scale parameters may be what are desirable to quantify. Classical image processing is poorly adapted to this setting, as most techniques do not explicitly utilize the fact that the image contains explicit physical processes. Here, we extend classical image processing concepts to what we define as “physical images” of porous materials and processes within them. This is realized through the development of a new open-source image analysis toolbox specifically adapted to time-series of images of porous materials.publishedVersio

    A Cahn-Hilliard-Biot system and its generalized gradient flow structure

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    In this work, we propose a new model for flow through deformable porous media, where the solid material has two phases with distinct material properties. The two phases of the porous material evolve according to a generalized Ginzburg–Landau energy functional, with additional impact from both elastic and fluid effects, and the coupling between flow and deformation is governed by Biot’s theory. This results in a three-way coupled system which can be seen as an extension of the Cahn–Larché equations with the inclusion of a fluid flowing through the medium. The model covers essential coupling terms for several relevant applications, including solid tumor growth, biogrout, and wood growth simulation. Moreover, we show that this coupled set of equations follow a generalized gradient flow framework. This opens a toolbox of analysis and solvers which can be used for further study of the model. Additionally, we provide a numerical example showing the impact of the flow on the solid phase evolution in comparison to the Cahn–Larché system.publishedVersio

    Iterative Linearisation Schemes for Doubly Degenerate Parabolic Equations

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    Mathematical models for flow and reactive transport in porous media often involve non-linear, degenerate parabolic equations. Their solutions have low regularity, and therefore lower order schemes are used for the numerical approximation. Here the backward Euler method is combined with a mixed finite element method, which results in a stable and locally mass-conservative scheme. At each time step one has to solve a non-linear algebraic system, for which one needs adequate iterative solvers. Finding robust ones is particularly challenging here, since the problems considered are double degenerate (i.e. two type of degeneracies are allowed: parabolic-elliptic and parabolic-hyperbolic). Commonly used schemes, like Newton and Picard, are defined either for non-degenerate problems, or after regularising the problem in the case of degenerate ones. Convergence is guaranteed only if the initial guess is sufficiently close to the solution, which translates into severe restrictions on the time step. Here we discuss an iterative linearisation scheme which builds on the L-scheme, and does not employ any regularisation. We prove its rigorous convergence, which is obtained for Hölder type non-linearities. Finally, we present numerical results confirming the theoretical ones, and compare the behaviour of the proposed scheme with schemes based on a regularisation step.acceptedVersio

    Reviewing primary Sjögren’s syndrome: Beyond the dryness - From pathophysiology to diagnosis and treatment

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    Primary Sjögren’s syndrome (pSS) is a systemic autoimmune disease, characterized by lymphocytic infiltration of the secretory glands. This process leads to sicca syndrome, which is the combination of dryness of the eyes, oral cavity, pharynx, larynx and/or vagina. Extraglandular manifestations may also be prevalent in patients with pSS, including cutaneous, musculoskeletal, pulmonary, renal, hematological and neurological involvement. The pathogenesis of pSS is currently not well understood, but increased activation of B cells followed by immune complex formation and autoantibody production are thought to play important roles. pSS is diagnosed using the American-European consensus group (AECG) classification criteria which include subjective symptoms and objective tests such as histopathology and serology. The treatment of pSS warrants an organ based approach,
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