1,437 research outputs found

    Deviation from the Fourier law in room-temperature heat pulse experiments

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    We report heat pulse experiments at room temperature that cannot be described by Fourier's law. The experimental data is modelled properly by the Guyer--Krumhansl equation, in its over-diffusion regime. The phenomenon is due to conduction channels with differing conductivities, and parallel to the direction of the heat flux.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Escola ambiental: transferência de tecnologias geradas pela Embrapa para a segurança alimentar e a valorização da agricultura urbana nas escolas da cidade de Belém, Pará.

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    Organizar e qualificar os conhecimentos e tecnologias sobre educação ambiental, segurança alimentar, cultivo de hortas, formação de pomares e a criação de abelhas sem ferrão adaptáveis ao cultivo em escolas; Implantar módulos de cultivos de hortifrutigrangeiros, de pomares e de criação de abelhas sem ferrão para demonstração de tecnologias visando contribuir para a formação educacional sobre educação ambiental e segurança alimentar; Desenvolver ações de comunicação para disseminar as iniciativas e os resultados do projeto; Capacitar agentes multiplicadores (professores, funcionários, alunos, familiares de alunos e etc.) para desenvolvimento da agricultura urbana através de ação educativa e melhoria de hábitos alimentares; Monitorar e avaliar os resultados e impactos das ações de TT

    Variational Approach to Hard Sphere Segregation Under Gravity

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    It is demonstrated that the minimization of the free energy functional for hard spheres and hard disks yields the result that excited granular materials under gravity segregate not only in the widely known "Brazil nut" fashion, i.e. with the larger particles rising to the top, but also in reverse "Brazil nut" fashion. Specifically, the local density approximation is used to investigate the crossover between the two types of segregation occurring in the liquid state, and the results are found to agree qualitatively with previously published results of simulation and of a simple model based on condensation.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Fusion and Evaluation of 3D Data and Excavation Documents for Comparison of Original and Digital Copy in the Case of a Megalithic Tomb

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    This contribution shows the preliminary results of the multidisciplinary cooperation of archaeological, technical and heritage issues using the example of the megalithic tomb Kleinenkneten II. The tomb was excavated in the 1930s, but big parts of the documentation have unfortunately been destroyed. Furthermore, some ancient interpretations need to be objectively reviewed. More than 500 historical image data visually document the historical excavation situation. In addition, the current situation was recorded in 3D using modern methods. Geodetic products, such as orthophotos, can be derived from modern data and compared with old plans. Also, a point cloud was calculated from historical images, which can be compared with the current situation. The combination of modern and historical data enables new archaeological interpretations. From a museum perspective, strategies for the construction of authentic value of the 3D model is considered, as well as its communication to the public