31 research outputs found

    Leukemoid Reaction: Presentation of Two Cases

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    The leukemoid reaction is defined by the presence in peripheral blood of white cells above 50,000/mm3 or neutrophils above 30,000/mm3 . The frequency varies between 1.3 and 15% of newborns admitted to neonatal intensive care units [1]. It usually appears during the first two weeks of life and more frequently during the first four days, the duration is about 8.5 days [2]. In extremely premature, this process is produced by an inflammatory response that active cytokines who increased granulocyte colony-stimulating factors (G-CSF). These induce the production of neutrophils that cause hyperleukocytosis

    Valoración del Screening metabólico neonatal

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    Importáncia de las enfermedades metabólicas consideradas como grup. El capítulo de los errores innatos del metabolismo se incrementa progresivamente a medida que se profundiza en su estudio y técnicas diagnósticas. Son más de 250 las entidades descritas (1 ), la mayo ria de las cuales se presentan..

    Recomendaciones para la informatización de los servicios de neonatología

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    El objetivo es proporcionar el marco para la recopilación de datos en el área de la salud de los recién nacidos que permitan la armonización de la asistencia sea cual sea su lugar de nacimiento. Para ello es necesario conocer la población atendida y la mayor dificultad es la ausencia de un sistema de recopilación de datos y de unos estándares asistenciales para todas las condiciones del recién nacido. Es imprescindible disponer de un registro único en el que se recojan los principales datos perinatales y neonatales de todos los recién nacidos. La Sociedad Española de Neonatología (SEN) debe ser el depositario y responsable de la base de datos, que debe cumplir todas las exigencias legales de privacidad y confidencialidad. A nivel de cada centro es posible conocer el peso relativo de la afección atendida por grupos de diagnósticos relacionados (DRG) y los resultados desde el aspecto de calidad asistencial. Mediante análisis comparativos (estudios de benchmarking,. . .) es posible establecer las pautas de diagnóstico y tratamiento. Es necesario conocer la población de recién nacidos atendida y definir criterios de diagnóstico y tratamiento para mejorar la calidad asistencial. La SEN desea dirigirse a los responsables asistenciales de los centros hospitalarios para pedirles su apoyo y colaboración en la puesta en marcha de estas recomendaciones

    Trends in survival among extremely-low-birth-weight infants (less than 1000 g)without significant bronchopulmonary dysplasia

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    Objective The aim of this study was to analyze the evolution from 1997 to 2009 of survival without significant (moderate and severe) bronchopulmonary dysplasia (SWsBPD) in extremely-low-birth-weight (ELBW) infants and to determine the influence of changes in resuscitation, nutrition and mechanical ventilation on the survival rate. Study design In this study, 415 premature infants with birth weights below 1000 g (ELBW) were divided into three chronological subgroups: 1997 to 2000 (n = 65), 2001 to 2005 (n = 178) and 2006 to 2009 (n = 172). Between 1997 and 2000, respiratory resuscitation in the delivery room was performed via a bag and mask (Ambu®, Ballerup, Sweden) with 40-50% oxygen. If this procedure was not effective, oral endotracheal intubation was always performed. Pulse oximetry was never used. Starting on January 1, 2001, a change in the delivery room respiratory policy was established for ELBW infants. Oxygenation and heart rate were monitored using a pulse oximeter (Nellcor®) attached to the newborn"s right hand. If resuscitation was required, ventilation was performed using a face mask, and intermittent positive pressure was controlled via a ventilator (Babylog2, Drägger). In 2001, a policy of aggressive nutrition was also initiated with the early provision of parenteral amino acids. We used standardized parenteral nutrition to feed ELBW infants during the first 1224 hours of life. Lipids were given on the first day. The glucose concentration administered was increased by 1 mg/kg/minute each day until levels reached 8 mg/kg/minute. Enteral nutrition was started with trophic feeding of milk. In 2006, volume guarantee treatment was instituted and administered together with synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (SIMV + VG). The complications of prematurity were treated similarly throughout the study period. Patent ductus arteriosus was only treated when hemodynamically significant. Surgical closure of the patent ductus arteriosus was performed when two courses of indomethacin or ibuprofen were not sufficient to close it. Mild BPD were defined by a supplemental oxygen requirement at 28 days of life and moderate BPD if breathing room air or a need for <30% oxygen at 36 weeks postmenstrual age or discharge from the NICU, whichever came first. Severe BPD was defined by a supplemental oxygen requirement at 28 days of life and a need for greater than or equal to 30% oxygen use and/or positive pressure support (IPPV or nCPAP) at 36 weeks postmenstrual age or discharge, whichever came first. Moderate and severe BPD have been considered together as"significant BPD". The goal of pulse oximetry was to maintain a hemoglobin saturation of between 88% and 93%. Patients were considered to not need oxygen supplementation when it could be permanently withdrawn....

    Impact of maternal stress or anxiety on the fetal or neonatal weight: a literature review

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    Objetivo: examinar si la presencia de ansiedad o estrés materno durante el embarazo influye en el peso del feto o el neonato y cómo cambian las variables asociadas. Metodología: Se llevó a cabo una revisión bibliográfica de artículos indexados en las bases de datos PubMed, CINHAL, Cuiden, Scielo, Lilacs, Dialnet, Latindex, Cuidatge y WorldCat, publicados entre 2001 y 2016. Resultados: A pesar de que la metodología de los estudios es muy variada, 9 de los 22 artículos seleccionados para la revisión concluyeron que existe una relación entre la presencia de estrés o ansiedad y el menor peso del bebé al nacer. No hay consenso sobre en qué trimestre de gestación afecta más el estrés, aunque sí se destaca la importancia del segundo trimestre. Conclusión: La evidencia indica que la presencia de estrés o ansiedad durante el embarazo afecta negativamente al peso fetal o del recién nacido, reduciéndolo o impidiendo que se desarrolle el potencial de éste. La disparidad de herramientas y momento de medida del estrés o la ansiedad, entre otras variables, puede influir en la lectura de los resultados

    Evaluación de una intervención mediante sofrología para disminuir la ansiedad en las gestantes con un feto con retraso de crecimiento

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    Objetivo: comparar el grado de ansiedad de un grupo de mujeres con un feto con retraso de crecimiento intrauterino (RCIU) visitadas exclusivamente por especialistas en medicina maternofetal en relación a otras mujeres que, además, también fueron visitadas por una matrona formada en técnicas de relajación y detectar los sentimientos prevalentes cuando se informa del diagnóstico. Material y método: estudio multimétodo: cuantitativo (diseño cuasi-experimental) y cualitativo (fenomenológico). Las participantes fueron gestantes con feto con RCIU, mayores de edad, sin trastornos psiquiátricos ni dificultad idiomática. En el grupo control, se incluyeron mujeres que siguieron el control de la gestación de alto riesgo. Las mujeres del grupo experimental además del control estándar, tuvieron tres visitas con la matrona en la que se explicaron técnicas de control de la ansiedad. Ambos grupos realizaron el mismo test para evaluar la ansiedad (test STAI), al inicio y al final de su participación. Finalmente, se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a las mujeres del grupo experimental. Resultados y conclusiones: las mujeres que tuvieron contacto con la matrona, además de los cuidados técnicos, obtuvieron puntuaciones más bajas en la escala STAI (menor grado de ansiedad) que aquellas que sólo recibieron cuidados por especialistas en Medicina Maternofetal. Las entrevistas pusieron de manifiesto sentimientos: las categorías que emergieron del análisis fueron: a) sentimientos en relación a ellas mismas, b) sentimientos en relación al personal o al hospital y c) sentimientos de afrontamiento. En suma, ofrecer técnicas de relajación a aquellas madres con un embarazo de riesgo (feto RCIU) mejora su grado de ansiedad

    Impact of chorioamnionitis on exhaled nitric oxide and endotracheal aspirate levels of nitrites-nitrates and interleukin-8 in mechanically ventilated preterm neonates.

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    OBJECTIVES: To assess the influence of maternal chorioamnionitis on early exhaled nitric oxide (NO) and levels of nitrites-nitrates and interleukin (IL)-8 in endotracheal aspirate fluid in mechanically ventilated preterm neonates. STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. PATIENT-SUBJECT SELECTION: Between September 2007 and August 2009, 54 mechanically ventilated preterm neonates were included. Patients were divided into two groups according to the presence or absence of maternal chorioamnionitis, and those without chorioamnionitis (controls) were further stratified into two subgroups by birth weight < or ≥ 2,000 g. METHODOLOGY: The ventilator used was a Babylog 8000. The NO level assessed was the plateau value given by the software of the Sievers NOA apparatus. Collection of endotracheal aspirate fluid samples was performed coinciding with routine aspirations and using the dry technique. RESULTS: The two groups of control neonates showed statistically significant differences in exhaled NO expressed as nl/min and normalized exhaled NO expressed as either nl/min or nl/min/kg, so they are not homogeneous and cannot be used in clinical practice. Serum C-reactive protein and endotracheal aspirate levels of nitrites-nitrates were significantly higher in the chorioamnionitis group than in controls (3.6 vs. 1.07 µmol/L; P = 0.035). Nitrites-nitrates levels were positively correlated with exhaled NO in ppb (ρ = 0.367; P = 0.006). Minute exhaled endogenous NO was significantly higher in the chorioamnionitis group (0.48 vs. 0.27 nl/min/kg; P = 0.021). CONCLUSIONS: In mechanically ventilated preterm infants weighing <2,000 g, maternal chorioamnionitis was associated with an increase of early exhaled NO (nl/min/kg) and serum levels of C-reactive protein and levels of nitrites-nitrates in endotracheal aspirate fluid

    Breastfeeding disparities between multiples and singletons by NICU discharge

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    Multiple pregnancy increases the risk of a range of adverse perinatal outcomes, including breastfeeding failure. However, studies on predictive factors of breastfeeding duration in preterm twin infants have a conflicting result. The purpose of this observational study was to compare feeding practices, at hospital discharge, of twin and singleton very low birth weight infants. The study is part of a prospective survey of a national Spanish cohort of very low birth weight infants (SEN1500) that includes 62 neonatal units. The study population comprised all infants registered in the network from 2002 to 2013. They were grouped into singletons and multiples. The explanatory variables were first analyzed using univariate models; subsequently, significant variables were analyzed simultaneously in a multiple stepwise backward model. During the twelve-year period, 32,770 very low birth weight infants were included in the database, of which 26.957 were discharged alive and included in this analysis. Nine thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight neonates were multiples, and 17,199 were singletons. At discharge, 31% of singleton infants were being exclusively breastfed, 43% were bottle-fed, and 26% were fed a combination of both. In comparison, at discharge, only 24% of multiple infants were exclusively breastfed, 43% were bottle-fed, and 33% were fed a combination of both (p < 0.001). On multivariable analysis, twin pregnancy had a statistically significant, but small efect, on cessation of breastfeeding before discharge (OR 1.10; 95% CI: 1.02, 1.19). Risks of early in-hospital breastfeeding cessation were also independently associated with multiple mother-infant stress factors, such as sepsis, intraventricular hemorrhage, retinopathy, necrotizing enterocolitis, intubation, and use of inotropes. Instead, antibiotic treatment at delivery, In vitro fertilization and prenatal steroids were associated with a decreased risk for shorter in-hospital breastfeeding duration. Multiple pregnancy, even in the absence of pathological conditions associated to very low birth weight twin infants, may be an impeding factor for in-hospital breastfeeding

    Evaluación de los resultados del programa 'Parto en el hospital, comadrona en casa'

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    Objetivo: Describir las características y la evolución clínica de las puérperas y los neonatos incluidos en un programa de alta precoz hospitalaria. Material y método: Estudio observacional y descriptivo de la población incluida en el programa «Parto en el hospital, comadrona en casa», del Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, desde octubre de 2010 hasta abril de 2013. Resultados: Participaron un total de 150 madres, con una edad (media ± desviación estándar) de 32 ± 4 años. El 70% (n= 105) eran multíparas. Respecto al origen de las participantes, el 57,3% (n= 86) procedían de España, el 24% (n= 36) de Sudamérica y el 13,3% (n= 20) de los países del resto de Europa. Un 95% (n= 137) tenía pareja estable. El 62% (n= 93) tenía estudios superiores. El 55% (n= 82) de los partos fueron con analgesia peridural. El 21% (n= 32) requirió episiotomía o tuvo un desgarro de grado II. El resto no presentó ningún desgarro perineal, o éste fue de grado I. La media de estancia hospitalaria fue de 14 ± 4 horas. El peso de los neonatos al nacer y en el domicilio fue de 3.366 ± 362 y 3.168 ± 344 g, respectivamente. El 96% (n= 144) de las mujeres eligió lactancia materna al alta. En la visita, el 94% (n= 134) continuaba con lactancia exclusiva y el 7,4% (n= 11) presentaba grietas. El 4% (n= 6) de las mujeres y de los neonatos se visitó en urgencias durante el puerperio, y hubo 2 (1,3%) reingresos neonatales, por crisis cianótica e ictericia, respectivamente. Conclusiones: Las mujeres que participaron en el programa eran principalmente españolas, multíparas y con estudios superiores, y en la mitad de los casos optaron por un parto con analgesia peridural. Las dificultades encontradas a las 24 horas tras el alta estaban relacionadas con la lactancia materna, y fue necesaria la determinación precoz de la bilirrubina. El programa facilita el empoderamiento de las familias, sin incrementar la morbilidad materna o del neonato

    Prediction of neonatal respiratory morbidity by quantitative ultrasound lung texture analysis: a multicenter study.

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    BACKGROUND: Prediction of neonatal respiratory morbidity may be useful to plan delivery in complicated pregnancies. The limited predictive performance of the current diagnostic tests together with the risks of an invasive procedure restricts the use of fetal lung maturity assessment. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to evaluate the performance of quantitative ultrasound texture analysis of the fetal lung (quantusFLM) to predict neonatal respiratory morbidity in preterm and early-term (<39.0 weeks) deliveries. STUDY DESIGN: This was a prospective multicenter study conducted in 20 centers worldwide. Fetal lung ultrasound images were obtained at 25.0-38.6 weeks of gestation within 48 hours of delivery, stored in Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine format, and analyzed with quantusFLM. Physicians were blinded to the analysis. At delivery, perinatal outcomes and the occurrence of neonatal respiratory morbidity, defined as either respiratory distress syndrome or transient tachypnea of the newborn, were registered. The performance of the ultrasound texture analysis test to predict neonatal respiratory morbidity was evaluated. RESULTS: A total of 883 images were collected, but 17.3% were discarded because of poor image quality or exclusion criteria, leaving 730 observations for the final analysis. The prevalence of neonatal respiratory morbidity was 13.8% (101 of 730). The quantusFLM predicted neonatal respiratory morbidity with a sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values of 74.3% (75 of 101), 88.6% (557 of 629), 51.0% (75 of 147), and 95.5% (557 of 583), respectively. Accuracy was 86.5% (632 of 730) and positive and negative likelihood ratios were 6.5 and 0.3, respectively. CONCLUSION: The quantusFLM predicted neonatal respiratory morbidity with an accuracy similar to that previously reported for other tests with the advantage of being a noninvasive technique