23 research outputs found


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    The amplification of extern economic activities made by firms demands new rules for those people that take part in transcultural actions. They have to deal with new challenges regarding the interpretation of actions or attitudes made by individuals or firms that have their activity in a cultural activity different from what they were accustomed to until that moment. International managers come in contact with people that not only have different objectives, but they also have different ways of achieving their objectives. The development of management activities is a laborious process that starts with the recurring and selecting of personnel and ends with the training and returning to their home country of the managers. The importance and the phases of the process of training managers that can action with competence in an intercultural context have represented the elements which I want to bring forward in this paper.international context, international manager, cultural shock, cultural adaptability

    The effects of electronic commerce

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    The internet represents the most important technological event which marks the borderline between the second and the third millennium. It can be said that the internet changes the history of humanity. At present, the evolution of electronic commerce is extremely dynamic at a global level. Substantial modifications are made from a year to another so it is hard to foresee what the future holds in this area. For Romania, the informational society has become a reality that has to be taken into account, especially because of the immediate joining the European Union.Internet; e-commerce; online payment; web-site; global network

    Globalization - Between Economic Growth And Crisis

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    Globalization is a highly complex phenomenon, the effects of which are difficult to predict and even quantify. Despite all the economic and social progress it has generated, it also raises a number of concerns. The economic growth generated by the liberalization of the markets has not limited the excesses materialized in tax evasion, cross-border economic criminality, etc. Deregulation and excessive liberalization of the markets led to the global financial crisis at the end of the past decade. This crisis must not transform the markets into a genuine scapegoat, but trust in their flawless functioning must be reconsidered, as well as in their capacity to maximize the profit under any circumstances. In the context of the diminishing role of the different countries’ borders, there is an increasing dependence of the economies of different countries on the world economy. The effect of this state of affairs is reflected in the vulnerability of the states in relation to the disturbances in the global economy and the amplification of the intensity of global crises. The main issues addressed in this paper are focused on the economic growth achieved over the last decades globally, the distribution of economic growth by category of countries, the effects it has had on the population, as well as the intensification of the frequency and impact of the crisis on the economy. The aim of this scientific approach was to highlight the problems faced by the world in the current globalization period, highlighting the need to find solutions that would help moralize the globalization phenomenon; thus, ordinary citizens would no longer be dominated by the fear of losing their jobs, by the fear of a hindered access to medical or education services

    Inequality - Poignant Phenomenon of the Beginning of the 21st Century

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    Inequality is unfortunately a phenomenon of great relevance for the contemporary period. The increasing differences between the incomes of various social classes have prompted the multiplication of manifestations of individualism, selfishness, etc., thus jeopardizing social stability. The eternal dispute between the liberalism imposed by markets and the need for state intervention to a certain extent in the economy must bring to the fore – together with economic growth – the interests of all the citizens of a country. The accentuation of economic and social inequality over the last decades, the causes that led to this phenomenon and the context where such an evolution of inequality took place represent the main issues addressed in this paper. I wanted to join those who try to draw the attention to the issue of increasing economic and social inequalities among the members of society, in order to raise the awareness of the decisionmaking factors on the chronicization of a phenomenon that could harm everyone on a long-term, including the wealthy citizens of the planet

    The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria's investments in harm reduction through the rounds-based funding model (2002-2014)

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    Background: Harm reduction is an evidence-based, effective response to HIV transmission and other harms faced by people who inject drugs, and is explicitly supported by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. In spite of this, people who inject drugs continue to have poor and inequitable access to these services and face widespread stigma and discrimination. In 2013, the Global Fund launched a new funding model-signalling the end of the previous rounds-based model that had operated since its founding in 2002. This study updates previous analyses to assess Global Fund investments in harm reduction interventions for the duration of the rounds-based model, from 2002 to 2014. Methods: Global Fund HIV and TB/HIV grant documents from 2002 to 2014 were reviewed to identify grants that contained activities for people who inject drugs. Data were collected from detailed grant budgets, and relevant budget lines were recorded and analysed to determine the resources allocated to different interventions that were specifically targeted at people who inject drugs. Results: 151 grants for 58 countries, plus one regional proposal, contained activities targeting people who inject drugs-for a total investment of US 620. million. Two-thirds of this budgeted amount was for interventions in th

    The International Trade in Global Economy

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    The intensification of the globalization of the world economy is the result of the amplification and diversification without precedent of the material, financial and human flows between the world’s states. The international commerce has known in the last period o strong expansion, almost uninterrupted, surpassing the industrial production growth and PIB on a world scale. Among the PIB evolution and the evolution of the world commerce there is a strong relationship of correlation, fact shown by the linear correlation coefficient. The structure on exports of country categories confirms the fact that the process of globalization has been fully completed in the world. Romania, through its achieved economic opening, has boosted its participation to the international economic trades. In this way there is a chance for Romania’s economy in the future to become more competitive, even though in the present our country faces serious problems concerning the strong deficit of the foreign trade balance

    The External Trade of Romania: Evolution Trends

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    In most cases there is a direct link between the economic development and the foreign trade of a country. Over time, Romania has not been an exception to this rule. Engaged in the capitalist mechanism both in the interwar period and in the period elapsed since 1990, Romania has been held between the interests of foreign capitalism and the decisions of a political class that did not always rise to the level of the times when it exercised its power. On top of these, a series of negative impact events such as wars or crises have overlapped. Despite all the investment efforts made, the impact of Romania’s economic development on foreign trade was limited during the socialist era. As regards the volume of foreign trade, the trade balance, the structure of exports and imports, the value of exports per capita, Romania’s evolution was generally modest. Practically, with some exceptions, Romania’s involvement in international trade was below the economic potential of our country throughout the analyzed period

    Foreign Debt: Causes and Measures Taken

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    In an increasingly globalized world, any crisis, including the ones caused by the foreign debtdefault of a country, may have a negative impact which can be contagious both at regional and atglobal level. Taking into account all the risks to which international creditors were subjectedover time, thestock of foreign debt worldwide has experienced a significant increase in the current millennium,actually demonstrating that international lending is profitable. The causes of default, the measures taken by the concerned countries to get out of this situationand the specific examples were the elements which I have tried to capture in this paper. Last butnot least, I have performed an analysis of the evolution of the foreign debt stock and the repaymentcapacity of small and medium-income countries, respectively the most vulnerable countries interms of debt repayment

    Direct Foreign Investments - Factor of Economic Growth in Romania

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    The former socialist countries' transition process towards the market economy was based to a great extent on the foreign direct investments these countries have attracted after 1990. Not even Romania was an exception to the rule. Being at first characterized by a difficult start regarding the FDI entries, Romania has accomplished between 2004- 2008 a series of performances in this domain. Within the same period of time, remarkable economic growths have been registered. In this paper-work I intend to emphasize this connection between the increased volume of FDI entries and the accentuated rhythm of economic growth.foreign direct investment, gross domestic product, quotient correlation, global financial crisis