133 research outputs found

    “Too soon?, too soon?” or the dilemma of reopening centralist countries in the times of COVID-19.

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    Conforme pasa el tiempo, cada país debe enfrentar lo desconocido en cuanto al equilibrio entre las medidas de distancia social y la reapertura de la economía de manera segura. Algunos países son ventanas al futuro, pero las experiencias de nuestros vecinos son las más adecuadas para anticipar algunos aspectos de nuestra realidad en unas pocas semanas. Algunas áreas más afectadas en los Estados Unidos, donde las disparidades sociales explican la enorme brecha interracial de mortalidad por COVID-19, son claros ejemplos de cómo la desigualdad puede dividir las trayectorias de diferentes grupos de población en un mismo país. Además, las horripilantes imágenes de Guayas (Ecuador), Manaos (Brasil) o Loreto (Perú) mostraron al mundo las consecuencias de años de bajas inversiones en salud cuando una pandemia golpea las áreas más vulnerables.As time flies, every country must face the unknown regarding the balance between social distance measures and reopening the economy safely. Some countries are windows to the future, but the experiences of our neighbors are best suited to anticipate some aspects of our reality in a few weeks. Some hard-hit areas in the United States, where social disparities explain the huge inter-racial gap of mortality from COVID-19, are clear examples of how inequality can divide the trajectories of different population groups in the same country. Furthermore, the gruesome images from Guayas (Ecuador), Manaos (Brazil), or Loreto (Peru) showed the world the consequences of years of low health-care investments when a pandemic strikes in the most vulnerable areas

    Corporate usage of economic diplomacy : a case study of a trade mission between Portugal and Colombia

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    This dissertation proposes to improve the understanding of one common Export Promotion Program, trade missions. This is a concept that has not been investigated deeply, at least in the developing countries. A review of the recent literature regarding the topic is done, focusing on the effectiveness of this kind of diplomacy politic. But measuring the effectiveness is not an easy task and even if there are some authors that have already done it, there is not a clear process of how companies could undertake for evaluating the real impact of a trade mission. And sometimes other important players, who are the actual organizers of the mission do not have clear guidelines for evaluating the effectiveness of the trade mission. In this case study, through primary and secondary data collection, there is an investigation of the actors that participated in a specific inverse mission between Portugal and Colombia in November 2014. This mission was a small one that included members of seven Colombian companies that decided to visit Portugal with different intentions and objectives. By interviewing the companies and the organizers the results and effectiveness of the mission were measured. The findings suggest that the effectiveness of a trade mission depends on the objectives that each of the participants have for being part of it; the main expectancy would be to do any kind of monetary negotiation but that is not the only way of how the members of the mission measured it as a successful or a not successful one. This thesis could be seen as a first effort studying a specific mission between a Latin American and a European country; this is why, it is expected to be an input for further research on the topics of international diplomacy and trade.Esta dissertação procura melhorar o entendimento de um dos Programas de Promoção das Exportações, as missões comerciais. Este é um conceito que não tem sido investigado em profundidade, pelo menos nos países em vias de desenvolvimento. É feita uma revisão da literatura recente, enfocando-se na efetividade deste tipo de política diplomática. Contudo, medir a efetividade não é uma tarefa fácil e mesmo que haja alguns autores que já o tenham feito, não existe um processo claro que possa ser usado pelas empresas para avaliar os impactos reais de uma missão comercial. Acontece por vezes que outros atores importantes, como os organizadores da missão não têm formas claras de avaliar a efetividade de uma missão comercial. Neste estudo de caso, através da recolha de dados primários e secundários, foi feita uma investigação dos atores que participaram numa missão comercial inversa específica entre Portugal e a Colômbia em novembro de 2014. Esta foi uma pequena missão que incluiu membros de sete empresas colombianas que decidiram visitar Portugal com diferentes intenções e objetivos. Ao entrevistar as empresas e os organizadores, foram medidos os resultados e a efetividade da missão. Os resultados do estudo mostram que a efetividade de uma missão depende dos objetivos que cada um dos participantes tem. A principal expectativa seria fazer algum tipo de negociação monetária, mas esta não é a única maneira de os membros da missão medirem o seu êxito. Esta dissertação pode ser vista como um primeiro passo no estudo de missões entre países latino-americanos e europeus. Por esse motivo, espera-se que a tese possa ser um estímulo para futuras investigações sobre o tema da diplomacia e o comércio internacional

    Tapping into Natural History Collections to Assess Latitudinal Gradients of Parasite Diversity

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    Parasites are key components of the biosphere not only due to their huge diversity, but also because they exert important influences on ecological processes. Nevertheless, we lack an understanding of the biogeographical patterns of parasite diversity. Here, we tap into the potential of biodiversity collections for understanding parasite biogeography. We assess species richness of supracommunities of helminth parasites infecting mammal assemblages in the Nearctic, and describe its relation to latitude, climate, host diversity, and land area. We compiled data from parasitology collections and assessed parasite diversity in Nearctic ecoregions for the entire parasite supracommunity of mammals in each ecoregion, as well as separately from carnivores and rodents to explore the effect of host taxonomic resolution on observed patterns. For carnivores, we found evidence of a negative latitudinal gradient, while parasites of rodents displayed no clear pattern. We found that parasite diversity was positively correlated with mean annual temperature and negatively correlated with seasonal precipitation. Parasite richness shows a diversity peak at intermediate host richness values and in carnivores correlates with temperature and seasonal precipitation. Rodent parasite diversity did not correlate with explored factors. Other researchers are encouraged to use parasitology collections to continue exploring patterns of parasite biogeography and macroecology

    Desarrollo de un sistema de gestión energética en la clínica Portoazul

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    In this work, an energy management system is developed, based on the ISO 50001 standard, for the Portoazul Clinic, located in the first free health zone on the Atlantic Coast. During the study, electricity was identified as the main energy carrier consumed in the clinic. Additionally, the equipment and / or systems with the highest electrical demand were identified. Based on the different measurements and electrical consumption data of the clinic, a baseline and a performance indicator were developed, guaranteeing a correlation R2> 60%. The performance indicator was used as the basis for developing the energy management system. The results of the implementation of the management system between January and February 2020 show a reduction in daily electricity consumption between 1% and 15% compared to the baseline.En este trabajo se desarrolla un sistema de gestión energética, basado norma ISO 50001, para la Clínica Portoazul, ubicada en la primera zona franca de salud de la Costa Atlántica. Durante el estudio se identificó la electricidad como el principal portador energético consumido en la clínica. Adicionalmente, se identificaron los equipos y/o sistemas con mayor demanda eléctrica. Basado en las diferentes mediciones y datos de consumo eléctrico de la clínica, se desarrolló una línea base y un indicador de desempeño garantizando una correlación R2 > 60%. El indicador de desempeño se utilizó como base para desarrollar el sistema de gestión energética. Los resultados de implementación del sistema de gestión entre enero y febrero de 2020 muestran una reducción del consumo de electricidad diario entre un 1 y un 15% respecto a la línea base

    Niche modeling reveals life history shifts in birds at La Brea over the last twenty millennia

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    A species presence at a particular site can change over time, resulting in temporally dynamic species pools. Ecological niche models provide estimates of species presence at different time intervals. The avifauna of La Brea includes approximately 120 species dating to approximately 15,000 years ago. Niche models predicted presence at the Last Glacial Maximum for over 90% of 89 landbird species. This confirms that niche modeling produces sensible range estimates at the Last Glacial Maximum. For 97 currently local species that are as yet undocumented at La Brea over 90% were predicted to occur; absence is due to insufficient study, lack of the ecological niche, transient occurrence or a behavioral ability to avoid entrapment. Our 366 niche models provide a prospective checklist of the landbird fauna of La Brea. The models indicate fluidity in life history strategies and a higher proportion of resident birds at the LGM (88% to 60%). We evaluated a subset of 103 species in breeding and winter periods using two climate models (MIROC−ESM, CCSM4) with a variety of differing parameters, finding differences in 5% of the niche models. Niche breadths in bark-foraging birds changed little between the present and LGM, suggesting that greater species diversity at the LGM was due to greater niche availability rather than contractions of niche breadths (i.e., niche partitioning)

    Plan de negocio de la marca Insta Burger en el municipio de La Ceja

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    Instaburger is about a business plan for a company that will be in charge of marketing vegetable proteins focused on this great trend of vegetarian and vegan food in the municipality of La Ceja and the nearest towns.Rionegro, Antioqui

    Manifestaciones clínicas y radiológicas de los pacientes con tuberculosis con y sin diabetes mellitus

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    Introducción: Los pacientes con diagnóstico de tuberculosis (TB) y diabetes mellitus (DM) pueden tener una evolución clínica diferente a los pacientes sin DM. Sin embargo, aún persiste la incertidumbre acerca de esta relación. Objetivo: Describir y comparar, los hallazgos clínico radiológico, en los pacientes que cursan con Tuberculosis, con y sin diabetes mellitus en el hospital universitario mayor. Métodos: Estudio de corte transversal del universo de pacientes con diagnóstico de TB manejados en la institución. Se recolectó información de datos sociodemográficos, clínicos, paraclínicos y de desenlace de pacientes atendidos durante cinco años (2012 a 2016). Se utilizó estadística descriptiva univariada y luego bivariada para presentar la distribución de las características de los pacientes por presencia o no de DM. Se exploró la existencia de diferencias entre los pacientes diabéticos controlados versus no controlados (Se definió como paciente controlado hemoglobina glicosilada <7%.), calculando razones de prevalencia de variables relevantes. Resultados: Se incluyeron 221 pacientes con TB, de los cuales 32 tenían DM (14,48%). Mediana de edad 66 años (Q1 48 ; Q3 76). Los pacientes con TB/DM fueron de mayores en edad, con mayor prevalencia de hipertensión arterial y enfermedad renal crónica (p=0.005). Dentro de los pacientes con DM los no controlados presentaron mayor prevalencia de antecedente de abandono de tratamiento anti-TB (p= 0.000). Conclusión: Encontramos diferencias entre los pacientes con TB-DM vs No-DM, con una tendencia a peores desenlaces, con mayor estancia en UCI y mayor tasa de abondo.Introduction: Patients diagnosed with tuberculosis (TB) and diabetes mellitus (DM) may have a different clinical course than patients without DM. However, uncertainty persists about this relationship. Objective: To describe and compare the clinical radiological findings in patients diagnosed with Tuberculosis, with and without diabetes mellitus at a university hospital Methods: Cross-sectional trial of patients diagnosed with TB managed in the university hospital. Information was collected about sociodemographic, clinical, loboratory, X-ray and outcome data of the patients for five years (2012 to 2016). Univariate and then bivariate descriptive statistics were used to present the distribution of the characteristics of the patients due to the presence or absence of DM. The existence of differences between controlled and uncontrolled diabetic patients was explored (glycosylated hemoglobin <7% was defined as a controlled patient), calculating prevalence ratios of relevant variables. Results: 221 patients with TB were included, of which 32 had DM (14.48%). Median age was 66 years (Q1 48; Q3 76). Patients with TB/ DM were older in age, with a higher prevalence of hypertension and chronic kidney disease (p = 0.005). Among the patients with DM, uncontrolled patients had a higher prevalence of abandonment of anti-TB treatment (p = 0.000). Conclusion: We found differences between patients with DM-TB vs non-DM, with a tendency of worse outcomes, longer stay in ICU and higher rate of abandonment of anti-TB treatment

    La lectura y escritura desde la educación ambiental en la Institución Educativa de Desarrollo Rural Miguel Valencia

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    This article is part of the investigation Teaching of reading and writing articulated to the environmental problems of the community of the Institución Educativa de Desarrollo Rural Miguel Valencia from Jardín Antioquia, developed within the framework of the line of rural development from profesional pedagogical practices 2018-2019 from the Bachelor of basic education with emphasis on humanities and spanish language from University of Antioquia Southeast Section. The proposal is to understand the articulation of the teaching of reading, writing and enviromental education associated with the environmental problems of the educative comunity mentionated, through the qualitative investigation. A didactic unit for the tenth grade A was designed and implemented as the spine of the pedagogical research process. As a result, environmental problems related with the agricultural, industrial and tourism pollution that deteriorated the enviroment have been identified; and teaching, reading and writing problems associated with reading comprehension, writing, production, students attitude and little existence of bibliographic resources in the institution have been recorded. The conclusion is that there is lack of teaching that is articulated in interdisciplinary terms with reading, writing and environmental education; and that this constitutes an awareness tool to face the environmental crisis caused by modern development.Este articulo hace parte de la investigación Enseñanza de la Lectura y Escritura articulada a las problemáticas ambientales de la comunidad de la Institución Educativa de Desarrollo Rural Miguel Valencia de Jardín Antioquia, desarrollada en el marco de la línea de desarrollo rural de las Prácticas pedagógicas profesionales 2018-2019 de la Licenciatura en Educación básica con énfasis en Humanidades y Lengua Castellana de la Universidad de Antioquia Seccional Suroeste. Se propone conocer la articulación de la enseñanza de la lectura, escritura y educación ambiental [EA] asociada a las problemáticas ambientales de la comunidad educativa mencionada, mediante la investigación cualitativa. Se diseñó e implementó una unidad didáctica para el grado décimo A como columna vertebral del proceso investigativo y pedagógico. Como resultados se identifican problemáticas ambientales relacionadas con la contaminación agrícola, industrial y turística que deterioran el ambiente; y se registran problemas de la enseñanza de la lectura y escritura asociados con comprensión lectora, producción escrita, actitud de los estudiantes y poca existencia de material bibliográfico en la institución. Se concluye que falta una enseñanza articulada en términos interdisciplinares de la lectura, escritura y educación ambiental; y que estas constituyen una herramienta de concientización frente a la crisis ambiental generada por el desarrollo moderno

    Tapping into natural history collections to assess latitudinal gradients of parasite diversity

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    Parasites are key components of the biosphere not only due to their huge diversity, but also because they exert important influences on ecological processes. Nevertheless, we lack an understanding of the biogeographical patterns of parasite diversity. Here, we tap into the potential of biodiversity collections for understanding parasite biogeography. We assess species richness of supracommunities of helminth parasites infecting mammal assemblages in the Nearctic, and describe its relation to latitude, climate, host diversity, and land area. We compiled data from parasitology collections and assessed parasite diversity in Nearctic ecoregions for the entire parasite supracommunity of mammals in each ecoregion, as well as separately from carnivores and rodents to explore the effect of host taxonomic resolution on observed patterns. For carnivores, we found evidence of a negative latitudinal gradient, while parasites of rodents displayed no clear pattern. We found that parasite diversity was positively correlated with mean annual temperature and negatively correlated with seasonal precipitation. Parasite richness shows a diversity peak at intermediate host richness values and in carnivores correlates with temperature and seasonal precipitation. Rodent parasite diversity did not correlate with explored factors. Other researchers are encouraged to use parasitology collections to continue exploring patterns of parasite biogeography and macroecology

    Conservation Status and Natural History of \u3ci\u3eCtenomys\u3c/i\u3e, Tuco-Tucos in Bolivia

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    The genus Ctenomys consists of about 70 species and in addition to the Geomyidae of the Nearctic, Neotropical tuco-tucos represent a well-documented case of diversification in the subterranean biotype. Here we will: i) Provide an updated summary of the natural history of the 12 species of extant tuco-tucos from Bolivia; ii) Update information on distributions of each species; and iii) Using ecological niche modeling, evaluate recent and projected habitat transformation or habitat degradation within the known range of each species to provide a preliminary assessment of the preservation or conservation status of ctenomyids within Bolivia. We follow Gardner et al. (2014) and combine species summaries with both updated published and new data to compile a complete list of known extant species of tuco-tucos from Bolivia. Occurrence data for Ctenomys in Bolivia and surrounding areas were extracted from the database Arctos and GBIF. All individual specimen-based locality records were checked and georeferenced by referring to original museum collection records. We created species distribution models for the species with enough locality records using climate and soil data, while for the rest of the species we estimated the ranges based on the known occurrence localities. Finally, we quantified the amount of large-scale habitat conversion occurring within each species range, as well as the potential effect of climatic change on species distribution. Here we present information regarding the biology of tuco-tuco (Ctenomys) species known to occur in Bolivia, including unpublished natural history data such as habitat association, interactions and activity patterns gathered by the authors through extensive field work. Besides this, we estimated the current distribution of Ctenomys species, quantified large-scale habitat transformation within each species range and assessed the potential effect of climatic change on five tuco-tuco species. We found that the habitats within the ranges of C. boliviensis and C. steinbachi have experienced significant land-cover conversions in recent years. We also show that C. opimus, as well as the above mentioned species are expected to undergo range contractions resulting from climatic change by 2070. Our review shows that there is a dearth of information regarding natural history, taxonomy and distribution for many Bolivian tuco-tuco species. Nonetheless, the information presented here can be a tool for directing and focusing field studies of these species. This is of great importance if we take into account that most of the Bolivian tuco-tucos are subject to one or several conservation/preservation threats. These include: Habitat destruction via land use or climatic changes in conjunction with geographic ranges of Ctenomys that are small in areal extent and which in many cases are not adequately covered by protected areas. Appended data Supplement 1 Spreadsheet with all values and definitions used in the ecological niche models for the current paper: Conservation status and Natural History of Ctenomys, Tuco‐Tucos in Bolivia. Supplement 2 Spreadsheet with all individual specimen data used in the ecological niche models for the current paper: Conservation Status and Natural History of Ctenomys, Tuco‐Tucos in Bolivia