163 research outputs found


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    RESUMOO artigo relata as circunstâncias e condições que se encontra o acervo da intelectual, escritora e historiadora Sandra Jatahy Pesavento, cuja trajetória está registrada nos itens recolhidos em seu acervo, cuja guarda encontra-se sob responsabilidade do Instituto Histórico do Rio Grande do Sul, instituição que vem prestando relevantes serviços aos processos de história e memória no Rio Grande do Sul. Discorre sobre os procedimentos iniciais que estão sendo adotados para dar condições de acesso ao acervo, considerando as possibilidades e perspectivas de trabalho desses documentos, de modo específico, e na sua relação com os demais acervos do Instituto. Destaca aspectos singulares desse acervo e discute questões relacionadas aos acervos pessoais e sua dimensão na arquivologia.ABSTRACTThe article reports the circumstances and conditions found in the collection of the intellectual, writer and historian Sandra Jatahy Pesavento, whose trajectory is recorded in the items collected in her collection, whose custody is under the responsibility of the Historical Institute of Rio Grande do Sul, an institution which has been providing relevant services to the processes of history and memory in Rio Grande do Sul. It discusses the initial procedures that are being adopted to give conditions of access to the collection, considering the possibilities and perspectives of work of these documents, in a specific way, and in its relationship with the other collections of the Institute. It highlights singular aspects of this collection and discusses issues related to personal collections and their dimension in archivology

    Training through gametherapy promotes coactivation of the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles in young women, nulliparous and continents

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    Several studies have been investigated co-activation can enhance the effectveness of PFM training protocols allowing preventive and therapeutic goals in pelvic floor dysfunctions. The objective of the present study was to investigate if an abdominal-pelvic protocol of training (APT) using gametherapy would allow co-activation of PFM and transversus abdominis/oblique internal (TrA/OI) muscles. Twenty-five nulliparous, continent, young females, with median age 24.76 (±3.76) years were evaluated using digital palpation (DP) of PFM and surface electromyography of PFM and TrA/OI simultaneously, during maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), alternating PFM and TrA/OI contraction requests. All women participated on a supervised program of APT using gametherapy, that included exercises of pelvic mobilization associated to contraction of TrA/OI muscles oriented by virtual games, for 30 minutes, three times a week, in a total of 10 sessions. Electromyographic data were processed and analyzed by ANOVA - analysis of variance. When MVC of TrA/OI was solicited, it was observed simultaneous increase of electromyographic activity of PFM (p=0.001) following ATP. However, EMG activity did not change significantly during MVC of PFM. Training using gametherapy allowed better co-activation of pelvic floor muscles in response to contraction of TrA, in young nulliparous and continent women424779786COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE MINAS GERAIS - FAPEMIGnão temAPQ-02199-1

    Intra and inter-rater reliability study of pelvic floor muscle dynamometric measurements

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the intra and inter-rater reliability of pelvic floor muscle (PFM) dynamometric measurements for maximum and average strengths, as well as endurance. A convenience sample of 18 nulliparous women, without any urogynecological complaints, aged between 19 and 31 (mean age of 25.4±3.9) participated in this study. They were evaluated using a pelvic floor dynamometer based on load cell technology. The dynamometric evaluations were repeated in three successive sessions: two on the same day with a rest period of 30 minutes between them, and the third on the following day. All participants were evaluated twice in each session; first by examiner 1 followed by examiner 2. The vaginal dynamometry data were analyzed using three parameters: maximum strength, average strength, and endurance. The Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) was applied to estimate the PFM dynamometric measurement reliability, considering a good level as being above 0.75. The intra and inter-raters' analyses showed good reliability for maximum strength (ICCintra-rater1=0.96, ICCintra-rater2=0.95, and ICCinter-rater=0.96), average strength (ICCintra-rater1=0.96, ICCintra-rater2=0.94, and ICCinter-rater=0.97), and endurance (ICCintra-rater1=0.88, ICCintra-rater2=0.86, and ICCinter-rater=0.92) dynamometric measurements. The PFM dynamometric measurements showed good intra- and inter-rater reliability for maximum strength, average strength and endurance, which demonstrates that this is a reliable device that can be used in clinical practice.1929710


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    Esta pesquisa compreende um estudo observacional descritivo de abordagem qualitativa. Seu principal objetivo é descrever a acessibilidade e a inclusão social de idosos dependentes de uma comunidade de Porto Alegre, RS, a partir da visão de seus cuidadores familiares. Por meio do mapeamento de usuários de uma Unidade de Saúde da Família, foram identificados sete idosos com alterações neurofuncionais e seus cuidadores responderam a três instrumentos: questionário com questões demográficas e socioeconômicas; Medida de Independência Funcional (MIF); e uma entrevista semiestruturada baseada no modelo biopsicossocial de incapacidade. Foi feita a análise de conteúdo das entrevistas e do discurso organizado nas seguintes categorias: sair de casa, transporte, ambiente público e doméstico, relações sociais e direitos. Os resultados apontaram que os cuidadores familiares eram do sexo feminino, com idade entre 18 e 66 anos e que os idosos possuíam faixa de renda abaixo da média regional. Quanto à funcionalidade, a maioria não apresentou grau de dependência funcional muito elevado, necessitando de médio auxílio nas atividades avaliadas. Os dados mostraram a dificuldade de acesso e a presença de barreiras arquitetônicas e de comunicação, como o preconceito e a discriminação. É necessário, portanto, que medidas sejam tomadas pelo Estado e pela sociedade para que assumam o compromisso de incluir todos os cidadãos, independentemente de suas características individuais.

    Lower limb bilateral pyomyositis in a diabetic patient: case report and literature review

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    Pyomiositis is a bacterial infection of skeletal muscle tissue occurring mostly in immunocompromised pa­tients, including diabetics. The main agents are Gram-positive cocci. We report a case of a 42 years old, male, diabetic, who presented the emergency room referring pain in thighs and inability to flex his legs. We performed a magnetic resonance which revealed extensive purulent collections in both lower limbs, thus confirming clinical suspicion, and allowing proper antibiotic treatment. In this case, we showed that imaging tests facilitate early diagnosis and treatment through direct location of the lesions, and guides invasive procedures such as biopsy and abscess aspiration when needed

    Beyond incontinence: The stigma of other urinary symptoms

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    This paper is a report of a study conducted to characterize the stigma of urinary frequency and urgency and differentiate it from the stigma of incontinence and to describe race/ethnic and gender differences in the experience of stigma among a diverse sample of individuals

    Moderating Perceptions of Bother Reports by Individuals Experiencing Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms

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    We compared reports of symptom bother for the same urinary symptoms to understand why symptom severity and bother do not correspond in a straightforward manner. We used a grounded theory approach to analyze qualitative data from 123 individual interviews and developed a conceptual framework, identifying three symptom perceptions that might “moderate” symptom bother: causal, relative, and uncertainty. Symptom bother was lower for respondents who viewed symptoms causally (symptoms seemed explainable or “normal”) or relatively (urinary symptoms were compared to other symptoms or conditions). Bother tended to be higher for respondents who viewed symptoms with uncertainty (when symptom etiology and course were unknown). A greater portion of respondents in the causal perception group had not sought health care for their symptoms. This conceptual framework is useful for understanding the relationship between reactions to and health care-seeking for other symptoms