174 research outputs found

    Introducción a la práctica profesional, reflexión, supervisión, estrategias para el futuro

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    Este estudio es una refléxion sobre la supervisión pedagógica en la ESE JDEUS, en el encuadre del Proceso de Bolonia, lo cual ha surgido de la necesidad de introducir los câmbios relacionados con el início de la practica profesional en el 1º ciclo de estudios. Hemos aplicado una encuesta a todos los alumnos que frecuentan el Bachilerato u el Máster en Educación. La supervisión pedagógica surge como una acción que deberá ser dinamizadora, reflexiva y continuada, donde el aprendizaje, la integración del conocimiento y el desarrollo de competencias requiere variadas practicas de colaboración, en las cuales el supervisor actúa como un mediador encargado de promover el desarrollo de los estudiantes. Este procedimiento da lugar a una ruta de experimentos, comunicación, interacción, cooperación, mientras va validando el conocimiento individual. Los resultados obtenidos apuntan para la posibilidad de articulación entre la experiencia adquirida y la implementación de nuevas estrategias, contribuyendo para la mejora de la formación en contexto, que se vuelve progresivamente más reflexiva e eficaz. En una sociedad en constante cambio, es importante (re)pensar la formación y supervisión ajustadas a los señales del los tiempos

    Autogenous tooth transplantation : evaluation of pulp tissue regeneration

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the pulp survival that occur in transplants of autologous teeth, by comparing two surgical techniques: the conventional technique (autotransplantation for newly formed alveoli), and an alternative technique, (autotransplants for alveoli in the initial phase of healing). In each surgical techniques were applied, randomly, either saline solution or Emdogain ®. Study Design:The study group comprised 26 patents, in which 28 teeth were transplanted to recipient sockets prepared mechanically. Of the 28 teeth transplanted, 4 were intentional replants, and of the remainer, 11 had the apex closed and 13 open. The mean age at the time of transplantation was 22.34±8.14 years (mean ± SD). The transplantation were performed by the same operator, with the informed consent of the patient and authorized by the ethical committee of the hospital. Clinical and radiological examinations were performed during 24 to 65 months (48±12.96; MED±SD), from 10 days, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and annually to 5.6 years. Results: Only two transplanted teeth were lost, due persistent apical periodontitis, and one transplanted patient with open apex missed the treatment. In the teeth with pulp, we needed to perform root canal therapy in 9. In the 73% of the teeth with closed apex, we needed to perform root canal treatment, with no statistically significant difference found among closed apex and root canal therapy (p=0.083). In only 8% of the teeth with open apex did we need to perform root canal treatment, with an association between open apex and root canal therapy (p=0.0002). The overall success rate was 98% with significant difference for losses (p=0.0001). Conclusions: Although not a frequent procedure, it was concluded that autotransplanted teeth, performed with appropriate surgical care had a good prognosis, and can render a very useful service to the patients. © Medicina Oral S. L

    Sealing efficacy of system B versus Thermafil and Guttacore obturation techniques evidenced by scintigraphic analysis

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    This study compared root canal sealing ability, filled by Continuous Wave compaction and two carrier-based obturation systems, using the nuclear medicine approach. Fifty-five single-rooted extracted teeth were selected. The crowns were sectioned and each tooth was instrumented using rotary Protaper® Universal system. The roots were divided into 3 experimental groups and two control groups. Forty-five root canals were filled, using Continuous Wave, GuttaCore or Thermafil system and TopSeal sealer. Ten teeth were used as control. On the 7th days the apices were submersed in a solution of sodium pertechnetate 99mTc for 3 hours and the radioactivity was counted. Although apical leakage in the Continuous Wave group was lower compared with GuttaCore and Thermafil groups, there was no statistical difference (p>0.05). System B, GuttaCore and Thermafil techniques showed a similar sealing effect

    Polyethyleneiminomethyl phosphonic acid (PEI-MP) radiolabeled with technetium-99m as a potential new radiopharmaceutical for diagnosis of bladder cancer

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    Introduction: The polymer PEI-MP (polyethyleneiminomethyl phosphonic acid) might be labelled with 99mTc. It was initially synthesized for palliative therapy of bone metastases after convenient radiolabelling, however in biodistribution studies performed with different PEI-MP/radionuclides, was obvious that the bladder wall was a target organ [1-3], demonstrating a certain selectivity to bladder cells, and so, to bladder cancer cells. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of 99mTc-PEI-MP for diagnosis of bladder carcinoma, evaluating in vitro and in vivo the biokinetics and biodistribution of 99mTc-PEI-M

    Dental caries and bacterial load in saliva and dental biofilm of type 1 diabetics on continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion

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    Objectives: Since most of the studies evaluates diabetics on multiple daily injections therapy and continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion may help gain better metabolic control and prevent complications, the objective of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of dental caries, the unstimulated salivary flow rate and the total bacteria load, Streptococcus spp. levels and Lactobacillus spp. levels in saliva and supragingival dental biofilm of type 1 diabetics on insulin pump. Material and Methods: Sixty patients with type 1 diabetes on insulin pump and 60 nondiabetic individuals were included. The dental caries evaluation was performed using ICDAS and the oral hygiene was assessed according to Greene and Vermillion Simplified Oral Hygiene Index. Unstimulated saliva and supragingival dental biofilm were collected. Total bacteria, Streptococcus spp. and Lactobacillus spp. was quantified by qPCR. Results:Patients with type 1 diabetes had a higher prevalence of dental caries and filled and missing teeth when compared with the control group. These patients were associated with more risk factors for the development of dental caries, namely a lower unstimulated salivary flow rate and a higher bacterial load in saliva and dental biofilm. Conclusion: Some risk factors related to dental caries were associated with type 1 diabetics. An early diagnosis combined with the evaluation of the risk profile of the diabetic patient is imperative, allowing the dental caries to be analyzed through a perspective of prevention and the patient to be integrated into an individualized oral health program

    Insights and future directions for the application of perinatal derivatives in eye diseases: A critical review of preclinical and clinical studies.

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    Perinatal derivatives (PnD) are gaining interest as a source for cell-based therapies. Since the eye is easily accessible to local administration, eye diseases may be excellent candidates to evaluate novel therapeutic approaches. With this work, we performed a systematic review of published preclinical and clinical studies addressing PnD in the treatment of ocular diseases. We have set two specific objectives: (i) to investigate the current level of standardization in applied technical procedures in preclinical studies and (ii) to assess clinical efficacy in clinical trials. Hereto, we selected studies that applied amniotic membrane (hAM) and mesenchymal stromal cells derived from amniotic membrane (hAMSC), placenta (hPMSC), umbilical cord (hUC-MSC) and Wharton's Jelly (hUC-WJ-MSC), excluding those where cells were not transplanted individually, following a systematic PubMed search for preclinical studies and consultation of clinical studies on https://clinicaltrials.gov and https://www.clinicaltrialsregister.eu/. Our bibliographic search retrieved 26 pre-clinical studies and 27 clinical trials. There was a considerable overlap regarding targeted ocular structures. Another common feature is the marked tendency towards (i) locally administered treatments and (ii) the PnD type. In the cornea/ocular surface, hAM was preferred and usually applied directly covering the ocular surface. For neuroretinal disorders, intra-ocular injection of umbilical or placental-derived cells was preferred. In general, basic research reported favourable outcomes. However, due to lack of standardization between different studies, until now there is no clear consensus regarding the fate of administered PnD or their mode of action. This might be accountable for the low index of clinical translation. Regarding clinical trials, only a minority provided results and a considerable proportion is in "unknown status". Nevertheless, from the limited clinical evidence available, hAM proved beneficial in the symptomatic relief of bullous keratopathy, treating dry eye disease and preventing glaucoma drainage device tube exposure. Regarding neuroretinal diseases, application of Wharton's Jelly MSC seems to become a promising future approach. In conclusion, PnD-based therapies seem to be beneficial in the treatment of several ocular diseases. However, much is yet to be done both in the pre-clinical and in the clinical setting before they can be included in the daily ophthalmic practice

    Validação do estudo da permeabilidade da barreira alvéolocapilar com 133Xe

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    ABSTRACTA preliminary review of physical concepts related with the solubility of inert gases in tissues and with the permeability of inert gases through the alveolar-capillary membrane in the context of this paper, is firstly presented. The solubility laws of gases in liquids and tissues, the concept of partial pressure of a gas in a tissue, the solubility and partition coefficients, the equilibrium of gases in the lungs, the gas diffusion through the capillary walls, etc., are brevely dealed with in this part of the work. The importance of a physiological method to study the alveolar-capillary barrier permeability with local information is emphasized. In the present paper the physiological and practical reasons which favour gas utilization, and particularly 133Xe, instead of aerosols, to evaluate the alveolar-capillary barrier permeability are considered. A method to evaluate the disappearance times of 133 Xe activity and obtain parametric images is described. The advantages to display 133 Xe permeability images concomitantly with the ventilation and perfusion images and its interest is shown with some examples. General aspects of the use of 99mTc-DTPA aerosols and CO classical spirometry with infra red analysis to study the alveolar-capiillary barrier permeability are considered.In a group of pacients, parametric images of the alveolar-capillary barrier permeability were obtained both with 133Xe, using our technique and with the usual method of Nuclear Medicine using 99mTc-DTPA aerosols. The disapearence times obtained by the two techniques are in general terms correlated, however, a considerably higher specificity is obseved in the case of 133Xe.In a second group of patients the global mean disapearence times of 133Xe, in the region of interest of the lungs, were compared with the CO diffusion times obtained with a convencional CO test. The agreement between the tests is very good in what concerns the ability to distinguish normal from abnormal, however, the local information offered by the 133Xe technique was felt to be an information of great value in many situations.The results obtained, up to now, with 133Xe indicate that the information provided may be a further step in the study of the alveolar-capillary barrier compromises, even in the early stages