46 research outputs found

    Exploring a role for regulatory miRNAs in wound healing during ageing: involvement of miR-200c in wound repair

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    YesMultiple factors and conditions can lead to impaired wound healing. Chronic non-healing wounds are a common problem among the elderly. To identify microRNAs negatively impacting the wound repair, global miRNA profiling of wounds collected from young and old mice was performed. A subset of miRNAs that exhibited an age-dependent expression pattern during wound closure was identified, including miR-31 and miR-200c. The expression of miR-200 family members was markedly downregulated upon wounding in both young and aged mice, with an exception of acute upregulation of miR-200c at the early phase of wound healing in aged skin. In unwounded aged skin (versus unwounded younger skin), the level of miR-200c was also found elevated in both human and mice. Overexpression of miR-200c in human ex vivo wounds delayed re-epithelialisation and inhibited cell proliferation in the wound epithelium. Modulation of miR-200c expression in both human and mouse keratinocytes in vitro revealed inhibitory effects of miR-200c on migration, but not proliferation. Accelerated wound closure in vitro induced by anti-miR-200c was associated with upregulation of genes controlling cell migration. Thus, our study identified miR-200c as a critical determinant that inhibits cell migration during skin repair after injury and may contribute to ageassociated alterations in wound repair.Supported by a grant from Medical Research Council UK (MR/K011324/1

    Photobiomodulation of human dermal fibroblasts in vitro: decisive role of cell culture conditions and treatment protocols on experimental outcome

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    YesPhotobiomodulation-based (LLLT) therapies show tantalizing promise for treatment of skin diseases. Confidence in this approach is blighted however by lamentable inconsistency in published experimental designs, and so complicates interpretation. Here we interrogate the appropriateness of a range of previously-reported treatment parameters, including light wavelength, irradiance and radiant exposure, as well as cell culture conditions (e.g., serum concentration, cell confluency, medium refreshment, direct/indirect treatment, oxygen concentration, etc.), in primary cultures of normal human dermal fibroblasts exposed to visible and near infra-red (NIR) light. Apart from irradiance, all study parameters impacted significantly on fibroblast metabolic activity. Moreover, when cells were grown at atmospheric O2 levels (i.e. 20%) short wavelength light inhibited cell metabolism, while negligible effects were seen with long visible and NIR wavelength. By contrast, NIR stimulated cells when exposed to dermal tissue oxygen levels (approx. 2%). The impact of culture conditions was further seen when inhibitory effects of short wavelength light were reduced with increasing serum concentration and cell confluency. We conclude that a significant source of problematic interpretations in photobiomodulation reports derives from poor optimization of study design. Further development of this field using in vitro/ex vivo models should embrace significant standardization of study design, ideally within a design-of-experiment setting

    Hair-Cycle-Associated Remodeling of the Peptidergic Innervation of Murine Skin, and Hair Growth Modulation by Neuropeptides

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    As the neuropeptide substance P can manipulate murine hair growth in vivo, we here further studied the role of sensory neuropeptides in hair follicle biology by determining the distribution and hair-cycle-dependent remodeling of the sensory innervation in C57BL/6 mouse back skin. Calcitonin-gene-related peptide, substance P, and peptide histidine methionine (employed as vasoactive intestinal peptide marker) were identified by immunohistochemistry. All of these markers immunolocalized to bundles of nerve fibers and to single nerve fibers, with distinct distribution patterns and major hair-cycle-associated changes. In the epidermis and around the distal hair follicle and the arrector pili muscle, only calcitonin-gene-related peptide immunoreactive nerve fibers were visualized, whereas substance P and peptide histidine methionine immunoreactive nerve fibers were largely restricted to the dermis and subcutis. Compared to telogen skin, the number of calcitonin-gene-related peptide, substance P, and peptide histidine methionine immunoreactive single nerve fibers increased significantly (p < 0.01) during anagen, including around the bulge region (the seat of epithelial stem cells). Substance P significantly accelerated anagen progression in murine skin organ culture, whereas calcitonin-gene-related peptide and a substance-P-inhibitory peptide inhibited anagen (p < 0.05). The inhibitory effect of calcitonin-gene-related peptide could be antagonized by coadministrating substance P. In contrast to substance P, calcitonin-gene-related peptide failed to induce anagen when released from subcutaneous implants. This might reflect a differential functional assignment of the neuropeptides calcitonin-gene-related peptide and substance P in hair growth control, and invites the use of neuropeptide receptor agonists and antagonists as novel pharmacologic tools for therapeutic hair growth manipulation

    MicroRNA/mRNA regulatory networks in the control of skin development and regeneration.

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    NoSkin development, postnatal growth and regeneration are governed by complex and well-balanced programs of gene activation and silencing. The crosstalk between small non-coding microRNAs (miRNAs) and mRNAs is highly important for steadiness of signal transduction and transcriptional activities as well as for maintenance of homeostasis in many organs, including the skin. Recent data demonstrated that the expression of many genes, including cell type-specific master transcription regulators implicated in the control of skin development and homeostasis, is regulated by miRNAs. In addition, individual miRNAs could mediate the effects of these signaling pathways through being their downstream components. In turn, the expression of a major constituent of the miRNA processing machinery, Dicer, can be controlled by cell type-specific transcription factors, which form negative feedback loop mechanisms essential for the proper execution of cell differentiation- associated gene expression programs and cell-cell communications during normal skin development and regeneration. This review summarizes the available data on how miRNA/mRNA regulatory networks are involved in the control of skin development, epidermal homeostasis, hair cycle-associated tissue remodeling and pigmentation. Understanding of the fundamental mechanisms that govern skin development and regeneration will contribute to the development of new therapeutic approaches for many pathological skin conditions by using miRNA-based interventions

    Role of the bone morphogenetic protein signalling in skin carcinogenesis : effect of transgenic overexpression of BMP antognist Noggin on skin tumour development : molecular mechanisms underlying tumour suppressive role of the BMP signalling in skin

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    Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signalling plays key roles in skin development and also possesses a potent anti-tumour activity in postnatal skin. To study mechanisms of the tumour-suppressive role of BMPs in the skin, a transgenic (TG) mouse model was utilized, in which a transgenic expression of the BMP antagonist Noggin was targeted to the epidermis and hair follicles (HFs) via Keratin 14 promoter. K14-Noggin mice developed spontaneous HF-derived tumours, which resembled human trichofolliculoma. Initiation of the tumours was associated with a marked increase in cell proliferation and an expansion of the hair follicle stem/early progenitor cells. In addition, the TG mice showed hyperplastic changes in the sebaceous glands and the interfollicular epidermis. The epidermal hyperplasia was associated with an increase in the susceptibility to chemically-induced carcinogenesis and earlier malignant transformation of chemically-induced papillomas. Global gene expression profiling revealed that development of the trichofolliculomas was associated with an increase in the expression of the components of several pro-oncogenic signalling pathways (Wnt, Shh, PDGF, Ras, etc.). Specifically, expression of the Wnt ligands and (β-catenin/Lef1) markedly increased at the initiation stage of tumour formation. In contrast, expression of components of the Shh pathway was markedly increased in the fully developed tumours, compared to the tumour placodes. Pharmacological treatment of the TG mice with the Wnt and Shh antagonists resulted in the stage-dependent inhibition of the tumour initiation and progression, respectively. Further studies revealed that BMP signalling antagonizes the activity of the Wnt and Shh pathways via distinct mechanisms, which include direct regulation of the expression of the tumour suppressor Wnt inhibitory factor 1 (Wif1) and indirect effects on the Shh expression. Thus, tumour suppressor activity of the BMPs in skin epithelium depends on the local concentrations of Noggin and is mediated, at least in part, via stage-dependent antagonizing of the Wnt and Shh signalling pathways.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceUniversity of Bradford, NIH and BBSRCGBUnited Kingdo

    The biology of hair diversity.

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    noHair diversity, its style, colour, shape and growth pattern is one of our most defining characteristics. The natural versus temporary style is influenced by what happens to our hair during our lifetime, such as genetic hair loss, sudden hair shedding, greying and pathological hair loss in the various forms of alopecia because of genetics, illness or medication. Despite the size and global value of the hair care market, our knowledge of what controls the innate and within-lifetime characteristics of hair diversity remains poorly understood. In the last decade, drivers of knowledge have moved into the arena of genetics where hair traits are obvious and measurable and genetic polymorphisms are being found that raise valuable questions about the biology of hair growth. The recent discovery that the gene for trichohyalin contributes to hair shape comes as no surprise to the hair biologists who have believed for 100 years that hair shape is linked to the structure and function of the inner root sheath. Further conundrums awaiting elucidation include the polymorphisms in the androgen receptor (AR) described in male pattern alopecia whose location on the X chromosome places this genetic contributor into the female line. The genetics of female hair loss is less clear with polymorphisms in the AR not associated with female pattern hair loss. Lifestyle choices are also implicated in hair diversity. Greying, which also has a strong genetic component, is often suggested to have a lifestyle (stress) influence and hair follicle melanocytes show declining antioxidant protection with age and lowered resistance to stress. It is likely that hair research will undergo a renaissance on the back of the rising information from genetic studies as well as the latest contributions from the field of epigenetics

    A Role for p75 Neurotrophin Receptor in the Control of Hair Follicle Morphogenesis

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    During hair follicle (HF) morphogenesis, p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR) reportedly is the first growth factor receptor found to be expressed by those fibroblasts that later develop into the dermal papilla (DP) of the HF. However, the functional role of p75NTR in HF morphogenesis is still unknown. Studying HF development in fetal and neonatal C57BL/6 murine back skin, we show that p75NTR-immunoreactivity (IR) is prominently expressed by DP fibroblasts as well as by skin nerves during the early steps of HF development. In contrast, p75NTR-IR disappears from the DP in the fully developed HF and it is expressed only in the epithelial outer root sheath of the HF. Compared to age-matched wild-type animals, p75NTR knockout (−/−) mice show significant acceleration of HF morphogenesis, and DP fibroblasts of p75NTR knockout mice show reduced proliferative activity in situ, indicating alterations in their transition from proliferation to differentiation. Although no significant differences in the expression of adhesion molecules (NCAM), selected morphogens (TGFβ-2, HGF/SF, FGF-2, KGF), or their receptors (TGFβR-II, m-met, FGFR-1) were seen between DP of p75NTR knockout and wild-type mice, p75NTR mutants showed a prominent upregulation of FGFR-2, a high-affinity receptor for KGF, in both follicular DP and epithelium. Furthermore, the administration of anti-KGF neutralizing antibody significantly inhibited acceleration of HF morphogenesis in p75NTR knockout mice in vivo. These observations suggest that p75NTR plays an important role during HF morphogenesis, functioning as a receptor that negatively controls HF development, most likely via alterations in DP fibroblast proliferation/differentiation and via downregulation of KGF/FGFR-2 signaling in the HF