26 research outputs found

    The RainBO Platform for Enhancing Urban Resilience to Floods: An Ecient Tool for Planning and Emergency Phases

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    Many urban areas face an increasing flood risk, which includes the risk of flash floods. Increasing extreme precipitation events will likely lead to greater human and economic losses unless reliable and efficient early warning systems (EWS) along with other adaptation actions are put in place in urban areas. The challenge is in the integration and analysis in time and space of the environmental, meteorological, and territorial data from multiple sources needed to build up EWS able to provide efficient contribution to increase the resilience of vulnerable and exposed urban communities to flooding. Efficient EWS contribute to the preparedness phase of the disaster cycle but could also be relevant in the planning of the emergency phase. The RainBO Life project addressed this matter, focusing on the improvement of knowledge, methods, and tools for the monitoring and forecast of extreme precipitation events and the assessment of the associated flood risk for small and medium watercourses in urban areas. To put this into practice, RainBO developed a webGIS platform, which contributes to the “planning” of the management of river flood events through the use of detailed data and flood risk/vulnerability maps, and the “event management” with real-time monitoring/forecast of the events through the collection of observed data from real sensors, estimated/forecasted data from hydrologic models as well as qualitative data collected through a crowdsourcing app

    Il progetto Aladin: un agroalimentare idro intelligente contro l’approccio settoriale al risparmio idrico

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    Il progetto ALADIN punta a raggiungere concreti avanzamenti nell’irrigazione ottimale delle colture intensive, in particolare su mais e pomodoro, con una sperimentazione biennale che supera i vecchi approcci settoriali. Essa è basata sulla messa a sistema di tutte le componenti che intervengono nella valutazione dell’esigenza idrica e nelle pratiche irrigue, e sull’integrazione nel collaudato sistema IrriNet del CER, che indica quando e quanto irrigare, per scendere al dettaglio delle parti diversamente idroesigenti all’interno di un singolo appezzamento. Il raggruppamento ALADIN è composto da: CIDEA Università di Parma, Terra & Acqua Tech Università di Ferrara; CER Bologna, CRPA LAB Reggio Emilia, SSICA Parma, DipSA Università di Bologna, ARPAE Idro-Meteo-Clima Bologna e Azienda Sperimentale Stuard Parma e dalle imprese: AeroDron Parma, Sacmi Imola, RM Irrigation Equipment Parma e Tomato Colors Bologna

    Il progetto Aladin: un agroalimentare idro-intelligente contro l\u2019approccio settoriale al risparmio idrico

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    Il progetto ALADIN punta a raggiungere concreti avanzamenti nell\u2019irrigazione ottimale delle colture intensive, in particolare su mais e pomodoro, con una sperimentazione biennale che supera i vecchi approcci settoriali. Essa \ue8 basata sulla messa a sistema di tutte le componenti che intervengono nella valutazione dell\u2019esigenza idrica e nelle pratiche irrigue, e sull\u2019integrazione nel collaudato sistema IrriNet del CER, che indica quando e quanto irrigare, per scendere al dettaglio delle parti diversamente idroesigenti all\u2019interno di un singolo appezzamento. Il raggruppamento ALADIN \ue8 composto da: CIDEA Universit\ue0 di Parma, Terra & Acqua Tech Universit\ue0 di Ferrara; CER Bologna, CRPA LAB Reggio Emilia, SSICA Parma, DipSA Universit\ue0 di Bologna, ARPAE Idro-Meteo-Clima Bologna e Azienda Sperimentale Stuard Parma e dalle imprese: AeroDron Parma, Sacmi Imola, RM Irrigation Equipment Parma e Tomato Colors Bologna

    An Agent Based Tool to Support Tactical Dialogues in Industrial Enterprise Networks

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    The globalization of competition has entailed that organizations of developed countries have toface a new kind of competitor with low labour costs, and often-advantageous exchange rates (resulting infavorable export selling prices). In such a state of affairs, innovation and organizational flexibility are becoming fundamental levers to enable enterprises to increase their competitiveness. Consequently, the need arises for a formalized methodology that enables organizational flexibility and capacity of performing innovation. These findings originate from the analysis of a case study which highlighted that enterprise networks can enable organizational flexibility, and defined the formalization of the VDO concept \u2013 Virtual Development Office \u2013 a network organizational model based on an independent subject that has the role of enabling innovation in a collaborative environment to reach world class manufacturing capabilities. A multiagent system based on architecture is proposed to model and support tactical dialogues inside the network. The VDO has been modeled as a supervisor and coordinator agent able to perform a selection process in order to create the best coalition for managing emerging business opportunities. The context analyzed in this research assumes a virtual market place where enterprises, represented by agents, can \u201emeet each other\u201f and cooperate in order to achieve a common business goal given through collaborating opportunities

    Predictive clinical factors for ocular dryness in patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit

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    Avaliar na superfície ocular de pacientes adultos internados em unidade de terapia intensiva os fatores clínicos preditores para o ressecamento ocular e para o diagnóstico de enfermagem Risco de ressecamento ocular. Método: Estudo transversal, realizado entre janeiro e julho de 2016, com 206 pacientes (412 olhos). A inferência quanto à presença do diagnóstico nos pacientes avaliados foi executada por enfermeiros diagnosticadores. A estatística descritiva e inferencial subsidiou a análise dos dados. Resultados: 47,6% dos pacientes apresentaram o Risco de ressecamento ocular, e 52,4% já estavam com o diagnóstico de ressecamento ocular. Foram identificadas diferenças estatísticas entre o diagnóstico de ressecamento ocular no olho direito com a hiperemia, secreção mucosa, edema palpebral e lagoftalmia. Além disso, observaram-se diferenças estatísticas entre a hiperemia e edema palpebral com o ressecamento ocular no olho esquerdo e com o diagnóstico de enfermagem Risco de ressecamento ocular. Conclusão: A hiperemia, secreção mucosa, edema palpebral e lagoftalmia são fatores clínicos preditores do diagnóstico de enfermagem de risco e também do ressecamento ocular no ambiente da unidade de terapia intensiva que merecem especial destaque na avaliação preventiva53CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQ444290/2014-1To evaluate the predictive clinical factors for ocular dryness and for the nursing diagnosis Risk for dry eye in the ocular surface of hospitalized adult patients in an intensive care unit. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted between January and July 2016, with 206 patients (412 eyes). An inference about the presence of the diagnosis in the evaluated patients was performed by diagnostic nurses. The descriptive and inferential statistics subsidized the data analysis. Results: 47.6% of the patients presented Risk for dry eye, and 52.4% were already diagnosed with ocular dryness. Statistical differences between the ocular dryness diagnosis in the right eye with hyperemia, mucous secretion, eyelid edema and lagophthalmia were identified. In addition, statistical differences were observed between hyperemia and eyelid edema with Risk for dry eye in the left eye and with the nursing diagnosis Risk for dry eye. Conclusion: Hyperemia, mucous secretion, eyelid edema and lagophthalmia are the predictive clinical factors for the nursing diagnosis Risk for dry eye and also of ocular dryness in the intensive care unit environment which deserve special attention in the preventive evaluatio

    La Rete dei Giardini Fenologici Italiani (Gfi Network)

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    Gli effetti delle variazioni climatiche sulle specie vegetali possono essere registrati attraverso il monitoraggio delle fasi fenologiche. Queste osservazioni aumentano di significativit\ue0 se protratte nel tempo e confrontate sul territorio. In Italia 11 Giardini e Stazioni di rilevamento fenologico, con cadenza settimanale, rilevano le varie fasi e le mettono in relazione ai fattori climatici. Il loro coinvolgimento all\u2019interno di una Rete, nel rispetto dell\u2019autonomia di ogni giardino, ha come scopo valorizzarne il ruolo, aumentando la visibilit\ue0 e formando una massa critica in grado di interfacciarsi con altre reti internazionali. Ogni Giardino o Stazione, presenta una storia e caratteristiche ambientali proprie; tuttavia, essi hanno in comune alcune specie vegetali. In molti casi, le piante di queste specie sono cloni e questo costituisce un valore aggiunto per la comprensione degli effetti dei fattori ambientali sulla fenologia. In questo contributo si confrontano le caratteristiche delle unit\ue0 della Rete GFI e si presentano i risultati delle prime elaborazioni comuni