156 research outputs found

    Investigating the effect of tide parameterization and gravity field models on SLR solutions

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    Satellite laser ranging (SLR) as a proven geodetic technique provides a wide and significant contribution to scientific studies of the Earth/Atmosphere/Ocean systems. In particular, modelling of the Earth and pole tides plays a very important role when analyzing SLR data. The accuracy of the determined satellite orbits is highly dependent on the models used for dynamic orbit determination. Gravity field models, which are represented by a series of spherical harmonic coefficients, have an impact on the satellite orbit and its precision. In addition, different empirical model parameterization used during SLR data analysis also has significant influence on the computed spherical harmonics, satellite orbits and their accuracies. In this contribution we investigate the impact of different SLR parameterizations on gravity field models used for precise satellite orbit determination. Data from satellites LAGEOS 1 and 2 were analysed using four different parameterization schemes namely: IERS1, IERS2 and IERS3 Earth tide models and pole tides. These are compatible Earth tide modelsofdifferentcomplexity derived fromIERS2010,astandard modeloftheInternational Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS) and the standard IERS2010 pole tide model, and they aim to study their impacts on SLR solutions. The results indicate that the combination of IERS3, which is the most complex Earth tide model and the standard IERS2010 pole tide model, has a significant influence on the accuracy of gravity field models in precise orbit determination. In particular almost all the evaluated models give the smallest RMS values when IERS3 and pole tides are jointly selected in the analysis software during SLR data analysis, which indicates that the most complex models are also the most accurate. This work therefore validates the currently accepted IERS2010 Earth tide and pole tide models.http://link.springer.comjournal/403282015-12-3

    Satellite laser ranging measurements in South Africa : contributions to earth system sciences

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    This contribution reassesses progress in the development of satellite laser ranging (SLR) technology and its scientific and societal applications in South Africa. We first highlight the current global SLR tracking stations within the framework of the International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS) and the artificial satellites currently being tracked by these stations. In particular, the present work focuses on analysing SLR measurements at Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory (HartRAO), South Africa, based on the MOBLAS-6 SLR configuration. Generally, there is a weak geometry of ILRS stations in the southern hemisphere and the SLR tracking station at HartRAO is the only active ILRS station operating on the African continent. The SLR-derived products – such as station positions and velocities, satellite orbits, components of earth’s gravity field and their temporal variations, earth orientation parameters – are collected, merged, achieved and distributed by the ILRS under the Crustal Dynamic Data Information System. These products are used in various research fields such as detection and monitoring of tectonic plate motion, crustal deformation, earth rotation, polar motion, and the establishment and monitoring of International Terrestrial Reference Frames, as well as modelling of the spatio-temporal variations of the earth’s gravity field. The MOBLAS-6 tracking station is collocated with other geodetic techniques such as very long baseline interferometry and Global Navigation Satellite Systems, thus making this observatory a fiducial geodetic location. Some applications of the SLR data products are described within the context of earth system science.http://www.sajs.co.za/am201

    Analysis of the performance of hydrogen maser clocks at the Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory

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    Hydrogen maser frequency standards are commonly utilised in various space geodetic techniques such as Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) as local reference clocks. The Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory in South Africa is currently operating two maser frequency standards i.e., an EFOS28 and an iMaser72 for the 15 m and 26 m VLBI radio telescopes respectively, an older EFOS6 is a standby spare. This study utilised the least-squares method to derive clock parameters, which indicates the performance levels of the masers by making use of the offset measurements obtained between hydrogen maser clock 1 PPS and GNSS 1 PPS for a period of 35 days. The masers were also compared using a frequency comparator (VCH-314) for a time period of 100 s. The results indicate that the performances of both Masers are relatively similar to each other, with short-term and long-term results indicating good agreement. The iMaser72 has a better standard error of 0.0039 μs compared to the standard error of 0.0059 μs for the EFOS28 maser clock. In general, both masers performed at an expected level required for radio astronomy and geodetic VLBI applications. The method used in this study proved to be useful in managing local hydrogen maser clocks to ensure accurate VLBI observations are obtained

    Spatial distribution of temporal precipitation contrasts in South Africa

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    The focus of the present study was to investigate the spatial-temporal variability and trends of precipitation concentration across South Africa using the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) 3B42 version 7 satellite precipitation data sets spanning 1998–2015. In the analysis, the precipitation concentration index (PCI) was used to infer the variability of temporal precipitation contrasts and the spatial distributions at annual, seasonal and supra-seasonal timescales. The results indicate that precipitation concentration across South Africa exhibits noticeable spatial-temporal variability. In terms of PCI classification criteria, the precipitation distribution ranges from relatively uniform (mainly in the central and southern interior of South Africa) to highly irregular (especially to the northeastern and western parts of South Africa) at annual timescales. At seasonal timescales, the precipitation distribution is uniform during December–February season, moderate during March–May and September–November seasons while during the June–August season, the precipitation distribution is highly irregular. Furthermore, during the 1998–2015 period, there exists a spatial and temporal pattern of PCI trends which are generally statistically insignificant. The PCI analysis results reported in this study are essential because they provide valuable information on the longterm total variability in the precipitation records across South Africa. In particular, this study contributes towards evaluating the spatial contrasts or concentration of the different accumulated amounts of the received precipitation. Results from this study have important scientific and practical applications in hydrological hazard risks (floods and droughts) and soil erosion monitoring. SIGNIFICANCE : • Precipitation concentration exhibits spatial-temporal variability. • At an annual timescale, precipitation concentration is highly irregular in most parts of the country. • Precipitation concentration distribution varies across seasons.http://www.sajs.co.zaam2019Geography, Geoinformatics and Meteorolog

    Scope, trends and opportunities for sociohydrology research in Africa: A bibliometric analysis

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    Socio-hydrology research is concerned with the understanding of how humanity interacts with water resources. The purpose of this study was to assess the disparity between global and African trends as well as developments in the research domain of socio-hydrology. From the viewpoint of a multitude of research themes, multi-author collaborations between African and international researchers and the number of publications produced globally, the results reveal that the field of socio-hydrology is still underdeveloped and yet nascent. At a global level, the USA, China, and the Netherlands have the highest number of scientific publications, while in Africa, South Africa dominates, although these scientific publications are significantly much lower than the global output. The output of scientific publications on socio-hydrology research from Africa increased from 2016, with significant output reached in 2019. Water management and supply, hydrological modelling, flood monitoring as well as policies and decision-making, are some of the dominant themes found through keywords co-occurrence analysis. These main keywords may be considered as the foci of research in socio-hydrology. Although socio-hydrology research is still in the early stages of development in Africa, the cluster and emerging themes analysis provide opportunities for research in Africa that will underpin new frontiers of the research agenda encompassing topics such as the (1) impacts of climate change on socio-hydrology; (2) influence of socio-hydrology on water resources such as surface water and groundwater; (3) benefits of socio-hydrological models on river basins and (4) role of socio-hydrology in economic sectors such as agriculture. Overall, this study points to a need to advance socio-hydrology research in Africa in a bid to address pressing water crises that affect sustainable development as well as to understand the feedback mechanisms and linkages between water resources and different sectors of society. Significance:• The field of socio-hydrology is still under-researched in Africa. • Limited research could be attributed to a lack of expertise, resources and data limitations.• Socio-hydrology research is likely to be strengthened through collaborations between Africa and other developed countries.• Existing gaps present opportunities to advance socio-hydrology research in Africa

    Performance Evaluation of Blind Tropospheric Delay correction Models over Africa

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    Tropospheric delay is a major error source in positioning by Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). Many techniques are available for tropospheric delay mitigation consisting of surface meteorological  models and global empirical models. Surface meteorological models need surface meteorological data to give high accuracy mitigation while the global empirical models need not. However, most GNSS stations in the African region are not equipped with a meteorological sensor for the collection of surface  meteorological data during the measurement. Zenith Tropospheric Delay (ZTD) is often calculated by the various high precision GNSS software packages by utilising standard atmosphere values. Lately,  researchers in the University of New Brunswick and Vienna University of Technology have both developed global models (University of New Brunswick (UNB3M) and Global Pressure and Temperature 2 wet (GPT2w) models) for tropospheric delay correction, respectively. This report represents an appraisal of the performance of the GPT2w and UNB3M models with accurate International GNSS Service (IGS)- tropospheric estimations for fifteen IGS stations over a period of 1 year on the Africa continent. Both models perform significantly better at low latitudes than higher latitudes. There was better agreement  between the GPT2w model and the IGS estimate than the UNB3m at all stations. Thus, the GPT2w model is recommended as a correction model of the tropospheric error for the GNSS positioning and navigation on the African Continent.Keywords: Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), Zenith Tropospheric Delay (ZTD), Zenith Wet Delay (ZWD), Zenith Hydrostatic Delay (ZHD), International GNSS Service (IGS), Blind Tropospheric model

    Hydrometeorological research in South Africa : a review

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    Water resources, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions of the world are of great concern, as they are closely linked to the wellbeing of humankind. Sophisticated hydrological prediction tools are required to assess climatic and hydrometeorological conditions, as they impact the sustainability of water resources as well as water availability. Research and data collection activities from multi-hydrometeorological sensors (e.g., gauges, radars, satellites) form the basis for quantifying the impact of extreme episodes along the hydrologic phases that manifest in terms of the magnitude, duration and frequency of floods, droughts and other hydrometeorological hazards that affect water resources management. A number of hydrometeorological research activities have been reported in the literature by various researchers and research groups globally. This contribution presents (a) a review of the hydrometeorology resource landscape in South Africa; (b) an analysis of the hydrometeorology services and products in South Africa; (c) a review of the hydrometeorological research that has been conducted in South Africa for the last four decades; and (d) highlights on some of the challenges facing the sustained advancement of research in hydrometeorology in South Africa.http://www.mdpi.com/journal/wateram201

    Ionospheric total electron content variability and its influence in radio astronomy

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    Ionospheric phase delays of radio signals from Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites have been used to compute ionospheric Total Electron Content (TEC). An extended Chapman profle model is used to estimate the electron density profles and TEC. The Chapman profle that can be used to predict TEC over the mid-latitudes only applies during day time. To model night time TEC variability, a polynomial function is fitted to the night time peak electron density profles derived from the online International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) 2001. The observed and predicted TEC and its variability have been used to study ionospheric in°uence on Radio Astronomy in South Africa region. Di®erential phase delays of the radio signals from Radio Astronomy sources have been simulated using TEC. Using the simulated phase delays, the azimuth and declination o®sets of the radio sources have been estimated. Results indicate that, pointing errors of the order of miliarcseconds (mas) are likely if the ionospheric phase delays are not corrected for. These delays are not uniform and vary over a broad spectrum of timescales. This implies that fast frequency (referencing) switching, closure phases and fringe ¯tting schemes for ionospheric correction in astrometry are not the best option as they do not capture the real state of the ionosphere especially if the switching time is greater than the ionospheric TEC variability. However, advantage can be taken of the GPS satellite data available at intervals of a second from the GPS receiver network in South Africa to derive parameters which could be used to correct for the ionospheric delays. Furthermore GPS data can also be used to monitor the occurrence of scintillations, (which might corrupt radio signals) especially for the proposed, Square Kilometer Array (SKA) stations closer to the equatorial belt during magnetic storms and sub-storms. A 10 minute snapshot of GPS data recorded with the Hermanus [34:420 S, 19:220 E ] dual frequency receiver on 2003-04-11 did not show the occurrence of scintillations. This time scale is however too short and cannot be representative. Longer time scales; hours, days, seasons are needed to monitor the occurrence of scintillations

    Evaluation of earth gravity field models used for precise satellite orbit determination through applications of satellite laser ranging data

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    One of the applications of the Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) technique is the derivation of gravity field models; these models have various geophysical and geodynamical applications. Gravity field modelling has reached a new era where the latest satellite missions (CHAMP, GRACE and GOCE) are thought to provide significant improvement of global gravity field information in terms of quality and spatial resolution. In particular, the recent satellite missions carry on-board Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers, accelerometers, K/Kaband microwave system (e.g. in GRACE) and gradiometers (e.g. in GOCE) allowing measurements of gravity field with unprecedented accuracy in contrast to the unsteady and fragmented orbit tracking by unevenly distributed SLR ground stations. Numerous gravity field models have been derived based on the newly available data sets by various research groups globally. Due to the availability of high quality SLR and satellite data, some of the older gravity field models are being updated as new models with higher degree and order are developed. Notwithstanding the significant progress in gravity field modelling, research focusing on assessing the accuracy and precision of the existing gravity field models has largely remained insufficient. The difference between the observed and computed satellite orbit (which is often expressed as the O-C range residuals) is used as a parameter for Precise Orbit Determination (POD) of satellites. Furthermore, O-C range residuals computed during SLR analysis are used as proxy parameters for evaluating the accuracy of gravity field models. The work presented in this thesis firstly reviewed and evaluated the accuracy of gravity field models released between 1990 and 2008. The accuracy of the gravity field models was examined by analysing the O-C residuals computed from LAGEOS 1 and 2 data analysis based on a set of twelve gravity field models. The results demonstrated that in general, there has been an improvement in the accuracy of gravity field models released between 1990 and 2008 by a factor of 2 based on improvements in the O-C residuals. Additionally, the influence of SLR tide parameterization (the IERS 2010 solid Earth and pole tide models) on the O-C residuals across five gravity field models has been assessed and results illustrate that the solid Earth and pole tides parameterization influence on the O-C residuals is dependent on the type of gravity field model. In order to ascertain the significance of mean differences in the Standard Deviations (SD) of O-C residuals based on the tide parameterization options, the student’s t-test was used. Results suggest that in general the O-C residuals derived from SLR LAGEOS 1 data have insignificant mean SD differences across the tide parameterizations. On the other hand analysis of SLR observations of LAGEOS 2 resulted in statistically significant mean SD differences in the O-C based on EIGEN-CG03C, EGM2008 and AIUB-GRACE01S gravity field models. The J2 coefficient forms part of the SLR Data Analysis Software (SDAS) package output products and was investigated in this thesis due to its role in understanding mass-redistribution within the Earth system (i.e. the equatorial bulge due to centrifugal force and rotation). In particular, the J 2 coefficient computed from SLR analysis of LAGEOS 1 and 2 data sets and based on the four selected gravity field models were compared with a priori J2 coefficients from the four models and those published in the literature. The results indicated that the J2 coefficients computed from the SDAS package were in agreement with the published coefficients. For geophysical applications, the relationship between the J2 parameter and LOD and AAM was investigated by use of data adaptive analysis methodology (the empirical mode decomposition). The results demonstrated that some degree of synchronization exists between the signal components of J2 and LOD and J2 and AAM.Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2013.Geography, Geoinformatics and MeteorologyUnrestricte

    Analysis of geodetic and model simulated data to describe non-stationary moisture fluctuations over Southern Africa

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    Recent advances in space geodetic techniques such as Very Long Baseline Interferometry, Global Navigation Satellite Services, Satellite Laser Ranging and advanced numerical weather prediction model simulations, provide huge tropospheric data sets with improved spatial temporal resolution. These data sets exhibit unique fluctuations that have a spatial-temporal structure which are thought to mimic the complex behaviour of the atmosphere. As a result, the analysis of non-stationary structure in the tropospheric parameters derived from geodetic and numerical model simulations could be used to probe the extent of universality in the dynamics of the atmosphere, with applications in space geodesy. In order to identify the physical causes of variability of tropospheric parameters, parametric and nonparametric data analyses strategies which are investigated and reported in this thesis, are used to inform on the geophysical signals embedded in the data structure. In the first task of this research work, it is shown that the fluctuations of atmospheric water vapour over southern Africa are non-linear and non-stationary. Secondly, the tropospheric data sets are transformed to stationarity and the stochastic behaviour of water vapour fluctuations are assessed by use of an automatic algorithm that estimates the model parameters. By using a data adaptive modelling algorithm, an autoregressive-movingaverage model was found to sufficiently characterise the derived stationary water vapour fluctuations. Furthermore, the non-linear and non-stationary properties of tropospheric delay due to water vapour were investigated by use of robust and tractable non-linear approaches such as detrended fluctuation analysis, independent component analysis, wavelet transform and empirical mode decomposition. The use of non-linear approaches to data analysis is objective and tractable because they allow data to speak for themselves during analysis and also because of the non-linear components embedded in the atmosphere system. In the thesis, we establish that the non-linear and non-stationary properties in the tropospheric data sets (i.e., tropospheric delay due to water vapour and delay gradients) could be triggered from strongly non-linear stochastic processes that have a local signature (e.g. local immediate topography, weather and associated systems) and/or exogenous. In addition, we explore and report on the presence of scaling properties (and therefore memory) in tropospheric parameters. This self-similar behaviour exhibit spatial-temporal dependence and could be associated with geophysical processes that drive atmosphere dynamics. Satellite Laser Ranging data are very sensitive to atmospheric conditions, which causes a delay of the laser pulse, hence an apparent range increase. A test for non-linearity is applied within specialised software for these data; it is found that the range residuals (i.e., the observed minus computed residuals) are improved when possible non-linearity of the locally measured meteorological parameters as applied to a range delay model are considered.Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2011.Geography, Geoinformatics and MeteorologyPhDUnrestricte
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